So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

10/5 #WASyrah #SommChat with
See what you missed at a special #WASyrah Tweetup edition of SommChat on 10/5, hosted at Redroom (@winescom).
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): ready to rock at ATX #SommChat RT @DustedValley: @keepercoll You guys ready to rock? #WASyrah #WW #WAWine
@WinesCom (Alexander Andrawes): The ATX #SommChat for #WASyrah Twitter Tasting starts at NOW! Pop a bottle, tune in and tweet!
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): Great group here in Austin. Looking forward to some #SommChat over great wines from Washington tonight #WASyrah
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Getting started! If you want to watch along, check it out here & tweet with us! #WASyrah #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Getting ready for our first wine @winescom #WASyrah ATX #SommChat 2008 Boomtown Syrah we hear you #WAWine #WW!!
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #SommChat hangin with the crew tasting some boomtown!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Fact: #Syrah 3rd most planted grape in Washington #WASyrah #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Boomtown 2008 Syrah 96% Syrah, 2% Mourvedre, 2% Barbera 40% new mostly French oak & dash US Oak used #WASyrah $15 pr pt #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): up next Magnificent Syrah The Originals #WASyrah #WW #WAWine – Columbia Valley – $16 pr pt #SommChat
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #SommChat @kvintners Magnificent Syrah… Showing great restraint. Solid.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): 2008 L’Ecole Columbia Valley Syrah #WASyrah #WW #WAWine nice aromatic from about 8 vineyards #SommChat
@ccollinsms (ccollinsms): Nice balance“@keepercoll: 2008 L’Ecole Columbia Valley Syrah #WASyrah #WW #WAWine nice aromatic from about 8 vineyards #SommChat”
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): #WASyrah #SommChat @winescom enjoying the L’Ecole.
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #SommChat L’Ecole Columbia Valley structure intensity and balance. Very good!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): 2008 L’Ecole Columbia Valley Syrah #WASyrah #WW #WAWine 95% Syrah 5% Grenache #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): the @DustedValley ’09 Stained Tooth Syrah on deck now – “big wine with pretty floral aromatics” #SommChat #WASyrah
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #SommChat Dusted Valley Stained Tooth Syrah ripe fruit American oak yet to integrate but may prove exceptional in time.
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): This whole flight is the stained teeth lineup. #SommChat #WASyrah
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #SommChat #WAWine #WW mercer hh hills clean fruit, stemmy earthy and integrated oak. Like.
@travisgoff (travis goff): Happy to be drinking with u! Thanks #SommChat ATX #WASyrah – #WASyrah live on
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@reiningerwinery 2007 Syrah Blend Walla Walla all French oak 0% new oak #WASyrah #WW #WAWine #SommChat
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #WAWine #WW #SommChat Reininger Walla Walla 2007. Looking forward to this! Slam dunk! Ripe, focused!!!! #watchoutcoterotie!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Nice selection! @dustedvalley #SommChat RT @GustofReginald: Fav so far. @keepercoll #WASyrah
@ccollinsms (ccollinsms): #WAWine #SommChat Reininger is my fav so far
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #WAWine #WW #SommChat Otis Kenyon. Good. Ripe, peppery.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): U had me at bacon #SommChat RT @Leil: 07 Reininger Walla Walla SY prob the most bacon fat-smoked meat character of anything so far #WASyrah
@theleftoverchef (Loren Root): special edition #SommChat breaking down Syrah with #Austin crew #wine #WASyrah
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): #WASyrah #SommChat @winescom Reininger. Wonderful. Toasty.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@otiskenyonwine #WASyrah #WW #WAWine coming up now!!!! the ATX group is listening and learning #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): so glad you are here RT @kloebatx: #WASyrah #SommChat @winescom Reininger. Wonderful. Toasty. #SommChat
@GustofReginald (Kimberly Parker): @wcmenge likes! Mmm“@keepercoll: .@otiskenyonwine #WASyrah #WW #WAWine coming up now!!!! the ATX group is listening and learning #SommChat”
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): great props, “@otiskenyonwine is a great expression of Walla Walla wine” #SommChat #WASyrah
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #WAWine #WW #SommChat #lecole 7 Hills Vineyard. A standard barer for Walla Walla. Everything new world syrah is and should be.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@lecole41 Seven Hills Vny 100% Syrah from 3 blocks think about decanting – could take 4 hours #WASyrah #WW #WAWine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Took the words outta my mouth- Great tip! #SommChat RT @GustofReginald: Water pitcher as a decanter! #goodtoknow #WAWine #WASyrah #WW
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): #WASyrah #WAWine #SommChat #amavi ripe fresh full with tannin and lots of structure great, accessible w2 Syrah. Thanks JF!
