So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

1/13 Master Sommelier Dustin Wilson
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine fr Master #Sommelier Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS of @anvilwine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd to introduce you to Master #Sommelier @DustinWilsonMS of @anvilwine who will talk about #wine on #SommChat #WW
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms .@KeeperColl Hello Twitterverse!! @anvilwine #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @dustinwilsonms @KeeperColl @anvilwine Same to you Dustin #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @DustinWilsonMS 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@winecompass @Sassodoro so glad you can join in on #SommChat today - look fwd to you questions
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine with Master #Sommelier Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS of @anvilwine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS Who/What inspired you to begin working in the #wine industry? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl I always loved the elements of history, geography, travel, culture that wine involves! Makes it a fun topic. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: how much time do U spend traveling w/ the multip. biz and how do U manage juggling all? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Travel a good amount. Stay very organized with the calendar ;) #SommChat
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp HI @dustinwilsonms , Welcome to #SommChat! How is it working on the supply side after being on the buyer side #EMP?
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @CaravelleChamp good question Rita - Happy #WW #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms .@CaravelleChamp Hello lovely!! Supplier side is certainly not as glam but it's a chance to get intimate with certain wines #SommChat
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp Great, thank you Lovely yourself! Xx #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS What are your main duties @anvilwine ? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl I help source new wines for the book, grow our network & get out to CO to meet with customers! @anvilwine #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Hello from Chicago! What's new in everyone's 2016? - #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - Do you miss Eleven MP? Have you returned to dine as a customer? - #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @demilove I miss my team tremendously! Been back for drinks but not full dinner yet. Hopefully soon! @KeeperColl #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @dustinwilsonms @KeeperColl @anvilwine - Will you be making any appointments here in Chicago - would love to taste with you! - #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @demilove Not working up in Chi-town at the moment! Though I need to get back up to eat! @KeeperColl @anvilwine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS What made you decide to leave Eleven Madison Park as #wine director to join @anvilwine ? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl EMP was amazing but was time to prep for my next chapter #alwaysevolve @anvilwine lets me see other side of the biz #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines #SommChat hey @dustinwilsonms how are you, we met in Port Jeff at a showing of that disturbing horror movie you were in @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @noblewines how are you - glad you can start off 2016 with a #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines @KeeperColl yeah I've been on twitter hold 4 Business issues #SommChat I've missed gonna try 2 participate w/clients @parkplacewines
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @noblewines awesome and loook forward to you/ @parkplacewines joining in #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @noblewines Hey there! Thanks for tuning in!! @KeeperColl #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: How many #wines do you produce @VallinWine & do you have plans 4 growth? do you work in cellar or vineyards or ?
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl We make just 2 wines right now. Might grow in the future... Want to make best wine possible first. @VallinWine #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass Q. @dustinwilsonms And what part of #sbcwine are the @VallinWine grapes sourced? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @winecompass Sta. Rita, Santa Maria, Ballard Canyon. #Represent SBC! @VallinWine #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @dustinwilsonms @VallinWine Biked through Ballard Canyon couple years back. Love that new AVA #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @winecompass Killer! Kimsey is a site that we work with. @VallinWine #SommChat
Rebecca Hopkins @beckhopkinswine @KeeperColl @dustinwilsonms @anvilwine @VallinWine @SandyWasserman @exceptionalfood @jillzimorski sorry to miss such a great guest!
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Me too #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @SandyWasserman awww - not the same without you asking #SommChat questions
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @KeeperColl Thanks, just sent in all my questions to @dustinwilsonms . #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS @anvilwine is a brand new company. How do you see it in 3-5 years? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Hope to keep growing and become one of the leaders in CO! Maybe expand into other markets as well.... @anvilwine #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines @dustinwilsonms Sooo what is the Anvil about? is it in NY market? #SommChat I've done a bit of sourcing, distribution over years
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @noblewines @anvilwine is a small wholesale biz in CO only right now. Check out our site:
Christopher Miller _@noblewines #SommChat I might have some small producers worthy of your new biz @anvilwine - any ideas 4 other states?
