So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

12/7 Champagne Expert Caitlin Corcoran, Ca Va Champagne Bar
Howard Hanna @howardamosa: Excited for @caitcork to talk about @cavakc and our recent trip to #champagne with @KCTrumpeter on #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Champagne Q&A begins in 5 minutes • hope you'll join the conversation! #WineWednesday #SommChat
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood: Every Wednesday at noon EDT join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl… #wine #wiyg #foodies
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! join us 2 learn Fr #Champagne expert w/ Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We’d like 2 introduce you to Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar! #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s,S/O 2 Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar ! say hello so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: As we ask Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @caitcork, 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Kate Haugan @haukatehau: @KeeperColl @caitcork @cavakc Checking in! Excited for the convo! Hello!!
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Hi everyone! Excited to be here on #SommChat to discuss all things sparkling wine!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let’s start talking w/ Champagne Expert Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar about #Champagne on #SommChat
Ça Va @cavakc: Hi @haukatehau! @KeeperColl @caitcork #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork Tell us about Ça Va @cavakc? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @cavakc is Kansas City's first Champagne Bar. Named a top wine bar to visit in the US by @ELLEmagazine #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We serve all-sparkling wines with French-inspired nibbles in a chic #KansasCity-meets-Paris wine bar. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr shy #SommChat peep: can you share some #champagne suggestions you like that won't break the bank 4 the holidays @caitcork ?
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: 2 of my favorites cost effective #Champagne options are Jacquart Brut or Huré Fréres #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: If you're not married to a #Champagne, Cava is similar in style & considerably more cost effective, a great options for cocktails. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: My current favorite is a sparkling from Hungary - Kiralyudvar (a Pet-nat) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how many #champagnes do you have on your list and how often do U change the list @caitcork > sales in btls or BTG
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: 50 bottle #champagne selection, over 100 total sparkling wines. List changes weekly. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We sell more bottles in Q4, more BTG Q1-3. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @kcwineguy thanks 4 #SommChat support today love our #Champagne - much to learn fr @caitcork fr @cavakc
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - do U use #Champagne Flute or white #wine tasting glass to serve - how did you decide which @caitcork
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We use white wine glasses b/c we want people to treat sparkling more like still wine. Larger bulb allows more aromatics than flute #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We still keep flutes on hand for the occasional party or request #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork Why do you think sparkling #wine has seen such a surge in popularity recently? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Sparkling wines are for every day, not just celebration. From #Prosecco to #Champagne: food-friendly, great value & fun to drink. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Everyone loves bubbles! Quality is amazing, and younger consumers love the wines as much as their parents. #SommChat
kcwineguy @kcwineguy: Important factor 4 creating sustainable purchase patterns as their (the young) income increases! #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Agree- as the younger generation of bubbly drinkers matures it'll be interesting to see how their palates & preferences progress #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @kcwineguy this answer is for you! #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: This is absolutely what I rely on the @cavakc team for! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how did U get interested in #Champagne & what R you seeing abt price increases for 2017 @caitcork?
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @cavakc guests love the range of flavors and affordability of sparkling wine. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: My love of terroir started early with coffee and progressed to sparkling wines. My mom instilled a love of wine at an early age. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @cavakc strives to make it accessible- price incr really affects our bottom line but we do our best not to pass that on to guests #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Wow!!! Love their guest-centric biz model. You'd think it's a no brainer but not always! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork What are the general trends you are seeing in the #champagne category? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Grower champagne is trending. And Pet-Nats are here to stay! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr shy #SommChat peep: can you explain more about Pet-Nat @caitcork is it something you sip or need to pair with food?