@ccollinsms (ccollinsms): #WAWine #SommChat @AmaviCellars is showing great, Earth, pepper, fruit. Love it!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@amavicellars 2009 100% Syrah Walla Walla 100% French Oak w/ 16 % new and 84 % used oak #WASyrah #WAWine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@amavicellars tells us that 2009 vtg was a roller coaster growing season but gave wine-structure & balance #WASyrah #WAWine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Yum! #SommChat T @winethiefstpaul: LOVE the Amavi w/ a little bleu cheese! Thx @travisgoff #amavicellars- #WASyrah live
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): #WASyrah #SommChat @winescom am liking the amavi with black plums, coffee and pepper.
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): Really enjoying the @AmaviCellars 09 Syrah Walla Walla. Well integrated and rich. Nice earth character, buy it at $30 #SommChat #WASyrah
@DevOnWine (Devon Broglie): Thanks #SommChat @keepercoll @BillElsey #WASyrah #WAWine deelish tasting! I’m out!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): gr8 to see u & @ccollinsms RT @DevOnWine: Thanks #SommChat @keepercoll @BillElsey #WASyrah #WAWine deelish tasting! Im out! #SommChat
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): #SommChat #WASyrah @winescom wines so far. Nice selection of rich fall/wintry goodness.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): There’s no formula but in terms of ageability, high acidity tends 2 age more- really u have to open @ diff stages to know #SommChat #WASyrah
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): nice to have @winescom as our setting for #WASyrah tasting & next up @billelsey leading us thru our own #ATX discussion #SommChat
@theleftoverchef (Loren Root): yes, thanks! “nice to have @winescom as our host for #WASyrah tasting & next @billelsey leading us thru our own #ATX discussion #SommChat”
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): ATX #SommChat group says all of the #WASyrah were clean and were excited at the drinkability of the value wines #WAWine #SommChat
@WineCommission (WA Wine Commission): Cool! “@keepercoll: ATX #SommChat group says all of the #WASyrah were clean and were excited at the drinkability of the value wines #WAWine”
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @billelsey talks about learning from Greg Harrington MS @gramercycellars that Walla Walla is an up & coming area #WASyrah #WAWine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): ATX #SommChat is grateful to have been a host for the #WASyrah @winescom #WAWine #WW – look forward to future #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): love working with you!!!!! RT @travisgoff: @keepercoll thanks so much! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): #ATX #SommChat tasting group says these #WASyrah-perfect pairings with #TX steak, BBQ, Bison, and Pork Belly #WAWines @keepercoll #SommChat
@AmaviCellars (Amavi Cellars): And game! RT @keepercoll: #ATX #SommChat tasting group says these #WASyrah-perfect pairings with #TX steak… (cont)
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks to @billelsey for guiding our #ATX #SommChat #WASyrah #WAWine – everyone learned so much tonight:) #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thx for joining us @theleftoverchef @gustofreginald @wcmenge @kloebatx & of course @winescom for hosting us! Fun night! #SommChat #WASyrah
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): @keepercoll thanks for having me! #SommChat #WASyrah
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): Good 2 see #SommChat @DevOnWine @craigcollinsms @leftoverchef @keepercoll @sabersomm in the lounge @winescom tasting #WASyrah from #WAWine
@BillElsey (Bill Elsey): I see #WASyrah as a great alternative to Cali Cab for Steak Houses in TX. More Texans need to taste it to see. #WAWine #SommChat #soon