So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

1/18 Master Sommelier Fernando Beteta
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Today’s the day! Get #WW started off right with Master Somm @fernandobeteta @tenzingws today @ 11 AM CST for #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): quick nap before #SommChat today
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): 20 min RT @keepercoll Today’s the day! Get #WW started off right with Master Somm @fernandobeteta @tenzingws today @ 11 AM CST for #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): Tune in at 11AM CST for #SommChat. Ask me about the two high schools I was kicked out of…#rebel
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): Going against the grain! RT @fernandobeteta: Tune in at 11AM CST for #SommChat. Ask me about the 2 high schools I was kicked out of…#rebel
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): 10 minutes till #SommChat. Ask me about my Tempur-pedic..
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @keepercoll Thank you! Looking forward to it! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @keepercoll I’ll be joining #SommChat from the lovely DFW airport. Cheers!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from Master Sommelier Fernando Beteta! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to @Fernandobeteta @tenzingws #SommChat #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @ctfoodandwine – Welcome to #SommChat! Originally born in Trumbull, now my folks are in stratford! Would love to see your magazine!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Fernando to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat -
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): Hello! Excited to join today! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @Fernandobeteta our Qs, you can ask Fernando your Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @Fernandobeteta #WineWednesday #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): I be here and stuff. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta via @guidoFish What R good white & red pairings 4 Peking duck w/hoisin r Plum Sauce? (other than Gewurtz) #SommChat #WW
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll @guidoFish Vouvray Demi-sec, high acid, mineral, off dry, spicy. Red, Torrette Val d’Aosta Les Cretes, light, smoke #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Welcome all to #SommChat ! Good morning Fernando!
@tattoodsomm (Eric Hastings): @fernandobeteta what’s the sleeper grape/region for 2012? #SommChat @keepercoll
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .tattoodsomm @keepercoll The sleeper grape just may be Grenache. Huge fan, need to see more BTG. #SommChat
@drooln (Nathan Yap): Q: @fernandobeteta what regions are you looking forward to exploring further this year? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .drooln @keepercoll I would love to explore more Southwest France. Top producers, interesting grapes. Rustic food. #SommChat
@WholeFoodsATX (Kay Marley-Dilworth): Let’s talk vino! Use #SommChat to follow along & send your ?’s to Master Sommelier @Fernandobeteta! @keepercoll #WineWednesday #SommChat –
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@fernandobeteta Valentine’s Day is less than a month away. What are your recommended wines to get to 1st base thru homeplate? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Start with your dates favorite. Find out what they like and go for it! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta So how did you originally “catch the #wine bug”? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll It’s easier to catch the wine bug than the flu. After working years in restaurants, I was infected. #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): .@fernandobeteta I heard that Master Sommeliers have a secret “Hand Shake”. How did you make them stop shaking during the exam? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@shitmysommsays I poured a shot of rum from the minibar in my coffee and listened to music right before the service exam #SommChat
@amberdemure (amberdemure): @fernandobeteta what varietal do you think is most overlooked? #SommChat @keepercoll
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@amberdemure @keepercoll Cabernet Franc. How many times do you see that on a wine list. Gimme more! #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @1337wine @amberdemure @keepercoll Cab Franc rarely gets the love it deserves! #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): @DomaineSelect @amberdemure @keepercoll it’s my new fave #SommChat
@scottota (Scott Ota): @fernandobeteta, all this talk of Cab Franc has me thirsty. What are your top 3 favorite producers of Cab Franc? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@scottota @keepercoll Joguet, Cheval Blanc, Jonata #SommChat
@ronga (Lindsay Ronga): @fernandobeteta what are you most excited about in the wine world right now? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@ronga @keerpcoll The new documentarty “SOMM” have you seen it? Looks like it is getting people talking. #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @fernandobeteta Q: What are some things that you would like your clientele to know when ordering from your #wine list? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MDSmitty2488 @keerpcoll A bit of the story behind the wine. Why it is matches my style and restaurants menu. #SommChat
