So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/10 Jamie Stewart, US Ambassador for Ferrari Trento
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 learn #wine frm #US Brand Ambassador for #FerrariTrento Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento
KeeperCollection @keepercoll We’d like to introduce you to US Brand Ambassador for #FerrariTrento Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento on #SommChat #WW
Monika Elling @FoundationsPR Hi Jamie! Worked with #FerrariTrento as PR Director at Lauber/SWS. Happy to connect. @keepercoll @FerrariTrento #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @Foundationspr @keepercoll Great to se you. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll As we ask Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @FerrariTrento 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Sassodoro@Sassodoro @keepercoll @FerrariTrento Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Thought @Sassodoro would like this one and can't wait to see your #SommChat questions today!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Let's start talking #Wine with #US Brand Ambassador for #FerrariTrento Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento Greetings & Salutations everyone. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@FerrariTrento When was #FerrariTrento founded? #SommChat #Italy #wine
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll #FerrariTrento was founded in 1902 by Giulio Ferrari after he returned from studying the Champagne method in France #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Giulio was a viticulturist fascinated with unusual grape cultures, and those of Champagne led him to study in France. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll He first studied in Montpellier, then extensive stage work in Champagne. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: @FerrariTrento how many diff #FerrariTrento #wines do you make & do they all come to the #US
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento here is a good #SommChat question from #Chicago @demilove
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - Hello from Chicago! Hi Jamie - do you ever make it here for tasting events? - #SommChat
@keepercoll @demilove Yes, absolutely. I used to live on Schiller & Lakeshore DR. Love Chicago. There 4-5 times a year. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Jamie, @FerrariTrento how many diff #FerrariTrento #wines do you make & do they all come to the #US #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll We produce NV Brut, NV Rose, 3 Vintage Blanc de Blancs, a Vintage Rose, & Vintage Blanc de Noirs. #sommchat
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Yay, #WineWednesday & I hopped on Twitter for @keepercoll's #SommChat. Howdy from Texas to Jamie @FerrariTrento!
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ATXFoodnews @keepercoll G-Day Kay. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento What was Giulio Ferrari’s intuition? #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm Q. @FerrariTrento we read that you are converting all vineyards to 100% organic sustainable, when do you expect completion? #sommchat
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Great question, @CharlesComm! #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @CharlesComm Within the next 18 months. Environmental leadership isn’t a title, it's about influencing another positively.#sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ATXFoodnews @CharlesComm Economy and environment are the same thing for us. That is the rule of nature, and the winery. #sommchat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @FerrariTrento - Have you noticed improvement in quality of wines since beginning the conversion to organic? - #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @demilove Incredible qualitative advances. Our protocol, Il vigneto Ferrari" ("The Ferrari Vineyard") delivers superlative fruit. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Jamie - here is Q sent to us for you @FerrariTrento how many diff #FerrariTrento #wines do you make & do they all come to the #US #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc@FerrariTrento @keepercoll They all are exported to the US. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@FerrariTrento What was Giulio Ferrari’s intuition in #trento & When did Lunelli family became part of history of #FerrariTrento? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Giulio realized that the climate of his home in Trento was perfect for #Chardonnay destined for sparkling wines #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The mountains were his inspiration. They rimmed his life. They were the cup of his reality, beyond growth, & struggle. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The Lunelli's took the helm in the 50's. We are now in the the 3rd generation of Lunelli leadership #FerrariTrento #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Camilla, Matteo, Marcello, & Alessandro. #sommchat
Monika Elling @Foundationspr Has the uptick in sales of Prosecco helped or hurt your sales in US? @FerrariTrento @keepercoll #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @Foundationspr @keepercoll Of course, our wines are Methode Traditional, not Charmat, so there's distinct quality & stylistic diff.#sommchat
Monika Elling @Foundationspr What is difference to consumers between your MT vs. Franciacorta, the other Italian sparkling category? @FerrariTrento @keepercoll #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @Foundationspr @keepercoll Franciacorta is lower, with different climatic and geological influences.Our wines exhale the mountains.#sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The mountains were his inspiration. They rimmed his life. They were the cup of his reality, beyond growth, & struggle. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento The Dolomites are not stadiums where we satisfy our ambition to achieve, they are a cathedral where we practice our religion. #sommchat
Ormiga @ormiga nice @FerrariTrento #sommchat do the #dolomites encourage more white #wine or #terroir shine thru in reds too? someone said 100% #organic?
