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10/17 Wine Writer and Master of Wine Sarah Evans
10/17 Sarah Evans
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to @SJEvansMW #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW to say hello & so she knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: As we ask @SJEvansMW our Qs, you can ask #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW your Qs as well! She’ll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & @SJEvansMW 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with @SJEvansMW #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @SJEvansMW how and where did you first start your #wine journey?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Great question! Some people have a bottle of DRC or something famous that tempts them in. For me my entry was for a general love of food and wine. I was working for the BBC and I used to commission Oz Clarke to write for me...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat .... and watching Oz I thought 'this isn't rocket science, anyone could do it'. Well, I soon discovered it's a bit more complex. Still, I did make it to the MW. You need mentors...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ... Oz Clarke was a terrific example. But there are others - MWs who taught me things on the journey, my husband who poured me hundreds of bottles blind before tasting exams, and every friendly sommelier when we went out to eat!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: .@SJEvansMW it was great to see you this year @TEXSOM - can you tell us about what you thought of the #TEXSOM conference? #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat It was my first time @TEXSOM, and I was bowled over. I had heard about it, but seriously there isn't another wine event like it in the world. I was really impressed by the friendship, networking, and the sheer desire to learn...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: .... Make a date in your dairy @TEXSOM 2019. It is THE place to be. Though I must admit it's just a bit hot in Dallas in August. But the air-conditioning keeps the wines cool. Particular gold stars to the volunteer somms who are outstanding!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @SJEvansMW You just recently wrote a new book “Wines of Northern Spain”. Can you tell us more about this book and your inspiration behind it? #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat The first thing I can tell you about this book is it's terrific and every one needs a copy! Seriously it's the first book on Spanish wine published here since 2004. I meant to write one book but Spain is so exciting I've got to write two. This first one...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat This first book covers Galicia, Bierzo, Castilla, Aragon, Rioja, Ribera, all the Txakolis etc, plus exciting new places like Asturias. In it I tell you about the regions, but the key feature is lots of profiles and recommendations. Reading it you soon find inspiration.
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Good morning @SJEvansMW How did you get into the wine biz and who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Hi Sandy! Starting off in the wine business, taking the WSET exam, I was (as I am) a journalist. I was working for BBC Good Food, the leading food magazine. And senior members of the London wine trade clearly thought I was just someone from a cookery magazine!...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat It taught me very early on to be welcoming to new entrants to the wine business, giving the frosty reception I had from the people who couldn't 't believe I was serious :)...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ...Today some are my best friends! As for mentors, there's no one person, but what I have learnt as a Master of Wine is that you always go on learning. Whenever I meet an expert, then I listen and learn. That's why TEXSOM was so inspiring with so many experts.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @SJEvansMW got a question from @winejames who suggested you share about your position as #Chair of @mastersofwine #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat I was Chair @mastersofwine 2014-16. For me it was an exceptional opportunity to recruit students from all over the world, and introduce them to the study programme. For me becoming an MW was an exceptional opportunity. I'm keen that others should share in it....
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat One intersting thing I learnt @TEXSOM was the difference between MS and MW. An MS has to have the answer to wine within a matter of seconds when tasting; an MW has a tasting paper that lasts 2.25 hours. I'd never make an MS as I need that thinking time :)
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you share some of the most surprising things you learned about #Spanish #Wines while writing your new book and where is it sold @SJEvansMW ?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat First: where to buy, you can get it on Amazon for sure. However I'd also email the publishers (you'll find them on the web: Infinite Ideas) who may have some local suggestions for you. Now the surprises :)...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Surprises: Spain makes outstanding Champagne method sparkling wine, but it sells it as Cava; and Cava is not one region, but can be made in several places across the country. There's work happening to introduce quality levels, thanks heavens...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat one of the most surprising things I found out about Spanish wine when writing the book is that I never tired of it. it is so much more complex than the cliche. Txakoli isn't just an acid fizz; Rioja isn't old American oak; Albariño from Rías Baixas can be thrilling
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm any #Spanish #wines come to mind that you would suggest to add to #wine list for restos both BTG and bottles @SJEvansMW ?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat I strong recommend Spain for BTG serves. It has so much to discover, and BTG is the way to get people to experiment. If they have enjoyed Albariño, get them on to Godello and Treixadura. If they drink Loire reds, ....