@donajilira (Donaji Lira): @keepercoll , @fernandobeteta, my posting this a.m. after reading wine news, “To Cork or not to Cork”? thoughts? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@donajilira @keepercoll Old wines Cork, New wines Screwcap. I like to bring screwcap for BYOB, safe, sure. #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @fernandobeteta Your final, “deathbed” bottle of wine would be __________? #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): #DeathbedWines RT @fernandobeteta: .@DomaineSelect @keepercoll … Gianfranco Soldera, Brunello di Montalcino 1985 through 2005;) #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@DomaineSelect @keepercoll Hmmm, Gianfranco Soldera, Brunello di Montalcino 1985 through 2005;) #SommChat
@ctfoodandwine (CT Food & Wine): .@fernandobeteta Your thoughts on the St. Croix varietal? Popular here in #CT winemaking #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@ctfoodandwine @keepercoll The hybrid? Havn’t tasted one yet. Please send a sample;) #SommChat
@ctfoodandwine (CT Food & Wine): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll It was introduced by the University of Minnesota, great grape! Will hook you up with Savino bottle. #SommChat
@Eno_DC (ENO Wine Director): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll Q-With Grenache done in so many styles, which one is your personal favorite & which will age well? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@Eno_DC @keepercoll Grenache grown on sand. Rayas is classic example of finesse, perfume and power. @yobetts taught me that. #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll @fernandobeteta Q. Name a region in Italy you feel is underrated and one that is overrated? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@lwa235 @keepercoll Under-Oltrepo Pavese Over-Asti #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): Oltrepo Pavese can rock! RT @fernandobeteta .@lwa235 @keepercoll Under-Oltrepo Pavese Over-Asti #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@fernandobeteta what is your favorite wine to pair with a Chicago hot dog fully loaded? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Load up a Chicago Dog with everything. Drink Blue wine Northside, something in a white sock southside #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): @fernandobeteta oooh. looks interesting. #SommChat
@tattoodsomm (Eric Hastings): @fernandobeteta will the rash of new appellation legislation help or hurt euro wine with the American consumer? #SommChat @keepercoll
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@tattoodsomm @keepercoll Laws are meant to protect, not confuse. I like to keep it simple. Place.Grape.Year. #SommChat
@drooln (Nathan Yap): .@fernandobeteta Q: What has been your most off the wall wine & food pairing to date? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@drooln @keepercoll I paired Madeira with Seared sea scallops. Worked but got a few stares.. hee hee #SommChat
@Eno_DC (ENO Wine Director): @fernandobeteta @drooln @keepercoll Q-What type of Madeira did you use with the scallops? #SommChat Do you see Madeira making a comeback?
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@Eno_DC @keepercoll that was like 10 years ago. Barbeito I think? #SommChat
@oldgrimy (Adam Ehmer): creative ways to get customers out of the rut of ordering generically by varietal or with generic/ambiguous descriptors? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@oldgrimy @keepercoll Highlight the name of the wine. Write a note and mix around the regions, varietals. Basically confuse #SommChat
@michaelshearin (Michael Shearin): @fernandobeteta What are some lesser known regions, from which you have tasted great wines with 30+ years of age on them? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@michaelshearin @keepercoll Lebanon. Hungary. Austria. @swigwine says “hi” #SommChat
@michaelshearin (Michael Shearin): @fernandobeteta thanks, tell @swigwine hello. I hope you guys are staying warm #SommChat
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll U mention Lebanon, what’s your fave Lebanese producer (s) #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@CaravelleChamp @keepercoll Chateau Musar (of course) and Massaya. Anyone else know some? #SommChat
@KathyMorganMS (Kathy Morgan): .@fernandobeteta @keepercoll Hi Fernando! Favorite vintage of Musar? I can’t decide between 72 & 94. #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@KathyMorganMS @keepercoll I’ve had 94, OMG it was on the list for $89. Unbelievable. #SommChat
@michaelshearin (Michael Shearin): Musar is incredible, so grateful to have tasted w/ Serge RT @fernandobeteta .@CaravelleChamp @keepercoll Chateau Musar (of course) #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): .@fernandobeteta What wine would you pair with a short skirt steak? #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): a long jacket cab RT @ShitMySommSays: .@fernandobeteta What wine would you pair with a short skirt steak? #SommChat
@Raelinn_Doty (Raelinn): silly! RT @1337wine: a long jacket cab RT @ShitMySommSays: .@fernandobeteta What wine would you pair with a short skirt steak? #SommChat
@mmwine (Matthew S Horbund): Somethigh High Alcohol …. RT @ShitMySommSays: .@fernandobeteta What wine would you pair with a short skirt steak? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@ShitMySommSays @keepercoll ANYTHING with long legs. Lol. #SommChat
