So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/21 Quentin Paillard, Pierre Paillard Champagne
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #champagne w Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard, on #SommChat !
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: We’d like 2 introduce you to Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard, #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard, & say hello so he knows UR here! #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Don’t forget to include #SommChat on EVERY tweet in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #champagneWednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: you can ask him Ur Qs to @keepercoll as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: `Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard and @keepercoll 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Let’s start talking with Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard, about #champagne on #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat I'm really excited for this chat on #champagne, bring on the questions!
WineCompass @winecompass: Good afternoon @Pierre_Paillard and #SommChat folks. #champagne
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @winecompass #sommChat Thanks for coming today!
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman: Good morning Quentin @Pierre_Paillard What do you like to drink when not drinking your wines #sommchat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @SandyWasserman #sommchat I like to drink wines that showcase where they are from, that have a personality
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Pierre_Paillard Quentin, How did you decide to go into your family #Champagne biz and how old were you? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat I decided to come back to the winery after working as a sommelier in #nyc, back in 2010
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll I was 27 years and worked in Bouzy with my brother Antoine for 3 years
WineCompass @winecompass: @Pierre_Paillard Quentin, can you remind us on the basic regulations involving #champagne #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @winecompass are there specific #Champagne regulations that you are interested in from @Pierre_Paillard #SomMChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: .@winecompass @SandyWasserman great to see you on #SommChat today and excited to have Qs for @Pierre_Paillard #Champagne
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: q fr #SommChat #SOmm @Pierre_Paillard What dof yoiu think bmakes Pierre Paillard #Champagne unique? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat we craft 5 Champagnes and 2 Coteaux Champenois (white and red) from Bouzy only...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat ... a rare thing in Champagne where the blending of villages and grapes is the norm.
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin: @Pierre_Paillard @keepercoll So, all of your wines are single vineyard? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @Pierre_Paillard Quentin, what makes Rose #Champagnes typically more expensive ? is it method of making or aging or ???
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat as a grower, we supply Pinot Noir used for our Rosé from a specific plot, here a pinot fin from #bourgogne...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll ...making qualitative champagne rosé require top quality juice from vine that yields low & grown on top terroir #bouzy #ambonnay
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Pierre_Paillard Quentin when did the single vineyard designation #Champagnes begin and why? How many do you make? #Sommchat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat we craft a Blanc de Noirs every year since 2007. Sourced from a plot of old vine Pinot Noir "Les Maillerettes"...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat Les Maillerettes is the mother plot for most our family’s vineyard which has been propagated, via sélection massale
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what are your major #US markets and where would you like to go into? who is your distributor for @Pierre_Paillard
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat I'd say #CA is our first market, followed by #ny #Chicago #DC @RobertHoudeWine @DNSWines @PotomacWine
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm: Q @Pierre_Paillard What is your most popular #champagne for U.S consumers? #SommChat @keepercoll
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @CharlesComm @keepercoll #sommchat our Cuvée "Les Parcelles" blend of 22 plots from Bouzy is our most popular in the US. it was previously..
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @CharlesComm @keepercoll #Sommchat it was previously labelled "Brut Grand Cru, new label indicate the base wine on the front it's extra-brut
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @Pierre_Paillard which of UR #Champagnes do U prefer > as Aperitif and which ones > with food?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommechat Les Parcelles and Terres Rose for aperitif, singles vineyards #maillerettes #mottelettes for food.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CharlesComm great to see you on #SommChat today always enjoy talking #Champagne
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin: Wazzzzzzzup, chatters de somm??????? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: .@AdamPlotkin yeahhhhh to see you on #SommChat figured you would want to chime in on #Champagne - have you had @Pierre_Paillard ?
