Keeper Collection #SommChat Guest #Winemaker Steve Matthiason

1/22 Winemaker Steve Matthiason, Matthaison Wines


@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #Napa #Winemaker Steve

@matthiassonwine (Matthiasson): #WW #IPOB

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @keepercoll @matthiassonwine Hello and good day ! Thanks a lot for hosting another great #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Napa #Winemaker Steve

@matthiassonwine (Matthiasson): #SommChat #WW #IPOB

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 #Napa #Winemaker

@matthiassonwine (Steve Matthiasson): 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): RT @keepercoll: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #Napa #Winemaker @matthiassonwine #WW #winelover

@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @matthiassonwine Ready for #SommChat!

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @matthiassonwine 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with #Napa #Winemaker Steve@matthiassonwine (Matthiasson): #WW #SommChat #IPOB

@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Good morning from chilly, snowy, Chicago! #SommChat – any new folks here today?

@matthiassonwine (Matthiasson): @keepercoll Great to be hear, look forward to your questions #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): good morn 2 you too RT @demilove: @keepercoll – Good morning from chilly, snowy, Chicago! #SommChat – any new folks here today?

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, how did you get interested in #Wine Biz? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @KeeperColl Always interested in growing plants and fermenting beverages, lucky to discover #Wine Biz #SommChat

@enjoielife (Judia Black): @keepercoll @WinemakingNomad @trouty @SaraKavanaugh

@PopALockAustin @robbin_g @StemGrip @snipit Good morning! Here at #Sommchat.

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): look forward to all of your #SommChat Questions – fire away

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine What is your philosophy and way of working in the vineyard and in the cellar? @KeeperColl #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine started Matthiasson in 2003, worked in vineyards before that, parents were academics #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat will miss you! RT

@SommTim (Timothy Gemelli): #SommChat Just wondering about your drought/water concerns

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine Planted the vines yourself ? Or took over from someone ? How old are your vines? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): .@fabienlaine respect ancient craft of viticulture, try to care for the vines and the soil in a natural way…#sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine in the cellar let the wine blossom into wine just like a child, no preconceptions #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): .@fabienlaine Most vineyards have been taken over, different vine ages #sommchat

@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Joining #SommChat now!

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): …guest #Napa #Winemaker @matthiassonwine is on #SommChat …right now #IPOB #WW #wine

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @matthiassonwine RT @SommTim: #SommChat Just wondering about your drought/water concerns

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @keepercoll @SommTim Very concerned about drought, frightening winter #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine You learned winemaking at school ? or by yourself, studying, trying, reading.. #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine Learned winemaking by spending time in cellars of vineyards I worked at, and on my own #sommchat

@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @matthiassonwine Who are your winemaking mentors? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @SandyWasserman warren winiarski, anthony king, enzo pontoni is an idol, as is eitienne montille, too many! #sommchat

@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @keepercoll … #wine #wiyg #foodies

@enjoielife (Judia Black): @keepercoll:@sfgate #Winemaker of the Year Steve@matthiassonwine (Matthiasson): at #SommChat this #WineWednesday cc: @jbonne @balancedpinot

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @tmarshalljones so glad you can join in on #SomMChat

@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @matthiassonwine Any desire or plans to make wine outside California #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @SandyWasserman Don’t see how, need to be in the vineyards #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine How well thrive Ribolla gialla, Semillon, and Tocai fruilano in #Napa ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine Napa has many soils and climates, they do great in the right spots, esp cool southern end #sommchat

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): Chat live now with ‘#Winemaker of the Year’ Steve @matthiassonwine on #SommChat … #wine

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat MT @MattMcGinnis: Sommeliers compete N ‘wine Olympics’ at Somms Under Fire via @culturemapATX #SommsUF

@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll why are CA Cabs that expensive compared to wines in other regions? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @m_arcon @keepercoll best guess is market demand, land prices, longer release cycles #sommchat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @matthiassonwine @SommTim Very concerned about drought, frightening winter #sommchat I might have more snow than Lake Tahoe in LI now

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @matthiassonwine: @fabienlaine in the cellar let the wine blossom into wine just like a child, no preconceptions

@helenwindle (Helen Windle): Joining @keepercoll and #SommChat from a surprisingly warm Sofia. Looking forward to hearing from @matthiassonwine

@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Do you think Napa wines are stereotyped as being too one-dimensional ? (now -I- don’t believe that) – #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @demilove @keepercoll Thanks for not believing, yes, but that’s changing fast, thx @jbonne #IPOB #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine How many bottles do you produce per year ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine I think in cases, 3000+ these days #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): so glad U R N MT @helenwindle: Joining @keepercoll & #SommChat from a surprisingly warm Sofia. Looking forward 2 hearing fr @matthiassonwine

