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1/31 Master Sommelier Will Costello, Bien Nacido & Solomon Hills Estates
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine from Master #Somm Will Costello @BienTheKnow, talking about #BienNacido #SolomonHills, and @repourwinesaver!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Will to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: As we ask Will Costello @BienTheKnow our Qs, you can ask your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & @BienTheKnow 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with Master #Somm Will Costello @BienTheKnow! #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @primlanikitchen: Twelve Reasons You Should be Drinking Santa Barbara County Wines! #SommChat #WINE
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Really excited to cover a range of topics from #SantaBarbara to #SanSebastian & great chat on #wine preservation on a brand new horizon @repourwinesaver #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Q: @BienTheKnow How are the vines dealing with the current water stress? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: #SantaBarbara is 1 of the driest regions in the world - technically a coastal desert - every1 has to irrigate, it’s abt preservation of healthy vines over time rather than yr in and yr out water mgt. #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Iconic renditions from @BienNacido vineyards especially @aubonclimat PNs and Qupe Syrahs #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: The wines from our estate program represent the culmination of our 45 years of work! Hope you can try those as well!
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Looking forward to it! Do you have any trade tastings scheduled in Florida? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We finally have #wine in #Florida -we work with #wines by Sophie. With so little production we likely won’t have a trade tasting until early 2019. #SommChat
Blinded By The Bite! @blindedbite: Do you have wines available here in Washington State? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Gr8 to see you on #SommChat today !
Blinded By The Bite! @blindedbite: Thanks! Most days I’m a silent observer due to the day job, but know I’m always here 😘🍷
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Good morning Will @BienTheKnow How did you get your start in #wine business and who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Got started in #wine biz by meeting Jesse Rodriguez at #AddisonDelMar-he came from The French Laundry and knew so much art I was immediately enamored #SommChat @TBurkeMS has been a great mentor as well
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Right on, I'm pretty sure Jesse worked here in Phoenix Scottsdale area wine industry. Cheers! #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Yes he did - he cut his teeth at Mary Elaine’s @the_phoenician #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Please send him my regards if you speak to him. #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Absolutely! I speak to him daily....He was the best man in my wedding! Thanks @SandyWasserman
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Q: Santa Barbara has attracted some new kids on the block - any particular producers to look forward too? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: My fav new kids on #SantaBarbara block are Topa Mountain, Tyler, Lutum, Chanin, & Lillian #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Q: There is a bit of price disparity between older producers and new kids. How does one justify prices especially since some of them are only sourcing grapes w/o Extra cost of managing vineyards? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: #Inflation hits everyone. Building a brand, buying wine equipment, operating a tasting room and so many others are not cheap. I think economy of scale allows older producers advantage. Not so for the little guy #SommChat ...
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Quality is of course paramount, so the new kids need to step up and make wines as good as the old guard.
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen: Q: Stylistically how has SB wines evolved over the years? #SommChat @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Over the years, SB Wines have owned their identity. Where they used to be both High Alcohol and Low Alcohol wines without typicity. Now each producer knows what they want to make and which vineyards to find it. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow Will, describe a typical week of your work for Bien Nacido and #solomonhills? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: avg week-spend my time flying all over #US 2 educate abt #SantaBarbara #wines, @BienTheKnow & continuing to develop our distributorship relationships in 26 states…#SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: … most nights on road have <20 person dinners with fans of our wines at farm2table restos #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Q @BienTheKnow what wines are you geeking on that are not from BN? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: The #Ojai Vineyards make a small parcel of #Syrah from #solomanhill vineyards - spicy and really elegant as well #SommChat
SommLife @RealSommLife: $5 says he is dreaming of a Chablis!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow can you tell us about the history of Bien Nacido? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: #BientheKnow has been around since 1969, when the Miller Family reuinted two parcels of the original Mexican Land Grant #RanchoTepusquet. This was re-christened Bien Nacido, which means "Well Born" as homage to its history. #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: The vines were 1st planted in 1973, and we have some of the oldest "own-rooted" vines in California. Our Q, N and G Block are the oldest suitcase clones on their own feet in CA. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm How many markets are @BienTheKnow in and where do you want to grow into? How many wines do you make?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We are currently in 26 markets, but really like to focus on about 15 in the USA. We dont make enough wine to grow beyond these. Some States get less than 10 six packs of each of our 5 wines. We make 2 Chardonnay, 2 Pinot and 1 Syrah. #SommChat #Somm
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm How long did it take you to get your MS and any tips to help an Advanced trying to move forward @BienTheKnow?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: It took me 8 years in total and 4 attempts at the @MasterSommUS. I would recommend that anyone who has the desire really dedicated themselves. You cannot go halfway and expect to be successful! Also, stop doing "bring your own" tasting groups. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow heard U have tested @repourwinesaver why do you think #wine preservation is important and how do you use it? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: @repourwinesaver is one of the most amazing inventions for wine professionals I have ever used. I opened a 2012 Christophe et Fils Chablis last night. Only took one sip and used a repour to save it for next week! #SommChat ....
