So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/14 Winemaker Scott Neal, Coeur de Terre
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine from #Winemaker Scott Neal from Coeur de Terre @cdtvineyard !
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Scott to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: As we ask Scott Neal @cdtvineyard our Qs, you can ask your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & @cdtvineyard 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Let's start talking #wine with #Winemaker Scott Neal @cdtvineyard! #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Good morning everyone. Looking forward to chatting. Be gentle, my first time doing this on Twitter
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @cdtvineyard Scott, how did you first become interested in #wine? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Great question, and not a straight path. Grew up in farm country MN and didn't really get exposed to good wine. If it didn't have a thumb hole and large screw cap, my parents didn't drink it. Really started fermenting by brewing beer in college. ...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: and it set me on the path to Pinot. Only one place in my mind to grow Pinot in the us and this is @wvwines Willamette Valley
WineCompass @WineCompass: I know a person @RidgeVineyards with a similar MN farmland experience. #SommChat.
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat We know Scott and Annie really well. They helped plant Renelle's Block and they were really the first people we knew well in the valley. On the board of @wvwines with Annie and they remain dear friends. Scott helped me make wine for the first couple vintages ...
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how and why did you decide on making #wine in #oregon @cdtvineyard
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat A friend of mine down the road shared a bottle of 87 Stag's Leap Cask 23 wine, and it kind of blew my mind that wine could be like that. This set me on a path to drinking a bunch of different wine and getting pretty intense on it. At one point, I had a #burgundy ...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Well it's all about Pinot Noir, and this is the place to be. In 1998, I was travelling in Oregon and Spectator did an article on Oregon. I spent an extra day, and called my wife and told her that I think we could afford to move here. We came out Memorial Day...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Weekend and found our place that weekend and bought it in May of 98. Moved in Labor Day of 98 and have not looked back. It's been quite a 20 years
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep: How many #wines do you make and how big is your production? When did @cdtvineyard begin?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat We had our first vintage in 2002 with all of 57 cases of Pinot off of our first block named after my mom "Renelle's Block". From here we now make just over 5000 cases, have expanded our plantings to almost 40 acres on our estate and will this year be back to being...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat an estate only producer. We make of course Pinot Noir, and do 7 different cuvee's of this, and Estate Syrah which is really cool and different, Riesling in Dry, Off Dry and a really cool Sekt Sparkling. Add in Pinot Gris, and we are Chardonnay this year off estate
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Great to see you today on #SommChat @winecompass ! Always learn from your questions.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm do you remember which #Burgundy #wine you had that started you on that path? If not any you like to drink now @cdtvineyard - have you ever visited there to compare their viticulture?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat It was a Domaine LaFarge Volnay. These guys always rock it. Professor of Viticulture at Jules Guyot invited us to stay with him and had a chance to visit Michele and his family. Saw 3 generations with dad in cellar, son working current vintage and son playing on ...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat the tractor. This really cemented it for me and even though we did not have kids at the time, I envisioned my future. Now have 2 girls, the little one claims to want to be winemaker, let's hope.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: .@DomaineLafarge And our worlds continue to connect with these kind words on your #wines from #Winemaker Scott Neal @cdtvineyard #SommChat
WineCompass @WineCompass: Q. @cdtvineyard The @wvwines Willamette Valley has diverse soils. Where does the #McMinnville_AVA fall? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat I think the actual handle for Scott and Annie is @raptoridge
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Now you are in my wheel house. I am a dirt geek. @McMinnvilleAVA has very diverse soils due to our proximity to the coast range and the combination of uplift activities from tectonics, along with the old volcanic activity which was mostly submarine before...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat before this part of Oregon emerged from the sea. On CdT, we have very different soils, exposures, elevations, and each of our block designate wines are from very different geological parentage, resulting in definably different wines. Really amazing.
WineCompass @WineCompass: How does that affect which grapes you plant in specific blocks? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Early on, in Renelle's Block, we planted 8 different clones of PN as really an evaluation. Due to the cost of plants, a dear friend Suzie Gagne, taught me how to graft vines, and the rest of the vineyard was grafted by us over the next several years. Originally....
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat All new blocks are a field blend of the plants we liked and what this results in is blocks that are not defined by clone, but instead are defined by their soils, exposures, elevations. It amazes me how Tallulah's Run has a family similarity year to year as with others
WineCompass @WineCompass: Are any of the vines planted using their own roots? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat This was huge topic of discussion between my wife and I, who by the way runs the vineyard. She wanted to, and I didn't. Believe it or not, I pervailed on this discussion and they are all rootstock, mainly 101-14, 3309. Did this due to phyloxera, and I still ...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat this was a good way to go, especially when I see these old beautiful vineyards having to be replanted in the valley. I still think there is something special, though, about own roots.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what did you do to learn about #winemaking and would you do it again if you had to start today? What R some of the best lessons that have not changed 4 U @cdtvineyard
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat I learned through finding winemakers I respected and putting in sweat helping them. Oregon is amazing in our desire to see the entire area grow, share knowledge and help each other. I learned on the shoulders of those I respected. The best lesson I have learned...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat and what has only become more apparent is that less is more. The wines of CdT are best when left to show the beautiful time and place from where they come. Winemaking is the art of knowing when to intervene, and more importantly, when not to.