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin: @keepercoll @Pierre_Paillard I have not, but will certainly be on the lookout for some bottles given what I am reading thus far! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: .@AdamPlotkin we love @Pierre_Paillard #Champagne wonder if @brzimmerman gets in any? just got some from #Flatiron #wines in #SF #Sommchat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @AdamPlotkin @keepercoll #sommechat @synergyfw is brining the wine to #Colorado soon, look out!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Pierre_Paillard Quentin, How is the #Champagne industry different than the #wine industry? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat #champagne #aoc is 200km long from north to south and negotiant blend villages from all over...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat you would not imagine people from #cornas blending with #chateauneufdupape..
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat grower are going against this statement by making wines of terroir expressing singles villages or vineyards
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @Pierre_Paillard What would you pair with your Coteaux Champenois Bouzy Rouge? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat #BouzyRouge can be served with roasted meats, farm poultry and water game, at a temperature of 14-15°C.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Pierre_Paillard Tell us about your #Champagne vinification process? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #sommchat Although the base wines have historically been fermented in stainless steel...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat we are now vinifying some of the wines with
terracotta vessels, oak barrels and a concrete egg
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew: @Pierre_Paillard @keepercoll What quality do you feel the concrete egg brings to the wine? #Sommchat #Champagne #WineWednesday
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @StephanieMiskew @keepercoll #Sommchat It gives the wines more texture and depth.
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin: @StephanieMiskew Gives it a nice cement-like mouthfeel! ;-)
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew: @AdamPlotkin #Lol I just LOVE that in a Champagne!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: welcome back @StephanieMiskew to #SommChat qreat question have you tried @Pierre_Paillard #Champagne
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm how was @Pierre_Paillard affected by recent vintage weather issues - did it reduce production and if so by how much?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat we lost about 50% of our production in 2016, we sprayed for the first time since 2011 or we would have lost a lot more
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm Can you tell us abt 2016 vintage for @Pierre_Paillard ?
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @Pierre_Paillard How do you ensure high #quality in your #Champagne production?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat We believe than great wine starts in the vineyard. We are working actively to
protect & invigorate our soil by using..
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat our own organic compost or by spraying with diverse teas of natural origins. our goal is to conserve the....
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat micro-organisms in the soil along with beneficial insects. In that sense we never use herbicide or insecticide.
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat we only use selection massales, vinify each plot separately and keep wines on lees for at least 4 years.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm what did you spray with
to save crop in 2016 @Pierre_Paillard ?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat we used one time a non toxic molecules that are not considered organic because synthetic. Systemic vs contact (copper)
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm: Q @Pierre_Paillard What are ways you keep your #winery sustainable? #SommChat @keepercoll
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @CharlesComm @keepercoll #Sommchat we never use herbicide or insecticide, no use of clones, natural cold stabilization for the wines...
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @CharlesComm @keepercoll #Sommchat also currently experimenting with natural yeast
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Pierre_Paillard What role does Antoine play N winery & who else besides 2 of you have a major role - what gen are the 2 of you? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat Antoine and I are 8th generations, Antoine takes care of the vineyards in Bouzy..
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat I work the harvest and blending with my brother, we both enjoy selling our wines
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat peepe @Pierre_Paillard What are some #champagne and #food pairings you’ve enjoyed recently? #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat love #friedchicken and #champagne when I travel to the US
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm is @Pierre_Paillard more on premise or retail focused or both? do you see UR #Champagne used as BTG often?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat both, some examples at restaurants includes #alinea #LazyBear @DanielNY @IlBuco_AV and so on…
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - do you accept visitors @Pierre_Paillard and what is best way to schedule visit if so?
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat visits are for the trade only, visits can be made directly by email
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking abt #champagne w/ Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard, on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Great to have Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Please join us in thanking Quentin Paillard @Pierre_Paillard for his time on #SommChat
Paillard Brothers @Pierre_Paillard: @keepercoll #Sommchat Great to talk to you about our #champagne. See you all soon wherever you are in the world
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew: @Pierre_Paillard Thank you for a #fabulous #SommChat! I really look forward to sampling your wines:) #SommChat @keepercoll