So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/12 Champagne Maker Aurélien Gerbais, Champagne Pierre Gerbais
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @blackiguananews @ShitMySommSays @cr8tivejen @jodifritch @ronga @DavidPSawyer @Rielpicon Oh boy! Happy #SommChat #WW!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @Sassodoro and will be fun talking #Champagne on #SommChat with #winemaker @AurelienGerbais See you there!
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Won’t be on #SommChat today. An early start with Spanish, Italian and Argentine wine in the bag #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SandyWasserman we will miss you on #SommChat today – have a great #WW – thanks for letting us know!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ChampagneSomm thanks for letting us know – we will miss U on #SommChat Happy bubbles to you!
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): What’s the Theme Today? @KeeperColl @lvwineapp @GJAtlUSA @thewinehub @yoga_kat @JadeDrinksWine @PalateXposure #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @PrimlaniKitchen #Champagne with #Winemaker @AurelienGerbais on #SommChat – hope 2 C U there
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): #Champagne? Anytime, anywhere….Sante! @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais #SommChat #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): so agree! RT @PrimlaniKitchen: #Champagne? Anytime, anywhere….Sante! @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais #SommChat #ww
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @KeeperColl Grower Champagne? I will def pop in for a bit #ww #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @lwa235 gr8 – it will be great – See you at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 a special #SommChat every1! It’s almost #ValentinesDay, so today we’re talking #champagne w/ @AurelianGerbais #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to @aureliengerbais of Gerbais #champagne #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @aureliengerbais 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @aureliengerbais our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @aureliengerbais 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #champagne with @aureliengerbais #WW #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @aureliengerbais Ready for #SommChat!
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @KeeperColl Let’s start talking #champagne with @aureliengerbais #WW #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): “Si tu beuve pas l’Champagne tu sora jamais un homme!!” (If you don’t drink Champagne, you will never be a man.) Ulysse Gerbais #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT W/so many participants gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @aureliengerbais 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @KeeperColl I am very happy to be here with all of you & excited to here your Questions for me on #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais hello!!! I love #Champagne #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais why is champagne so successful? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @m_arcon For me, every time you drink #Champagne, it is a good moment and is a celebration This helps with the success #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco CS/CSW): Greetings! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – good morning all! Nice to join you on #SommChat ! Everyone staying warm?
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @Marketview @EllaDogSays @mutineermag @phandke @harleywine1 @Delysia_Choc @AustinWineGuy Joining Sommchat. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): Good morning from sunny Austin! Finally able to make it! #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Personally #champagne pairs well with any cuisine and is easily enjoyed any time of the day! #SommChat
@vinonoceto (Vino Noceto Winery): #winewednesday brings us #SommChat, who is ready?
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): RT @lwa235 “Si tu beuve pas l’Champagne tu sora jamais un homme!!” (If you don’t drink Champagne, you will never be a man.) #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @AurelienGerbais @m_arcon For me, every time you drink #Champagne, is a good moment and celebration This helps with the success #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl love that you integrate Pinot Blanc Vrai in ur wines. Is this varietal often seen in Côtes de Bars? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @Iwa235 Ulysse was my gr8-uncle and used to say this to me as a child; he founded the winery with my grandfather Pierre #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @Iwa235 Pinot Blanc is a rare variety in #Champagne and is seen the most in the Cotes de Bar #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @Iwa235 & the reason Pinot Blanc is in Cotes de Bar is that terroir is frost resistant – Village Cellesur Ource is prone to Frost #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco CS/CSW): Great opening track for this month’s rush hour from @djclawrence. Blasting via the Apple TV while chatting with my fellow Somms in #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @AurelienGerbais Your father made the first 100% Pinot Blanc bottling in champagne with the 1996 l’Originale, no? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @PaulbWasserman @KeeperColl Yes he did he had wanted to make something spc with the old plots for the new millenium #SommChat
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl … #wine #wiyg #foodies
@WineDownDiva (Jazzie C): Joining #SommChat now Thanks for the invite @KeeperColl Cc: @exceptionalfood @ChampagneChat @Stefschwalb @_itsmatthew_ @vinogger #WW #wine
@vinogger (Melanie): Hello #SommChat from #SF #CA ready to talk and learn #wine!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, tell us about UR mission 2 preserve UR family’s approach to #Champagne #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I’m the fourth generation of the family, and I’m lucky because I work with both my father and grandfather. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl Every day I can get their experience and continue/perpetuate our philosophy of outstanding #Champagne. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I am able to Work our Terroir in a natural way… #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I am able to Protect our heritage of old vines to produce concentrated #wines… #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I am able to Use the simplest #winemaking process for an easy pleasure… #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #SommChat @iwa235 @aureliengerbais Tell us about your Rouge. Has it been successful? Aging?