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Pet-Nats are a traditional way of making sparkling - more rustic, very natural. All about discovery and flavor #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: The Pet-nat flavor range varies. Some can stand alone but many really need cheese or charcuterie to compliment the funky flavors #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: People understand farm-to-table dining, and it has fueled grower Champagnes. #SommChat
Kate Haugan @haukatehau: @caitcork f KC's @cavakc is doing a super interesting #SommChat right now - tune in!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: great to see you @haukatehau on #SommChat today - look foward to your questions for @caitcork
Kaki Miller @kaki_miller: Hi @caitcork! Besides the Holiday Season, what is the busiest time of year for #Champagne sales at @cavakc ? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Spring is wedding season - bubbles are always popular. As it heats up guests love a sparkling Rosè on the patio #SommChat
Corvino KC @CorvinoKC: @caitcork! As we build our own list, what is your advice for styles America is loving on rn? Thx! #SommChat
kcwineguy @kcwineguy: Selfishly hoping for some good #Cremant on your list! #SommChat #KCMO #Wine #Cheers…
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @kcwineguy have you had @LEBONVINBLANC cremant de bourgogne - it is lovely #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: It’s good to have a range of classic #Champagne but there is a lot of great (affordable) domestic stuff coming out of the PacNW #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: When we opened in 2014, guests were learning about grower #Champagne and farmer fizz. Our clients are adventurous and trust us #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We’ve seen a natural progression from Champagne -> Cava & Prosecco -> other international & domestic sparkling wine options. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @theriegerkc and @cavakc family of brands are who the #KansasCity community look to for food and drink trends. #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Yes! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @AmyGKC great to see you on #SommChat today - look fwd to your #Champagne questions for @caitcork
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: this is for you @CorvinoKC - great to see you on #SommChat today
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork Are your clients more interested in #Cava, #Prosecco, #Cremant, #California #sparkling and if so why? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: We currently don't have any on the list, we have quite a few non-traditional regions and varietals- a favorite to expand. #SommChat
Kaki Miller @kaki_miller: Does good #Champagne have to be the most expensive drink on your list? @caitcork #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Good question!! #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: A #Champagne tends to be the most expensive option but there are other fantastic sparkling wines that make great alternatives #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: NV b/c of price point. And Rosè - everyone loves it, including Brut Rosè. We can't keep it in stock. #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: #Rosèeveryday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm -do UC > interest in NV vs Vintage and Rose vs Brut vs other champagnes by Ur customers? @caitcork
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork What about #food pairings with sparkling #wines? What’s on the menu? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Our top #Champagne pairings: duck fat kettle corn, pommes frites, charcuterie & cheese, steak & oyster tartare, caviar bites…#SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: It makes a great difference to have @howardamosa who loves sparkling working on the best food matches #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Sparkling really is the best food pairing wine. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @jillzimorski @sommsayhai @chauneuf Learning #Champagne from @caitcork today on #SommChat
Kate Haugan @haukatehau: @caitcork How do you assist 1st timers/bubble-inexperienced guests navigate to something they'll love? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Having Prosecco on tap (low price point) is a nice starting place. This is a good way to start a convo with guests to guide them. #SommChat
L. Aaron Fry @KCquaffer: #SommChat My favorite thing about @cavakc is that the list is very approachable.It's not just high end #Champagne but offers all sparkling
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @KCquaffer great to see you here today on #SommChat with @caitcork
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Absolutelty. And @caitcork isn't the only one who knows her stuff. She's taught her staff well so they are all good guides #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Thanks @KCquaffer - we strive to provide a variety of amazing options. Great to hear we are achieving this. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @AmyGKC @KCquaffer @kcwineguy after hearing UR comments looks like we need to make a trip to #KC and @cavakc and @caitcork #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Absolutely!! It's a must! It is by far my favorite #KansasCity spot for happy hour, brunch, birthday parties, etc #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: q fr shy #SommChat peep @caitcork do you have access in #KC to large variety of #Champagne or hard to get like in #NYC
