So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/22 Greek wine expert Markus Stolz
@jennanorth (Jenna North): Looking forward to #SommChat today w/ @elloinos hosted by @keepercoll #WW #Greece #wine
@Loca_Linda (Loca Linda): always looking forward to Wednesdays in the wine world- #ww and #sommchat!
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): Ready for my Greek education #sommchat & @elloinos @keepercoll
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@keepercoll So glad being here, very excited #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): If you’re interested in #Greek #Wine, follow #SommChat in 6 minutes for Q&A with Markus Stolz, aka @elloinos
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @elloinos #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos How did you first get interested in #wine? Do you come from a wine-drinking family? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@keepercoll Caught wine bug when I moved to London in 1992. Did WSET certification in 94, no familz background #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Went to tasting 3 times a week fro 2 years, tutors like Broadbent, Hugh Johnson, Clive Coats, Spurrier #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @elloinos Q: Greek wine isn’t extremely available in my market. Who are some producers to keep an eye out for in case they pop up? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@MDSmitty2488 Thimiopoulos, Gentilini, Sigalas, Kokkalis, Nerantzi, Katogi…many #SommChat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): @keepercoll I recently had a mavrodaphne what are the thoughts in Greece on this #wine?? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@wineguy06 @keepercoll Traditionally made sweet, great dry samples now produced (Gentilini, Parparousis) #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos Q-Elephant in the room-Guests fear wine they can’t pronounce. Does it prevent Greek wine from faster growth? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll Fair point. But people will learn if they are captivated by quality #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos What made you decide to shift from a career in finance over to one in the #wine industry? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Simple: Became really passionate about Greek wine and saw a solid biz opportunity with limited competition #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): .@Mantonakis On #SommChat right now. Question came up whether Greek wine is hard to sell because hard to pronounce.
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@Sassodoro @Mantonakis @globeandmail Not sure to be honest. Names will stick if consumers are taken by product #SommChat
@Mantonakis (Antonia Mantonakis): @Sassodoro @enoonthemagmile Interesting.. Was this fear observed in a controlled experiment? #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos Q-What will the breakthrough Greek wine be? Xinomavro? What are the keys to marketing in the US? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll Xinomavro, Assyrtiko and small producers that are being supported by Sommeliers and influencers #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Breakthrough Greek wines @elloinos: .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll Xinomavro, Assyrtiko and small producers #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos In your opinion, what separates Greek #wine from any other wine in the world? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll All Greek wines (not limited to regions) share trademarks: Moderate alcohol, lively acidity, never too heavy #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll This, in combination with the high number of indigenous grape varieties, makes them damn unique and food friendly #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @elloinos: A @keepercoll Simple: Became really passionate about Greek wine and saw solid biz opportunity with limited competition #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos You are German but you live in Greece- what are the biggest cultural differences between the two? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Germans tend to be stiff, but organized. Greeks are passionate and love other people, but lack possibly discipline #SommChat
@onirovins (enchanté): @elloinos In the summer you made a poignant video over the issues between wine industry associations – how is that now? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@onirovins @keepercoll Some things started moving again, but still not functioning as it should. Politics #SommChat
@roydot (Roy Schneider): #sommchat the trick is introducing guests to the quality, and defeating preconceived notions
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @Wine_com Any #MustNotMiss #Greek #Wines on your list? #SommChat
@Wine_com ( @keepercoll @elloinos We’ve sadly had limited intake of enough Greek wines, but loving the wines of Santorini #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@keepercoll @Wine_com Xinomavro – so unique, ages great, changes over time, truly stunning and great with food #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@keepercoll @yodoukas Think Agiorgitiko is a crowd pleaser, but not as individual. Cherry flavours are common in others as well #SommChat
@scottota (Scott Ota): @elloinos, Assyrtiko and Xinomavro have landed. What other #GreekWine varieties excite you? #SommChat #WW
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@scottota @keepercoll Indigenous ones, Koniaros, Limniona, Vertzami, Valchiko, Liatiko #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@elloinos Do you think Xynomavro and Nebbiolo should ever be compared? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@fernandobeteta @keepercoll Well, if you wish to make some sort of comparison, this is it. BUT Xinomavro is unique! #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @elloinos Q: I have heard people refer to Santorini Assyrtiko as “a cross between Chablis and Albariño.” True or false? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll I can see why, minerals from Chablis, acidity Albarino. But the saltyness in Assyrtiko is unique #SommChat
@sanfab44 (Sandra Fab): @keepercoll: Happy #WineWednesday #SommChat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): @elloinos what would you say is one of most approachable #wines coming out of Greece in white and red? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@wineguy06 @keepercoll Approachable: Roditis for white, unoaked Agiorgitiko for reds. #SommChat
@racheldriver (Rachel Driver): @elloinos What is your most brilliant #Greek wine and food pairing to date? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@racheldriver @keepercoll Slightly spicy cusine and Malagousia #SommChat
@tricerapops (Jesse): @elloinos – what are biggest challenges facing Greek wine in the US? Obscure grape varieties? Uninformed retailers? Distribution? #sommchat
@onirovins (enchanté): @tricerapops @elloinos isn’t the approach by new wines of Greece overcoming these needs – uninformed market #sommchat
@tricerapops (Jesse): @onirovins i’d like to think so, but as a consumer, i see little buzz from normal avenues (shop tastings, events w/ restos) #sommchat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @tricerapops @onirovins Possibly both. I don’t see much greek #wine in my dist books and retail/restos don’t ask for them. #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos Is comparing known grapes to Greek varietals the best way to introduce Greek wines in your opinion? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll I try to compare to people – Agiorgitiko = J. Aniston (everyone likes), Xinomavro = Angelina Jolie #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos Classic comparison I had never seen-actresses to wine. Who would be Athiri? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll Athiri – need to come back, someone who is not good on her own #SommChat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): @elloinos I love xinomavro! It was my intro to Greek #wine after the mavrodaphne. #SommChat
@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @elloinos are you experimenting with any other grapes/vinification techniques #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@mattreiser @keepercoll Experimentation with clones, older barrels, wild yeasts etc yes #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): Late for #sommchat but wondering if @elloinos can send me a Greek #wine pronunciation guide. #imslowneedhelp
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@WineInkByTia @keepercoll I give you a private lesson #SommChat
@WineInkByTia (Tia Butts): @elloinos So, when does the plane leave? #SommChat
@KathyMorganMS (Kathy Morgan): @guildsomm has a gr8 1 online “@WineInkByTia: Late for #sommchat but wondering if @elloinos can send me a Greek #wine pronunciation guide.
