So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

12/24 Sophie Couvreur, CEO of Champagne Villages
Sophie Couvreur via @Champagvillages
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear frm the CEO of #Champagne Villages, Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like to introduce you Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages of #Champagne Villages! #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Sophie @ChampagVillages 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She'll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking #Champagne with Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages of Champagne Villages #WW #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages Glad to be here on #SommChat today and talk about what we love - #Champagne - look forward to your questions
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Scottsdale, AZ Q. good morning Sophie What do you do @champagvillages Sell, market or make Champagne? Thanks #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @sandywasserman we select top boutique #Champagne and sell them overseas #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @SandyWasserman do not make any #Champagne, sell under #winemakers name our collection is noted on bottle as Champagne & Villages #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@Champagvillages, @Tishwine asked that we ask if #Champagne producers you talk to agree or disagree w/ legal actions re Champagne Jayne
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl @YSL was not allowed to name perfume #Champagne - Apple wanted to name a phone #Champagne and was not allowed #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillage impt thing 4 #Champagne producers is 2 protect Champagne name, 4 ex. @YSL wanted 2 name perfume #champagne #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife @KeeperColl @Champagvillages Good morning! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl In case you missed it, here is short video on #Champagne: Bubbles & Foam #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Scottsdale, AZ Q. @Champagvillages Any mentors in wine industry? What's your back round? #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @SandyWasserman my mentor is my father - we have been in #Champagne for 4 gens. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @SandyWasserman when a baby is born into our family, a small drop of #Champagne is put on their lip at birth - it is our tradition #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @Champagvillages Tell us a bit about the philosophy of your company, Champagne Villages. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl It’s a selection of top Boutiques Champagnes spread over all #Champagne. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl I am fond of the #terroir. We work with independent #vignerons in #Champagne. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl They own their #vineyard and vinify and bottle at the Domaine in #Champagne. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. fr shy #SommChat peep: Do you have any plans to expand your business and if so how? either in #Champagne or elsewhere?
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl we would like to expand our markets for our Growers #Champagne in South America Japan and China Russia- will take time #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Talking about #Champagne Glassware - quick video Part 1 #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga good 23:00 from #bombay what #champagne on tap @KeeperColl what type does mme sophie couvreur cook at @Champagvillages #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages .@ormiga I like 2 cook #poultry & pair w/ #Champagne and of course luv to pair with #Cheese esp Goat Cheese #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - what is your preferred style of champagne-Blanc de Blanc or Blanc de noir? #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @demilove prefer BdB as Aperitif and BdNoir with the meal but love #Champagne all the time - we are open minded with #Champagne #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @Champagvillages How does the type of glass you select 4 drinking #Champagne affect the taste? #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl we drink #champagne from Open glass with a conic bottom to develop aroma- we did not use glass with flat bottom #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl #Champagne Glassware Video Part 2 #SommChat - look fwd to Breakfast with Champs in the AM for #Christmas
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. fr Shy #SommChat perso: do you get in the vineyards and consult with any of your growers? How many growers to you have?
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl we have 21 #Champagne Growers located in the main regions. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl We share knowledge fr mktplace what we hear the customer wants so that the winemaker can develop the product to sell #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl we do not tell our growers what to do in the #vineyards or the #winery - they are the experts to make the #Champagne #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @Champagvillages What advice can you offer about chilling #Champagne? #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl Put #Champagne in the fridge (not the freezer) for 2 hours before tasting, or in an ice bucket for half an hour. #SommChat
Greg Stobbe @TalesoftheCork RT @Champagvillages: Put #Champagne in fridge (not freezer) for 2 hours before tasting or ice bucket for half hour. #SommChat @KeeperColl
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl A good #champagne does not have to be too cold - best temperature is between 8 and 10 degrees Celcius. #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl we normally do not need to chill on the table b/c with four ppl, the #Champagne is consumed fairly quickly #SommChat
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin Merry #Christmas Eve, #SommChat ers!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @AdamPlotkin talking #Champagne on #SommChat !!!!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: how is it determined by your growers when to make a vintage #Champagne?
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl Each grower decides at harvest, depending on the quality of the grapes if they will make a vintage #Champagne #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl each grower makes their own decision to make a vintage #champagne not required of the entire group #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga BdB! conoisseur @Champagvillages @demilove where are you located? i like #champagne all the time! How to start work in your office #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @ormiga we are located in #Epernay in the heart of the vineyard - grandfather born in #Ay #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga #truelove = @Champagvillages #champagne all the time eh #marryme #SommChat so how do you select/restrict to 21growers
SOPHIE COUVRER @Champagvillages @ormiga we limit to growers who R independent and do all of the work themselves; we do not work with growers that R w/ Coop #SommChat
Whitney Woodham @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl @Champagvillages what has been the biggest reward/challenge working with family #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @Champagnewhit For me, it is a Reward - my parents found Co from scratch - fortunate they developed gr8 relationships w/ growers #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @Champagnewhit now challenge for me is to grow the Company that my parents started #SommChat
Whitney Woodham @Champagnewhit: @Champagvillages it is a huge reward and a fantastic co..anything U would done differently? #iloveyourparents! #SommChat
Whitney Woodham @Champagnewhit @Champagvillages @KeeperColl it is a huge rewardfantastic co...anything you would of done differently? #iloveyourparents! #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @Champagnewhit my father says he would not have done it differently-he focused on relationships with gr8 growers in #Champagne #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl ever wondered how #Champagne Bubble Size could affect taste - see this video
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @Champagvillages what are some of your favorite #Champagne & #Food pairings? #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl BdB mostly w/ seafood and fish PN - w/ grilled meat & PMeunier - dessert or sweeter dish #SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @keepercoll Rose #Champagne with steak/meat & dessert & fruit
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @Champagvillages what do you like to do with your personal time?#SommChat
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages A. @KeeperColl To drink #champagne also travelling, running, & reading #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #Champagne talk w/ Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages of Champagne Villages #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have Sophie Couvreur @ChampagVillages join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Sophie @ChampagVillages for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Wishing all of our #SommChat friends a very Happy Holiday Season filled with Peace, Love, Health & Happiness for you and yours
SOPHIE COUVREUR @Champagvillages @KeeperColl gr8 2 b here on #SommChat with everyone - have a Merry Christmas while drinking #Champagne #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Mark UR calendar for a #NewYearsEve #SommChat w/ Master of #Wine Anne Krebiehl @AnneInVino Wed 12/31/14 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!