So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

10/8 Jean Louis Carbonnier, Chateau Palmer
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl I'll do my best, but I don't think I'm going to be able to join #SommChat today. :( I'll have to check it out afterward.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl It’s almost time 4 #SommChat! Don’t miss Jean-Louis Carbonnier of @ChateauPalmer today at 11 AM CST, 12 N ET! #Bordeaux #wine #France
W. R. Tish @TishWine RT @KeeperColl Today’s #SommChat features Jean Louis Carbonnier of @ChateauPalmer #Bordeaux Hope to see you there! 12 N-1 PM EST
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl so excited - #SommChat live fr Keeper Friends @WineFoodTX office #ATX with Jean Louis Carbonnier @ChateauPalmer #Bordeaux #wine #Margaux
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood Every Wednesday at noon EDT join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from Jean Louis Carbonnier of Chateau Palmer! #WW cc: @ChateauPalmer
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl 2day we are LIVE fr #ATX w Chateau Palmer’s North American Sales Director, Jean Louis Carbonnier, and he's ready to answer our Qs! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl 2h2 Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! Let’s start chatting!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl You're welcome 2 ask Jean Louis your Qs too! But first, read the instructions in our next few tweets so you'll know what to do #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Jean Louis hasn’t personally embarked on the Twitter world yet so we’re assisting. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl ALL OF JEAN LOUIS’S TWEETS WILL COME FROM @KeeperColl #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl So, if u have Qs, direct them 2 @KeeperColl & we'll ask Jean Louis. We'll also tweet his answers-those from @KeeperColl" #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Jean Louis Carbonnier is ready to answer our Qs! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Good Morning #SommChat followers Jean Louis here -wonderful to be sitting w/ Diane @KeeperColl in #ATX - gr8 #wine mkt ready 4 UR qs
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @SommChat @KeeperColl Hi Jean-Louis thanks for your time today! How long have you been with Chateau Palmer? #SommChat
@ChateauPalmer 4 10yrs, pos. has chged over time - orig. most was PR & making intros in US mkt #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @AndyOnFarmWine I have worked with
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @AndyOnFarmWine Pt2 4 last 2 yrs @Chateaupalmer I do a lot of field work mtg w/ distrs. and buyers around #US & #Canada #Mex & > #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass @KeeperColl Can you give us a rundown about #ATX? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @winecompass fr Jean Louis, #ATX is vibrant w/ dynamic resto scene & a few good retailers, good community of #Somms #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@winecompass - @chateaupalmer good distrib. partner in #ATX - all of the pieces are in place chall. 2 have same N all US Mkts #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @KeeperColl Good morning Jean Louis how did you get your start in wine business & how long have you been at Ch. Palmer? TY #SommChat #atx
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @SandyWasserman I got my start in #wine Biz 1st on #Champagne side 4 12 yrs rep 4 #CIVC role was 2 educ. & prom. that region #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Good morning all! Sorry I am a little late! - #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer I think I have seen you at the Wine Spectator tastings. you do tastings and promotion of Palmer?#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine my job is to create availability of @ChateauPalmer #wines around #US exp. 4 resto buyers #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine yes I do those tastings & will be at @WineSpectator #NYC #Wine Experience nxt wk w/ head of @ChateauPalmer #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl good morning from #Vegas. How are you Jean Louis? #SommChat #WW @ChateauPalmer
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @harleywine1 Gr8 - Hi so glad to see you on #SommChat & thx 4 UR @ChateauPalmer support in #Vegas
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @harleywine1 Jean Louis asks “how is biz in #Vegas for you? “ #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl it's great! Busy in all areas, restaurants, bars & banquets are going through lots of #wine! #SommChat #Vegas
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Jean Louis I look forward to seeing you at the @WineSpectator #NYWE14 next week! #SommChat
Cecchi Winery @cecchiwinery Hello there @KeeperColl! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @KeeperColl Jean Louis, Who are your mentors in the wine industry? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @SandyWasserman mentors - when #Champagne it was Philippe LeTixerant - he taught me sense of passion 4 #wine, imp. of #terroir... #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @SandyWasserman also taught me Joys of educating ppl abt #Wine, another is Peter Sichel - legendary in #US #wine trade- networking #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@SandyWasserman Peter als introduced me 2 @ChateauPalmer @vinsColumbo is another, taught me art of #food & #wine & Lifestyle #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess Going to stop in #SommChat for a few
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer With this elegance and fragrance of first growth is that in the future for Chateau Palmer? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine absolutely SPOT ON @ChateauPalmer R proud of these attributes we look when making #wine 4 aromatics & elegance #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine Jean louis says we believe at @ChateauPalmer that our #terroir is second to none #SommChat
The Wine Suite LLC @TheWineMistress #SommChat @ChateauPalmer @KeeperColl How was your brand changed over the years and or the consumers palate for wine? #curious
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@TheWineMistress Jean Louis - lots happening since 90s @ChateauPalmer > demanding than ever finished conversion to #Biodynamics #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@TheWineMistress Many #wine Consumers R rediscovering #Bordeaux & apprec. > finesse & elegance #SommChat
