So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

11/9 Winemaker Sashi Moorman
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from #winemaker Sashi Moorman @ELVwines!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to Sashi Moorman, #winemaker Sashi Moorman of @ELVwines #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/ questions, so shout out to @ELVwines to say hello & so Sashi knows you’re here! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @ELVwines our Qs, you can ask Sashi ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @ELVwines! #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Great to be here…excited to answer your question! #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): In Da Hizza! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Good morning all! Glad to be here at #SommChat !
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): chatting in #SommChat and uploading today’s show.
@JohnBPatersonIV (John B. Paterson, IV): (John B. Paterson, IV): Everyone should be posted up on their phone for #SommChat with @elvwines #doitdoitnow
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll @JohnBPatersonIV JB so happy to have you with us! How is life in the big city…how is hayden? #SommChat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): Ready for #SommChat!
@jennanorth (Jenna North): Good morning! RT @keepercoll Let’s start talking #wine with @ELVwines! #SommChat #WW #PinotNoir #Chardonnay
@WineTheory (Justin Harriman): @keepercoll @elvwines What are some of your biggest challenges in making wine when the warm season is so late like this vintage? #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll.@WineTheory For Sta Rita, Harvest was early, estate vineyards are unique because they ripen early #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @elvwines Glad to be here at #SommChat! To you, what is the major diff btwn a #wine of terroir and a wine made by man?
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll To me the 2 are tied. To make a #wine of #terroir, the person is a really important part #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll The person is who respects the #terroir & is able to extract that into the #wine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines How did you get involved with Evening Land in the first place? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): A. .@keepercoll I met Mark thru Carroll Kemp, the owner of Red Car Winery. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I was consulting for Carroll’s wine program and Mark Tarlov crushed the 1st vintage of Occidental w/us through red car #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines In your opinion, is #California #wine different from all other wine in the US? How? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Yes. CA wines R special. They r naturally exuberant,n the best appellations can achieve the holy-grail of winemaking #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll the combination of richness and elegance #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines What do you believe is the most crucial part of #winemaking? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Definitely the grapes. Vineyards, farming, winemaking #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines Some say U blend #wine fr Oregon & Calif to make your Pinot Noir- how would you describe the taste of these wines? #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll We have only once blended Oregon and California wine for a special bottling. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@elvwines @keepercollI think everyone at ELV is committed to capturing and expressing the uniqueness of the terroirs #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@elvwines @keepercoll we work to the best of their abilities. We seek 2 celebrate the differences #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@elvwines@keepercoll btwn these great pinot growing regions w/a shared sense of values: balance and purity. #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @elvwines How many people do you have on your winemaking staff? How many people work the vineyards? #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll In the #winery we have 3 people including me #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll In the vineyards, there’s a #vineyard manager for each property, & under them there are btwn 5-9 people #SommChat
@RickBakas (Rick Bakas): Good to see @elvwines rocking #SommChat today.
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@RickBakas @keepercoll Great to have you with us #SommChat
@PurpleCowGrl (Natalie Vaclavik): Hi Sashi! @elvwines and all of our fellow somm chatters #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@PurpleCowgrl @keepercoll great to see you! How are things in TX? #SommChat
@PurpleCowGrl (Natalie Vaclavik): Things are great in TX! @elvwines Looking forward to visiting you at The Tempest Vineyard in just 2 weeks! #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@PurpleCowgrl @keepercoll very cool! What are you looking to see? #SommChat
@PurpleCowGrl (Natalie Vaclavik): @keepercoll Looking forward to being on top of Sirens Call, Look at that view! #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @keepercoll sashi…is harvesting still happening…what are you bringing in..why is do you have such a long harvest #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@Champagnewhit @keepercoll This is because I work w/ Burgundian & Rhone varieties #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@Champagnewhit Yes, Grenache 4 Stolpman. We typically start harvest the last week of Aug and the last grapes in mid-November #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines We know U apprenticed w/ Adam Tolmach for Ojai vineyards- what knowledge/skills did you gain from that experience? #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Adam Tolmach is great winemaker. He doesn’t own any vineyards, and so he is really a “winemaker”. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I learned from him the importance of maintaining clean, cold cellars. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@elvwines How to handle the wines gently and give respect to their strengths, #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): @keepercoll even when those strengths were not necessarily qualities that were sympathetic with our preferences #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): @keepercoll But it was also with Adam that I learned the value of well-farmed vineyards. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines Tell us more about your own label of #wine, Piedrasassi- What inspired you to make your own label? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@elvwines @keepercoll We worked with+15 different vineyards at Ojai, n having the opportunity #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll 2 follow wines from grapes 2 bottle illustrated to me the impact yields n quality farming on the final product. #SommChat