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @winegrapestone potential 4 Rouge is high b/c in best plot in #Champagne for still #wine & Cotes de Bars is very #burgundian #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @winegrapestone It can age 20 years now-suggest drink 5-10 yrs and as my Rouge winemaking progresses I hope it will age longer #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl how much dosage do you use in your wines? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @m_arcon Dosage is not an exact science, changes by vintage by blind tasting, all our #Champage R extra brut R No dosage exc 4 1 #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @AurelienGerbais very interesting. I can’t help to compare the encépagement of the Réserve to that found in Franciacorta #SommChat
@WineDownDiva (Jazzie C): Checking in from snowy & icy Atlanta, GA for #SommChat #WW #Cheers
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): Q. @AurelienGerbais you describe the Prestige as “an amazing balanced of unusuals Terroirs”. Can you share more on terroirs? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @OWOCWines we work on 2 expositions of the slope N&S facing. We play w/the 2 exps with bal. of maturity & acidity #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@AurelienGerbais what do you think about the Champagnes from Selosse? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @m_arcon Anselme is a pioneer 4 all of the #Champagne winegrowers & he opened the door 2 show the #terroir of Champagne #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @winegrapestone @AurelienGerbais Rouge has lots of red fruit and zing. Great energy and texture. Beautidul wine. #SommChat
@WineDownDiva (Jazzie C): RT @KeeperColl: Welcome 2 a special #SommChat every1! It’s almost #ValentinesDay, so today we’re talking #champagne w/ @AurelianGerbais #WW
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): Just for the record, I’m @LWA235, not @iwa235 – don’t wanna miss any tweets #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl what is best entry level champagne in your opinion? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @m_arcon do you mean of my wines or of alll #Champagnes? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl I mean all growers & champagnes #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @m_arcon @KeeperColl J.L.Vergnon Conversation, Hure Freres Invitation #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): @AurelienGerbais such a nice history your family has, why do you think Americans become intimidated by champagne? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @vinogger @KeeperColl The Americans I know do not seem to be intimidated by #Champagne #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @vinogger quantity of limestone in #Champagne gives minerality and makes a difference @KeeperColl #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – What are some simply sublime food pairings with Champagne that may not be so obvious? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @demilove @KeeperColl Rose #Champagne w/ #Chocolates; & a Classic is 2 eat shellfish such as lobster or crayfish w/ L’Originale #SommChat sublime #SommChat
@WineDownDiva (Jazzie C): #Champagne & #chocolate — Suggested pairings? Would love to hear thoughts @AurelianGerbais #SommChat #wine #WW #winechat Cc: @KeeperColl
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): French fries! RT @demilove @KeeperColl – What are some simply sublime food pairings with Champagne that may not be so obvious? #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @AurelienGerbais @winegrapestone how convenient, I’m at wildman #burgundy tasting today. #wine #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @lwa235 Good morning, linda great seeing you yesterday! #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): What about the terroir makes your champagnes special & unique vs cava proseco or sparkling wine would you say? #SommChat @AurelienGerbais
@vinogger (Melanie): @demilove @KeeperColl I love truffle popcorn and potato chips with champagne the salt contrast is very interesting. I can’t help to compare the encépagement of the Réserve to that found in Franciacorta #SommChat
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): I have no idea what you just said but it sounds amazing anyway @lwa235! #WineTalk #SommChat #WineWednesday
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): RT @AurelienGerbais Anselme is a pioneer 4 all of the #Champagne winegrowers & he opened the door 2 show the #terroir of Champagne #SommChat
@OWOCWines (OWOC Wines): Love @AurelienGerbais great uncle’s quote “If you don’t drink Champagne, you will never be a man.” #SommChat
@wendycrispell (Wendy Crispell): @demilove @KeeperColl I second the potato chip pairing. I make my own truffled chips with Brie dipping sauce #SommChat
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): I’m on board! Yay! @KeeperColl @SummerRiesling @HVWineFest @NobleRotNYC @swirlgirldenver @tomcaestecker @MoRandazzoMB #SommChat
@wendycrispell (Wendy Crispell): @AurelienGerbais @vinogger @KeeperColl I find Americans are drinking more Champagne and other sparklers. Not just celebratory #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @AurelienGerbais: @vinogger @KeeperColl Americans I know do not seem to be intimidated by #Champagne #SommChat sometimes the prices tho!
