So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

10/24 Wine Editor Talia Baiocchi
@MSPWineGuy (Peter Plaehn): Looking forward to another #SommChat with @KeeperColl and…whoever the guest is!
@RetaKay13 (Reta Coker Crowe): @KeeperColl #SommChat Hi All… I’ll be here in the corner pretending to work while I keep an eye on you guys!
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl see you at #SommChat!
@raelinn_wine (Raelinn_wine): @KeeperColl I’m in! #SommChat #WW
@ShitMySommSays (ShitMySommelierSays): If you like riding unicorns. Follow @TaliaBaiocchi on #SommChat today at 11AM CST
@southernwinegrp (Southern Wine Group): #WW woohoo! Ready for @KeeperColl #SommChat with @taliabaiocchi as featured #winewriter guest
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from Talia Baiocchi @taliabaiocchi , #Wine Editor of @Eater ! #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Wine Editor of @Eater , @taliabaiocchi #SommChat #WineWednesday #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @taliabaiocchi to say hello & so she knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @taliabaiocchi our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @taliabaiocchi let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with Wine Editor @taliabaiocchi #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): Hola! Let’s do this. RT @KeeperColl : Let’s start talking #wine with Wine Editor @taliabaiocchi #WineWednesday #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning from Chicago! Beautiful day here for a #SommChat – hope all you NYC Tweeters don’t get too much rain today!
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): Morning all! RT @KeeperColl : Lets start talking #wine with @Eater #Wine Editor @taliabaiocchi #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi You majored in political science & journalism at NYU- how did transition to a career in #wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Got into it in college, took a job at a resto, ended up in Piemonte working harvest after graduation. Hard and fast #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (ShitMySommelierSays): First question for @TaliaBaiocchi. Q. Obambaresco or Romney Conti? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @ShitMySommSays Obambaresco, baby. #winning #SommChat
@WarrenBobrow1 (Warren Bobrow): #SommChat I’m so over fruit bombs and #wines that taste like supermarket grape juice but with otherworldly price tags.Why are they so sweet?
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @WarrenBobrow1 I agree. And depends on the wine. Often it’s straight residual sugar. Oak also adds sweetness. #SommChat
@Delysia_Choc (Delysia Chocolatier): @TaliaBaiocchi – Do you hvae a favorite #wine & chocolate pairing? Do you prefer dark vs milk chocolate? #SommChat #WW cc: @KeeperColl
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @Delysia_Choc Love dark chocolate, but have to admit that I am not a fan of #chocolate and red #winepairings. I’d go madeira. #SommChat #WW
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Hello Talia! Read your blog all the time! Do you think recession changed what wines people taste and how often? – #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @demilove Very good question. Sure, of course. But some of the changes are positive. Often cheaper wines on good #winelists … #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl @TaliaBaiocchi Good morning! Looking forward to an enlightening #SommChat on #WineWednesday.
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @ShitMySommSays – Romney has an elevator just for his #winecellar, even though he doesn’t have any #winein it – #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @demilove @ShitMySommSays LOL – love that! #Sommchat
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): @TaliaBaiocci @KeeperColl what one word do you hate & one that you love to describe wine? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @ONEHOPEWINE Hate: hedonistic. Love: err, might have to get back to you on that one… #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @demilove … off-the-beaten path value. By being forced down there, to degree, ppl have opp to enter a whole new world of wine. #SommChat
@2ndferment (bethany harpur): @taliabaiocchi When/how did you make the leap from Synesthesium to “the lucrative world of professional writing”? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @2ndferment Ha! Haven’t actually gotten to the lucrative part yet. I’ll keep you posted. #SommChat
@spume (Wolfgang Weber): #SommChat @TaliaBaiocchi you’re traveling a lot recently, do you see similar changes in attitudes &/or approach across diff. regions?
