So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

11/11 Advanced Sommelier Morgan Harris - Uncorked Cast Member
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl 3 #Somms @jamasoniii @Richeboured & @MorganWHarris on #wine & @ESQTV #Uncorked 12N ET #SommChat @winochic @PortalupiWine @hvwinegoddess
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris @ESQTV @demilove @drooln @Hadel Happy #SommChat #WW!
Blinded By The Bite! _@BlindedBite 3 Somms at today's @KeeperColl #SommChat #WineWednesday
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g I definitely __ that! #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew Looking forward to a #WineWednesday #SommChat! #Cheers #wine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@chauneuf @blejawine @jillzimorski @luke_boland watch #SommChat post today on 2016 #SommsUF it's time to get ready & Spread the NEWS
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW _@hvwinegoddess @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris @ESQTV @winochic @PortalupiWine I will be lurking #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join 2 hear abt #wine & #Uncorked w/ #Sommeliers @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd to introduce you 2 #Sommeliers @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris who will talk abt #wine & TV show #Uncorked #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris 2 say hello & so they know UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris our Qs, Ucan ask them Ur Qs They'll do their best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! S/O 2 @KeeperColl , @jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured Super pumped to be here! #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured ready to go with @KeeperColl on #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris Glad to be here! #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @morganwharris Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine & the TV show #Uncorked with #Sommeliers @jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris on #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Good morning #SommChat ! Finishing up long weekend in Denver - really enjoyed myself!
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @demilove @KeeperColl You will see a in-depth look into each sommelier's life! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris What was it being on the @ESQTV show #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV I had a lot of fun. It's just really great to have someone telling our story. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV The show is much documentary rather than "reality". #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured being on #uncorked @ESQTV was a pleasure. Professional group that wants to spread our message #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @ESQTV It was quite an experience. Not so fun to have cameras around such a stressful exam! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Good morning @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris How did you get into the wine industry & who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @sandywasserman loved wine from a young age. was offered an assistant #somm job when eating dinner at a high end restaurant #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @SandyWasserman worked alone early in my career, but @lauramaniec @HristoZ and any number of peers that i study with #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @SandyWasserman Got a job @PappasBros after graduation as a sommelier. Mentors include @GramercyCellars and @drewhendricksms #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @jamasoniii @Richeboured @lauramaniec was huge to my career. My time @Corkbuzz was huge. @FredDexMS as well. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @jamasoniii @Richeboured Takes a village to raise a child though, I owe a huge debt to the NY sommelier community. #SommChat
FredDexMS (Juiceman) _@FredDexMS @MorganWHarris thanks! You looked handsome last night! Keep rocking! @SandyWasserman @jamasoniii @Richeboured @lauramaniec @Corkbuzz
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep to @jamasoniii @richeboured @MorganWHarris who was hardest judge @EsqTV #Uncorked & what did U learn fr him/her?
