So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

10/14 Chantal Lafarge, Domaine Lafarge Vial
KeeperCollection @Keepercoll Today's #SommChat Frederick & Chantal Lafarge new #Beaujolais Domaine @LafargeVial 12N-1PM ET @adamplotkin @eno_DC @JasonLett @RachelDriver
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin No doubt, #Lafarge #Beaujolais will be as stellar as their other bottlings! #SommChat #wine
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll .@AdamPlotkin had 2014 fr barrel N April- was so impressed w/ @lafargevial #Beaujolais #SommChat 1st video #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll thought you would like this @plepeltier here is 1 or 3 videos you may enjoy - keep eye out for other two #SommChat
ENO DC _@Eno_DC @Keepercoll Is it already that time of the week again? Thanks! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @eno_dc week flew by but glad you can be here for this #SommChat - here is a short video to get you ready!
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll thanks to @CloLafarge for her help in making this video on @LafargeVial
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Welcome 2 #SommChat ! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #Burgundy #wine project w/ #winemakers Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll We'd like 2 introduce you 2 #winemakers Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial who will talk abt #Burgundy #wine project on #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Fredieric & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial 2 say hello & so they know UR here! #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @Keepercoll @LafargeVial Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll As we ask Frederic & Chantal @LafargeVial our Qs, you can ask them Ur Qs as well! They'll do their best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @Keepercoll & @LafargeVial 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Let's start talking #Beaujolais #Burgundy #wine project w/ #winemaker Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial on #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll TY for welcoming us 2 #SommChat we are excited to share our new #Beaujolais #wine Project with everyone - lk fwd 2 UR questions
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @Keepercoll - Looking forward to learning about #Beaujolais today! - #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, why did U & Frederic choose #Fleurie in #Beaujolais 4 UR new #Burgundy #wine project? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial @LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll #Beaujolais is part of “Great #Burgundy”, a place of great #terroirs sometimes underknown. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll A. @Keepercoll It is a challenge to work on a new grape and a new soil: granite. #Fleurie is the most elegant of #Beaujolais Crus. #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani _@PrimlaniKitchen @Keepercoll so hard to find #fleurie in Florida #beaujolais #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Q fr Shy #SommChat Peep: how do you manage time to do both @LafargeVial and @DomaineLafarge in #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll have some1 working N #vineyard and Cuverie during the week & we try to go on weekends only 1.25 hrs awsy fr #Volnay #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Good morning @LafargeVial How did you get into the wine industry and who are your wine making mentors? thanks #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @SandyWasserman 4 Frederic wine been in family since 19th century and mentors are his father and grandfather #Beaujolais is new #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, explain the #terroir and climate of #Fleurie & how it is beneficial for #winemaking . #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll #Fleurie is granite w/ different hills, exposures & slopes so U can have large range of expressions in this Cru #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll q fr shy #SommChat peep: who will be responsible for the marketing & distribution @LafargeVial & what states in #US will come to
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial .@Keepercoll @BeckyWasserman Selections will market for us in the #US and will start initially with #NY & #Texas and grow fr there #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @LafargeVial @Keepercoll @BeckyWasserman - Hope these wines come to chicago soon! @Keepercoll - #SommChat
Becky Wasserman _@BeckyWasserman Thanks @demilove That's the goal!
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin @LafargeVial @Keepercoll @BeckyWasserman Heck, them thar Texans happy w moonshine! Y'all bring ur #wines to CO asap! ;-) @peterwasserman #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll q fr #SommChat peep: @lafargevial what differences did you see in the #vineyards in 2014 vs. 2015?
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll the life in soils improved & leaves were presenting to the sun b/c of our #Biodynamic treatments and #vines > aerated #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q. @LafargeVial Any thoughts on the 2015 harvest so far? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @SandyWasserman 2015 was an exceptional vintage had dryness & low yields but grapes were very well balanced to produce beau. #wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, what was the 1st vintage 4 UR #Beaujolais #wines & when will they B available in the marketplace? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll We established in #Fleurie in September 2014 and 2014 is our1st harvest. #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll We bottled our 2014 #Fleurie #wines on Sept 5, 2015 and they'll be availablein #US around end of year #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Q fr shy #SommChat: are you bottling in #beaujolais or in #volnay @LafargeVial
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial .@Keepercoll we are doing all aging and bottling in #fleurie 4 @LafargeVial - this is a separate operation fr @DomaineLafarge #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll Here are the bottles for 2014 that will be coming soon #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, How many different #Beaujolais #wines R U producing & in what avg quantities? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll 3 cuvées in 2014, Chiroubles (which is 1 of the 10 Crus in Beaujolais), #Fleurie Bel Air and Fleurie Clos Vernay #SommChat.
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll prod. is 10000 btls in 2014 (20% Chiroubles, 33% #Fleurie Bel Air, & 47% in Fleurie Clos Vernay) #SommChat.
