So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

2/6 Winemaker Jason Jardine
@alawine (Ken #wine):@cuvee_corner @WineHarlots that sounds like a ton of fun (notes please) …for me it’s an online #WW, #SommChat today & #winechattonight
@alawine (Ken #wine):@cuvee_corner @WineHarlots that sounds like a ton of fun (notes please) …for me it’s an online #WW, #SommChat today & #winechattonight
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl: Will definiely see u at #SommChat at 11AM CST today. Looking forward to chatting with you and @FlowersWinery . #WW
@alawine (Ken #wine):@FlowersWinery is on #Sommchat #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Welcome 2 #SommChat! We r so happy to have you here!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):We’d like to introduce you to #Winemaker Jason Jardine @JMJardine of @FlowersWinery! #SommChat #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):We’re ready 2 dive in w/questions, so shout out 2 @ 2 say hello 2@JMJardine @FlowersWinery so he knows you’re here! #WW #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@KeeperColl Great to be here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @JMJardine our Qs, U can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat ?#WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the?#SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @JMJardine 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat ?#WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine w/ #Winemaker JJason Jardine @JMJardineof @FlowersWinery! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@wine_prof (Jessica Fialkovich): Hi everyone! So excited and happy to chat with Jason Jardine of @flowerswinery today! #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @JMJardine @FlowersWinery Ready for #SommChat !
@alawine (Ken #wine): hello @jmjardine @FlowersWinery & #SommChat -ers
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @alawine Hey Ken! #SommChat
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): Here I am! Two weeks in a row! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine):@travelwinechick < this girl is on fire! #SommChat
@AmaraResort (AmaraResort): Thanks for joining us at #SommChat today @JMJardine!
@WineRackCo ( @alawine @jmjardine @FlowersWinery Looking forward to another#SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine What is your #winemaking philosophy @FlowersWinery #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl We strive to limit the influence of “winemaking” on the #wines and focus on showcasing unique & … #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl …complex terroir with #wines of precision, depth, and verve #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Q. @jmjardine #SommChat how long have you been working in cool/cold climate viti? Has it always been up in extreme Sonoma Coast? @KeeperColl
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): ?@noblewines since 1998… Oregon (Williamette), Sonoma Coast & Santa Cruz mtns #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine Pls tell us more about UR reasons to pursue organic/#biodynamic #winemaking @FlowersWinery? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl Biodynamic farming is our way of garnering a deeper connection w/ land and environment … #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl to pull as much of these elements from vineyard to bottle #SommChat
@wine_prof (Jessica Fialkovich): Q. @jmjardine what do you think of the 2012 #vintage of Pinot Noir? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @wine_prof 2012 vintage: #wines of good structure/concentration yet retained a good balance between fruit, acidity & texture #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine Tell us more about #projectterroir. #WineWednesday?#SommChat
@DomaineSelect (DSWE): @KeeperColl @JMJardine we also would love to hear about #projectterroir ?#WW #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl “Project Terroir” is our internal research project to focus on the identification of soil/rock/mineral, … #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl exposure, clonal, rootstock, cluster morphology, viticulture practices, & mesoclimate differences that express…#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl themselves through the #wine #SommChat #projectterroir
@alawine (Ken #wine): @jmjardine what are some key features of your biodynamic farming? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @alawine cultivation of microbial activity in the soils thru compost & preparations #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @alawine Ken, we have a great team on board managing our estate vineyards w/ keen sensibility to the land #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin):@KeeperColl @KGreenPR @ericawinetrips @dellanimom @jennanorth @kcwineguy @Local913 Good morning, fellow #Sommchat ers!
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):Q. @jmjardine What is the most unique F+W pairing you have created or had w/ your Pinot Noir? #SommChat @flowerswinery @KeeperColl
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @rachelvoorhees Rachel, most unique: at #Clairmont in #Berkley a hamachi #asian fish w/ our CMR #PinotNoir #SommChat
@racheldriver (Rachel Driver):Learning is fun. #SommChat #WineWednesday #biodynamic @FlowersWinery @JMJardine @heritagewinecellars @jimbube @CityWineryCHI
@SharingTravel (Andy & Carey): What’s #SommChat RT @travelwinechick: Here I am! Two weeks in a row! #SommChat
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): @SharingTravel It’s a weekly chat with a #winemaker, #distiller, etc. Every #winewednesday at noon, headed up by @KeeperColl! #SommChat
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith):. @SharingTravel @KeeperColl That’s noon ET, 11 CT, 10 MT, 9 PT. ?#SommChat
@SharingTravel (Andy & Carey): @travelwinechick @KeeperColl looks cool! #SommChat *waves*
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @jmjardine just talked w/ R Grahm he was very excited about biochar and terroir. Thoughts? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @noblewines a great friend & fan of Randall… humus is critical #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines DOUBLE WHAMMY! #SommChat Things can only get better
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine UR #winemaking exp.-amazing! @RhysVineyard @RobertMondavi @SereneWine @soterwines 2 name a few-fav lessons learned? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl Rocky soils, elevation, and great people are everything #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine What is biochar? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl essentially charcoal – prep of humus (to compost or soil) to increase microbial activity & free up nutrients #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery): We’re on live with our #winemaker @JMJardine for #SommChat this morning – join in the convo!
