So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

11/20 Master Sommelier David Glancy
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to San Francisco Wine School’s Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Master #Sommelier @SFWineSchool 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @SFWineSchool Ready for #SommChat !
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @KeeperColl @SFWineSchool hello from #vegas! #SommChat #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask Master #Sommelier David Glancy our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning from Chicago! Happy week before Thanksgiving. Would love to know what wine(s) you’ll be serving – #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool #WW #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove so glad you are here #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@KeeperColl Good morning! Ready for questions #SommChat #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @harleywine1 look forward to you ?s #SommChat
@WarrenBobrow1 (Warren Bobrow): #SommChat thoughts on barley wines with turkey? good combination? (I know, not wine)
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #SommChat @sfwineschool @KeeperColl What types of certifications do you offer?
@WineRackCo ( @KeeperColl @SFWineSchool Cheers all! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @WineRackCo great to see you on #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @winegrapestone great to see you back on #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #SommChat @sfwineschool Good morning from Dallas
@TheWinerist (winerist): @KeeperColl we are here and excited to take part! #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @SFWineSchool: .@WarrenBobrow1 depends on prep & sides but why not #barleywine #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Hi David! ? from Douglas– Do you think most of your students fit into one camp more than other (WSET/MW vs. MS)? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@demilove @KeeperColl great question! about 1/3rd ea w/ SWE as 3rd group #SommChat #wine Many Advance & Diploma WSET, Cert-Master CMS
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@winegrapestone @KeeperColl #FWS #CSW #CWAS #SommChat #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @AdamPlotkin we will miss you and stop that work thing:) #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @SFWineSchool What got you interested in the #Wine business & when did you first get interested? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl 1st spark – toured Loire at 16 yrs old & found Vouvray demi sec #SommChat #wine #loire
@TheWinerist (winerist): @winegrapestone @SFWineSchool Good afternoon from #London! We are delighted to take part! #SommChat #WineWednesday
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl … #wine #wiyg #foodies
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @sfwineschool @KeeperColl does California treat Wine EDU as hard as @NYSLA #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@noblewines @KeeperColl @Nysla Get a liquor license, proper permits, insurance, etc. & no problem. #SommChat #wineschools
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @SFWineSchool David, I’m familiar with CSW & FWS. Can you share more on CWAS? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines No CA focus cert existed. Trademarked & launched CWAS Jan 2012 Launched online Sept 2013 Roadshow launch Jan 2014 #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines We’ve got CWAS (class) #California #Wine #Appellation Specialist #CWAS … #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl #SommChat topic?!?!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @AdamPlotkin Master #Sommelier David Glancy of @SFWineSchool on #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @AdamPlotkin: @KeeperColl #SommChat topic?!?! Skyrocketing prices of Burgundy? At least that’s what I’m concerned of at the moment!!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @SFWineSchool: 2nd spark-opened restaurant N #Macau & got many fine leftovers from #France, #Italy, #Portugal, etc & it was on! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @SFWineSchool What makes #California a special region for #wine? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl mediterranean climate=happy grapes, easy to grow consistently good grapes Ocean, mountains, river valleys #SommChat #wine…
@MaisonLEnvoye (Maison L’Envoye): “@KeeperColl: Can’t wait to see you @ #SommChat 11AM CST! @winetonite @winedowndiva @thewinekey @thewinerist @morandazzoMB @maisonlenvoye
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @MaisonLEnvoye great to see you at #SommChat today
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines @KeeperColl #HospicesDeBeaune auction prices were through the roof! Was lucky to get a barrel–most were out of sight. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @SFWineSchool where will the CWAs Roadshow go in 2014? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl UC Davis, Fresno State, Cal Poly & free to experiment #SommChat #california #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @MaisonLEnvoye: @KeeperColl stoked to be here ! What a fantastic guest… Would not miss it #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @MaisonLEnvoye have your #wines arrived in the US yet? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl Pilot in Santa Rosa #sonoma Jan 31-Feb 2 online reg soon. quarterly major markets NYC, Chicago, Vegas, Miami, etc #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @AdamPlotkin: @KeeperColl #HospicesDeBeaune Was lucky to get a barrel–most were out of sight. #SommChat which barrel did ya get?