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS): .@elloinos We sell a Vidiano from Crete. People are loving it. What are classic descriptors for you? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@fernandobeteta @keepercoll Creamy texture, fresh and vibrant, wild flowers #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): .@elloinos what do u think of the market for “ambitious” styles of #Assyrtiko w/ greater ripeness+evident oak #SommChat @keepercoll
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@canterburywine @keepercoll Personally dislike oak here – Assyrtiko does not need it, like the experimentation though. #SommChat
@canterburywine (Christy CanterburyMW): Fair enuf! @elloinos: @canterburywine @keepercoll Personally dislike oak. Assyrtiko does not need it, like experimentation though. #SommChat
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): This edition of #SommChat – really interesting, we don’t have a lot of Greek wines available in BC, Canada
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@elloinos is there a classification or appellation system for Greek wines? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Yes, EU guidelines, some info on my website #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos What are the strongest markets for Greek wine in the US right now? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll NY and California, but also Florida – everywhere where you find great food #SommChat
@mikemadrigale (Michael Madrigale): .@elloinos @keepercoll why has it taken Crete longer than Santorini, Naoussa, Nemea to be recognized as a great area 4 Greek wine? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): @mikemadrigale @keepercoll Crete is improving a lot now, but had been lagging behind. Boutique wineries key #SommChat
@racheldriver (Rachel Driver): @mikemadrigale @elloinos @keepercoll I had amazing and delicious wine in Crete ten years ago, but none since in the U.S. #sommchat
@wineguy06 (Lawrence Lee): Today’s #SommChat is making want to grab a bottle of xinomavro for the night! #wine #ww
@tirebouchon (Vittorio Rusinà): follow #SommChat si parla di vino greco, talk about greek wine
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos Which #wines go best with Greek cuisine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Greek wine from indigenous varieties Really think the combination of acidity, low alc and med. body works best #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos What are the current/growing trends in the Greek #wine world? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Understanding terroir, identifying best clones, reviving lost grape varieties. Fusion of tradition/modern methods #SommChat
@Vinumguy (Evan D. Turner): #sommchat@elloinos@keepercoll Here is an event we just had on Feb12 here in Houston:=
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@Vinumguy @keepercoll With good friend Stellios Boutaris, so glad you did this! #SommChat
@roydot (Roy Schneider): #SommChat educational opportunities needed for improved growth
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos Tell us about your online shop, 600bottles. #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Using it to offer Greek wine to German merchants, gastronomy, end consumer. Small but solid selection #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll Also using my German base for US importers who work with German wineries. They can fill up existing containers #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): .@elloinos How do Greek wines retain low alc when grown in warm place like Crete/Santorini? Had Assyrtiko at 14% recently #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@MDSmitty2488 @keepercoll Alc rarely a problem, the magic of microclimate, elevation.. Greece is blessed in this regard. #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): @keepercoll @elloinos Are there any winemakers from other countries working in Greece? #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): @ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll Yes, I know someone from England (Gentilini), also a winemaker from Chile. #SommChat
@Vinumguy (Evan D. Turner): @roydot #sommchat That is quite true. Most somms’ learn enough to answer exam questions on Greek wine, go no further.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @elloinos What are you working on right now- do you have any future #wine projects/events coming up? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): A @keepercoll US has become my main market (Wildman in NY, WineWise in CA), more interest coming in. Work as consultant/agent #SommChat
@tirebouchon (Vittorio Rusinà): @elloinos I know that in Santorini there are some good wines, but for me it isn’t easy to find them in Italy…what for the States? #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): .@tirebouchon @keepercoll Farirly well distributed in the States #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine chat with Markus Stolz Greek Wine Insider @elloinos #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): It was great to have Markus join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Markus for his time #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Mark ur calendar! #Sommchat Wed 2/29 at 11 AM CST @alpanasingh will be our featured guest to answer your questions! #CantMiss
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q for @alpanasingh gets answered, post it to FB! Happy #WW!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Keep in the loop for upcoming guests & archives & sign up for our email list at #SommChat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz): This was so much fun, thank you @keepercoll for having me, and thank all of you who engaged. Super!! #SommChat
@tirebouchon (Vittorio Rusinà): @elloinos @keepercoll thanks for #SommChat , ciao!