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11/13 Maine's First Master Sommelier, Scott Tyree
Master Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from Maine’s first Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree !
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree, signing in from #Maine! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Scott Tyree @RScottTyree! Make sure to say hello so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with #Maine’s first Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree ! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Hi everyone in the twitterverse! Let's do this and get those questions coming in !
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @RScottTyree What sparked your interest in joining the #wineworld and becoming a Master #Sommelier? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Great #Somms from my past inspired me to get started, the history of #wine in the world has been fascinating to me since I was a kid. I was an exchange student in #Bordeaux which influenced my #wine career. #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: My first job in wine biz was as a Bartender @SpiaggiaChicago with a great #Somm, the late Henry Bishop, who inspired me #SommChat
Jason Hisaw @JRHisaw: When studying for the theory portion of the master’s exam, what was your approach from going to a theory exam on paper to a verbal theory exam. What was your preparation for the change? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @JRHisaw This was tough for me. Going from exam on paper to verbal theory, fully understand your subject which gives you confidence and practice saying it verbally out loud so that when you are in the room you have the confidence. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree how long did it take to get through the process of becoming a Master #Sommelier? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll from Intro exam to Master Diploma was a 21 Year process in terms of time. I took a break for 6 years after I had attempted 3 times on MS. I came back with a vengeance. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree What advice would you give for someone trying to pursue certification? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll balance your real life with your #wine studies - don't be all consumed by studying wine. Be ready to read a lot and understand the wine classics and above all master the craft of hospitality. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @RScottTyree You have received numerous awards in the #wine industry. Can you share which one meant the most to you and why? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Any recognition that is received by peers is an honor. I was humbled to receive the Jean Banchet award in #Chicago 3 times. Each time was a little overwhelming but very touching. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what made you move from a successful career in #Chicago to #maine?
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll I was ready for a big change and I married and we wanted to try a quieter life for a while, thinking we could go back to #Chicago. We love #Maine and now call it home. #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Sometimes you need to shake things up a bit & see what life can bring. in this case our visit to #Maine has turned into a lifelong home. Fortunately I can be a #Sommelier from anywhere. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove: @keepercoll - Good morning from very CHILLY Chicago! I keep thinking I must have met our guest at least one tasting here <smile> - what do you miss most about Chicago - any plans to visit again? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @demilove 1st #Chicago will always be 1st in my heart. I miss the vibrant #wine community, amazing #food scene, passionate wine professionals I have known 4 years & yes, I come back often. If @Somm_ArthurHon can move to #NYC, I can move to #Maine! #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga: which #wine shine 2016-17-18 years of #climatechange? are they more concentrated or sweeter or lacking depth or... @SommChat @keepercoll @RScottTyree #SommChat some #fun: #macron: its #bordeaux (at AOC-type for #food signing ceremony) #xijinping: yep..we OWN the cháteaux ;)
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @ormiga in #bordeaux the only vintage I have tasted is some 16s. 17s & 18s are not in the marketplace. My knowledge of 16 is that it is a ripe vintage with longevity and great potential. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree How have you seen the #wine world evolve in the past few years? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @KeeperColl certainly the aspect of #SocialMedia is a huge change in the #wine world. who would have thought I would have been doing #SommChat today 10 years ago? This is a complex question & so many other ways I could go with this any other > specific ?
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how has attaining the #Master #Sommelier Diploma changed your life if at all @RScottTyree
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Relative to my career, not changed that much. Personally, my motivation 2 achieve Master #Sommelier evolved from career aspirations to a desire to attain a personal goal. Now the focus is paying it forward with mentoring and education. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree What was the toughest part in the journey to becoming a Master #Sommelier?
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll Blind tasting and having confidence in my knowledge and abilities to understand classic #wines of the world. It took me 10 tries to pass blind tasting! I completely changed my approach and it paid off. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree How did it change your blind tasting approach?
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @KeeperColl basically I almost stopped blind tasting. I simply opened bottles, tasted them and tried to fully understand the #wines. I realized I know how to taste but needed to better understand how and why the #wine got that way. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @RScottTyree Do you have a process to teach this " understanding how and why the #wine got that way"?
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll This comes from fully undestanding viticulture, viniculture, grape variety characteristics., etc EX: taste all the leesy #wines next to each other and compare and contrast. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @RScottTyree Do you have any good advice for people who are unsure what #wines to taste if they are new to the #wine world? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @keepercoll TELL your fav #somm, #wine store pro or fellow #wine lover what U like and ask them to suggest 3 or 4 wines similar fr other parts of the world 4 U to try. EX: Sauvignon Blanc- Sancerre NZ, BDX Blanc and see which one you prefer #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @RScottTyree When you’re not drinking #wine, what are you drinking? #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: .@keepercoll #Maine has over 300 microbreweries so #beer by default are you listening @MONOSoff ? #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: It was great to have Maine’s first Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Master #Sommelier Scott Tyree @RScottTyree, signing in from #Maine for his time #SommChat
Scott Tyree @RScottTyree: @KeeperColl #SommChat has been so much fun today- thanks to all for the gr8 questions. if you aspire to be an MS or just want to learn about #wine, I encourage you to enjoy the process - it should be fun and rewarding.