So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko
2/8 Winemaker Pam Starr, Crocker & Starr Winery
Blinded By The Bite! @BlindedBite: Save the date for tomorrow's #SommChat with @keepercoll @SommChat #winewednesday #WW #Wine
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm: Tune in to #SommChat TODAY at 9 PST w @CrockerStarr's Pam Starr for insights on the St. Helena AVA, #CabFranc & more
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: Don’t forget to tune in to #SommChat TODAY at 9AM PST w/ our winemaker Pam Starr -
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm: Don’t miss #SommChat w/ celebrated @CrockerStarr winemaker Pam Starr TODAY at 9AM PST -
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood: Every Wednesday at noon EST join us for #SommChat hosted by @keepercoll… #wine #wiyg #foodies
Paul Mabray @pmabray: A great #sommchat happening today.
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm: We hope you'll join us! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear #wine w/ #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr, Crocker & Starr Winery #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: We’d like 2 introduce you to #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr, Crocker & Starr Winery! #SommChat #WW #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: S/O 2 #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr, Crocker & Starr Winery & say hello so she knows UR here! #SommChat #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Don’t forget to include #SommChat on EVERY tweet in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: Excited to be here with @keepercoll for #SommChat today! Ready to take your questions!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: you can ask her Ur Qs to @keepercoll as well! She’ll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Let’s start talking 2 #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr, Crocker & Starr Winery about #Wine on #SommChat #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr How did you get started working in #wine?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Studying for the dental admissions test and took a job in wine for harvest and jumped off the wagon with both feet! @keepercoll #Sommchat
WineCompass @winecompass: Pam, what types of #wine do you make at @CrockerStarr? #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass It's February so it's #CabFranc right now, & also #CabSauv, #SauvignonBlanc and a #Malbec blend @keepercollection #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass: Here is the @CrockerStarr #Napa #wine profile on #thecompassapp #sommchat
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr @keepercollection Are the wines from estate fruit or do you source from other Napa vineyards? #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass 100% Estate Fruit, baby! We are a pinpoint on a map #StHelena #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr Nice #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr How do you define your approach to #winemaking? What do you believe makes C&S #wines distinctive? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @keepercoll cues from the vine, direct translation and organic. We are a pinpoint on the map in great soils w/ an expert hand #SommChat
binNotes @binNotes:@CrockerStarr…taking cues from the #vine, 1 #wine @ a time...#Sommchat @keepercoll
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: .@pmabray great to see you on #SommChat today with @CrockerStarr Look forward to your Questions have a great #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr When did you first start making #wine & how many Wines do you make at the winery today?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. My first wine job was 1984 and currently make 4 wines...that we can currently talk about ;) #sommchat @keepercoll
Paige Granback @Scoldilocks: @CrockerStarr How has all this CA #rain affected your #vineyard and the 2017 vintage? #SommChat @keepercoll
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @Scoldilocks We LOVE the rain, thankful for what we've gotten. Vines are still sleeping...will know more in March @keepercoll #SommChat
Paige Granback @Scoldilocks: @CrockerStarr @keepercoll Cheers - Here's hoping we are drier by bud break! #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: @Scoldilocks @keepercoll From the beginning of the year, we have gotten more rain than the annual average #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr What makes the Crocker Estate in #StHelena unique? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Fog pulls away from #StHelena 1st in the valley, soil comes from Mayacamas slopes, low pH soil = natural acidity #sommchat @keepercoll
Laura Cropper @LauraCropper: Follow the latest feed from Crocker & Starr's #LIVE - follow #SommChat Pam Starr is answering all of your questions 😉
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Glad to see @keepercoll with Pam Starr of @CrockerStarr on #sommchat right now. Met her with @WineGrapeStone at winery in 2010. Great #wine
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: @Path2Wine @keepercoll @WineGrapeStone Courtney great to see you welcome! Come visit the winery when you can! #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Thank you @CrockerStarr Will do, love your wines. What's new or in development you can share with us on #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Thank you @Path2Wine! We build the winery, became a 100% estate wine and have two new #wines on their way! #SommChat @keepercoll
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Can you share what the new wines will be @CrockerStarr #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @Path2Wine It's a 100% Cab heritage clone we planted 10 years ago & a more affordable #Cabernet from a unique vineyard block. #SommChat
binNotes @binNotes: #whew! #checking in to my 1st #Sommchat w/ @CrockerStarr @keepercoll #cheers,all!🍷
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @binNotes so glad to see you for 1st Time on #SommChat - come back each Wed!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr what R UR major #US markets and where are you expanding to in US is it more on premise or retail or both?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. We are 90% DTC. Biggest on premise are Texas, Vegas, Ohio & NY (especially for Bridesmaid!) #SommChat @keepercoll @pmabray @AveroBuzz