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV They all push us. @lauramaniec was the most demanding, but in service of our growth. #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @richeboured @MorganWHarris @EsqTV @lauramaniec was a fun one! She kept me on my toes #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured my toughest judge is myself. @lauramaniec @dwilson79 @ShaynBjornholm @WineMentor etc etc have been influential in my development #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris Have you ever been on a TV show before @ESQTV #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV Have my SAG card from being @mrjimsturgess's hand double in "21". Other than that, no. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Anything you did not about being on #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @SandyWasserman @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Having cameras around during the exam. Added an additional level of stress #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @SandyWasserman only when i was tired, drunk and grumpy and was kept from eating... #hangry #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @jamasoniii @Richeboured Logistical problems with the cameras, but Left/Right's production team was great. #pros #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris What was the selection process to have a position on @ESQTV #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV Simple, actually. Small # of eligible candidates in NYC. Very few people. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV We were referred by @geoffkruth to Left/Right, screen tested, etc. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured & What went into UR decision to be on @ESQTV #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured my decision was basically a yes from the get-go when Jason called me. seeing what the documentary did for the industry was special #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @ESQTV I thought it would be a great opportunity to show what we do is than simply drinking wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat Peep: do ppl N #wine Industry treat you differently since the show aired & do ppl stop you on the street @MorganWHarris
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Not really. I was working the floor last night, so didn't watch. Guests and service at the core of somm life. #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl I was stopped multiple times at the Wine Experience. surprised by the # of people who have mentioned the show #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl Thankfully not yet! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q @Richeboured @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris Have you ever made wine? Any desire too? If so what & where? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @SandyWasserman i would love to make wine at some point. actually my retirement plan in the south of france #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @Richeboured @jamasoniii Yeah! Aug.-Nov. at Waters in Walla Walla in 2011. Would kill to work another harvest. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @Richeboured @jamasoniii Would love to learn great white-wine making from @Luchets007 or @normhardie . #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris What was some of the funniest moments on @ESQTV #Uncorked ? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris @ESQTV My favorite moment is when @YannickBenjamin says he doesn't want to be a muffintop #SommChat
Dana Gaiser @Richeboured @KeeperColl @YannickBenjamin's disability comment @MorganWHarris sorry i was dying on that one buddy #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @ESQTV There's some great stuff coming with me and @YannickBenjamin. You'll have to wait. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Any lesser known regions or varietals that currently excite you we should look for? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @SandyWasserman @Richeboured @MorganWHarris I am in love with Nerello Mascalese from Mount Etna #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @SandyWasserman i love some of the wine being made in corsica currently, and some great things happening in savoie #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @SandyWasserman i had a killer gringet the other night, plus a beautiful niellucciu #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @WinesofGermany German Pinot Blanc doesn't get enough love. Serious Viognier deserves another look. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @SandyWasserman @AustrianwineUSA Grüner can never get enough love either. And serious Alsatian Pinot Gris! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris Did filming the @ESQTV #uncorked Show interfere w/ UR studies 4 @ MastersommUS ? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris Thankfully my only study at that point was blind tasting, so it was not too intrusive #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl @ESQTV did not interfere at all with my studies, in fact probably had me doing service and tasting practive #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @ESQTV As I said, Left/Right (production company) was great. Really easy to work with. I didn't mind. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: would you advise a #Somm to do a show @Esqtv #Uncorked and if so why ? @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl It is a great opportunity for exposure, but it takes an insane amount of time away from work and studies #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @ESQTV Why not? You miss 100% of shots you don't take. Tell your story, involve people in wine? Nothing to loose. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @ESQTV Or lose, even. #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew Great advice! #SommChat #wine #Uncorked
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @StephanieMiskew thanks for joining in on #SommChat and lk forward to ur questions
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl Great to be here - thanks!
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl @ESQTV #uncorked was a great experience. i would recommend it to other somms as long as they are not easily distracted #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris How close is @ESQTV #Uncorked to the actual process of going through @mastersommUS testing?
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl @ESQTV #uncorked shows a good cross-section, but remember all of us have been at this for many years @MasterSommUS #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @MasterSommUS Very! Some timelines were re-arranged for story-telling purposes, but @ESQTV accurate and true #SommChat.