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: ... I use them on the road to preserve my samples from day to day. I have so many wines to show. WE make 5, that opening 15 bottles in one week is not very smart. I use @repourwinesaver to show my wines perfectly for the whole week. Amazing Tech. #SommChat ...
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: ...The #repour is so easy to use, since you open a bottle, open a repour, and just shove it in the top. Stand the bottle up, and you are good to go for as long as you desire. Honestly, it couldnt be easier! #SommChat
Repour @RepourWineSaver: Thanks @BienTheKnow and @Willmerson for being an early adoptor of #repour We are honored to have leaders in the industry adopting #repour and having such great success with it #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Will, @BienTheKnow Do you think using @repourwinesaver can help in a #restaurant setting and if so how? Why this method vs gas or corvavin?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: The best use of @repourwinesaver in restaurants would be for high end pours, or for restaurants which close a couple days a week. Since the wines can be resealed for the "weekend" or on slow nights, it can save hundreds on spoiled wine dumped down the drain #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow Will, can you tell us about Solomon Hills Vineyard’s history? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: #SolomonHills Was planted in 1999, as the second vineyard the Miller Family planted. IT is the closest vineyard 2 the water in Santa Maria at just 10 miles away from the beach. We used #selectionmassale from @BienNacido to plant this vineyard #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep: Love #SantaBarbara #wines , if your @BienTheKnow #wines are not in my mkt, do you sell off of your website and ship to consumers?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We sell our wines @ but only through our mailing list or Estate Club Membership. Since we make so little wine, we only offer them in the Spring and Fall. Next Allocation is April 9 for our #Chardonnay from both vineyards #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow what are the main primary variety of #grapes used to make #wine at Bien Nacido and Solomon Hills? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: @BienTheKnow we focus on the three major #SantaBarbara grapes of #Syrah #Chardonnay and #PinotNoir. But @BienNacido we grow all kinds including #refosco #mourvedre #tocaifriulano and so many more #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @BienTheKnow Will, what is your favorite part about being in the #wine industry? #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: My favorite part about the wine industry is the size. I grew up in San Diego, a bit town. And the wine industry is like a one horse town. Everyone knows wach other, and if you dont, you will. It is like #Cheers where you feel like home. #SommChat
SommLife @RealSommLife: I love that response, and couldn't agree more. A couple days ago I was in Austin with @keepercoll and your name came up from @MickDescamps . The next day @Guy_Stout did a tasting, hadn't seen him since @TEXSOM
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Will, any #wine trends you see in the next 3 years and any you would like to see change from last 3 years @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Great Question! I would like to see #NaturalWine disappear in the current sense. #DirtyWine isnt great because it is #natural. @BienTheKnow we make natural wines, but not at the expense of quality #SommChat ...