@winecompass (WineCompass): Always thought @PaulDolanWine describes #biodynamic farming well #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winecompass Absolutely Paul of @pauldolanwine is one of the pioneers in sustainable farming #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): check out @jmjardine @flowerswinery now on #SommChat w/@KeeperColl @winetonite @travelwinechick @rachelvoorhees @noblewines & fun twinos
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine What R the main distinctions b/w the #vineyards of Camp Meeting Ridge & Sea View Ridge @FlowersWinery #WineWednesday ?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl Soils, elevations, and exposures. SVR sits at 1800’ with red volcanic clays, shale and schist. CMR sits… #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl at 1300’ with greywacke, sandstone and schist conglomerates #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): Q. @jmjardine Loved the #PinotNoir answer. Now how about most unique F+W pairing w/ your #Chardonnay @FlowersWinery #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @rachelvoorhees given the coastal character & acidity our #Chardonnay pair best w/ rich dishes like lobster w/ butter sauce #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @RachelVoorhees Once participated in #SommChat on tablet while riding through AZ desert! (I wasn’t driving!) #SommChatProblems
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS):@KeeperColl Good morning #SommChat friends! Couldn’t get away until now this #WW
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann): @flowerswinery @imjardine We @MajorBrandsMO sell the Flowers brand in the state of Missouri. Beautiful #wines #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery): @genafeldmann Hi Gena!! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. what is typical annual production @FlowersWinery of #chardonnay and Pinot Noir? Is it distribution only in US? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl combined both Estate and Sonoma Coast AVA roughly 10k each #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl also found in fine restaurants throughout 12 countries #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine):@jmjardine I believe you believe in whole cluster fermentation… why is that? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@alawine yes, given a great #vintage & #vineyard# wines of greater quality/complexity can be achieved in whole cluster fermentation?#SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @jmjardine heard potential for new proposed AVA’s w/in #Sonoma #Coast again, is this true? #SommChat @freemanPinot
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @noblewines yes, Fort Ross/Seaview was just approved #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @noblewines Others like Occidental & Sebastopol Hills are being proposed #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): @jmjardine @rachelvoorhees …coastal character & acidity our #Chardonnay pair best w rich dishes like lobster w/ butter sauce? #SommChat yum
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @RachelVoorhees @jmjardine @flowerswinery That sounds delicious! I am in need of breakfast #SommChat
@GrapeBelt (Tom Riley): @noblewines @GrapeBelt @mariepayton @SIPtheGoodLife What is the theme for tonight’s chat? I’ll pop into #SommChat now. Thanks!
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines @jmjardine @FreemanPinot Chris needs new AVA at his house! Would make him… #mostinterestingsommintheworld! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine @FlowersWinery focuses on Pinot Noir and #Chardonnay- what is the reason behind this focus? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl Founders Joan & Walt Flowers set out to produce #Pinot & #Chard in 1989 that could be on the same table as …?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl the great wines of Burgundy. They chose our vineyard sites specifically for this purpose and we honor #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl that purpose everyday #SommChat
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann): Given the interesting weather patterns seen across the #US, @jmmardine @KeeperColl what are your areas of concern for 2013 harvest? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@genafeldmann current dry conditions not an issue today given our coastal location. soils are at water-holding capacity#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@genafeldmann greatest concern given bountiful yields in 2012 is lack of carbohydrates causing low yields for 2013 #SommChat
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann):@jmjardine I see, thanks. Wish you all the luck! ?#SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Q. @KeeperColl @jmjardine Did you have any challenges w/ 2011 vintage? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne 2011 incredibly late and cold. elevation paid great dividends in this vintage… #wines are brilliant! ?#SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):RT ?@winegalLynne: Q. @jmjardine Mr. Jardin, did U ever notice UR last name means “garden” in French & U make #wine 4 “Flowers”?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne actually, I did… a wonderful coincidence!?#SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @KeeperColl Thanks for RT, I forgot #SommChat :-O
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @travelwinechick Awesome! Thank you! #SommChat help
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): @GrapeBelt SIP (Sustainability in Practice) Certification #winechat#SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): ?@jmjardine Your #Chard would pair nicely with my risotto halibut dish that has a yummy, creamy butter sauce @FlowersWinery?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @rachelvoorhees aww yeah… please share the recipe with all of us #SommChat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @RachelVoorhees @jmjardine @flowerswinery That sounds delicious! I am in need of breakfast ?#SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): I expected #SommChat wine questions might make me thirsty, but?@rachelvoorhees pairing questions are making me hungry too
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): Good morning #SommChat! Coming in a little late #coffeerequired
@jasonswineblog (jasonswineblog): Enjoying following along on #SommChat with @FlowersWinerywinemaker @jmjardine If you haven’t tried their #wines yet do so. Fantastic stuff!
