So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

Keeper Collection travels the world to uncover the Tastes of Life worth indulging — and we want to take you with us. In the Cellar and in the Kitchen, let us open the doors to new gastronomical experiences. Connect with our community of globe-trotting food and wine enthusiasts to fuel your inspiration. Or taste life through food and cocktail recipes from award-winning Chefs and advice from Sommeliers, Wine Experts, and Food and Wine Writers. We share your dedication to learning through experience of life’s tastings from around the world.
Keeper Collection has distinguished itself in a wide array of fields that are dedicated to food and wine experiences and education--#SommChat, Somms Under Fire, Wine Ride, Chefs Under Fire, and Keeper Travel. Keeper has garnered international attention for their creation of #SommChat, a weekly wine education forum on Twitter, held from 12 N- 1 PM EST. Wine and Spirits Magazine wrote that ‘#SommChat is “Wine in 140 characters” and has garnered an impressive guest list’. The impressive guest list includes international wine professionals, and an audience comprised of active participants from around the world. Keeper is on Facebook (Keeper Collection, LLC), Twitter (@keepercoll), and Instagram (@keepercoll)--providing the Finest Blend of Taste and Technology®.