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @noblewines send some our way Christopher @matthiassonwine @SommTim #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We luv #cocktails & #sake. Why not combine the 2 4 #saktail? Join us for @Sakeone #saktails at #SommsUF #SommChat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine love Etienne wines, but lately seeming a bit more modern than in mid 2000′s and earlier #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @noblewines wish I tasted more 2 see trend, but evolution is ok if driven by passion, not market #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine If you would have 2 try 2 work with another grape variety not used already in #Napa – Which 1 would you choose ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine already working with refosco, schiopettino, greco di tufo, 4 main rhones, cab franc! Not sure next #SommChat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @demilove @keepercoll Stereotyped? = to many restrictions on appellations, look at Bordeaux, and so on… #Sommchat

@MarkHauler (Mark Hauler): @tmarshalljones Please don’t discuss Vinho Verde or Nero d’Avola – we need to keep these a secret. #sommchat #justsaying

@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): @matthiassonwine Nice group of winemakers #sommchat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Hey @AdamPlotkin This #vortex making for Colorado like snow here in #hamptons too bad it’s so flat! #sommchat Light and Fluffy

@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll do you drink any other wines from other producers and compare them to your owns? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @m_arcon @keepercoll always other producers, rarely our own wine, but to learn, not compare #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine Do you export in #Europe ? Would be nice to find a few bottles ! #sommchat #winelover

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine UK soon, Frank’s in Austria #sommchat

@yumivore (orly): @keepercoll tuning in to #SommChat a few photos from a recent visit to Matthiasson

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): nice RT @yumivore: @keepercoll tuning in to #SommChat a few photos from a recent visit to Matthiasson

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @matthiassonwine: @fabienlaine I think in cases, 3000+ these days #sommchat Is that a stable # or are you looking to increase?

@EllaDogSays (Ella Dog): #PolarVortex made me late to #Sommchat … someone pass me some warm mulled #wine !

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @EllaDogSays great to see you here at #SommChat

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @yumivore: @keepercoll tuning in to #SommChat a few photos from a recent visit to Matthiasson < nice, thanks orly

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @yumivore @keepercoll Thanks, gorgeous photos #SommChat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine Too true I look for authentic wines… not certain on Etienne’s direction of more modern style than his father #sommchat

@protocolwine (PROTOCOL wine studio): morning #winelovers! #sommchat Very lucky to be working w @matthiassonwine for our club @LeMetroWine!! @demilove @SandyWasserman

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @EllaDogSays: #PolarVortex made me late to #Sommchat … someone pass me some warm mulled #wine ! < haha, stay warm Ella Dog

@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @matthiassonwine @fabienlaine F A B U L O U S!!! #SommChat #WW

@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @matthiassonwine where did the inspiration 4 sb, ribolla, sem & tocai blend come frm? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): .@mattreiser Visited Friuli with dear departed friend George Vare, bianco blends there opened my eyes #sommchat

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @matthiassonwine @fabienlaine already working w/ refosco, schiopettino, greco di tufo, 4 main rhones, cab franc!… < interesting #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): gr8 to see you here RT @StephanieMiskew: @matthiassonwine @fabienlaine F A B U L O U S!!! #SommChat #WW

@m_arcon (Marc Dröfke): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll and which producers do you prefer? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @m_arcon a few are @RymeCellars , arnot-roberts, @massicanwinery , @ForlornHopeWine, @scholiumwines #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, congrats on 2014 #winemaker of the year by @jbonne and @SFgate! how has this affected the winery? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll @SFGate Phenomenal for us, many years of struggling, but @jbonne has given us tremendous support #SommChat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine Working on a #grapesnplaces project could use some other places to find #tempranillo or #sangiovese #sommchat

@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): @MarkHauler I think your “secrets” are safe in Napa! #sommchat

@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll Featured Art+Farm’s White Wine #2 from your Windmill Vineyard @ a recent tasting – everyone loved it! #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @StephanieMiskew @keepercoll great! its a beautiful vyd, same as our rose and new brand Tendu #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine Do u have a “Matthiasson signature” in your wines , or you just chose to guide them & let them be who they need? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine mostly guide them, signature might be fresh and vibrant #sommchat

@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): @MarkHauler or not… MT @matthiassonwine working w refosco, schiopettino, greco di tufo, 4 main rhones, cab franc! Not sure next #sommchat

@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @keepercoll @matthiassonwine @fabienlaine Great to be here – have missed #SommChat season is in FULL swing here in FL! #WW

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, UR entire fam work in the #wine biz with U? Do they each have a role and if so what? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll Jill runs the business, allows me to drive a tractor, the kids translate Spanish I can’t handle #SommChat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine #sommchat had some Dry Creek V Lagrien from Dave Coffaro a couple years ago, a real treat.