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ....then go for Mencia from Bierzo, but also Mencias from Galicia, light fresh and crunchy. Explore the new wave of Cavas de Paraje. Don't forget the amphora wines: from Celler del Roure, Sara Perez, and many more. We talk about Georgia's qvevri but Spain has them too.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @SJEvansMW What sparked your interest to write about #Spanish #wine? How long did it take you to write the book & did you travel often to #Spain 4 research?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat I lived in Spain on my 'gap year' before studying at Cambridge University - where I discovered Sherry. In fact I wrote my MW dissertation on Sherry so it's a love that has stayed with me. I'm very absorbed in Spain culture, history, politics...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ...and my children have Spanish godparents. I travel to Spain for research, for consultancy, to speak at conferences 1 or 2 times month. So that really helped me. I wrote th e book in about 9 months, but it had been planned for much longer....
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ... and now I am working on the second book: Catalunya, Mediterranean, Central and Southern Spain. So there's plenty more lovely trips ahead.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @SJEvansMW what advice would you give to someone considering a profession as a #wine #writer ? #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat First of all, love wine. Second love writing - you have to be able to write and develop a style that's all your own. Writing is a solitary business, the writing part, very different from being a sommelier for instance. In the UK they are very few print outlets. ...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat you have to think about writing a blog. The problem is there is no one to edit you. I really welcome the editors at Decanter who polish my work and check my wild statements. Write as often as you can, & then develop your niche. Work out what makes YOU different.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @SJEvansMW Tell us about a day/week in the life of Sarah Jane Evans Master of #Wine ! #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Good question! Never the same. Tomorrow for instance I am going for 2 weeks to California with 30 MWs to do a terrific trip from Santa Barbara finishing in Napa/Sonoma. Then I'm back to write a powerpoint for a presentation in Terra Alta on wine tourism. Then...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ...I have to plan and order wines for professional tastings of Spanish wines to professionals. And each year I write the Spain and Sherry chapters for the High Johnson Pocket Wine Book, so I need to squeeze that in.On top of that, some time instagramming and tweeting...
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm it seems as if #Spain has many different grapes than other regions - any tips for learning about this - do you discuss grapes in your book @SJEvansMW ?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Spain, and even more Portugal, have really benefited from isolation. It may seem that it is all Tempranillo. But if you're building a wine list then there so much to explore. The first section in my book is all about the grapes. Plenty to discover!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm is your book only in #English or will you publish it in #Spanish as well @SJEvansMW ? If not why not?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChatFor sure, the wines of Northern Spain is only in English. But once the second book in the series is written then I'll be very interested in getting it translated.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Do the #Spanish #wineries welcome visitors & if you only had 1 week to visit what would be UR ideal itinerary to learn @SJEvansMW ?
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat You will always get a welcome in the station quarter in Haro in Rioja, from Torres, or Gonzalez Byass in Jerez. They are all experts at wine tourism, and there are a number of wine routes in Spain. But many of my favourites are small businesses: write to them first,...
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat ....explain your purpose. The etiquette is to buy a bottle and ship it back in your luggage. As for visiting: spend a week in Galicia, touring all the DOs. You'll love it. Come back and spend a week in Rioja & Ribera. Priorat & Montsant come next. Don't miss Jerez!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW #WineWednesday #SommChat
Sarah Evans MW @SJEvansMW: #SommChat Time runs out quickly when you are having fun! Thanks for all the chat today. And if you have any questions about getting hold of copies of the Wines of Northern Spain, just let me know!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: It was great to have #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking #Wine Writer and Master of #Wine Sarah Evans @SJEvansMW for her time #SommChat