So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

11/1 Lars Ryssdal, Art Culinaire Magazine
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to talk to Lars Ryssdal, Co-Publisher of @artculinairemag!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Lars to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: , you can ask your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @artculinairemag 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine and #food with Co-Publisher of @artculinairemag, Lars Ryssdal ! #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Good Morn every1 excited to B here to talk about @artculinairemag with the #SommChat Community!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag Who was the brainchild behind this great magazine, Art Culinaire, and when did it begin? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Art Culinaire was created by Franz Mitterer who was a #chef 4 Ritz Carlton in Atlanta in ’86 as a tool for #Chefs #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman @SandyWasserman: Good morning Lars @artculinairemag how did you get your start in publishing & who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: start n#publishing 4 yrs ago when brought mag to #California & mentors R Larry Stone Michael Mercer Julia Child & late @JonRowley #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: @larsryssdal Much made of death of print but small/niche successful dep on metrics. How do you measure success @artculinairemag? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: A breathing Magazine!!!! #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: We measure success by the # of new subscribers vs the retention of subscribers - like to see 10% new subscriber rate annually #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag How do you decide what content to put in an issue of Art Culinaire Magazine? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl Carol makes all of decisions on #chefs to feature - very fluid calendar depends on where we haven’t been…. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl also depends on topic of interest, where our #photographers may B going, etc. we remain flexible to get gr8 stories #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag Notice that some of your issues have areas about #wine, is wine and #food pairing something u cover? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl #wine & #food pairing N every issue as we expanded beyond kitchen 2 FOH 2 give ppl idea of what 2 expect in resto.. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl deductive tasting added N ’14 #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: Hi everyone, happy to be able to follow #SommChat today 🍷 @artculinairemag
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Caio bella! #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: Ciao ☺ #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: And how did the idea for the “Through the Looking Glass” feature come about @artculinairemag? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: critics & #wine buyers have diff. Tastes, wanted 2 give look into minds of wine buyers as they taste #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag What are some of your most memorable #wine and #food pairings? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Got a Rare btl of @_Billecart #Champagne extra brut @DavidBouley & enjoyed it as it changed thru the entire meal #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: Am looking at the magazine now...sorry I did not know much about it. Do you cover US only? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: No we recently featured #chefs in #Singapore, #Taiwan #Sydney #capetown #London #Brazil #Columbia & more to come… #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: Cool ...discovered that...☺ #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: We have paid subscribers from over 57 countries and look forward to more #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: That's great 🙂 #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: i'll like to write #food #wine beer liquids non-western #SommChat @KeeperColl
James Tidwell @winejames: Impressive! What’s largest subscription base outside US & what prompts specific interest from that place @artculinairemag? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Largest offshore R places that read #English like #Canada #Australia #NewZealand #England then #China #Israel #Switzerland #Korea..#SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Interest is prompted by our editorial content - we place stories by gr8 #writers that ppl want to read #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: net and www should make content easier not difficult? #SommChat are there #food #wine #champagne #bier #beer you're partial to?
Ormiga @ormiga: 2/ which non-standard-fare #food fermened #wine beer distilled #spirits stand out in your experiences #SommChat @KeeperColl
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Like Russian River Brewing love #Thai & #Vietnamese #food among others don’t much spirits these days #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: nice #food those #SommChat am back in india now &theres tons for your readers hint hint aka #callme mail me ;=/
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: We R pleased to have many subscribers in #India and lk forward to more - we can be found at #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: cool congrats #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag What are some of your favorite #wines right now? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl Pontcin Cote du Rhone declassified Grillet affordable way 2 enjoy this rare #Viognier fr N #Rhone #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm is your mag read more by industry or consumer and why @artculinairemag
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: predominately subscribed 2 by #Chefs - expanded coverage of #wine has spread our base. Documenting cooking at the highest level #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag Saw that your magazine is only available in print, which is rare to find today. Tell us about that. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Our mag is not of a disposable nature, it’s kept & referred to again and again 4 31 yrs. now - we sell back issues…. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl an entire set of our mag is worth many thousands of dollars if you could find #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag Tell us about what you did before you started Art Culinaire Magazine? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl after 10 yrs in #Music biz, moved to Restos & #wine biz, Carol our Editor in Chief had been in writing and publishing… #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl Carol was former Editor w/ this mag-Original publisher decided to retire & offered Carol & I to carry on the legacy #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: How is editorial content determined? Do you accept solicitation or do you commission or both? @artculinairemag #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Have hired @wawinereport @winedogboy Paul Wagner @vinography @LaurieWoolever & Alia Akkam to produce content #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: We get calls fr #Chefs ,their wives and their mothers everyday 4 them to be in the mag:) have a very long, short list! .. #SommCat
James Tidwell @winejames: Spectacular to have waitlist! Know ur integrity. How do you maintain church/state separation of editorial/sales? @artculinairemag #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: We have very limited #advertising abt 7% ad coverage & don’t offer any advertorial #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag When you’re travelling, do you look at #wine list or #food first at a resto to decide where you want to eat? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Usually I look at the #food menu first to determine where we will eat & we R on mission 2 find best #Pizza in the world #SommChat
Katarina Andersson @ricasoli99: Interesting about the best pizza in the world...Florence not being a pizza town is now feat some top pizza places #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: haha mission to find best #pizza in the world=best lifetime #jobs+when bored write smthng #howto start #riots ;) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag Saw that you worked as a #Somm before this. Where & what did you like most abt being a #Sommelier? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Being able 2 taste #wine a lot & being able to talk to ppl abt what they want & 2 give them opportunity to taste diff things.. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Worked at @ElliottsSeattle in #Seattle @SeastarBellevue & @Herbguy Herb Farm #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag What are UR duties as Co-Publisher & Director of Operations of such a well-established publication? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: Carol has the brains, & I deal with the post office & the bank & write some #wine stories. We honor our #editor daily #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag What are some trends you’ve seen in publishing, #food and #wine within the last 5 yrs? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl we R not seeing less printed material but seeing > printed material been some unfortunate passing like Lucky Peach.. #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl Cherry Bomb is doing well and Fool Mag in #Sweden is doing well I see trend of small niche publications 2 continue #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @artculinairemag What do you expect to see next in the publishing world? What would U like to change? #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl A change I would like 2 see is 4 ppl to NOT give their content away. Next I expect to see our January issue of our Mag #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk w/ Lars Ryssdal, Co-Publisher of @artculinairemag! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: It was great to have Lars Ryssdal from @artculinairemag join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Lars & @artculinairemag for his time #SommChat
Lars Ryssdal @artculinairemag: @KeeperColl been a pleasure talking w/ Keeper Collection 2day #SommChat & thx 4 all of UR questions- lk fwd 2 seeing u in the shiny pages!