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1/17 Chief Executive Ian Harris, Wine & Spirit Education Trust
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine from Ian Harris, Chief Exec for @WSETglobal! Tweet to @keepercoll
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Ian to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: As we ask Ian Harris @keepercoll our Qs, you can ask your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & Ian Harris 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with Ian Harris from @WSETglobal! #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife: Good morning! Nice to be here at #SommChat this #WineWednesday
Ian Harris: Ian says great to be here on #SommChat today excited to interact with all of you guys
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian, can you tell us a little about the history of @WSETglobal? How began and who started it and when? #SommChat
Ian Harris: We were founded in 1969 and set up to provide education for those that worked in the industry in the #UK; started by a UK Livery Co called The Vintners CO. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how many students do you have on average in one year? What are your biggest countries that participate @WSETglobal ?
Ian Harris: # of students in last 12 months is about 85,000 @WSETglobal biggest countries are 1. #China in 10 yrs grown from only in Hong Kong to >100 centers in mainland China, then #UK, #3 is #USA #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife: Wow! That's quite a bit of growth. When I took classes in NYC, I noticed a majority of female instructors. Does that translate to global numbers? #SommChat
Ian Harris: Many of instructors are females - do not know exact % - from student perspective have noticed increase in females taking courses. In 1970 there were no female diploma grads, in 2017 over 1/2 of 420 grads are female #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Hello again Ian via @keepercoll We had lunch together @TEXSOM & outstanding @TaittingerUSA Great to see you on #SommChat
Ian Harris: I remember Courtney - great to see you again here on #SommChat the @TEXSOM @TaittingerUSA lunch was a great one #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian can you talk about Increase in consumers taking @WSETglobal courses and what this means for the trade #SommChat
Ian Harris: Having been set up to educate the industry, we are delighted that consumers are interested in taking our courses around the world. The proportion of non-trade to industry is growing and estimate that 1/3 are not in the industry. #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @Primlanikitchen: Q: What career options follow @WSETglobal certifications for both consumers and trade #SommChat
Ian Harris: @WSETglobal qualification at any level opens up opportunities in all aspects of the industry. Whilst not a guarantee of future employment, employers R > and > looking for candidates that have knowledge of the industry #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Ian can you please share any @WSETglobal goals in US for 2018? #SommChat
Ian Harris: have appointed biz development team 4 #US who only started on 1/1-goal is 2 reach out further into distributor network & also C big opportunity 4 #spirits education in US, team will also be actively reaching out 2 other trade sectors like Hospitality #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep: what are the most actively taken courses by non-trade and how long do the students usually stay in a @WSETglobal program?
Ian Harris: Non-trade ppl do all levels of certification studies and we are surprised and pleased by how many go on to @WSETglobal diploma #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian, many think that @WSETglobal qualifications mainly for #sommelier working FOH. Is it more than that? #SommChat
Ian Harris: Whilst the @WSETglobal qualification are very useful for those working in FOH, the knowledge gained fr WSET courses is extremely valuable for ppl working in all sectors of the industry #SommChat
Shiba Sommelier @shibasommelier: @keepercoll & Ian w/ @WSETglobal Q - Are canine sommeliers allowed in the WSET program or do you only allow humans at this time? #SommChat
Ian Harris: We haven’t had one yet but we have had a #Sommelier that was completely blind and we made an entire course to take into account their impairment #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm How would U describe the diff between @WSETglobal certifications and @MasterSommUS Certifications?