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @RachelVoorhees great to see you on #SommChat today look forward to you ?s
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl Thanks, Rachel! #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@RachelVoorhees #FWS & their Master Classes, #CSW followed by #CWE, my own #CWAS, #WSET 4 levels (skip 1 & maybe 2) #SommChat #credentials
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines @KeeperColl Meursault Cuvee Loppin. 1/2 Les Cras, 1/2 Criots. Very excited! Now need all #SommChat folks to buy a bottle!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @SFWineSchool Tell us more about the San Francisco Wine School. #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl Mission: Preparing #Wine Professionals for the Real World Fundraising to programs etc #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @SFWineSchool #CWAS sounds great!What’s one thing that still surprises wine pros on CA wine or regions? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines So Many! – # of single or zero winery #AVAs, scope of #southcoast AVA, counties w/ lots of wineries & zero AVAs #SommChat …
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines , diverse #california grapes & styles #altamesa #torrontes, #mokelumneriver #graciano, #ednavalley #grunerveltliner #SommChat ..
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines 20 pending #AVAs #california #wine #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees – Hi Rachel! Great to see you here – #SommChat
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl Lunchtime break with #SommChat #digestknowledge #betterlatethannever
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @KeeperColl: @MaisonLEnvoye have ur #wines arrived in US? #SommChat Just signed up for info on your site what wines r you bringing in?
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @nzcomplexity so glad you could join in over lunch on #SommChat
@MaisonLEnvoye (Maison L’Envoye): “@KeeperColl: @MaisonLEnvoye #SommChat” they should be almost n NYC @AISelections & on the h2o 4 CA. Thank you for asking! #yeah
@nzcomplexity (Complexity): @KeeperColl Us too! #SommChat #whereknowledgeisserved
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): Can of Worms: Who believes, that the majority of Calif. Pinot Noir producers blend in up to 25% Syrah? #WineChat #SommChat #winestudio
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): @cuvee_corner doubt many go to 25% but most entry-mid level add some. It’s better than mega purple #SommChat #pinot #california
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): .@RachelVoorhees @noblewines @KeeperColl Remember that scene in Goodfellas? “You’re funny!” #SommChat
@MaisonLEnvoye (Maison L’Envoye): “@noblewines: RT @KeeperColl: @MaisonLEnvoye #SommChat Wow! Thank you! Bourg R&Blanc. SLB 1er cru Marconnets and a tiny bit of cote de py
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Late but online & spectating! RT @SFWineSchool: .@KeeperColl Good morning! Ready for questions #SommChat #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @drewbie_g so glad you can join in on #SommChat today – thx for letting us know you are here
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @cuvee_corner #SommChat Majority is harsh, but it’s done & not only w/Syrah, Grenache too. Done in France 2… see Gallo 4 evidence
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): Catching up on the questions thus far… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SAHMmelier so glad #SommChat worked for you today:)
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): Sorry if this has already been asked: For writers, which certification would be a good starting point? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@SAHMmelier IF int’l 3 answers: Intro #courtofms, #WSET level 1 or 2 & #SWE #CSW … #SommChat #wine #credentials
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl – I look forward to meeting you in Chicago! – #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @noblewines @AdamPlotkin Chris I think @brzimmerman would be a good person to ask this to – he has a great shop &knows CO folks #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @SFWineSchool #wine & professionals real & world in same sentence… I’m confused. Thought we were escaping real world #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@noblewines only escape is old #German #Riesling ! #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): RT @SAHMmelier: Catching up on the questions thus far… #SommChat -> Me too
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @winecompass yeahhh – great to see you on #SommChat
@hkremer (hkremer): @SAHMmelier excellent question #SommChat @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl
@hkremer (hkremer): @winecompass me three! serendipity! @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @RachelVoorhees: Q. @SFWineSchool What are your favorite wines to pair w/ Thanksgiving dinner? #SommChat #wine