@PurpleCowGrl (Natalie Vaclavik): Sashi tell us more about the terroirs @ Occidental Vineyard, Sonoma & The Tempest, SRH and what makes the vineyards oh so special! #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land):.@PurpleCowgrl @keepercoll climate is the most impt part..sta rita this yr, one day broke 80 degrees #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): 1 day here broke 112 RT @elvwines: @PurpleCowgrl @keepercoll climate is most impt part..sta rita this yr, one day broke 80 degrees #SommChat
@elvwines: @keepercoll everyone at ELV is committed to capturing & expressing the uniqueness the terroirs #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews(Kay Marley-Dilworth): I <3 the word terroir RT @elvwines: @keepercoll everyone at ELV is committed to capturing & expressing the uniqueness the terroirs #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@ATXFoodnews@keepercoll we do too! #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I view Piedrasassi as my own little studio. In a way, it is my extension of my experience at Ojai w/ Adam. #SommChat #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I spend most of my time now on Estate programs. I love the relationship between the vineyard and winery. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll It’s very exciting & fulfilling to plant new #vineyards & watch them produce grapes that I get to ferment into #wine! #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll But, Piedrasassi is my opp to work w/ special vineyards that are older, or are at sites that I believe are special. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll We make mostly Syrah from extremely low-yielding vineyards (in 2011 we got 1 1/2 from our 3 acre vineyard @ Rimrock!) #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll …a little funny white wine that’s fermented entirely in barrels on its skins… #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll …& vin santo from Sangiovese that has 10 yr elevage program #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll So, it is not commercial venture. It is really for the love of #winemaking. #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @keepercoll sashi…what is the most impt/interesting thing you learned from working with wine makers from burgundy #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@Champagnewhit @keepercoll n burgundy and rhone it is the inward focus priority is not as commercially driven they don’t need 2 b #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines We hear you are a fabulous cook- what kind of culinary experience have you had? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I’ve worked in restaurants in NYC & Washington, DC. It was a very important experience for me. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll I learned value of quality of raw ingredients, importance of seasonal cooking, & pleasure of matching wine w/ food. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@elvwines Do you think your culinary experience helps in your #winemaking? How? #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Yes. I manage my wineries like kitchens. They are very similar operations in many ways. #SommChat
@JuneRodil (June Rodil): Love this. I hope they call you “Chef” “@elvwines: .@keepercoll Yes. I manage my wineries like kitchens. #SommChat”
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@JuneRodil @keepercoll…oh my! Miss…what is up…ELV misses you…hope all is GREAT… #SommChat
@JuneRodil (June Rodil): .@elvwines @keepercoll just work, work, work. All good. Happy Harvest! Hope to make it to West Coast to visit soon! #SommChat
@JuneRodil (June Rodil): .@elvwines @keepercoll P.S. Congrats on @WineandSpirits Top 100! Well deserved. #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@junerodil Thank you for all your support – this comes from people like you! #SommChat
@scottota (Scott Ota): Sashi, how does the weather and terrior differ in Ballard Canyon from the rest of St Ynez and Santa Barbara? What makes it special?#SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): @scottota @keepercoll. It is a n to s canyon in St Ynez so warmer micro climate in cool part of appellation #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elvwines Current favorite #food and #wine pairing for under $30? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Probably Foillard Morgon and roasted chicken! (re: fav food & wine pairing under $30) #SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @elvwines #SommChat If you were expand into new regions, where would you like to make wine? cc: @keepercoll
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@DomaineSelect @keepercoll I am very happy to be making wines where we are…would love to grow w/what we have #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@domaineselect @keepercoll I would say Pinot is certainly the most exciting grape to grow #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hr of #wine talk with @ELVwines #winemaker Sashi Moorman! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): It was great to have Sashi join us today for #SommChat. Please join me in thanking Sashi and @ELVwines for his time!
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): @elvwines thanks for being here. was great reading all the Q & As! #lurker #SommChat
@newvineland (Melissa Sorongon): Oops! missed my husband @SashiMoorman on #SommChat (tweeting as @elvwines), reading transcript now. He has a hard time keeping to 140 char!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Join us next Wed 11/16 11 AM CST for #SommChat with @MarkDevinSayre, Sommelier @FSAustin! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): what do you want him to talk about on #SommChat? RT @tattoodsomm: @keepercoll what’s mdevin talking about?
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): So true! cc: @MarkDevinSayre RT @tattoodsomm: he’s pretty rocking at food & wine pairing, right b4 Thxgiving might be good topic #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q gets answered, post it to FB & we’ll be sure it gets asked! Happy #WW!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thx again to #winemaker Sashi Moorman @ELVwines – see u all next week #SommChat
@elvwines (Evening Land): .@keepercoll Thank you! I had a blast tweeting for the first time! Look forward to seeing you all soon! #SommChat