So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/26 Master Sommelier Emily Papach
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @keepercoll hey, i'm here and ready t g for #SommChat!!
@lwa325 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll will pp in briefly! #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conver, CWP): @keepercoll #sommchat Joining. Just returned from Symposium for Professinal Wine writers. @RbertMParkerJr was keynte.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from @EmilyPickralMS #MasterSommelier and wine educator for @Chappellet_wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to @EmilyPickralMS #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, s S/ 2 @EmilyPickralMS 2 say hell & s she knows UR here! #SommChat
@Sassadoro (Sassadoro): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS Ready fr #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @EmilyPickralMS our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She'll d her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/s many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u don't ask 1, S/ 2 @Keepercoll & @EmilyPickralMS 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let's start talking #wine with @EmilyPickralMS #WW #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS welcome MS Emily! glad t be here today fr #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll Excited t talk t everyone! #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): About to embark with @EmilyPickralMS and @keepercoll fr #SommChat! #ww
@lwa325 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS I'm here for a bit :) #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @winegrapestone: #SommChat @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS Emily, were you at Napa Premiere?
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll @winegrapestone Yes I was. #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): Greetings #wine friends frm SF CA ready for #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @vinogger glad you are here at #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Good morning from cold but sunny Chicago! Nice to join you all today - #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove great to see you at #SommChat and look fwd to your Questions
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – You know that whenever you have a female Somm on #SommChat, I always dress up a little more, want my hair, nails perfect!
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Good morning @EmilyPickralMS Q. where is the background picture n profile page taken? I say Rhone. Any wine mentors/ #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SandyWasserman @keepercoll The pic is from the top of the Saarburger Rausch vineyard. #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SandyWasserman @keepercoll Tons of wine mentors! Juliette Pope, Fran Kysela, Robert Jones, Geoff Kruth #SommChat
@SbonnerABV (SbnnerABV): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS curious on your opinion of the wines fr Virginia #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SbonnerABV @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll Have had some great Virginia wines. I went to UVA so Monticello AVA is close to my heart. #SommChat
@winecompass (Wine Compass): @EmilyPickralMS @SbnnerABV @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll A UVA grad - interesting. What sent you out west? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @winecmpass @SbnnerABV @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll The wine Business! #SommChat
@winecompass (Wine Compass): @EmilyPickralMS @SbnnerABV @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll I guess not many Virginia wineries hire Master Sommeliers :) #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @demilove @keepercoll Stay calm and relaxed. Brush up on spirits, after dinner drinks, etc. #SommChat
@lwa325 (Linda Adams): @EmilyPickralMS hw did you get into wine? Do you find it difficult to be a mom in the wine biz? When did you achieve your MS? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @lwa235 @keepercoll got into wine by drinking it! Achieved my MS last May. Sometimes it's difficult, but it's worth it! #SommChat
@lwa325 (Linda Adams): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll congrats on your MS! What is your role at @Chappellet_wine? #SommChat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @EmilyPickralMS What do you do at @Chappellet_wine ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SandyWasserman @lwa325@keepercoll I deal with inventory & logistics, set goals, track depletions, est pricing—overall market strategy #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): @EmilyPickralMS how has life changed since becoming one of the elite few Master Somms & how is it as even fewer MS women? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @vinogger @keepercoll Actually, not a ton. Still working hard and trying to do my best. Teaching more, drinking more, less study. #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @keepercoll I'm right there, just finished a phone call #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @fabienlaine glad you can join in today at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): glad to have you at #SommChat RT @RendallThmas: @demilove @keepercoll good morning from frigid Mikwaukee!
@winegrapestone (Tricia Cnver, CWP): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll #SommChat What did you think the increase in funds at $5.4M year at #PNV14 means? Economy mending?