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @spume Yes, definitely. I think you see the push toward restraint and mineralogy over fruit that you see in CA in a lot of places. #SommChat
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): So what are ur thoughts about the top-10 biggest #Champagne brands?? #SommChat … @ChampagneBureau
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @cuvee_corner I think the grower movement is incredible for this country and for Champagne, but we shouldn’t vilify the big guys. #SOmMChat
@BlindedBite (Blinded By The Bite): @TaliaBaiocchi – When pairing do you prefer to set menu first then pair or pick #wine1st then develop menu? #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @BlindedBite Well I am not a somm, but if I was I’d say food 1st, #winepairing 2nd. But at home it’s often other way around. #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @noblewines I think if you deny the existence of terroir you miss the grand point of wine. #SommChat
@BlindedBite (Blinded By The Bite): @TaliaBaiocchi – If you had to name your top white, top red, top champagne what would they be? #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @BlindedBite Very hard. At moment 4 value loving Lassaigne Vignes de Montgueux, Mosel ‘sling in feinherb style, Loire Cab Franc. #SommChat
@ONEHOPEWINE (ONEHOPE Wine): Oh that one *IS* bad! RT @TaliaBaiocchi: @ONEHOPEWINE Hate: hedonistic. Love: err, might have to get back to you on that one… #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @Taliabaiocchi Can you expose the “underworld” of the #American #Wine industry. What are your favorite hidden treasures? @KeeperColl #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @enjoielife Producers like Massican, Arbe Garbe, Broc Cellars that are thinking outside the box & adding diversity to the scene. #SommChat
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): Just stepped into @Sommchat for a few minutes
@spume (Wolfgang Weber): @TaliaBaiocchi I’ve noticed that too. It’s a generational thing I guess, plus more young winemakers trying wines from elsewhere #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@TaliaBaiocchi What is the biggest mistake you see on #wine lists? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @fernandobeteta Sadly, spelling errors are still rampant. Hard to excuse with the whole advent of the internet thing. So easy. #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @KeeperColl I am here, but everyone is one step ahead of me on questions #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @Taliabaiocchi I see many more indigenous #wine selections coming from #Italy any thoughts on why or what do you think of them? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @vinetimestoo we’re in high renaissance of regional #Italian #wine. they r soul of #Italian #wine & make it best country for value, IMO. #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @taliabaiocchi I wrote a love letter to Tempranillo today. … Q. Whch grape would you write a love letter to? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @MauricesCru #NEBBIOLO #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @TaliaBaiocchi AHH yes, and sometimes I called #Nebbiolo a tannic Tempranillo in blind tastings. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi How did you gain your extensive #wine knowledge? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Drinking, reading & traveling. Took certain class early, but felt wrong for me. May have been the fluorescent lighting #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): @TaliaBaiocchi @fernandobeteta Well, that and the labels on the bottle with the name spelled correctly #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Are you still getting responses from your Costco story? In all seriousness, is Costco a major #wine player in NYC? – #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @demilove No, not anymore. Not a major player here in NYC, but a major player in a lot of other markets with small #wine stores. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi As the #wine editor of, how would you sum up Eater? (in 140 characters or less)? #WW #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl @Eater is a resource for insider resto info/guides, but it’s also a blog about dining culture (#wine+ drinks incl!) #SommChat
@mikemadrigale (Michael Madrigale): .@TaliaBaiocchi In which US cities do you find exciting things happening in #wine? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @mikemadrigale The usual suspects: SF, LA, #Portland, #Chicago. But little things happening everywhere from #Nashville to #Charleston. #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): Flight cancelled rebooked thanks @united now time for #Sommchat
@MaxKogod (Max Kogod): @TaliaBaiocchi If you could work another harvest in one region, where would it be, and why? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @MaxKogod #Mosel. Because I’m a #masochist #SommChat
@SommCat (Somm Cat): @demilove @KeeperColl Meow! #SommChat
@raelinn_wine (Raelinn_wine): #SommChat better late than never I hope!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi What elements would you look for to rate a #wine list as Tops (in your opinion)? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Fair pricing, point of view (especially w/ rise of the small list), and compatibility w/ #food & ethos of the resto. #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @taliabaiocchi Good morning #SommChat! Sorry so late… early meeting today. Great to see you all here this #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi You have said that music helps to inspire you when writing about #wine- tell us more about that! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Probs have ADD. Never tested. So I guess music – anything from Bartók to Pavement – became my Adderall. #FOCUS #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Q. @KeeperColl @taliabaiocchi I love sparkling #wines and #Champagne, wondering if you have heard of Eric Rodez? #WW #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @winegalLynne I have, but I have never had the wines. #WW #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @TaliaBaiocchi Any fellow writers have a major impact on how you write about wine? And why? Who do you admire? #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @vinetimestoo Yes. First and foremost, @jbonne. He’s a brilliant writer & I prob wouldn’t have a career if it weren’t for him. #SommChat