@GrapeBelt (Tom Riley):@travelwinechick Ah, IPOB on Monday. Great event. Learned a ton, tasted some terrific #wine. Glad some #winemakers understand acid #SommChat
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): @GrapeBelt Me, too. I love my acid + #food. #SommChat
@NobleRotNYC (Jonathan Cristaldi): Q. @JMJardine @FlowersWinery @Keepercoll Re: #Chardonnay… to MLF or not to MLF? And Why? #WineWednesday ?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@noblerotnyc Partial MLF = retain perfect acidity balance, reduce overall diacetyl #SommChat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte):@jmjardine What is your biggest #winemaking challenge due to your location? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@thewinekey extreme weather conditions… i.e. hurricane force winds/rain during harvest=crazy #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@thewinekey technically we get 100+ inches a year of rain = growing grapes in coastal rain forest ?#SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): @jmjardine is there a timing issue with whole cluster fermentation, since it’s not just about the grapes #SommChat
@VintryFineWines (Vintry Fine Wines): Happy #winewednesday! We’re ready for #SommChat..better late than never!
@GrapeBelt (Tom Riley): @travelwinechick #Wine without an acid balance is a boring failure. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Q. @JMJardine Tell us about the upcoming #Wine of The West (WOW)?#Wine Festival #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):A. @KeeperColl great opportunities to taste brilliant west Sonoma Coast #wines w/ friends and colleagues from unique vineyards #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):A. @KeeperColl this one coming up is in NYC btw check our site for details #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine):?@jmjardine ?@rachelvoorhees aww yeah… please share the recipe with all of us #SommChat < or better yet, cook some up
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): Sounds perfect to me! RT ?@jmjardine: @noblerotnyc Partial MLF = retain perfect acidity balance, reduce overall diacetyl #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Q. @KeeperColl @jmjardine Do u find u use instinct more in #winemaking or logic? Perhaps both? R there times you just “know”? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne tend to be more sensitive to intuition but needs to based in logic #SommChat
@wineymolly (Molly Peterson): #SommChat happy to be here today. I’m a huge fan a flowers pinot noir.