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@KeeperColl @RachelVoorhees a non-wine Framboise #Lambic, New World #pinot, #alsace gewurz #SommChat #thanksgivingwine
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl @noblewines @brzimmerman BZ is ‘da man! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @SFWineSchool What do you like to do with your personal time? #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): A. @KeeperColl Eat, drink, travel, hike, camp, ski, soccer. Live, teach & learn w/ my daughter. #SommChat #sommelier
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): #SommChat @SFWineSchool I’m excited to see many Spanish & Italian varietals being planted in CA. All the info, clearly need for #CWAS
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines YES #Alborino, #Tempranillo & #Graciano small but growing. Mixed results on #Sangiovese & still trying. Love #noceto #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@demilove @KeeperColl GREAT! C u in Chicago for #CWAS #SommChat #wine #sommelier
@hkremer (hkremer): what if only regional? RT @sfwineschool IF int’l 3 answers: Intro #courtofms, #WSET level 1 or 2 & #SWE #CSW #SommChat #wine #credentials
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): Okay, but why not disclose it? RT @SFWineSchool: doubt many go to 25% but most entry-mid level add some. #SommChat #pinot #california
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl – I’ll be happy to blog about it once you have locked in the dates! – #SommChat
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): This got me laughing! > Ha! RT @SFWineSchool: It’s better than mega purple #SommChat #pinot #california
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@cuvee_corner Push on 4 full disclosure labeling in CA/USA. They should self regulate & give details. #SommChat #ingredientlabeling #wine
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @SFWineSchool: @cuvee_corner doubt many go 25% most entry-mid level add some #SommChat or those seeking big Parker #’s
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @SFWineSchool: .@noblewines only escape is old #German #Riesling ! #SommChat Cuvee Freddie & Clos Hune aren’t German are they? @trimbach
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @cuvee_corner see Brunello scandal for more reasons… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk w/ Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @SFWineSchool Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Master #Sommelier David Glancy @SFWineSchool for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Sassodoro @SFWineSchool u are welcome – gr8 guest helps:) #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): @SFWineSchool Why I love #SommChat Now I’m in search for CA #noceto Thanks David! Good luck on #CWAS launch.
@hkremer (hkremer): @sfwineschool Thanks David!! I’ll be checking out the online courses soon @KeeperColl #SommChat #wine #ww
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@demilove @KeeperColl Thanks! Will keep u posted. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @OWOCWines so glad #SommChat brings you pleasure – see you next week we hope
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@OWOCWines #california best #sangiovese #SommChat Nutz! 4 everyday
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): Agree! RT @SFWineSchool: Push on 4 full disclosure labeling in CA/USA They should self regulate & give details. #SommChat #wine
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): Thnx everyone 4 gr8 questions & positive vibes @KeeperColl for having me. Sign 4 our email future classes … #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @WineandFilmLady how are you doing – have missed you on #SommChat
@amylieberfarb (Sip on This Juice): Q. @SFWineSchool – Do you hold any seminars or workshops that focus specifically on a certain wine region? #napa #sonoma #SommChat
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): Do consumers care? RT @noblewines: RT @SFWineSchool: dbt many go 25% most entry-mid level add some #SommChat or those seeking big Parker #’s
@amylieberfarb (Sip on This Juice): @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl I’m in Santa Rosa….give heads up when online reg ready, Sounds perfect -Cheers until next time #Sonoma #SommChat
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@amylieberfarb #CWAS … #california #wine in 8 regional modules incl #napa #sonoma #monterey #santabarbara #SommChat ..
@SFWineSchool (SF Wine School): .@amylieberfarb #CSW 10 modules all world #wine regions … #SommChat
@themodsomm (Rhonda J Boos): #SommChat China is definitely collecting…. 200 bottles of Cheval blanc!
@ormiga (ormiga): recenty tried young 1st harvest #india #wine that immed ithought #thanksgiving @RachelVoorhees @SFWineSchool @KeeperColl #SommChat
@yumivore (yumivore): @KeeperColl @TperezWine catching #SommChat notes, sending #ww cheers
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez): “@yumivore: @KeeperColl @TperezWine catching #SommChat notes, sending #ww cheers” cheers!