@StVincentSF (St. Vincent): @TaliaBaiocchi Where was it that you wrote that St Vincent is the coolest resto in the world? Wanted to get a copy for my mom…#SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @StVincentSF Lynch, I know that’s you. It’s in the mail, homie. #StVincent #DavidLynch #Baller #SommChat
@WarrenBobrow1 (Warren Bobrow): @drawlins #SommChat mini-ports… not Cabernet.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi Your advice for those attempting to overcome “stage fright” of ordering #wines in #restaurants? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Don’t fear the somm. Don’t feel like you need to sound like an expert. Come armed w/ examples. Be adventurous. #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl @TaliaBaiocchi Rodez is very small Champagne producer in Ambonnay, I believe he is mayor of the town. Very nice! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi What R some of Ur fav underrated/”under the radar” #restaurant #wine lists in #NYC? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Franny’s, Alta (cheap!), Trestle on Tenth, Tribeca Grill, Palo Cortado, Craftbar, Buttermilk Channel, Vinegar Hill. #SommChat
@ubriaca (Whitney Adams): @TaliaBaiocchi is killing it with under 140 nuggets of gold on #SommChat right now.
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @KeeperColl @howardggoldberg I agree, but “fear of the somm” is weirdly still a thing with consumers. #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): @TaliaBaiocchi @mikemadrigale #SanDiego? ahh come, on we’re trying! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @KeeperColl Can you tell us your opinion about allowing patrons to bring #wine into restos and appropriate corkage fees? #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Heavy duty topic. Check out this @Eater piece. May help expose the variety of different POVs. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi Any current US #wine trends that you are loving? Or hating? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Digging diversity of #wine stylistically, etc. produced in US rgt now. Love small #wine lists. & #SHERRY! It’s back. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): great questions on #SommChat today – time for few more!! #WW
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @TaliaBaiocchi Any advice 4 aspiring #wine writers? Learning journalism the best course or just blog it all out! #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @winegalLynne Learning what makes a good reporter is key to being a good blogger. Best bloggers are those who think like journals. #SommChat
@knowvino (Carl Corsi): @cuvee_corner The quality of some BIG #champagne producers at such high quantity is surprising. Taste #WhiteStar lately? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @taliabaiocchi If you hadn’t chosen the #wine industry, what career do you think you would have right now? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): A. @KeeperColl Pro tennis player, obv. Or, I don’t know, when all the kids were about astronauts, I wanted to be a sports agent. #SommChat
@jsalcito (Jordan Salcito): .@taliabaiocchi from a format / layout perspective, have any #wine lists in #US or beyond caught your eye recently? #SommChat cc @KeeperColl
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @jsalcito I’ve always loved the Bar Agricole list design-wise. And love @danabeafrank’s hideaway list at Riffle in PDX. #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@KeeperColl @TaliaBaiocchi Do you have a special way of taking notes while reviewing #restos and #wine? #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @winegalLynne No, pretty standard note taker. The only thing that’s special is my handwriting, which I can barely read. #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @enjoielife @TaliaBaiocchi @KeeperColl @howardggoldberg I agree that best somms r good listeners! #SommChat #WW
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): @TaliaBaiocchi @winegalLynne “Best Bloggers are those who think like journalists” EXCELLENT POINT! Could not agree more! #SommChat
@adriennebyard (Adrienne Byard): @taliabaiocchi favorite #winespots in New York? #SommChat cc: @KeeperColl
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @adriennebyard So many. See earlier tweet and add @thetenbells, @terroirny, gramercy tavern, @CasaMono, and the list goes on. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Just got question come in asking: what #wines you will be drinking for the holiday season? #SommChat #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @KeeperColl For t-giv: #Champagne, cider, Beaujolais, cab franc, #riesling, & I’ll sherry if I feel like turning it into a rager. #SommChat
@JohnBPatersonIV (John B. Paterson, IV): @TaliaBaiocchi THANK YOU!! For the @CraftbarNYC shoutout. #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @TaliaBaiocchi @KeeperColl @howardggoldberg Best #somms are good listeners & responsive to consumers. Helps to diminish fear. #SommChat
@MaxKogod (Max Kogod): @KeeperColl My pleasure. Thanks for rocking on with #SommChat!
