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1/16 Author and Master of Wine Rosemary George
Rosemary George
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from #Author and Master of #Wine Rosemary George tweeting from @cwl_wine Classic Wine Library!
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: We’d like to introduce you to Rosemary George @cwl_wine who has written 12 books and was one of the first females to pass the Master of #Wine exam in 1979!
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Rosemary George @cwl_wine to say hello & so she knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: As we ask our Qs, you can ask Rosemary your Qs as well! She'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @cwl_wine & @keepercoll 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Let's start talking #wine with Rosemary George, MW @@cwl_wine ! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: Well hello everybody lovely to meet you electronically on #SommChat today
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: @cwl_wine Rosemary, how did you start #writing about #wine and what level of knowledge does it take to do that? #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I had been working in the #wine trade for 9 yrs and passed the #Master of #wine exam so I had a fair amt of knowledge! I went to work 4 a #wine merchant in #London & got sacked!…. #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I knew someone who worked in #Chablis & went there & had an article to write for pay which started me off. I realized while there that a book on #Chablis was needed as it is quite different than the rest of #Burgundy and that was the beginning of my writing career….. #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: The #Chablis book I wrote won awards and the publishers said please write something else, so I wrote abt #Chianti and #Tuscany in the mid 1980s. And now I am 12 books published and more to come #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: @cwl_wine Rosemary You have written 12 books which is incredible, but can you tell us a little bit about the new book you’re working on? #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I am writing my 3rd book on #Chablis for Classic Wine Library Series. 1st one came in 1984, 2nd book 2007 (25 yrs Later) and now 3rd Chablis book to come out in late 2019…. #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: From the 1st #Chablis book to this 3rd book I am now interviewing the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the original #winemakers I interviewed !!! It is nice 2 see how it has evolved & the beauty of the evolution of the region & the #wines #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm I saw that you wrote a book for @cwl_wine on Faugeres - please share some highlights about this area that no one talks about
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I chose to right about Faugeres which is 2 villages from our #languedoc home & I was looking to right another book. Faugeres is a very compact area - it has 8 villages and it is all Schist making lovely #wines including some of the gr8 #winemakers of the Languedoc. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat Somm Rosemary @cwl_wine Since you were one of the first female Masters of #Wine to pass the exam in 1979, can you say how the exam has changed and what challenges you faced going into it?
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: The world of #wine has become so much larger - in size and in grape varieties than in 1979. I would not have imagined then that I would write a book on New Zealand wines. I am glad I am NOT doing the exam now. #SomMChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what was your MW thesis on and have you ever thought about updating it since so many years have passed Rosemary @cwl_wine
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I passed the exam so many yrs ago that a thesis was not required - much to my relief. So instead I write books :). #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Rosemanrt what would you say sets the Classic #wine library books apart from other wine books @cwl_wine
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I think that the trend these days is that #wine books often are just a basic introduction whereas the Classic Wine library books are an in-depth look at the area and require much research on the ground. The authors specialize in the areas they write about #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: @cwl_wine Rosemary What is something that you would like to see from the #wine world? #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: #Restaurant reviews wax on and on about the food and the atmosphere but often do not address what the reviewer drank. I wish this would be addressed to give insight into the #wine lists, the #sommelier service, etc. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: @cwl_wine What is a day in your life working look like? #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: When I have a book deadline I am focused 1st on my writing when I am back. On a good day I can get 2000 words done. This would be writing in the morning and tasting in the afternoon…. #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: When I am doing research in the region I am going to write about, I visit the #wineries and #winemakers and interview and take old-fashioned handwritten notes! These will be used as my basis for the upcoming book. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Rosemary, @cwl_wine Where are some of your favorite #wine places that you have traveled and which ones inspired you to write books?
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: #Chablis #languedoc #tuscany and #Chianti countryside and #newzealand. I would suggest also a love for seeing #greece #georgia and #israel #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q from #SommChat #Somm what do you do if you have writers’ block @cwl_wine Rosemary ?
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: Deadlines are very helpful in overcoming #writers block. It makes the mind concentrate as you have no other choice but to get it done. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what do you think the #winemakers in #langeudoc have done to improve their #wines @cwl_wine
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: I think #winemaking has improved all around the world like understanding use of oak barrels, temperature control of #wine cellars, understanding temp of fermentation and blending wine, and much better viticulture…. #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: Exciting to see newcomers coming to the area and seeing the #languedoc with fresh eyes - it is a great place to live and the vineyard prices are enticing compared to other areas. If U want to go #organic, it is generally easier in the #languedoc #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: @cwl_wine Rosemary, it’s been amazing talking to you today but it’s especially exciting to make a live announcement about the exclusive offer for 30% off books of the Classic Wine Library? Can you share how #SommChat peeps can get this disct?
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: Yes. Use the code GeorgeChat30 at checkout to get a 30% discount until midnight on 30 January. Customers in US/Canada can buy books here: And everybody else can visit our UK store here: #GOFORIT #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with Rosemary George talking about her books on @cwl_wine #WineWednesday #SommChat
Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine: Well I have had fun - it has been a great experience as I did not know what to expect. I am usually the one asking the Qs, do not have the experience answering the Qs! I hope that @keepercoll will have me back on #SommChat someday soon.
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: It was great to have Rosemary join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Please join us in thanking Rosemary George, MW for talking about her books @cwl_wine and for her time!! SommChat