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12/12 Winemaker Eric Railsback
Eric Railsback
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from #Somm Eric Railsback @erailsba talking about @VerveWine @LieuDitWinery #RailsbackFreres and @PresquileWine!
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to @erailsba from @VerveWine @LieuDitWinery #RailsbackFreres and @PresquileWine #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: So excited to be on #SommChat !!! Thanks for having me @keepercoll
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Eric Railsback to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: As we ask @erailsba our Qs, you can ask Eric your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & @erailsba 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with @erailsba from @VerveWine @LieuDitWinery #RailsbackFreres and @PresquileWine #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba How did you start in the #wine business? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: My older brother got me started in wine back in High school growing up in the Willamette Valley. I would do bread and h20 service at the restaurant where he was a sommelier at. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba How have you seen the #wine world evolve since being in this industry?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: The wine community has really exploded since I first started. There is so much more interest in wine, food, sommeliers and restaurants now I think its really pushing people to raise their game. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba q for @lylerailsback If you can ask my brother, "I've been hearing a lot on #Twitter about Sweet-baby Nay-Nay in How-stun Texas, as they say it in the big Apple, do you have a history with him?" #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I do luv me some Sweet-baby Nay-Nay. I first met Nay-Nay when he was on the streets of Houston pouring some Kermit @KermitLynchWine wines for Rootstock. I am now pretty happy to be working with him to sell @PresquileWine and our wines @Railsbackfreres #MaketBlitz #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba Can you tell us what it’s like working with your brother @lylerailsback at #RailsbackFreres and what do each of you do in this business? Who makes the ultimate decision is you disagree on something????
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Working with family can always be frustrating but can be more rewarding. We tend to have similar tastes in wine so not much conflict but like every relationship there is give and take. Whoever can make the best case for their side wins. We just want the best wine. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Welcome back @SandyWasserman to #SommChat hope your #winewednesday is going well
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Q @erailsba How did you get into the #wine biz & who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I always look back to my Stage @dujac as what really introduced me to the wine business. From there I met so many of my mentors. @JeremySeysses @robertbohr @rajatparr and of course my older brother @lylerailsback was in the mix before hand.
Jeremy Seysses @JeremySeysses: Really honed your card playing skills. The rest was there already.
Robert Bohr @robertbohr: I remember that year quite well...2007 harvest!
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Was a good one!!!
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba what are your main duties as the Director of Sales and Marketing @PresquileWine?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: My main duties @PresquileWine are to help make the best wine possible. We have been working on a new label that is coming out soon for the single vineyards as well as moving to all organic farming. So much potential here. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba Question from #somm that wants to know what role you play in @VerveWine and Do you work closely with @dustinwilsonms on this #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: @dustinwilsonms is my main playa and we work together daily. I am holding down the SF location but also helping to explore other locations that might be coming soon @VerveWine #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you share about your role at @LieuDitWinery and how you work with the #winemaker?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Justin is my 50/50 partner in Lieu Dit so we make all the decisions together. We started things small in 2010 and have kept it that way so the two of us handle most everything except book keeping and compliance. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba What is something that you want to see different in the #wine world?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I think at the moment I would like to see more of a sense of being "open minded". I feel like there is more and more of a separation of opinions in wine and at the end of the day we should all be working together to get people interested in wine. #SO2 #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you describe what you did at your Stage at #Dujac with @JeremySeysses and team and how did you get that gig @erailsba ?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I spent most of my time in the cellar with the team processing fruit, great to learn how they made their decisions. I nailed that gig down by grabbing phone numbers out of the revue du vin de France and 'cold calling' Domaines after service nightly. #drunkdial #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba How many #wines do you market for @PresquileWine and what are the major markets? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I am more working on building the winery up and how the wines are made not just particular wines. @PresquileWine makes mostly Chard & Pinot but we did just bring some old Beaujolais cuttings from Guy Breton over a few years ago so look for that. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba when did you start #RailsbackFreres and how many #wines do you make? Can you share future plans? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: @lylerailsback and I started in 2015 w/ 2 wines. This year we have added Vermentinu to the mix and are playing around with making a few different red wines. We never really now the exact amount of wines till blending trials after the elevage. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba What is a day in your work life look like? How much time do you have to spend traveling?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: The best part is that each day looks very different. Lots of email, Floor time @VerveWine , winey visits in SBC/France and time on the road selling wine. Travel is pretty heavy in the Spring/Fall but always looking for the right balance. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba are the wines you make more for drinking now, aging or both? Where can someone buy #RailsbackFreres #wines
Eric Railsback @erailsba: I think wines with balance are the wines that age well. Doesn't just take tannin and acid. We are looking to make wines that are delicious now but can also age. Balance, Freshness and a sense of place is the goal. All our wines can be found @VerveWine
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm is it difficult to bring vine cuttings back across the pond - do they have to be hidden or what is the process @erailsba
Eric Railsback @erailsba: There are 2 ways to do it. dans votre valise ou à la douane
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba what R some of the top places you have traveled for your #wine career? Where do you want to go that you haven’t yet?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: So many places its hard to pick favorites. Austria and Australia are always on the top of the list though. Still haven't been to Lebanon yet....#SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @erailsba In your opinion, what is the most versatile #wine grapes and why? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Love Chenin/Riesling and Gamay/Syrah. Chenin and Riesling can be so different from dry to sweet and usually no new oak so they don't clash often. Gamay's juiciness and soft tannins makes its a go to for most things but an elegant Syrah can do the same. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what advice would you give a #wine buyer for a resto in how to pick #wines for BTG versus bottle list @erailsba ?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: For BTG keep a good accessible offering of wines with different textures and weight. The goal is to offer a wide range of wines that pair well with the food not just your favorites to drink. Bottle selections you can play around more with price point and older wines. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what do you see as the major difference in #wine buying between West Coast @VerveWine and East Coast locations? Any trends you see same in both?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: We like many of the same wines but release schedules are very different on both coasts so its hard to keep the exact same vintages. We are also looking to offer regional favorites for the locals so a lot more access to small growers in CA. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: @erailsba When you’re not drinking #wine, what are you drinking? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Badoit, Coffee, Coffee & Kolsch. Yes I put coffee in their twice. #Sommchat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm who is the better #cook - you @erailsba or your brother @lylerailsback HAHA! Would love to see what Lyle would say in return!
Eric Railsback @erailsba: @lylerailsback kills it in the kitchen but I can take him with Baking. Most dinners he makes savory and I follow with desserts. #sommchat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what would say are some of the key things to do to be successful in the #wine #retail biz like @VerveWine and what do you think sets verve apart from other retailers @erailsba ?
Eric Railsback @erailsba: The most important thing we try to keep in mind is that wine needs to be made accessible to everyone while still staying true to our beliefs in how wines should be grown. Once you start making exceptions your business models changes. #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: If you were not in the #wine biz @erailsba what would be your dream job??? #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba:Tough to say as wine has been the dream job. Something to do with Food I guess....#SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk abt @VerveWine @LieuDitWinery #RailsbackFreres and @PresquileWine with @erailsba #WineWednesday #SommChat
Eric Railsback @erailsba: Thanks so much for having me. Great to me in the mix!!!! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: It was great to have Eric @erailsba join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Eric Railsback @erailsba from @VerveWine @LieuDitWinery #RailsbackFreres and @PresquileWine #for his time #SommChat