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): So, now I just want to go buy #wineafter #SommChat #ww.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with @taliabaiocchi #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have @taliabaiocchi join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @taliabaiocchi for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If anyone missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark your calendar and get ready for Halloween #Sommchat w/ Master #Sommelier, Tim Gaiser on Wed 10/31 at 11 AM CST ! C u there!
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): .@TaliaBaiocchi Thx so much for being here! Looking forward to more of your writing! @KeeperColl Thx for #SommChat today!
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): hi Talia! @TaliaBaiocchi ! What is in your opinion the next up and coming #wineregion yet to be discovered ?#SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @CaravelleChamp Think some of the regions we feel like we’ve discovered r the ones still offer much to discover, like CA, Sicily. #SommChat
@vinetimestoo (vinetimestoo): Great #SommChat @Taliabaiocchi @KeeperColl Thanks!
@AmaraResort (AmaraResort): Thank you @taliabaiocchi for answering our questions today!! #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@BlindedBite (Blinded By The Bite): @KeeperColl @TaliaBaiocchi – Awesome #SommChat today thanks so much! #WW
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): @KeeperColl Thanks so much to everyone for your awesome questions. See you around the internet. #Sommchat
@raelinn_wine (Raelinn_wine): @TaliaBaiocchi @KeeperColl Thanks for another GREAT #SommChat!
@jennanorth (Jenna North): Great #SommChat today w/ @Eater Wine Editor @TaliaBaiocchi and host @KeeperColl . Always a great source of #wine and restaurant recs. #WW
@tattoodsomm (Eric Hastings): @TaliaBaiocchi @KeeperColl @howardggoldberg I haven’t found that to be much of an issue in recent years #SommChat
@TaliaBaiocchi (Talia Baiocchi): That was INTENSE. #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): Rats! missed #SommChat with the seriously talented @Talia Baiocchi and @KeeperColl
@Lbortolot (Lana Bortolot): double rats! | @vtwinemedia Rats! missed #SommChat with the seriously talented @Talia Baiocchi and @KeeperColl
@danabeafrank (Dana Bea Frank): @TaliaBaiocchi you rocked that #SommChat-was it the sherry pulsing through your veins?
@gretakranz (greta kranz): Super #Sommchat today-you guys are #awesome! RT @KeeperColl : Please join us in thanking @taliabaiocchi for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Hope u enjoyed #SommChat today! Be looking 4 our newest KeeperColl #SommChat Saturday tweets starting this Sat #SommChatRevisited #winelover
@tricerapops (Jesse): @KeeperColl – aw shucks. other matters have kept me away from #SommChat unfortunately. what a lineup with Dr Vino and Talia as of late!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Hope you enjoyed #SommChat today! Be on lookout for our newest @KeeperColl #SommChat Saturday tweet starting 10/27 #SommChatRevisited #WW