Ian Harris: We work very closely with @MasterSommWW @MasterSommUS & good example is working as education partners @TEXSOM. Many MS students have taken @WSETglobal courses to prepare 4 MS studies #SommChat
Sweetie Tweetie @stephanieblock: Great question! Since I’m in #wine sales not service I decided to take the @WSETglobal certifications as opposed to MS pathway #SommChat
Ian Harris: Great idea! All around knowledge you get fr @WSETglobal certification will certainly help you in your #wine sales career. #SommChat
Sweetie Tweetie @stephanieblock: And Ian you were Fort Knox about my pending score when I asked you at @TEXSOM but I’m happy to report I passed WSET 3 😂🍷📚✏️ #SommChat #wset @WSETglobal #texsom
Ian Harris: Many Congratulations and I am glad you UNDERSTAND that I have to keep results confidential HAHA per IAN #SommChat
Sweetie Tweetie @stephanieblock: Haha you’re tough but fair lol #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Q. for Ian via @keepercoll can you please share about @WSETglobal #Sake certifications? @ToshioUeno has been great teaching many of your US courses #SommChat
Ian Harris: We 1st launched #Sake Certification in 2014 then launched Level 1 award in 2016 in response 2 demand in hosp. Sector in particular. @ToshioUeno is a gr8 guy and ran level 1 #Sake as part of @TEXSOM 2017 #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: In #US what is the Availability of @WSETglobal spirits and sake qualifications and can you comment on the increasing need for professionals to have this breadth of knowledge #SommChat
Ian Harris: For Coverage we have good on West and East Coast #US - goal in 2018 is to increase coverage in more areas in US. W/ spirits consumers are becoming > & > fascinated & want 2 know > abt this. W/ #Sake > basic need to tell ppl exactly what it is #SommChat
Lauren Harrison @13lharrison: How exciting! Hope to see programs in #ATX soon! #SommChat
Ian Harris: Thanks - #TX is certainly a priority for us - have #Houston and #Dallas keep an eye in #ATX for us! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian, what is a typical week like as Chief of @WSETglobal? How and who started it and when? #SommChat
Ian Harris: There is no typical week @WSETglobal our team is now over 100 people in #London, 5 ppl in #Hongkong, and I have a Sr. Mgt group of 9 people #SommChat
Ian Harris: And of course we have 2 new additions In #US for biz development team and 1 is on my sr mgt team. #SommChat
St. Supery Winery @stsupery: For all the wine, spirit and sake scholars out there, check out #SommChat right now for a lively discussion about certifications, and get your questions answered as well
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Ian via @keepercoll I’m packing now for Monday’s @WSETglobal graduation. What is most exciting for you at the ceremony? #SommChat
Ian Harris: Meeting all of the successful students is the most exciting for me per Ian and congratulations - look forward to seeing you again. #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Looking forward to graduation and seeing you again. Congrats to you Ian on being appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian, what are some of the biggest changes you have seen in the #Wine and #Spirits education industry in the last year? #SommChat
Ian Harris: In recent yrs it is really encouraging to see how many #wine & #spirit companies R using eduction as part of their mkt mix … #SommChat
Ian Harris: when I was a salesman in 80s we used 2 have 2 give listing fees to get our products to market! Now many distributors & wholesalers offer @WSETglobal classes to their customers #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Ian, what do you see on the horizon for #Wine and #Spirits education industry? #SommChat
Ian Harris: We R seeing > & > ppl who will need 2 get their education online rather than in the classroom so we have recruited a team to greatly improve our online course offerings #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Great to hear @WSETglobal is improving online classes. One of my small group members virtually was @AleEsteves7 now running #WSET classes @flwineacademy #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @Path2Wine U beat us to the punch! Ian, congratulations on being awarded the Queen’s Award and being appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire, any details U can share? #SommChat
Ian Harris: I found out in Nov 2017 abt my appt but had 2 keep quiet 4 six wks until announce on NYE. I am waiting 2 hear when I will be invited to the Palace to receive my HONOR…. #SommChat
Ian Harris: I have had the fortune and pleasure to meet the Queen once before in 2015 when @WSETglobal received the Queen's award for Enterprise for our International Trade #SommChat
Lauren Harrison @13lharrison: As a beginner sales consultant for a wine and spirits distributor, education is one of my #1 priorities. What advice can you give me about your experience in the industry and how to focus my learning? #SommChat
Ian Harris: I started at the lower end of the industry in 1977 & 1st thing my boss did is send me to a @WSETglobal course. If u already have basic knowledge of #wines & Spirits U can start at Level 2, if not jump in with Level 1… #SommChat
Ian Harris: I got my diploma in 1980 and it was a big contributor to my career progression from then #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk w/ Ian Harris from @WSETglobal #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: It was great to have Ian Harris join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Chief Exec for @WSETglobal, Ian Harris for his time #SommChat
Ian Harris: Ian says I have really enjoyed the last hour on #SommChat and interacting with all of you and look fwd to meeting you bc the great thing about this industry is that it is a people industry!
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Thanks @keepercoll for spreading the word on @WSETglobal a great program for #wine & #spirits industry members, Looking forward to seeing you Ian on Monday! #SommChat