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll q fr Shy #SommChat peep: why did you look #Beaujolais and #fleurie @LafargeVial versus another area
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll we visited the site in #fleurie b/c of the opportunity and immediately fell in love with the property #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll wanted 2 stay N #Burgundy close to #volnay & #Fleurie is a great place 4 both & chance to work w/ new soil #Granite #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, what initial markets will you sell your different #Beaujolais #wines to? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll we will mainly sell our #Beaujolais #wines in #US and #UK, Northern #Europe and #France #SommChat #Burgundy
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @lafargevial do you see anyone in the next lafarge vial generation working in this Domaine and if so in what capacity ? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll welcome all our children 2B involved-right now @CloLafarge has completed studies N MKT & is in #viticulture school now #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin Greetings chatters de somm! Let's hear about #Lafarge #Beaujolais! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @AdamPlotkin look forward to your questions #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin @Keepercoll I think I may be busy fending off the responses from the Texans for the moonshine comment! ;-)
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, Will the #Fleurie #wines be #biodynamic like your #Burgundy wines at @Domaine Lafarge? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Began #Biodynamic during Spring 2014 and had a very good response from the #vineyards. We keep on Bio everywhere. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: do you use same #bio treatments in #fleurie as in #Volnay and if not why not? @LafargeVial
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll same #BioD preparation in #Fleurie as in #volnay - timing or dose may be diff dep. on #vineyards needs #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @Keepercoll @LafargeVial @winesellersltd @MattMcGinnis happy #SommChat #WineWednesday à tout le monde! _
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, Can you explain the concept of individual Crus that U are bottling in #Beaujolais? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll No concept, we only want 2 highlight potentialities of each parcel and get the different expressions of #Fleurie #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Even if N Beaujolais no classification of Climats as N #Burgundy, names of “lieux-dits” R not mentioned often . #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Q fr shy #SommChat peep: what % of @LafargeVial will come to #US ?
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll we expect 20-25% coming to the #US or about 2000 -2500 bottles #SommChat
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @Keepercoll so bummed to be missing this #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial does #beaujolais harvesting normally occur before #Volnay and #Beaune #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll it depends on the vintage 2014 was diff than 2015 typically we will start #harvest first in #fleurie #Beaujolais #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll it could happen that #harvest is at the same time in #fleurie and #Volnay & we are prepared for that #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, can you describe some of the flavor profiles on nose and palate of each of UR #Fleurie wines? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Chiroubles: fine floral nose, crispy raspberries on the palate, very delicate #SommChat #Beaujolais #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Fleurie Bel Air : Fruity nose, red fruit, cherries on the palate, bright and balanced #SommChat #Beaujolais #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Fleurie Clos Vernay: black fruits, juicy, complex and profound, long lasting, high potential of aging #SommChat #Beaujolais
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: Frederic, do you think it is harder or easier to work in #vineyards in #Fleurie than in #Volnay #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll #fleurie is harder N #vineyards w/ steep slopes & vines R lower 2 ground-plowing is harder due to Goblet vine training #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, what do you think r the drinking windows 4 UR #Fleurie #wines? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll You can drink now for the freshness, or age to years for the pleasure, especially for the Clos Vernay #SommChat #Beaujolais
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, what are some #food pairings that U think would go well UR #Beaujolais #wines? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll Every kind of pairing will match but I would say snacking or tapas or appetizer for the Chiroubles #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll #Fleurie w/ roasted #Bresse chicken, grilled #meat, #Asian #food & 4 sure w/ Coq au Fleurie or “Saucisson de Lyon” #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial how does Coq au #Fleurie different than Coq au Vin? #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial .@LafargeVial Coq au #Fleurie is made with #Fleurie we had convo with @MaisonTroisgros to discuss while in #NY #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, we understand that some of UR #Beaujolais #vineyards R plowed by horse, pls explain why & where. #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll We added new plot late '14 called Joie du Palais, slope is steep so horse & winch are only possibilities 4 plowing. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Chantal, do you and Frederic have any plans for growth in #Beaujolais? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll In 2016, Domaine will reach 5 HA and we don't plan 2 grow too fast #SommChat #Beaujolais #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll We want to do the best work as possible but we are open minded if there is some good opportunity. #SommChat #Beaujolais
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll @LafargeVial Frederic, How long is the aging process for the #Beaujolais #wines and what do you use for your aging? #SommChat #Burgundy
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial A. @Keepercoll We age 1 yr N both 280L & 350L barrels-No new oak. N '15, bought a second hand 30HL “foudre”. #SommChat #Beaujolais #Burgundy
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking abt #Burgundy #wine project w/ #winemakers Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Great to have Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection _@Keepercoll Please join us in thanking #winemakers Frederic & Chantal Lafarge @LafargeVial for their time on #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @Keepercoll @LafargeVial Thanks for a great #SommChat
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g #Beaujolais has always been a tad ethereal to me, so this has been helpful! Thanks! #SommChat
DomaineLafargeVial _@LafargeVial @Keepercoll TY 4 having us on #SommChat and 4 the conversation with all we look forward to getting our #wines for everyone to enjoy soon