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @noblewines Great winemaker, classic style, didn’t know about the Lagrien #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): loving all of the #SommChat questions – keep them coming

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, how does UR background in sustainable agriculture affect UR #winemaking and UR #wines? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll It’s everything—restraint, respect for land, complementing healthy food, healthy wine for people #SommChat

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @matthiassonwine any Rosé available yet? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @alawine great question, thank you Ken:), march 1 #sommchat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Q. @matthiassonwine What avg vine age of Cab F for you? Heard it reaches peak later than other grape vines in Bordeaux #sommchat 15yrs vs 7

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @noblewines vines planted in 1995 #sommchat

@enjoielife (Judia Black): @matthiassonwine “Tendu” is an interesting name for a brand. How did you choose it? @StephanieMiskew @keepercoll #wine #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @enjoielife @StephanieMiskew Partner Matthew Plymptom @RevelWine named it–taut zingy wine #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine Craftsman as you are, full of passion Would you be the game changer, bringing new magic to #California wine ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine Trying to do my part, joint effort between many of us #sommchat

@ormiga (ormiga): #sommchat @alawine has @matthiassonwine (&others) gone past 90s too sweet/fruity #parkerized (hi @robertparkerjr style?

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @matthiassonwine: Great winemaker, classic style, didn’t know about the Lagrien #sommchat hippiewinemaker will try anything once!

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, how do you manage time 4 UR Vineyard consulting and making your own #wines? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll consulting, farming, winemaking, wine sales, family time, all bundled together, no division #SommChat

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @matthiassonwine great question, thank you Ken:), march 1 #sommchat < thanks, I’m putting it on my calendar

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine @alawine For you Rosé which variety you use ? Doing by Saignée ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine @alawine grenache, mouvedre, syrah, counoise, whole cluster press, no saignee #sommchat

@enjoielife (Judia Black): @matthiassonwine @StephanieMiskew @RevelWine Sounds like my kind of wine! Similar to “Narvaux” in Burgundy! #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, U use grape varities N White #Wine like Ribolla, Gialla, Tocai Friulano, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon? Why #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll Each variety contributes to the blend, SB=acid, RG=minerality, SEM=flesh, TF=spice #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @matthiassonwine Q. fr Shy #SommChat follower How many #wineries do U consult 4 & do they change often?

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll 8 or 10, change very rarely #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine Which yeasts do you use ? Selected vs Indigenous ? Much SO2 ? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine some selected, some indigenous, minimalSO2 (high acid, don’t need much) #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @matthiassonwine Q. fr Shy #SommChat follower How is the water issue being addressed? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll struggling to make plan for the drought, may plow in cover crop, delaying pruning #sommchat

@vinogger (Melanie): #sommchat late today but finally made it back to learn something from the somms

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine If you would not be in Napa ? Where would you choose to produce #wine on the planet ? #sommchat #winelover

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine I love it here! Maybe Slovenia, beautiful, great wines, pace of life #sommchat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine are these grapes from N Coast or S Coast? Seems likely to be Paso given the #rhone influence #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @noblewines the rhones for rose are Dunnigan Hills, Northern interior, all our other grapes are N coast #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Way to go #SommChat peeps, trending for third week in a row – thanks to all of you!

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @vinogger great to see you here #SommChat lots to learn

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @keepercoll Always an awesome pleasure to get great producers, #somm and #winelover s on #sommchat every Wednesday ! You rock

@drewbie_g (Drew Gøurdie): Both are great! @MarkHauler: @tmarshalljones Please don’t discuss Vinho Verde or Nero d’Avola – we need to keep these a secret. #sommchat

@enjoielife (Judia Black): Rosé! @matthiassonwine @fabienlaine @alawine grenache, mouvedre, syrah, counoise, whole cluster press, no saignee #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine I’m sure @WinesofSlovenia would be happy to hear this ! #Sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, What changes have U seen in #winemaking in #Napa in the last 5 years? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @keepercoll A bit more restraint coming back, drier wines, more structure, tiny beginning of pendulum swing #SommChat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @enjoielife @matthiassonwine @alawine so a very refined, pure, mineral, fresh rosé as I love #Sommchat so many low level on the market…

@vinogger (Melanie): #sommchat @matthiassonwine I love #Napa wines but wonder if many have become priced so high as to prevent many from trying & enjoying them?