@AustinWineGuy (Rob Moshein): @ShitMySommSays @fernandobeteta with a short skirt steak: something with a great body, long legs and tight firm structure. #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): .@fernandobeteta Q: What are some effective ways to make people comfortable with you and your #wine list? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll Humor. Get your staff involved. Make the entire experience pleasant, pour tastes by the glass. #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): .@fernandobeteta congrats on your new arrival! How do you feel about wine competitions? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@drewhendricksms @keepercoll thx. Uhh hmm, having competed (and lost) to you. I love competing. Builds drive, makes you work. #SommChat
@drewhendricksms (Drew Hendricks): @fernandobeteta not somm competitions general wine competitions such as Decanter Wine awards etc. but thanks for the plug! #SommChat
@Raelinn_Doty (Raelinn): @keepercoll Cheers! Happy to be here! #WW #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll @fernandobeteta if a guest believes a wine is faulted, but you trust otherwise – how should a somm respond delicately? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@lwa235 @keepercoll “Customer is always right”, if you think the customer is wrong. Find a new customer. lol. Be polite, grace. #SommChat
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @fernandobeteta Q. How has social media changed sommeliers’ jobs? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@RickBakas @keepercoll It has brought a lot of people together. Connected winemakers, writers, information ready & experiences #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @RickBakas @fernandobeteta In my opinion, it already has. #SommChat
@ChalkHillEstate (Chalk Hill Estate): @RickBakas I feel a lot of people don’t understand the damage of SOPA… those pushing for it to pass obviously can’t read #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @RickBakas We’re relying on you to make sure it doesn’t pass #SaveSommChat from Sopa #YouveGotThePower #SommChat
@LisaSullivan (Lisa Sullivan): That’s a GOOD POINT!–RT @rickbakas: Do you realize if SOPA passes we might not even be able to have #SommChat?
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): Hey #SommChat friends, I’m trying to curate the ultimate list of somms. Who else needs to be added? —>
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @sommelierjosh Yeah, and @winedogboy even has his on Twitter list on my account called BAMF #SommChat
@UncorkdMenus (Uncorkd Wine Menus): How have (or will in the future) electronic wine menus & other technology change Sommeliers’ jobs? @fernandobeteta @RickBakas #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@UncorkdMenus @keepercoll iPads are to winelists what Drivethrough is to food menus. #SommChat
@scottota (Scott Ota): “@fernandobeteta: .@UncorkdMenus @keepercoll iPads are to winelists what Drivethrough is to food menus. #SommChat” Love it.
@SimplyGrapes (Charlotte): @UncorkdMenus @fernandobeteta @RickBakas Having electronic menus will help customers create a “wish-list” to discuss w/Somm #SommChat
@mmwine (Matthew S Horbund): @fernandobeteta @UncorkdMenus @keepercoll at first, i would think you are equating ipad wine lists to the dumbing down of food… #SommChat
@raelinn_wine (Raelinn): @WineInkByTia @fernandobeteta saw one in spain. I actually thought it was really cool. #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): @WineInkByTia saw one in Austin last summer. I liked it. For me it also sparked extra convo with server and manager. #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@mmWine @keepercoll Not a big fan yet. I prefer a paper wine list. It’s like looking at an old Map, finding, Somm’s signature. #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@ctfoodandwine @keepercoll “Point to the wine you want to order” #SommChat
@oldgrimy (Adam Ehmer): Up with maps! RT @fernandobeteta: Not a big fan yet (of ipad wine list) I prefer a paper wine list. Its like looking at an old Map #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@fernandobeteta Do you think the proliferation of online wine info and blogs has helped better inform consumers or confuse them? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll it adds another layer, I usually read Movie reviews before I watch 1.Natural people will do same 4 wine #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): @MattMcGinnis The growers are the rock stars but they prefer to be farmers or caretakers of the land! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta You’re originally from #Guatemala- what brought you to #Chicago? Any future plans 2 return 2 ur hometown? #WW #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll My parents own several restaurants in Guatemala, I went to study abroad..they’re still waiting for me to return… #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta You have quite a background with #wine in hotels – what sparked your interest in the hospitality industry? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll I went to hotel school in #Switzerland & wanted to be a GM but my roots are in restaurants, serving f&b to guests. #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @mdsmitty2488 Thank you sir. Glad to participate in #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll Have to head out to work and do some tasting! Thanks for your answers and for having us Happy #WW & #SommChat
@grape_nutz (Riley Gerber): Loving today’s q & a! Actually thought the Musar response was to customer thinking wine off question. Happens very often. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – forgot #SommChat before! Was asking about i-view tips for those of us wanting to work PT in restaurant – want to work 4 wine!