Dustin Wilson MS @dustinwilsonms A. @noblewines Maybe in the future. Focusing on CO for now! @anvilwine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: do you plan to stay in #NYC or move to #Colorado or even #California ? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Staying in the #BigApple for the foreseeable future :) #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q @dustinwilsonms Who are your mentors in wine biz? Any interest in making wine? If so what & where? What wines really excite you? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @SandyWasserman Mentors: @BobbyStuckeyMS @rajatparr @erailsba ! Wine - @VallinWine from #SantaBarbara. Syrah is king for me! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS What are some of the most popular #wines @anvilwine and why? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Beaujolais, Rhone, & Southern France dominate. I think it's what people are really starting to get into! @anvilwine #SommChat
Park Place Wines _@ParkPlaceWines @dustinwilsonms excited about first #SommChat Do you have an eta for distribution to NY? Any thoughts on a distributor? @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @ParkPlaceWines great to have you join in for your 1st #SommChat - come back
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @ParkPlaceWines We will ly stay out west. @grandcruselect and @IPOwines are some of my fav in #NYC @KeeperColl #SommChat
Grand Cru Selections _@grandcruselect @dustinwilsonms @parkplacewines @KeeperColl thanks Dustin! #SommChat
Carrie Marchal _@carriemarchal @dustinwilsonms @grandcruselect @IPOwines because the staff @ bowler is lacking these days? _
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms @carriemarchal Missing a key saleswoman...._
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @dustinwilsonms As the one of the OG "Celebrity Somms" do you think the label is appropriate or is it just sensationalist? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@MorganWHarris perhaps @dustinwilsonms could ask the same thing of you after the @ESQTV Fame for you??? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @MorganWHarris Now you! It's a bit much I think. It's about work put in, not time in press/on camera. Guests first! #SommChat
Morgan W. Harris _@MorganWHarris @dustinwilsonms Right! Thinking about the disconnect between sommelier's traditional role as seamless part service + "celebrity". #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @MorganWHarris Yes. Focus #1 should be guests and your program. Not getting famous. #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @dustinwilsonms How do you determine which wineries to include in the @anvilwine collection? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @winecompass Small, family producers. Tasted to make sure they are true to their land and overdeliver. @anvilwine @KeeperColl #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS @anvilwine is located in Colorado. What are some of biggest differences b/w working N #NYC & #Colorado? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Massive market in NYC. CO is smaller... Great family/community vibe in both places though. Love both! @anvilwine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: what postive changes in #wine industry have U seen in last 3 years and any predictions 4 next 3? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl People are so much open to all types of wines. Southern hemisphere is next! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep at work:) how do U keep up UR theory Knowledge as Master #Sommelier or is that not done once one passes? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl I dive much into the areas that I'm passionate about. Deeper knowledge rather than broad. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS What do you see as some benefits working for @anvilwine over positions in restaurant industry? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Love being outside! Not being cooped up indoors all day :) @anvilwine #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines did importing of such 4 @sidcarwines still have some, distribution partner weak lacking. #SommChat @RainbowsEndWine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: have you considered making #wine outside of #US and if so where? Imagine very cost prohibitive??? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Dream to make wine in the Rhone. Maybe one day! Haven't looked into it seriously... yet! #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @dustinwilsonms how many cases in total to you import into the US for @anvilwine and is any available in DC market? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @winecompass We are only 6 mo. old so yet to see what our avg will be. Sticking to CO for now but that may change. @anvilwine #SommChat
Park Place Wines _@ParkPlaceWines @dustinwilsonms Does Eleven Madison Park have any relation to @HighwayHamptons? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @ParkPlaceWines Nope! Not to my knowledge. @HighwayHamptons #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines @dustinwilsonms did you see this @Levi_opens_wine article about #sommelier #SommChat #wine #winechat…
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @noblewines I did. Great piece. Agree on some points but not all. @Levi_opens_wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS What differences did you see bw being in the 2 #Somm documentaries? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl #SOMM 1 - about somms. SOMM 2 is about wine. #SommChat
Chris Nuber @chrisnuber @KeeperColl @dustinwilsonms Somm 2 is the one where Jigsaw has the bear trap I think #SommChat
Christopher Miller _@noblewines RT @noblewines: That first one gave me the willies... bad memories. Excellent movie… #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: any advice to someone studying for @MasterSommUS and exp theory and blind tasting @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Theory is discipline and focus. Blind tasting is practice and staying humble. All require extreme dedication #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS you have been filmed for doc movies and TV - what are the differences in preparing for each one? one better? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl very similar in prep in my experience. I d doing the movie better :) Both very fun! #lucky #SommChat
Andrés Gourdie _@drewbie_g Viva #SommChat ! ___
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @drewbie_g glad you can be here today on #SommChat look forward to your questions
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS What are some of your favorite #winefoodpairings you have tried recently? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Pigato & peel and eat shrimp! All about casual food & wine recently. Things don't have to be fancy to be great. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: if you could name one job you would to have other than what you do, what would it be? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Love this question! Either ski bum or photographer... Or some combo of the two!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: can you give some good advice for service practive and any tips for service no-nos @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Srvc is all about smiling and keeping your cool. Practice mechanics so that they are 2nd nature. #SommChat
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp @dustinwilsonms you gave an AMAZING #Bordeaux class/tasting @yourjournee recently. Any classes in the works? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @CaravelleChamp THANK YOU! Nothing else on the books just yet but would love to return.. Hint, hint - @yourjournee #SommChat
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp @dustinwilsonms YAY! #hints => #reality! you're not only super knowledgeable, also a fab teacher #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms @CaravelleChamp And you are a sweetheart! #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @dustinwilsonms It's a snowy Wednesday night in CO, what bottle of @anvilwine would you reach for? #casualwine #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @dustinwilsonms Sounds fabulous! Used to live in CO & miss snowy nights - don't get them in FL #lol:) Congrats on @anvilewine! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @StephanieMiskew great to see you on #SommChat today and hope 2016 is going well for you!