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Gotta go, I have a bag full of bottles to show the world. Have a great day! #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm Q. @Richeboured You went from a Stanford Mechanical Engineering degree to #wine. What inspired the career change? #SommChat @KeeperColl
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @CharlesComm being in love with wine and food. getting sick of crunching numbers, but engineering teaches you how to analyze #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Congrats on premier of #Uncorked last night - very real & inspiring! #SommChat @KeeperColl #bravo
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @StephanieMiskew @Richeboured @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl So glad you enjoyed it! #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl Thanks! Stay ambitious in your own journey into wine and who knows what happens! My lesson. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris If Ucould change anything you did in 1st @ESQTV #Uncorked show, what would it be & why? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris @ESQTV remembered to wipe the bottle! Haha.#SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @ESQTV Service was sloppy at the competition. Would drink '89 Merkelbach Auslese again, though. @Richeboured, right? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @ESQTV At the end of the day though, no changes. Journey > result every single time. Growth, forward movement. #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @MorganWHarris merkelbach was tasty #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl i probably would not have recommended a Champagne from the Aube #uncorked @ESQTV #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: Was it hard competitng against your #NYC #Sommelier friends @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @MorganWHarris It was just how it actually usually is! TopSom was not staged, it was reality #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl i am totally used to it at this point. competition is pretty friendly and everyone is professional #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl No. I count on them to push me. It's a friendly rivalry of growth and betterment, not negative in any way. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris In episode 1 at #11onMadison , did you actually select #wines fr their #wine list? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl the wines very well could be on their list since it is exhaustive, but we keep a "mental wine list" #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris No. Just from the memory bank... #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl No. I'm sitting in EMP right now. Incredible list! They asked us for "A great 60s vintage California Cab." Open to us. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: did U learn something new abt UR #NYC #Somms during show & if so what? @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris @Richeboured
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @MorganWHarris @Richeboured It was really fun to see everyone do service. Not something that you normally get to see #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Totally. The community here is amazing. I count myself so lucky to have them as colleagues, friends, mentors. #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl definitely learned a lot about everyone, and certain things I did not want to know about @YannickBenjamin #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @jamasoniii What was it finally achieving Master #Sommelier status? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl It is such an honor to now be able to be associated with some of the greatest Somms in the world. The work is worth it #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: @Richeboured how to you keep up with Service not working in a resto?
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl it is definitely a challenge, but i did work in them as a #somm for almost 9 years. stages and practice exams #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: @MorganWHarris what is your secret to mastering #tasting for testing?
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Practice! Learning from others. Definitely my most difficult discipline. I blind 1-3 times a week. At a group this AM! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @jamasoniii What qualities do you take into consideration when u select #wines for the wine list at @martamanhattan ? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @martamanhattan Price 2 value ratio and over all deliciousness! I look 4 the best version of each varietal or style #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Richeboured Explain your duties as Key Accounts Director for Lauber Imports? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl tasting and selling wine to some of the best #somms in nyc, and futilely attempting to get them to respond to emails #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@morganwharris Tell us about the #wine list @aureoleNY ? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @AureoleNY 1500+ refs. And very American, i.e. focus on classics, tons of choice. Many gems in a 27-year-old cellar. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @jamasoniii do you still taste w/ UR #tasting group after getting MS? same with theory - do you still study& how?
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl I still taste, but with the somm team @martamanhattan to help them practice! #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl For theory, I get the pleasure of getting to focus on things that excite me! Theory never stops though #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass Q. @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris What advice can you give for practicing to find faults in #wine? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @winecompass great to see you on #SommChat and thanks for the questions
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @winecompass Taste a lot! TCA presents many different ways, but madierization, oxidation, re-fermentation are easy to spot. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @winecompass New and young somms must understand how wine ages though, esp. white burgundy and pre-1980s vintages. For quality. #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @winecompass VA: taste lots of italian red; brett: taste lots of older bordeaux; maderized: buy a bottle that was in a shop window #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @winecompass It comes down to exposure! Have to taste a wine that is flawed next 2 one that isn't to tease out the differences #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@morganwharris Explain your PT duties as an instructor at the American Sommelier Association @AmSommelier ? #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @AmSommelier was where I started my formal wine training in '09, great to do the same for a new generation of somms. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Richeboured What is UR favorite #wine region that you have travelled to, and where would you to go in the future? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl favorite visit is definitely burgundy...have been many times. high on my list are Madeira, Mosel and Piedmont #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Did Provence recently, pretty magical. Champagne and Piedmont as well. Can't wait for Austria, and NZ/Australia. #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Let's face it. I would just to go everywhere. Send me everywhere, please. #SommChat
Sivan _@sivan_salem @MorganWHarris agreed!!