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @fabienlaine new brands are back to focus on passion and personal loves, rather than market forces #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): THX! RT @fabienlaine: @keepercoll Always an awesome pleasure to get great producers, #somm & #winelovers on #sommchat every Wed.! U rock

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine @matthiassonwine How do you emphasize the futur and major changes in #Napa and #California #wine ? #sommchat

@WinesofSlovenia (Wines of Slovenia): @fabienlaine @matthiassonwine Hear, hear! Many thanks for your kind words about #Slovenia #SommChat

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine Cab Franc on Long Island is getting traction both market & producers Think same could happen in N Coast Ca? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @noblewines Cab sauv is still King in CA, gets the best terroir, hard for CF to compete, LI emphasizes CF #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, Ur wife, Jill, plays a big role in UR biz & family? How do the two of you manage all of this? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @KeeperColl Jill holds it together, business/family, hardcore CEO/farm wife, very much team approach #SommChat

@vinogger (Melanie): other than possibly delaying the harvest assuming growth do you think the drought will result in more concentrated flavors? #sommchat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @vinogger more concentration if the vines/fruit can make it through, too much stress=bitter/diluted #sommchat

@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll AMEN to that:) #SommChat #WW

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @matthiassonwine: A bit more restraint coming back, drier wines, more structure, tiny beginning of pendulum swing #SommChat Gr8 News!

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine So evolving in the “customer” drinker way! Quality, passion & storytelling, looking for a magic in each bottle #sommchat

@drewbie_g (Drew Gøurdie): Haha that was my excuse too! That, and traffic! @EllaDogSays: #PolarVortex made me late to #Sommchat … pass me some warm mulled #wine !

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, how do you participate in @balancedpinot #IPOB and how has that affected your #wines perception? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @KeeperColl @balancedpinot This is our first year, long-time fan of other wineries in #IPOB, glad to join #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @matthiassonwine Steve, what do you like to do when you are not working in the #wine biz? #SommChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): A. @KeeperColl There is something besides work and family? Hunt, drink beer, read New Yorker in bathtub #SommChat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ #Napa #Winemaker Steve Matthiasson @matthiassonwine #SommChat #IPOB

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have #Napa #Winemaker Steve Matthiasson @matthiassonwine join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @matthiassonwine LI only recently gave Cab F attention. Till late 90′s Merlot was King there. #sommchat they even have a merliance!

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking #Napa #Winemaker @matthiassonwine for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover #IPOB

@vinogger (Melanie): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll Next to every great man is a great woman! #sommchat

@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @matthiassonwine Thanks for a great #SommChat!

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @keepercoll @matthiassonwine Thanks a lot for another great hour of #sommchat Will sleep much smarter tonight !

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark UR calendar 4 #SommChat w/#Winemaker Andy Peay @peayvineyards Wed 1/29 at 11 AM CST, 12 N EST! C u there! #IPOB

@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @matthiassonwine @keepercoll @fabienlaine @noblewines @stephaniemiskew @enjoielife < great #sommchat thanks ya’ll

@enjoielife (Judia Black): @noblewines Long Island Cab Franc is very good! #sommchat

@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @matthiassonwine When ever you come to Europe don’t hesitate to contact me ! Cheers #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @alawine thanks for Joining in – always fun when you are on board! #SomMChat

@matthiassonwine (Matthiassons): @keepercoll Thx for the questions, thought-provoking, honored to be part of world wine family #sommchat

@enjoielife (Judia Black): 14m @alawine @matthiassonwine @keepercoll @fabienlaine @noblewines @StephanieMiskew Thank you for a lively #SommChat!

@noblewines (Christopher Miller): 14m @keepercoll TY 4 hosting #sommchat Thanks 2 @matthiassonwine for answering all Q’s will call next time I’m drivin’ fav road Oakville grade

@vinogger (Melanie): 14m @matthiassonwine @keepercoll There’s nothing like a #Napa #Cabernet! Cheers to a week of great #wine for all! #sommchat

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): thanks for Joining in – always fun when you are on board! #SomMChat < thank you, learned lots today!

@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): nothing wrong with that RT @BlindedBite: @matthiassonwine @StephanieMiskew @keepercoll – ya’ll made me thirsty! #ww #wine #SommChat