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @wineymolly Thanks so much, Molly! Happy to meet you here #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery): @wineymolly Thanks Molly! We appreciate it #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):@travelwinechick @alawine Lunch time! Too bad you don’t have a bottle of @FlowersWinery #Chard & lobster! #SommChat
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann):Great insights & #food pairings w/ @Flowerswinery @jmjardine. #SommChat now! @TheWineKey @travelwinechick @alawine @KeeperColl @winetonight
@NobleRotNYC (Jonathan Cristaldi): @jmjardine Ahhh. Q: Partial MLF in barrel or SS? On average what’s your percentage preference? e.g., 30% MFL, 70% no MLF? #SommChat tx!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine What can we expect from your upcoming Spring 2013 release @FlowersWinery #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl 1st release of 2011 vintage w/ #Sonoma #Coast AVA #wines, 2 of our most coveted selections called Moon Select…?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl and very special 100% whole cluster release of 2010 Sea View Ridge Block 11 #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl The 100% whole cluster Sea View Ridge Block 11 is a result of our #projectterroir program where we are learning…?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl more about our #vineyards and what they can produce #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Over half of #SommChat hour has passed – keep you questions coming for @JMJardine
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @jmjardine That is unreal! I had no idea. Does harvest tend to be fast pace to beat Mother Nature? More so than anywhere else? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@thewinekey yes, incredibly fast-paced. 2011 had to pick all #Chard during night b/c storm coming next morning. 1st day=11 inches #SommChat
@WineRackCo ( @TheWineKey @RachelVoorhees @jmjardine @FlowersWinery This chat is making me hungry….and thirsty! #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):The one thing my hair stylist and I talk the most about.. Food & Wine! Fun chatting w/ her during #SommChat
@FlowersMark (Mark Flowers): @RachelVoorhees She single? hahaha RT The 1 thing my hair stylist & I talk the most about #Food & #Wine! Fun chatting w/ her during #SommChat
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): @RachelVoorhees I do the same with mine. Bring her #wine to try sometimes. #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): @travelwinechick That should be SO fun, right? Live stream video?#SommChat about F+W pairings while cooking & sipping #wine @KeeperColl
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith): Oh yes! @RachelVoorhees @KeeperColl That should be SO fun, right? Live stream video #SommChat re F+W pairings while cooking & sipping #wine
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS):.Q @KeeperColl @jmjardine What is a favorite part of #winemaking 4 U; and a least favorite? #SommChat #WW
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@winegallynne fave=working w/ great people (growers/partners, etc) as well as our awesome team at @FlowersWinery #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne least fave = don’t really have one… love this job! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): who here on #SommChat has had @FlowersWinery #wines? anynotes to share?
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): @alawine I’ve tried ’09 & ’10 Sea View Ridge #PinotNoir. ’09 was fave. Dirty, funky, killer expression of earth #SommChat @flowerswinery
@winecompass (WineCompass): @jmjardine @thewinekey Sounds as if you are an east coast #winery #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Quick hello from me; will try to get a ? in a minute ?#Sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. Do you communicate with other #biodynamic #organic #winemakers and if so only in #US or any outside of #US? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl both inside & outside. learned a lot from annual visits to #Burgundy .. talk w/ Faiveley DRC, Leroy #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @jmjardine @flowerswinery nice sense of place stuff on your web site. Very cool #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery): @noblewines @jmjardine Thank you! #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @noblewines yep, Rogue Valley! #SommChat
@NobleRotNYC (Jonathan Cristaldi): @alawine I’ve indulged in a few @FlowersWinery bottles and for me the #Pinot is a brilliant balance of fruit, earth and spice. #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine):@NobleRotNYC thanks Jonathan, looking forward to trying @FlowersWinery #Pinot #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Q. @KeeperColl @jmjardine do U agree w/ whole cluster ferm 4 #Pinot? I’ve read some controversy among #winemakers #SommChat #WW
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@winegallynne yes absolutely, but not every vineyard or vintage can be successful #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine heard you like #Burgundy #wine-any personal fav producers or villages? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl #Meursault and #Vosgne-Romanee #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. have you always worked with whole cluster or did that start? @FlowersWinery #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl yes, more of great #wines of the world are turning to BioD & traditional/sustainable farming practices #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl started in #Willamette Vly (OR) but really focused on whole cluster at @rhysvineyards (Santa Cruz Mtns) #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Not yet but congrats to the first new Certified #Somms of 2013 – I saw that Austin held an exam last Sunday. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great Q’s on #SommChat – keep them coming
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): @FlowersMark Nope…alas she is not. #SommChat
