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1/23 Winemaker Jocelyn Hogan, Hogan Wines
Jocelyn Hogan
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn abt #SouthAfrica #wines from Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: We’d like to introduce you to Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines to say hello & so she knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: As we ask our Qs, you can ask Jocelyn your Qs as well! She'll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @hoganwines & @keepercoll 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Let's start talking #SouthAfrica #wines with Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: Hi everyone gr8 to be on #SommChat and looking forward to hearing your questions - so much to talk about on #SouthAfrica #wines
James Tidwell @winejames:I’m so excited that I logged on early! Jocelyn, do you have a person who has inspired your winemaking? If so, how/why is that person inspirational to you? #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: Serge Hochar from @chateaumusar - the style of his #wines and his personality were infectious. I met him in Nov 2014 when he came to #SouthAfrica and he transformed my winemaking philosophy- unfortunately he died a month later #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: I think this could be controversial but Serge of @chateaumusar was not afraid of natural ferment & VA - I am not either. In #southafrica this often comes from the Carignan component which adds complexity and natural acidity to the #wines…. #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: A more than worthy inspiration and great person! Thanks for sharing! What about his philosophy informed your winemaking style? #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Thank @winejames #Come1Comeall to #SommChat with @hoganwines today
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @hoganwines Jocelyn, how did your family start in the #wine business in #SouthAfrica and what kind of knowledge did it take to do that? #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: Basically I have named my job title as an independent nomadic #winemaker. I worked for 10 yrs in the #wine Biz at other wineries and earned my BSC degree in #viticulture and #enology before I started my brand…. #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: I don’t have a cellar or vineyards so I could launch a brand quicker. This is a new wave movement in #SouthAfrica. I am not stuck with one set of vineyards or locations so I have great flexibility and creativity in making my wines. #Sommchat
Tim Atkin @timatkin: That's the key to the New Wave. That, lots of talent and passion and relatively cheap grapes.
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: I agree with you , but I want to make sure the followers today know that my grapes in terms of #SouthAfrica pricing are on the higher end and we continue to push for higher grape prices for our farmers. Gr8 to hear form you Tim and thanks for chiming in #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #SouthAfrica #wine talk with Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines #SommChat
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: It was great to have Jocelyn join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
Keeper Collection @keepercoll: Please join us in thanking Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines and for her time!! #SommChat
Jocelyn Hogan Wilson @hoganwines: Fantastic 1st #SommChat experience - thx to all of you for asking such gr8 questions, look fwd to another time on #SommChat & pls come see me in #SouthAfrica.