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ormiga Whites excel. Red's face more issues from diurnal changes, but Pinot Noir when selected well also thrives. #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga @FerrariTrento o i see didnt know the challenges for red. was thinking of #dolomite #geology like #chablis so whites just BOOM? #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ormiga Temp range from 45 - 94 each day, frigid wind patterns, makes life for a grape with tannin in it's skin more perilous. #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga dang 45-94F @FerrariTrento ME nit like forget grape #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga am #bombay boy back home now have @FerrariTrento tried pairing your #wine to REAL #india #food not resto-in-usa-eu krap #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ormiga We love REAL Indian food, streets of Bombay style. #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga let me know @FerrariTrento next time here will tske you REAL #bombay street #food not froofroo 5star krap im #mumbai #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @ormiga Yes, 100%. Not merely us. We subsidize the entire DOC to our protocol. Only copper and sulfur are used anywhere now. #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga @FerrariTrento cool mucho power to DOC
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q sent to @FerrariTrento do U make #perle vintage every year- if not how do you decide when to make & when not? how long can age? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento Where is #FerrariTrento production located? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Our sparkling wines are produced in Trento, Italy, located in the Dolomite region of the Alps #SommChat #ferraritrento
KeeperCollection @keepercoll how beautiful @FerrariTrento looks like we need to add this to our #wine visit list to learn & C 1st hand #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento do U make #perle vintage every year- if not how do you decide when to make & when not? how long can age? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll We make Perle 90% of the time. Vintage depends entirely upon being able to produce a better wine than the last. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Our Riserva Del Fondatore, Giulio has been made 22 times in 43 years.
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The structure of our wines lend itself to long aging. Good acid, low dossage, all ingredients to healthy cellar life.#sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento What does Metodo Classico mean? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll All Metodo Classico is talian for the process of making wine through second bottle fermentation, like Champagne. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento What makes #FerrariTrento’s sparkling #wines unique? #SommChat
Ferrari Trento @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Our grapes are grown at 400 to 700 meters above sea level. Ferrari was the first #Trentodoc and continues to lead. #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Giulio Ferrari had a dream, & didn’t hide from it. He believed he could succeed and left no stone unturned in it. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento What is oldest Perle you have tasted? What do U think is optimal drinking time? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll 1972, my birth year. We release when the wine is entering it's aperture of drinkability. I suggest 15-20 years aging. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento What are the qualities for Trentodoc wines? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll We define themselves as sparkling wines from the mountains. A special blend of elements: land, altitude and climate. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q fr #Somm - @FerrariTrento do you have a #wine glass preference when serving/drinking UR #FerrariTrento Sparkling? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Aromatic white glass is optimal. Negative on the flute. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento Tell us about Ferrari Perlé Trentodoc. #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Ferrari Perlé Trentodoc has been made of 100% Chardonnay grown in our family’s estate vineyards since 1971 #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll We also produce a Perle Rose (saignee) and Perle Nero (Blanc de Noirs) #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento are the Rose and Nero harder to find in #US - what is prod size of each Perle #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q fr #Somm - what are UR biggest #US mkts @FerrariTrento & where is growth and focus? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll I like the road less traveled.A wine lover in Nebraska is no less valuable than one in Manhattan. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll New York, Florida, Illinois, California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon. There's actually nowhere we don't do well. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento When tasting Ferrari Perlé Trentodoc what would stand out? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll To me, Perle is the spiritual heart of Ferrari's passion and vision. The epiphany of our house style. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Considered most representative of #FerrariTrento style, Perlé's shining yellow-gold color is enticing #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Learning so much on #SommChat @FerrariTrento - time is flying only 15 mins left to get your Questions in #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento When tasting Ferrari Perlé Trentodoc, what do you sense on the nose? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll complex notes of meyer lemon, golden delicious apple, lemon curd, toasted brioche, marzipan, salted butter, macadamia #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento what are harvest methods and what is typical time for harvest? #FerrariTrento #SommChat #WW
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Mid August - early September. 100% by hand. No mechanization at all. Farmers grow the grapes. Farmers pick the grapes. #sommchat
@FerrariTrento For Ferrari Perlé Trentodoc, what are some suggested #food pairings? #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The world is your Oyster with this style of wine. #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Since Perlé is creamy and marked by alpine sapidity & freshness, we’d pair it with culatello-wrapped grissini. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento we paired 2007 #Perle with fresh #spinach salad #pears and #maytag Blue #Cheese last night to prepare 4 #SommChat - #DELISH
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll Sounds amazing. No invite?!?! #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Ha - heard you were traveling let us know when you are nearby and we will share:) #sommchat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll I'm actually on a NY-SFO flight right now. Delta has the best WiFi in the skies. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@FerrariTrento impressive to see you do #SommChat on @Delta flight with #WiFi You are a #twitter pro for sure!
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll @Delta I live but to serve, no matter the circumstance. Godspeed. Jamie #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @FerrariTrento Jamie how often do you go to #Trento and have you worked harvest and in cellar? #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga dang send @FerrariTrento @keepercoll a few ship-ful #ferrari perlé trentodoc #sommchst
KeeperCollection @keepercoll you need to find @FerrariTrento good #Wines #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ #US Brand Ambassador for #FerrariTrento Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento on #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @keepercoll @FerrariTrento Thanks for a great #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Great to have Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking #US Brand Ambassador for #FerrariTrento Jamie Stewart @FerrariTrento for his time on #SommChat
Ferrari Trentodoc @FerrariTrento @keepercoll The honor and the pleasure were entirely mine. My warmest regards to each of you. #sommchat
Elizabeth Smith @travelwinechick #WW cheers! 🍷 #sommchat @keepercoll @FerrariTrento @jennanorth @winechix @winemanboy @scottota
Linda Adams @lwa235 @keepercoll bummed I couldn't be there. Cheers all #sommchat