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @jcoley3 brought Grower Champagne to KCMO. We don't have as much variety as the coasts, but growing & becoming more accessible #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Selection is somewhat limited for public purchase but #KCMO has a few good shops I send guests to. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork can you describe #jacquesson #champagne profile? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: The flavor profile tends to be on the dryer spectrum. Has linear acidity with nice orchard fruits to compliment. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: I’m inspired by Jean Hervè of Jacquesson view that house cuvee #Champagne is about listening to the grapes not the numbers. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork What were some of your favorite #food pairings from your recent trip to #France? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Late night seafood was a constant favorite. In particular: sea urchin & Saint Claire Especial oysters. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Tell us about #Libert #Champagne - what is the style @caitcork @V59Wines #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: A blanc de blanc (100% Chardonnay) from a tiny vineyard - only 3.5 hectares. Lots of minerality with a sea-foam like mousse. #SommChat
Kaki Miller @kaki_miller: Please describe any notable differences in taste between #Champagne and #SparklingWine @caitcork #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: The soil in #Champagne lends itself to an elegance that is unachievable anywhere else. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Wine making methods can be similar but where the grapes are grown truly define the flavor of the wine. #SommChat
Kate Haugan @haukatehau: @caitcork Not a Q but a comment: consistently in awe of u @ @cava. #Hospitality, knowledge, selection: all on lock. Inspiring. #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: RIGHT??!!! Me too!!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork Tell us about #seleque #Champagne @V59Wines #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @jmseleque is a young winemaker who is redefining how people look at #Champagne from the Aube region. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Huge fan of his Rosè, specifically the infusion (100% Meunier). Fruit forward but with an orange zest to its acidity. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how do U train UR staff on #Champagne and Sparkling #wines 4 drink alone & for pairing #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Our new hire packet includes 40 pages of 'sparkling wine 101' - if it doesn't scare them off we know they are keepers. #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Awesome!!!! #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: The weekly changes in glass list give the opp to have an interactive convo about the wines & food pairings - making them experts #SommChat
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Another thing I love about @cavakc ! #SommChat
L. Aaron Fry @KCquaffer: @caitcork spark wine has followed the trend of #natiwine with the petnats that are so popular. But I still love me some dosage. #SommChat
L. Aaron Fry @KCquaffer: #SommChat thank you so much @caitcork and @howardamosa for @cavakc. I think the best thing you guys offer is hospitality. Warm & welcoming
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: For sure. I feel so at home and everyone knows me by name. Some of the friendliest folks in #KansasCity #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork What do you think the future holds for the #Champagne & #Sparkling category and how trends may change? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: I agree - pet-nats are great way to get people interested in sparkling but #Champagne is king. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: American wineries will start to capitalize more on the sparkling wine market. I'd like to see more experimentation in the U.S. #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Pet-nats are on trend, and easier to make. Farmers fizz is a nice alternative for boutique wineries to add to their line-up. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove: @caitcork - What do you look for when interviewing for your restaurant - @KeeperColl - #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Hospitality focused. Not-pretentious. Eager to learn & grow. Team oriented (front & back of house lines very blurry). #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: good Q @demilove and happy holidays #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork How does @cavakc ring in the #NewYear? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: @cavakc celebrates the New Year all week long with events and nightly champagne toasts #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Fri 12/30 is grown-up NYE – same food and drink offerings, without the amateurs #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: On #NYE @cavakc toasts the new year for “midnight in Paris” (5pm CT) and midnight in KC #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @caitcork Is there a price point by the glass and the bottle that the consumer is looking for? #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Our bestsellers range from $10-$14 by the glass year-round. Pours over $20/glass can be a tough sell, except during the holidays! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr shy #SommChat peep - can you give advice on how to ask #Somms about #Champagne when you are a beginner @caitcork
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Great question!! #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Guests will try new things. We have flight nights every Wednesday, add new by-the-glass weekly, educate on everything #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Explain your preferences - flavor, dryness, body style - and let them guide you with questions to find the best option. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking w/ #Champagne Expert Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Gr8 2 have Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar join us on #SommChat. Hope everyone learned as much as we did!
Amy Guerich @AmyGKC: Great hour. Thank you!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking #Champagne Expert Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork, Manager Ca Va @cavakc #Champagne Bar for her time on #SommChat
Caitlin Corcoran @caitcork: Thank you @KeeperColl and everyone for the wonderful questions! #SommChat
David Keck @yrmom_safoodie: @KeeperColl @caitcork @cavakc just the worst when meetings run long and you miss the action, but fantastic reading through now! #SommChat