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @winegrapestone @keepercoll I think it speaks t the excellence f the 2012 vintage. The wines are fantastic. #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll can u describe what u do as chappellet's wine educator? what was ur path to that position? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll That's a small % of my overall work. I try to keep the staff excited about #wine. #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS Pleased to be here today, how long did it take you to complete your MS ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine 4 years. #SommChat
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights) Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us fr #SommChat hosted by @keepercoll
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @EmilyPickralMS Any desire to make wine? If so, what and where? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SandyWasserman @keepercoll Would love to have my own label, though not cut out for production. Would have to hire a winemaker #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS Let's get more into @Chappellet_wine - What are the spirits around the #wine s there? Any philosophy of work? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @Chappellet_wine @keepercoll Stewardship to the land, respect for the product #SommChat
@SbnnerABV (SbnnerABV): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll when describing wine do you like to stay technical or use humorous notes? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SbnnerABV @keepercoll Usually technical #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Ms. Papach – I have a wine of yours in my imaginary wine list for my #Certified (2012 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay)! - #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll - Who are your women producers? #SommChat #wine
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Ghislaine Barthod, Weinbach, Cathy Corison @cathycorison #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll - Do you have up & coming E. Europe wine regions? #SommChat #ww #wine
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Do you consider Greece astern? I could drink Moschfiler all day long #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll do you find it hard to keep the staff excited about wine when they work at @Chappellet_wine ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @Chappellet_wine Not hard at all. It's the easy and fun part of my job! I love it. #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @EmilyPickralMS then my fantasies of working 1 day @Chappellet_wine r still intact! seriously would love 2 personally learn from u #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): @emilypickralms What's your approach to helping others learn about wine? #SommChat
EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @Path2Wine @keepercoll Keep it fun and engaging. #SommChat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Time to go sell the wine, have a great #ww #WineWednesday to all. Cheers! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SandyWasserman thanks for joining in today n #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS What grape variety would you see thriving good @Chappellet_wine instead international varieties ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @Chappellet_wine @keepercoll We specialize in Cabernet as years of trialo have shown that works best n Pritchard Hill #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): Q. @EmilyPickralMS how will the draught impact this year's crop. What is @Chappellet_wine doing to address #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Certainly has everyone on edge, but too early to tell. It's raining right now! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @EmilyPickralMS Hooray. Doing the rain dance! #SommChat @Keepercoll
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @MattMcGinnis great to see you here on #SommChat -good question
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @keepercoll #SommChat is always fascinating and informative, especially with excellent guests like @EmilyPickralMS
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @MattMcGinnis @Chappellet_wine @keepercoll Chappellet has contingency plan in place with emergency well drilling. #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS What is the top 5 #wine you ever had? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @keepercoll Too many to choose just 5, though many would be from Burgundy! #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS What would be for you the most under-estimated #wine country or region in terms of quality and potential? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine Love what's happening N #Sicily. Also gr8 value in: Beaujolais, Campania, Greece... so many areas #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll - Is there any wine I can pair with artichokes? #SommChat #ww
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Champagne works with everything, right? How about a crisp, bright, blanc de blancs? Also vermentino. #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @EmilyPickralMS working supply/production side seems to be the MS dream. Any distributor r restaurant career steps n the way? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll I've done all of the above: Gramercy Tavern & Farmhouse inn as well as Kysela Pere et fils in VA. #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @EmilyPickralMS is the growth of craft beer helping or hurting the wine industry? #SommChat @keepercoll #ww
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Helping. Focus on artisanal production is a good thing! #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll Do you think Umbria will mature into a leading wine production region? #SommChat #wine
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Not my area of expertise, though I do love Sagrantino. #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): .@EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll Me too! Sagrantino makes my tail wag! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @EmilyPickralMS Tell us about the upcoming Chappellet Library #Wine Dinner you will be hosting @Chappellet_wine #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll A. I’m super stoked about this—it’s @FearringtonNC with my great pal Max Kast. Excited for the 1.5 L 02’ Merlot. #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW) @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll @FearringtonNC When will that be held? Sounds fabulous #SommChat #WW