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl Great to be at #SommChat & 2016 is busy, busy = a very good thing! Hope all is well with you too:) #WW
Christopher Miller _@noblewines #SommChat my client @toppingrose will be @beardfoundation this Friday I paired food w/ @trimbach @arcanumwines @macarivineyards @Solistewine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@noblewines nice to see @Trimbach in the mix - love that producer and the wines #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga COLD #bombay 20C maybe still thawing usa € days what #wine w omelette #SommChat @StephanieMiskew @dustinwilsonms @anvilwine @KeeperColl
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @ormiga #Champagne!! Always a fav with omelette. @EtienneCalsac is our man! #musttry @StephanieMiskew @anvilwine @KeeperColl #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga oya! #champagne w omelette @dustinwilsonms @EtienneCalsac @StephanieMiskew @anvilwine @KeeperColl send #a380-fuls
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinwilsonMS Rumors are that you may have another project for 2016 - any hints you can give #SommChat peeps??? WOW - on plate?
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Yes!! I love a full plate ;) Launching a retail biz here in #NYC. Fingers crossed to be open for early summer! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: What would you rec as best sources for consumer wine knowledge updates - easy and quick to read? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Check out @WineFolly ! Great resource. Also, @noblerotmag is fantastic. #SommChat
Natalie Gerke _@Ngerke Hey @dustinwilsonms :) favorite beverage (alcoholic of course) besides wine? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @Ngerke Easy... @ModeloUSA or #RyeManhattan. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@Ngerke so great to see you on #SommChat you and @dustinwilsonms must come visit us IN #Austin :)
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS What are your favorite things to do in your spare time? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Not much spare time recently but love being outside - run/bike & most of all, ski! Also cooking at home & good book #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: what would rec 4 young #Sommelier as best #wine path in Biz to learn & in what order of progression? @dustinwilsonms
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl In my book, good restaurant but GREAT mentor is key. Soak it up. Travel a lot and read even . Be patient. #SommChat
Matt Harrelson _@matteharrelson #SommChat @dustinwilsonms love any wines from the northwest? WA? OR?
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @matteharrelson Love OR Pinot. Syrah from WA can be awesome too! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@DustinWilsonMS What are some #wine regions you dream about visiting in the future? #SommChat
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms A. @KeeperColl Really want to get down to Patagonia! Ahem, @pieroincisa #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ Master #Sommelier Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS of @anvilwine on #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have Dustin Wilson @DustinWilsonMS join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Dustin Wilson MS _@dustinwilsonms @KeeperColl Thank you so much! Great to be here as always :) #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Master #Sommelier @DustinWilsonMS of @anvilwine for his time on #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @DustinWilsonMS @anvilwine Thanks for a great #SommChat!
Rita Jammet _@CaravelleChamp Thank you @dustinwilsonms @anvilwine , excellent #SommChat @KeeperColl xx
Stephanie Miskew CSW _@StephanieMiskew Big thanks to @dustinwilsonms for a fabulous #SommChat & best of luck with @anvilwine!!! #Cheers #wine #WineWednesday
Kay Marley-Dilworth _@ATXFoodnews I keep missing out on #SommChat, but I always go back and read through the feed. #LearnSomethingNew