Jarvis Comm. _@Jarviscomm Q: @Richeboured @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris which wine region are you most excited about at this moment? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @Jarviscomm champagne, quality keeps rising, and there are always a ton of new tiny amazing producers #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @Jarviscomm @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Champagne!! Such a dynamic, delicious beverage #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Richeboured What #wines can we find at your fridge at home? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl tons of german riesling ( 65 different bottlings), champagne, burgundy, sherry. a smattering of other fun things #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy peep: @Richeboured what made you work for distributor vs on floor of resto? #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl helped out with my family business one year. i came back to the industry i had be spoiled by the idea of a day job #SommChat
Fabien Lainé _@fabienlaine @KeeperColl sorry I made it to late for #SommChat this time - will catch up with all the tweets later ! Cheers #winelover
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @fabienlaine still time for a few questions :) #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris What are some of your favorite #food & #wine pairings? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris Champagne and Pizza is quite high on my list! @martamanhattan #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @martamanhattan Champagne and everything! #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @Richeboured @martamanhattan Yeah.. You are right #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl absolute favorite was old german riesling with whipped cream and sweat #inappropriatewinepairings #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl on a serious note: aged rose champagne and steak tartare #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl Love savory/dry-style Madieras with autumnal-flavored soups, game meat. Barolo and white truffles. #duh #SommChat
Jarvis Comm. _@Jarviscomm @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl We love truffles with just about anything! #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @Jarviscomm @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl YUM #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@jamasoniii @Richeboured & @morganwharris What #wines would U suggest 4 someone starting to learn abt wine? #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris Taste everything you can! It taste a wide base to develop a palate! #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl taste as much as you possibly can but start with the classics. they are classic for a reason #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @Richeboured that's a great idea; buy a wine in a shop window to see how heat damages #wine #SommChat
Dana Gaiser @Richeboured @winecompass VA: taste lots of italian red; brett: taste lots of older bordeaux; maderized: buy a bottle that was in a shop window #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl You must taste everything! Start with the classics, though. No Assyrtiko, etc. until later. Walk, then run! #SommChat
Odd Bacchus _@OddBacchus @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl But Assyrtiko, etc., tends to be ever so much affordable than the classics... #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @OddBacchus @KeeperColl Agree it's a crazy value. Plenty of affordable Chablis, Grüner, dry German Riesling, Alsatian wines, etc. #SommChat
Odd Bacchus _@OddBacchus @MorganWHarris @KeeperColl That's a great point - the wines you describe above are classics AND tend to be excellent values. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: is it hard being a #Sommelier in #NYC ? @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris @Richeboured
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured @KeeperColl i think being a #somm in nyc is amazing because we generally have access to wines than anywhere else in the world #SommChat
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @MorganWHarris @Richeboured It is one of the biggest wine and food destinations in the world. It is a lot of fun! #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl How much you *could* do, working hours, etc. I've had 16-18 hour scheduled days since Monday. So many open doors. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time 2 wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking abt #Wine & TV show #Uncorked w/ #Sommeliers @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW`
Jack Mason _@jamasoniii @KeeperColl @Richeboured @morganwharris It was a lot of fun! Thanks for having me!! #SommChat
Dana Gaiser _@Richeboured thanks for the twitter blitz @KeeperColl #SommChat @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @morganwharris Thanks for a great #SommChat and congrats on #Uncorked!
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured @MorganWHarris Fabulous #SommChat today & looking forward to #Uncorked! #WineWednesday #wine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking #Sommeliers @jamasoniii , @Richeboured & @morganwharris for their time on #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @KeeperColl @jamasoniii @Richeboured Thanks for having all of us and following the show #SommChat
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp @jamasoniii @MorganWHarris @Richeboured Thank you for a terrific #SommChat and Kudos on #Uncorked, loved it! Cheers to all @KeeperColl xx
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Exciting #SommChat 2 learn abt #wines & #Soave from #winemaker at Rocca Sveva Giancarlo Piubelli @SoavaUSA Wed 11/18/15 11 AM CST, 12 N ET!