Cecchi Winery @cecchiwinery Since @ChateauPalmer is 200 years old how do you highlight the history and continue to move forward in modern times @KeeperColl? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @cecchiwinery @ChateauPalmer Estate act. goes back to 17th Cen. & was acquired 200 yrs ago by Charles Palmer #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@cecchiwinery Jean Louis @ChateauPalmer strives 2 improve qual., while staying true 2 #terroir &style make #wine 4 now & next gen #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl Jean Louis, any "secrets" of @ChateauPalmer you can share? #wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@harleywine1 @ChateauPalmer makes little bit of white #wine 4 guests that come 2 #Chateau - would luv 2 share when U come 2 C us! #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Jean-Louis what is the absolute most important thing that you do for yourself & Chateau Palmer?#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine 4 myself Try to keep sense of humor & 4 @ChateauPalmer keep my ego in Check! #SommChat
elaineschoch @elaineschoch ;) RT @KeeperColl: .@AndyOnFarmWine 4 myself Try to keep sense of humor & 4 @ChateauPalmer keep my ego in Check! #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Speaking of ego can you tell me why Alter Ego was developed?#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine Alter Ego @ChateauPalmer started w/ ’98 vintage - since then, we make 2 expressions of our #terroir #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine JL: w. Alter Ego @ChateauPalmer offers an approachable expression of #Terroir-represents almost half of Prod. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @KeeperColl Jean Louis how involved are you in the wine making at Ch. Palmer #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@SandyWasserman Jean Louis - not involved in #winemaking @ChateauPalmer but curious abt it #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@SandyWasserman Jean Louis: during harvest spend sev. days @ChateauPalmer tasting w/ Team - grapes in #Vineyard. must & #wines #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @SandyWasserman Jean Louis : and of course asking lots of questions - also taste during Primeurs #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga late @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer how your #wine avoided 'parkerization' ;) will '14 approach '05=the BEST for me? send me cases? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ormiga Jean Louis @ChateauPalmer, don’t make #wine 4 critics, believe N strength of our #Terroir & role is 2 translate into #Wine #SommChat
Cecchi Winery @cecchiwinery Has there been a shift in the average Champagne drinker in the last 5-10 years and how so @ChateauPalmer @KeeperColl? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @cecchiwinery 2day world of #Sparkling #wine is very diversified & offers more options 2 #consumers than in Past #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl Here I'm for #SommChat :) Sorry for last week #harvest in #Rhone was making me busy ;)
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Jean Louis any interest in making wine for yourself or someone else? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@SandyWasserman Since I have @ChateauPalmer and many gr8 #wines at my fingertips, I do not need to make #wine #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer When do you plan to be certified #biodynamic ? Just doing it for the trend ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @fabienlaine started #Biodynamics in ’08, cert. expected ’16 @ChateauPalmer Not doing b/c trendy #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Any special mentor / consultant you have for all the biodynamic evolution ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@fabienlaine : @ChateauPalmer Team has spend much time studying Steiner’s lectures on #biodynamics #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Where R your top markets in the U.S. and where are you working hard for growth in this market?#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine top @ChateauPalmer #US are #NYC #Vegas #Miami #TX #Chicago want 2 B avail in > mkts believe #Calif has pot. - #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga effects #climatechange-or-not weather changes observed in fruit water land temp @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer or 20yrs=not nuff data? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@ormiga Avg temp is increasing @ChateauPalmer also abrupt Chgs in #weather can B brutal #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ormiga sometime hard to know what to wear the next day with the brutal weather changes #SommChat makes #vineyard work Challenging
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer How is been 2014 at Palmer? And great harvests ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @fabienlaine ’14 weather during harvest allowed @ChateauPalmer 2 wait 4 max maturity - very pleased w/ it fall made big diff. #SommChat
Cecchi Winery @cecchiwinery What's your favorite celebratory go-to Champagne @KeeperColl? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@cecchiwinery love older Vintage of @salondelamotte #Salon #Champagne #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer What do you perceive as the difference btween Ch Margaux and Palmer side by side?#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@AndyOnFarmWine very diff styles @chateaupalmer plants with 1/2 merlots & 1/2 Cab, < Petite Verdot distinctive style #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Any first impressions of the first tastings after Alcoholic Fermentations ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@fabienlaine ’14 @ChateauPalmer #wines R quite powerful with high levels of #Acidity #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Reached a good sugar level in the grapes at maturation ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @fabienlaine Yes 4 sure #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Jean-Louis Carbonnier of Chateau Palmer! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have Jean-Louis Carbonnier join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Jean-Louis Carbonnier for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Thanks for your time and representing a legend in our world today Jean Loius!#SommChat
Alex Bernardo @VineyardGate .@KeeperColl one more q please, jean-Louis how did jazz @ChateauPalmer come about? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@VineyardGate #Jazz came abt @ChateauPalmer as a way to express new vintage beyond words-CEO is more than just a #Jazz fan! #SommChat
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @KeeperColl @ChateauPalmer Thanks a lot Jean-Louis Carbonnier #SommChat #WW Cheers ! :) #Winelover
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Jean Louis - gr8 to be here on #SommChat w/ all of U-felt like I was playing #PingPong with multiple players at 1 time -got my juices going
Cecchi Winery @cecchiwinery Thanks for the recommend and the chat @KeeperColl! #SommChat @SalonDelamotte
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @ChateauPalmer J-L Carbonnier if you look for people to work for you in France let me know I'm actually looking for new challenges #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@fabienlaine Jean Louis says Thanks Fabien - sounds like you need to visit @ChateauPalmer #SommChat