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: In the Next 3 years, I think we will see more #Sparkling wine from all over the world. Everyone loves #bubbles and the demand will continue to grow. @FlyingGoatWines makes some amazing bubbles from #SolomonHills and are definitely world Class #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm where did you start in #wine resto or ? and is this your first gig with a winery? What skill sets do you think are needed to do UR job rather on the floor @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: I started in resto, like most #MasterSomms should. But, the skills of hospitality, accountability, friendship and honor are all skills which make winery work possible. This is my first winery and hopefully last. I love the wines of @BienTheKnow & want to show the world #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: I like to learn about the other side of wine business now, and I am still very interested in resto business, but I dont study #Bulgarian wine anymore... I still love to #BlindTaste
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how many uses can you get from 1 @repourwinesaver and do you think it can work for BTG program considering cost @BienTheKnow ?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: @repourwinesaver is for one bottle. It can take out up to 2000mL of air. Meaning each time you open it, you can put it back in the same bottle until the end. In bulk, they only cost .68 each, so this is amazing price, instead of dumping #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Will, are the #wines of @BienTheKnow created for bottle sales or do you have any you think fit BTG? R the wines made for drink now or aging ?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We make the pinnacle of The Miller families vision, when they planted @BienNacido. Since our production is only around 1400 cases, it is all bottle. I know my 2015 Chardonnays will stay in my cellar until 2030, and then I will drink them, but no problem today either #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm when you are not working in your job, what are some of your fav things to do and what do you like to drink other than #wine @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: I love to drink #Chablis and #Tequila, #Cook and watch @BachelorABC with my wife. We love to make dinner with #friends and try new recipes. and #Tequila....had to throw that in there 2X #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how do you feel getting MS helped your career and would you do it again? Do you feel a need to keep up with your #wine studies and if so how do you do this? @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: Being an MS is the pinnacle of Hospitality and Beverage Service. I would do it again in a heartbeat. But, it is a holistic achievement, which showcases your work in the industry. If you havent been a good citizen, you likely will not succeed #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: I like to learn about the other side of wine business now, and I am still very interested in resto business, but I dont study #Bulgarian wine anymore... I still love to #BlindTaste
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you tell us about your terroir, weather, cellar mgt for @BienTheKnow and are there differences bw #BienNacido & #SolomanHills?
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: #SantaMaria is as cold technically as Champagne on the Winkler Scale. We like to call it the #HenryWinkler Scale or the #Fonzarelli Scale. Meaning, we can make High Acid Wines with California Fruit. A Perfect balance any Burg producer would die for #SommChat ...
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We do the styles of @Luchets007 @JeremySeysses in the wine cellar. #WholeCluster on our red wines, and #barrelferment on the chardonnay before #stainless steel for freshness. And never sulphur the juice prior to fermentation. #BrownJuiceClub
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep do you still accept consumers into the #wine sales programs online and if so is there a general price range for your 2x per year program @BienTheKnow
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: We accept approx 50 new Members per allocation. and you can sign up. The prices are approx $150 per shipment 2X per year. And Members can buy as much as they want. #MailingList gets the rest! Whites $45 and Reds $60 #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @BienTheKnow Will, how would one know if they have used 2000ml of air in @repourwinesaver
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: I think @repourwinesaver Calculated this to be the amount of air in a bottle if you decided to pour 3 oz pours until the bottle is gone. If you pour 5 oz pours, you are using even less and therefore keeping the wine fresher. It should be 1 bottle 1 repour #SommChat
SommLife @RealSommLife: repour is designed for one bottle, 750ml, glass by glass for five glasses. Once the bottle is finished you use a fresh repour on the next bottle.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk w/ Will Costello @BienTheKnow! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: It was great to have Will Costello join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Master #Sommelier Will Costello for his time talking about @BienTheKnow #BienNacido and #SolomanHills and @repourwinesaver today on #SommChat
Will Costello @BienTheKnow: So Great to be here, and you can always ask me anything @BienTheKnow or #BienTheKnow. I want to thank you all for your time! @keepercoll #SommChat
Repour @repourwinesaver: Great #SommChat today and thank you all for sharing your experiences with Repour. Happy #WineWednesday! #solomanhills
Repour @repourwinesaver: Huge thanks to @keepercoll & Master Somm @Willmerson for sharing your Repour experience on #SommChat today. "Repour is one of the most amazing inventions for wine professionals I have ever used...Amazing easy to use...can save hundreds on spoiled wine dumped" Cheers!