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #SommChat @AurelienGerbais What do the other producers and grows think about your Ampelos certification. More onboard?
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @AurelienGerbais #SommChat “Growers”
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @winegrapestone Many R interested but getting & keeping Certification is lot of work & difficult, so they do not do it #SommChat
@wendycrispell (Wendy Crispell): @KeeperColl @lennthompson @tomcwark @alawine @SMCBarros @LoireValleyWine @WineauxDLynnP Nice to pop in 4 a bit! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – any tips on how to open up a #Champagne bottle smoothly? I have to do that for my wine test! – #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @demilove Keep the cage on the btl, tilt the btl, & maintain strong pressure on the cork so it comes out slowly #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @WineDownDiva @KeeperColl Aurelien has yet to come to the US market where we like strange pairings. He’ll be here this year. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Time to leave #SommChat to taste those southern Pinots & Chards from #burgundy enjoyed the quick #bubble banter
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @winegrapestone @AurelienGerbais Vilmart is also ampelos. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): Bubble Banter..I like that and will use it again! RT @noblewines #SommChat enjoyed the quick #bubble banter
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @demilove @KeeperColl use a saber!!! @FredDexMS will give you points 4 outta box thinking #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @PaulBWasserman @WineDownDiva @KeeperColl – Hope our guest today makes to chicago this year! – #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, what is the importance of using older vines in the making of Gerbais #Champagne? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl The issue is to get a smaller production and allow much concentration… #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl This is for us a best interpretation of the Terroir & the definition of Terroir is more precise. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @noblewines @KeeperColl @FredDexMS – I was thinking of shooting one open, but I am very nervous around guns! – #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, what drew you to the #NaturalWine movement? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl This is the ability 2 offer a #wine which will provide great & immediate pleasure without any artifice or frills. #SommChat
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke)@AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl i’ll try to find them #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, Why do you consider yourself more #Burgundian than #Champenois? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I left my native #Champagne very young to study in #Burgundy for 5 years. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl #Burgundy is where I learned abt diversity & complexity of Terroir across #wine-concept of quality over quantity. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl And the #Burgundian tradition for work well done in the service of vines and #wine. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais – Thank you Mr. Aurelien! I will practice that #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, tell us abt impact Olivier Lamy @domainelamy had on Gerbais #winemaking. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl Olivier Lamy @domainelamy is sort of my spiritual father. It is with him that I realized my first #winemaking. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl He is never satisfied & always seeks 2 get back; challenging 2 produce gr8 #wines of Saint Aubin more & more pure. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl This is what rocks the vinification of our Gerbais #wines today. #SommChat
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): I bet @KeeperColl can tell me where to find @aureliengerbais Champagne in Austin?? #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @AurelienGerbais You are in the same village as your friend #CedricBouchard. How do your styles differ? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @PaulBWasserman Work w/ same #terroir, but w/ a diff. approach. Cedric likes generosity & richness-we luv tension & minerality #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais #champagne. Stimulating discussion. Prep for Wine Writers Symposium, Napa, 2/17 #wws14. #SommChat THX
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): I will get that to U ASAP RT @DeniseClarkeTX: I bet @KeeperColl can tell me where to find @aureliengerbais Champagne in Austin?? #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @KeeperColl @DeniseClarkeTX @AurelienGerbais and in Chicago? #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @m_arcon @AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl Hure in CA and NY. We’ll be bringing it into other states this year. Vergnon with Weygandt. #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl I gotta run. Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@ProtocolWine (PROTOCOL wine studio): RT @noblewines: quite a lineup 4 the MW Symposium: #SommChat #winechat @alawine @JancisRobinson wish I could attend