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Good morning @cdtvineyard Who are your mentors in the wine business? Thanks #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Everyone in Oregon owes a debt to the originals who staked a claim when it was not apparent it would work. David Lett, obviously, was Papa Pinot and started it all. Myron Redford at @AmityVineyards was a huge influence and showed not to take yourself too...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat seriously. Scott Shull was super influential early on and went out of his way to help and share. Beyond this, Kevin Chambers who owned Oregon Vineyard Supply was hugely influential on how we should grow our grapes...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat He, along with my wife, led us down the path of being organic and looking at our vineyard as a holistic organism that needs to be nutured and continually improved.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Good day @SandyWasserman hope all is well and thanks for your #SommChat questions!
SW: My pleasure, remembered to be in front of my computer at 10am for a change. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm do you make your #pinot #wines to age or drink now @cdtvineyard ? Are there some that would be good for BTG program and if so which ones and why?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat We do both. Our Block Designates and Heritage Reserve are definately better with age. I follow a reductive style of winemaking, heavy lees and along with the tannin structure, these wines always requrie a bit of time. We hold for 2 years before release...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat we have a wine called our Oregon Pinot Noir that is screw capped and I really work to make this wine a BTG and ready to go the day we release. I still work to make this wine relective of @cdtvineyard and @wvwines , but just not quite the depth, layers and structure.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat peep: is the #oregon #wine region open to #winery visits and if so what is the best way to request? What is good time of year and time not to go @cdtvineyard
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat We love visits, and it has become really popular. Many wineries, such as us, are open all the time, and you will get in the vineyard, meet guys like me and really get to know our wines. I encourage anytime, and now is actually cool....
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat as it isn't nearly as busy. Can be rainy, but not too cold. Super sunny today. Certainly, between July and October, you are guaranteed great weather and probably the prettiest wine country in US. I am obviously not biased :-)
WineCompass @WineCompass: #theCompassapp Craft Beverage Finder has #orwine travel covered too. :) #SommChat
SW: Q. @cdtvineyard What do you like to drink when not drinking your wines? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Beer, takes a lot of it to make @cdtvineyard
WineCompass @WineCompass: Any favorite local #Oregon #craftbeer #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Yes I do. Ninkasi Brewery is great from Eugene, lots of good brews. Love Total Domination IPA. I have been drinking a lot from our locals Heater Allen and new one called Allegory Brewing. I like to support those I know and how they do it.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Hey @AdamPlotkin know you can relate to love for @DomaineLafarge #volnay made by @cdtvineyard #SommChat
Adam Plotkin @adamplotkin: ABSOLUTELY! One of the largest holdings in my cellar! Plus, Chantal lifting Espen up to check barrels with her is one of my greatest winery visit memories of all times! When you visit @DomaineLafarge you feel like you are part of the family!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: @cdtvineyard Scott, can you describe a typical week of your work? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat I have been accused of having ADD, so winemaking/owning fits this well. Lot's of cellar time, time in vineyard which is key, time with customers, dreaded paperwork, travel to markets, I guess I can now add Twitter chatting. Certainly depends on the season
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what are your largest markets 4 your #wines @cdtvineyard and where are you planning to expand?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Largest market currently is direct from the winery. We love this. Oregon is really a good market and we are doing well in Washington State, VA/DC/MD. New to MN, which is fun get to see lots of old friends. Really want to get to TX, Any ideas on distributors?
WineCompass @WineCompass: @cdtvineyard Timely, just saw this article on The Science of Whole-Cluster Fermentation #PinotNoir #wine #SommChat…
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm have you ever had a #Sommelier stage/work harvest etc @cdtvineyard and if not would you consider? How many ppl on your team?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Have not had a somm at harvest, and have done interns mainly from educational background. I would definately be up for it. We are super small team with myself, Hector who is cross trained in vineyard and winery, and some Tasting staff who like to get wet. Call me
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what has been the hardest part of your #wine venture/i.e. advice you would give to other thinking they want to be a #winemaker @cdtvineyard
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Time and $$$. This is a very cost intensive business and takes a long time to get to market. If you don't love selling wine, don't get into making it. My connection is with the land and this is what keeps me grounded. Take your plan and double what ...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat it will cost, and x2 on how long you think it will take. Know where you plan to sell it and know you can support the bottle price.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: loved having your #wine at #SommsUF competition - what are some of your fav wine/#food Pairings with @cdtvineyard #wines? #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Loved being there and was such an honor! I think the Somms paired us with Pork dish, which of course, it food nirvana. I am making Dungeness crab cakes tonight to go with our Riesling. Copper River Salmon with our Block Designates are great. Do it...
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Do it on a cedar plank on the Traeger Grill. Amazing.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm do you have any plans for growth in near future and if so how and why @cdtvineyard ?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat 4 years ago we bought our neighboring property of 42 acres and planted 18 of those to PN, Chard and Gris. Coming on line this year and can't wait for Chard! Bubbles, barrel ferm, steel, lots of cool options. I want to be estate grown and our current....
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat will get us to around 6500 cases. I want to make the wine, so I feel this is a number that will sustain the winery, allow me to still actually make the wine and allow us to use the fruit we grow
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Q fr #SommChat #Somm do you ever keep back vintages for release into the marketplace of those #wines that age @cdtvineyard and if so how can they be released?
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat We do, great example is our 2011 Estate. Cool vintage that is now just starting to show that awesome cool Oregon Pinot feel. We release directly, but also make available to distribution in small quantities. Usually preorder.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk w/ #oregon #Winemaker Scott Neal @cdtvineyard! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: It was great to have #oregon #winemaker Scott Neal @cdtvineyard join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking #oregon #winemaker Scott Neal @cdtvineyard his time #SommChat
Scott Neal @cdtvineyard: #SommChat Wow, hour over already? We certainly welcome everyone to come visit us in the vineyard, it is really a special place. Otherwise, hope to see you when I am in market and thanks for taking the time to get to know me a bit better.