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery): @rachelvoorhees @alawine Nice! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine How did @FlowersWinery get started and why? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl in 1989, pioneering vision of #Pinot & #Chard #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): Q. @KeeperColl @jmjardine What’s in ur glass other than Flowers #wine? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne wines of friends in the area (Sonoma Coast), typically #Champagne, #Burgundy, #Riesling & #Barolo as well #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller):Q. @jmjardine where in #Willamette did you work? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @noblewines w/ Tony Soter, Dom. Serene & in Southern Oregon planted about 300 acres for Griffin Creek & Quail Run #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):@JmJardine Do you see an increase in #winemakers using #biodynamic and #organic Practices? Why an increase or not? #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):My backyard! RT @jmjardine: A. started in Willamette Vly (OR) but focused on whole cluster @rhysvineyards (Santa Cruz Mtns) #SommChat
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS): @jmjardine @KeeperColl U mentioned 2 of my favs: #Champagne & #Riesling! Yum! #SommChat =)
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):@jmjardine Our #wine glass has similar contents~#Champagne, #Burgundy, #Riesling & #Barolo. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JMJardine What sets Sonoma County apart from other #wine regions in the area for #winemaking? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): A. @KeeperColl #Sonoma Cty is incredibly diverse of course w/ soils, climates and elevation = ability to grow Cab Franc to Pinot #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine) now we’re talking… #SommChat is trending at #1 on twitter
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):thanks ken – where did you see that? RT @alawine: now we’re talking… #SommChat is trending at #1 on twitter
@FlowersMark (Mark Flowers): @jmjardine @KeeperColl And did location determine #Chard & #Pinotchoice or those were desired & location chosen after fact? #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@flowersmark The Flowers’ passion for #Pinot Noir & #Chard drove them to find the coastal location where they could … ?#SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@flowersmark produce the wines they loved #SommChat
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann):Didn’t know @FlowersWinery started in Williamette Vly! Nice piece of #WW wisdom. @jmjardine #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @genafeldmann Flowers didn’t originate there, I just worked there & gained experience in #Pinot Noir, viticulture, etc… #SommChat
@GenaFeldmann (Gena Feldmann): Thx for clarifying! @jmjardine Flowers didn’t originate there, I just worked there & gained experience in #Pinot #SommChat & cool clime viti!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed #wine talk w/ ?#WinemakerJJason Jardine @JMJardine of @FlowersWinery #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):It was great to have Jason @JMJardine @FlowersWinery join us today for our #SommChat! We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Please join us in thanking #Winemaker JJason Jardine of @FlowersWinery for his time! #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @JMJardine @FlowersWinery Thanks for the great #SommChat! Gotta go get me some Flowers #wine!
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@sassodoro @KeeperColl @jmjardine @FlowersWinery you’re welcome… I enjoyed it! #SommChat
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): Thanks for this awesome #SommChat today! Be sure to follow @FlowersWinery
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):Awesome #SommChat 2day @KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed #wine talk w/ #Winemaker @JMJardine of @FlowersWinery #WineWednesday
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith):Thank you! @KeeperColl @jmjardine @FlowersWinery Can’t wait to try your #wines! #winewednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection):Look forward to seeing you at next week’s #SommChat !
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @KeeperColl it was great to be here #SommChat
@wine_prof (Jessica Fialkovich):Thanks @jmjardine, see everyone else next week for #SommChat
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees):@KeeperColl @jmjardine @flowerswinery Thanks for fab #SommChat. Happy sippin’! Cheers!
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine):@rachelvoorhees Thanks for the great food questions #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller):@jmjardine thanks for your time and well done keeping up with busy #SommChat ~ @KeeperColl too, off to @peterwasserman Burg tasting!
@winegalLynne (Lynne Bryant, CS):@KeeperColl @jmjardine Thx 4 being here! Really enjoy Flowers #wine; great chats w/ ?#SommChat friends! ’til next time…
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @winegallynne Thanks for the great questions #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine):?@jmjardine @FlowersWinery < Thank you! Great #SommChat today!
@jmjardine (Jason Jardine): @alawine Thanks, Ken! We appreciate it #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking #Winemaker JJason Jardine of @FlowersWinery for his time! #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@FlowersMark (Mark Flowers): @jmjardine @FlowersWinery @KeeperColl Thanks all. Cheers! #SommChat
@MoRandazzoMB (Mo Randazzo):@KeeperColl What’s on next week’s agenda for #SommChat?
@RachelVoorhees (Rachel Voorhees): @jmjardine So welcome! Thinking ’09 Sea Ridge View #PinotNoirwould also pair nicely w/ an Asian grilled salmon I do. #SommChat
@alawine (Ken #wine): @SeagreenWench #SommChat is 9-10 am PT on Wednesdays
@travelwinechick (Elizabeth Smith):Thank you again! Happy #winewednesday! #SommChat @RachelVoorhees @alawine @jmjardine @KeeperColl @FlowersWinery @noblewines
@alawine (Ken #wine): @winecompass @winegallynne @sassodoro @adamplotkin @grapebelt @genafeldmann @noblerotnyc Fun #SommChat today
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro):@alawine ?@winecompass @winegallynne @adamplotkin @grapebelt @genafeldmann @noblerotnyc It was indeed! Happy #WW #SommChat!
@lavenuebistro (Lavenue Bistro): #SommChat Come by and enjoy a 5oz glass of Fitapreta from Alentejano!
@scottBMOFS (Scott Alexander): #SommChat Why am I just discovering this now?!?! Keep up the good wine-u-cation! #WineWednesday
@FlowersWinery (Flowers Winery):If we didn’t get to all of your questions during #SommChat or you have others, let us know. Cheers!