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @lwa235 will be coming this year and will tweet where ASAP #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, how did Gerbais #Champagne manage to acquire rare hectares of #pinotblanc? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl Our Pinot Blanc are among the oldest of #Champagne. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl My grandfather was 1 of few ppl who cared abt potential of concentration of this grape variety in the old plots. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I like all #wines, if they are energetic and tense for whites and fine and elegant for reds. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl And particularly wines from #Burgundy and #Rhone Valley. #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais Aurelien said that there r only 90 hectares of rare varietals out of the 34,000 total in champagne. #SommChat
@PaulBWasserman (Paul Wasserman): @KeeperColl 2013 still wines from single vineyards in Aurelien’s cellar are stunning. Two new ones to come, but in five years #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Question fr a shy #SommChat – how is this current vintage starting for you? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @KeeperColl 2013 was very wet w/lot of rain &complicated quality-ppl who don’t want too much production saved the Quality #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): @KeeperColl – we did a big selection process in 2013 and lost 20% of production to maintain quality #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @aureliengerbais Aurélien, what do U like 2 do in UR spare time? #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl I’m an epicurean foremost & rest of my time is spent w/ the people I love in front of a good meal w/ fine #wines. #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): A. @KeeperColl After that I workout to stay healthy! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time 2 wrap up! Hope U enjoyed this #champagne edition of #SommChat w/ @aureliengerbais & R ready 2 enjoy some #champagne on #ValentinesDay
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have @aureliengerbais join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@DeniseClarkTX (Denise Clarke): Really enjoyed today’s #bubble banter with @aureliengerbais — is it 5 o’clock yet? I’m ready to open a bottle! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @aureliengerbais for his time #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark UR calendar 4 #SommChat on 2/19 w/ #Sicily #Winemaker Marilena Barbera @marilenabarbera at 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): yeahhh – trended again this week on #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco CS/CSW): @DeniseClarkeTX @AurelienGerbais I’m ready for some #bubbly! #SommChat
@AurelienGerbais (Gerbais Aurélien): Thanks to all who joined in on #SommChat today with me – I enjoyed talking to you all and thx to @keepcoll for having me here today
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Drum ROLL!! @KeeperColl yeahhh – trended again this week on #SommChat #WineWednesday #wine
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @KeeperColl @AurelienGerbais thank you so much for an informative #SommChat #champagne
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): : Thanks to all of our #SommChat peeps 4 another gr8 week – learned a lot from @AurelienGerbais abt #Champagne
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): Just received confirmation that I will be on #SommChat on 2/19 11 AM CST, 12 N EST! Can’t wait to chat with you #winelover-s! @KeeperColl
@m_arcon (Marc Drofke): @PaulBWasserman @AurelienGerbais @KeeperColl I’m from Germany, but thx! #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (LauraRichards): Busy at work and just realized I missed the entire #SommChat today.
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): I’ll be on TW #SommChat on 2/19 at 11 AM CST would love to chat with you, any question welcome! @brzimmerman @AskaSomm @BldrWineMrchant
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): ?@alawine @aureliengerbais @KeeperColl @drewbie_g @primlanikitchen < bummed to miss #champagne #SommChat today, but catching up on your tweets now
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)?: @alawine @noblewines @deniseclarketx @paulbwasserman @winegrapestone @demilove < bummed to miss #champagne #SommChat today, but checking tweets now
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @KeeperColl @Vin_Chicago @LizWillette @WineCellarTV @TheBrockOne @Matarromera @OWOCWines Saw ur mess to late! Just back from work #SommChat