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @StephanieMiskew @keepercoll @FearringtnNC March 27th! #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): @emilypickralms What was your first memorable wine experience? With family r in Virginia? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @Path2Wine @keepercoll Taking Kevin Zraly's wine class in NYC and tasting diff b/w white burg and cali chard #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS Logo and building of @Chappellet_wine triangle x3 have a special meaning ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @Chappellet_wine @keepercoll Not that I know 0f. Designed by artist Ed Mses & built by struct. engineer. #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll Listen to this @DrinkGreekWine @marilenabarbera @MarcDeBartli #SommChat #winelver
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @EmilyPickralMS What changes have U seen in the #wine biz from UR time at @GramercyTavern t your wrk nw @Chappellet_wine?? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll @GramercyTavern @Chappellet_wine No doubt abut it—social media and web based wine sales. #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): Sorry I'm late! Good morning from #vegas @keepercoll #ww #SomChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): so glad you R here & can't wait to see your questions RT @harleywine1: Sorry I'm late! Good morning from #vegas @keepercoll #ww #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS @GramercyTavern @Chappellet_wine yes, would love to know! #SommChat
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @EmilyPickralMS how are you? You need to come out to #Vegas, bring Jay James with you! #SommChat #ww
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @harleywine1 I'm great! How are you? Would love to come to vegas! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Can you describe in a Tweet (yes, it’s hard!) the pleasures of tasting older wines – what makes them special? - #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @demilove @keepercoll Not all old wines are special. Some very tasty wines are not destined for aging. #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS Would you say that #culture around #wine in US and EU is different? look at #wineclub #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @keepercoll I have only been to Europe once. I would think that cultures are different though. #SommChat
@EllaDogSays (Ella Do g): @keepercoll sliding in n all fur paws ... late ... but here for ------> #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): @EmilyPickralMS what is your unique lesser known varietal? Wine region? What is your gd value #wine? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @vinogger @keepercoll Varietal/Region: frappat/Cerasul di Vittoria. Gd Value: beaujolias villages, cotes du rhone #SommChat
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS You passed ur MS n the very first attempt... would you do it again ? Any advice on success ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @fabienlaine @keepercoll Two tries!!! of course I would do it again, many times over. #SommChat.
@winetonite (Ed Thralls): Q&A with @EmilyPickralMS via #SommChat this morning
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @winetnite how are you Ed - hope all is well and thanks for joining in on #SommChat
@winetonite (Ed Thralls): @keepercoll Happy to be back n the stream #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @winetonite i know we have missed you! #SommChat
@Winochic (Andrea Beckham): Happy #WW! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Winochic hey how are you - glad you are on #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (FlowersWinery): @EmilyPickralMS what's your take on the 2011 vintage which has been maligned by many but trumpeted by thers? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll @FlowersWinery (FlowersWinery):Speaking to Chappellet specifically, I love the 2011's. Hard to make a blanket statement with so many diff wines #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @EmilyPickralMS What d you enjoy most about working in #NapaValley area with @Chappellet_wine ? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll Napa is beautiful, nice ppl, and there’s s much to learn abut the wine biz @Chappellet_wine embodies all of that. #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll our winemaker, Phillip Titus, is the bomb (@Chappellet_wine winemaker fr nearly 30 yrs) The wines are.. #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll concentrated, with awesome structure and great acidity. They age incredibly well. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @Winchic: @EmilyPickralMS @ShibaSommelier So excited 4 spring and all of the awesome Greek whites
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @EmilyPickralMS @keepercoll any more advice for baby somms? get restaurant experience, do i need 2 take plunge into distribution? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll only if it interests you, but not necessary #SommChat
@winetonite (Ed Thralls): @EmilyPickralMS @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll Have you had His & Hers Vermentin by @RymeCellars? #SommChat
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @winetnite @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll @RymeCellars I love the wines and Megan and Ryan Glabb. #SommChat
@winetonite (Ed Thralls): @EmilyPickralMS @RymeCellars Agree... great people making great wine #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggner): @emilypickralms @keepercoll @fabienlaine very late to #SommChat but checking your tweets now, thanks
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @alawine always glad to see you on #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @EmilyPickralMS Tell us about @Chapellet_wine ’s hillside #Cabernet Sauvignons that have been named the finest in California #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll - Have to get back to work now - and more studying tonight! Hope to see you all next week and thanks to our guest! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove same to you - good luck on exam and see you next week at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ @EmilyPickralMS f @Chappellet_wine #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have @EmilyPickralMS join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @EmilyPickralMS I'm a Sommelier certified & sake Sommelier certified, might start MS in June, will contact u for advice #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @EmilyPickralMS fr her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@Sassadoro (Sassadoro): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS @Chappellet_wine Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS Thanks a lot both of you for a great #SommChat again ! :)
@knowvino (Carl Crsi): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS @Chappellet_wine Very good #SommChat tday. Thanks Emily.
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS thank you s much for your insight and advice! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): thanks RT @knowvino: .@keepercoll @EmilyPickralMS @Chappellet_wine Very good #SommChat today. Thanks Emily.
@EmilyPickralMS (Emily Pickral Papach): @keepercoll Sorry about the slow internet connection! So great to be here! Thanks for all the great questions! #SommChat