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS):.@demilove @keepercoll Passion, dedication, service is what I always looked for in a candidate. Theory you can learn. #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll @wolfeswines we make the connection between music & wine. Stuck w/ Dry Furmint any thoughts on Genre?#SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@wolfeswines @keepercoll That sounds like Nirvana. Smells like Teen Spirit #SommChat
@Levi_opens_wine (Levi Dalton): .@fernandobeteta When is it that you are next visiting New York? #SommChat
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): yes, when? RT @Levi_opens_wine: .@fernandobeteta When is it that you are next visiting New York? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@Levi_opens_wine @keepercoll Everytime I come back from NY, I am energized, motivated. I need to go this Spring. #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@angrysomm @keepercoll Chef Bryan Moscatello Burger & Beckstoffer event here at @tenzingws 3 meat, 3 cheese, bacon, Cabernet #SommChat
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @fernandobeteta Q. The preview for the SOMM movie suggests somms will be the next rockstars after chefs. Think that’ll happen? #SommChat
@SimplyGrapes (Charlotte): @1337wine @rickbakas @fernandobeteta agreed. The promo looks good but I’m interested to see the full film #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta You speak at least 5 languages. Do you feel that this knowledge has enhanced your wine career, and if so, how? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll Knowing several languages def helps, terms, names, labels. I love speaking to ppl in their native language #SommChat
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @fernandobeteta What’s the hardest food + wine pairing? #SommChat -
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@RickBakas Champagne wishes, Prosecco budget. Anything with too much oak is hard to pair with food, unless you like butter y’all #SommChat
@raelinn_wine (raelinn): @fernandobeteta LOSING IT!! “butter y’all” bwuuuahahaaa! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta #SommChat tweeps want 2 know the differences in working on distributor side @tenzingws vs restaurant side #WW
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll Lots of hussle, plenty to learn in our industry. Importing & distribution is fun+you get 2 work with a lot of ppl #SommChat
@tattoodsomm (Eric Hastings): Awesome #SommChat with @fernandobeteta today! Thanks @keepercoll !!!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta There is talk of you wanting to produce #rum back home- what draws you to rum & is that progressing for you? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll put #Rum on back burner. Maybe just a special bottling 4 friends, Guatemala makes great rums, you may know Zacapa #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta What is your recommendation for a White, Red, & Sparkling under $30 retail? #SommChat #WW
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll Chateau d’epire savenniers 09, COS Frapatto Sicily & Brenton Durello Lisini, Veneto #WW #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @fernandobeteta You’ve worked all over the world in #wine industry. What has been the greatest learning experience 4 U & why? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll It’s a mix. Italy showed me 2 luv food; Thailand hard work&service; Switzerland savoir être; USA excellence & drive #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @fernandobeteta Master #Somm, award winner, radio host, and LOADS of #wine experience- what are your plans for the future? #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): A. @keepercoll Keep my head low, catch up to all great new Sommeliers out there, drink more #beer, write more #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine chat with Fernando Beteta MS @Fernandobeteta #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): It was great to have Fernando join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): @fernandobeteta Thanks for dropping knowledge today on #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Fernando for his time #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to http:// for you to review later #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Mark ur calendar! #SommChat Wed 1/25 at 11 AM CST @randallgrahm will be our featured guest to answer your questions! #CantMiss #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): Everyone: Thank you SO much for following today. Hope to share a glass with you soon. Hit me up in Chicago. #SommChat –
@Levi_opens_wine (Levi Dalton): .@fernandobeteta Thanks for taking questions! #SommChat
@SimplyGrapes (Charlotte): @fernandobeteta Thank you for a great #SommChat! Cheers.
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @fernandobeteta Thanks. We appreciate your time. #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll @fernandobeteta thank you for time – cheers! #SommChat
@grape_nutz (Riley Gerber): @fernandobeteta @keepercoll Thank you!!! Great chat! #SommChat