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr What would you pair with your 2013 Cabernet Sauvingnon Stone Place?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Just had braised short rib at @PiedmontDurham at @TriangleWineExp. #NorthCarolina a great #wine market! @keepercoll #SommChat
Laura Cropper @LauraCropper: #cabernetfranc & #cabernetsauvignon lovers!Follow the LIVEfeed- #SOMMCHAT &ask Winemaker/Owner Pam Starr of @CrockerStarr Winery #napavalley
binNotes @binNotes: #Sommchat @CrockerStarr any #oldworld #inspirations whispering to u in vyd as u work? @keepercoll
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @binNotes Absolutely, I cut my teeth on old #Bordeaux. Love Left & Right Bank but especially #Latour & @TrplngMndt. @keepercoll #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Welcome back @winecompass to #SommChat keep those great questions coming for @CrockerStarr
Miranda Waldron @mirandawaldronc: Can you recommend some affordable @CrockerStarr wines? #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @mirandawaldronc Absolutely! Start w/our #SauvBlanc (more $ than most, but might as well start at the top & never go back!) #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @mirandawaldronc As for reds we make a fantastic AOC wine called #Bridesmaid at approx $50. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr What do you mean when you say “responsibly” grown?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. We combine the worlds of sustainable & organic. Cover crops = good bugs. Don't irrigate (even in drought) #sommchat @keepercoll
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr @keepercoll So your estate is 100% dry farmed? #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass We use water only as a backup if absolutely necessary @keepercoll #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr @keepercoll So this winter rain must really help restock the underground water sources #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass Spot on! We hope this is true for all of #California! #SommChat @keepercoll
binNotes @binNotes: ”Cover crops = good bugs." Keep in' it #sustainable @CrockerStarr #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr The #CrockerStarr estate has roots dating back to the 1870s. How does this #history inform your brand? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @keepercoll They speak to legacy of the estate. First #wine we made is named after the historic stone winery: Stone Place #Cab #SommChat
Kimberly Charles @cbrulee: @keepercoll @CrockerStarr This great piece from @StHelenaStar elaborates on history thanks @sirslothcelot
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @Path2Wine always great to see you on #SommChat and thanks for your thoughtful questions
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Welcome back to #SommChat @norcalwine have a great #WW
Kimberly Charles @cbrulee: Pam Starr @CrockerStarr was at @TriangleWineExp in NC did you know how brisk the #wine market is there? #sommchat
Laura Cropper @LauraCropper: I would pair the 2013 Stone Place #CabernetSauvignon with short rib by #Chef @dogwoodjm #sommchat @PiedmontDurham #trianglewineexperience
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr @keepercoll So your estate is 100% dry farmed? #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass We use water only as a backup if absolutely necessary @keepercoll #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass: @CrockerStarr @keepercoll So this winter rain must really help restock the underground water sources #Sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @winecompass Spot on! We hope this is true for all of #California! #SommChat @keepercoll
Fred Swan @norcalwine: Hi @CrockerStarr :-) How, if at all, do you approach Cab Franc differently from Cab Sauv in the winemaking process? #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Hi @norcalwine! #CabFranc is its own universe. Same approach as in vineyard: follow its path & nudge it in the right direction #SommChat.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr How was the 2016 #harvest? any insight early on to the 2017 vintage? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @keepercoll 2016 was "abundant abundance" As our first vintage in our new winery it was incredible. 2017 is still sleeping! #SommChat
Kimberly Charles @cbrulee: By the way if you get the chance try the cuisine of @dogwoodjm @piedmontrestaurant in #NorthCarolina don't miss it! @CrockerStarr #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr Your estate #CabernetSauvignon #vineyard is named “Stone Place.” Why? What makes this vineyard unique? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. The 1870s bldg (not vineyard) on the property is "Stone Place" Charlie Crocker purchased the pre-prohibition estate in 1971 @keepercoll
Kimberly Charles @cbrulee: Interestingly founding SF family the Crockers sought refuge in St.Helena after the 1906 earthquake this place is ripe w/history #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr What would you pair with the 2013 Casali 6?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @keepercoll Casali is predominantly #Malbec w/#CabFranc & #CabSauv, so I'd pair it w/ #BBQRibs for summer drinking at cookouts #SommChat
Laura Cropper @LauraCropper: This sounds delicious #sommchat #texas #bb
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - do U hold back some #wine N each vintage If so is it for personal consumption or do you sell with aging @CrockerStarr
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Thank you #Somm! We hold back a v. small amount (we just did a 20 year vertical to celebrate our 20th anniversary). #SommChat @keepercoll
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Also we sell a small amt to wine club & do take requests from restaurants who would like to do a mini vertical #SommChat @keepercoll
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Can you @CrockerStarr share how your Malbec is unique? I lived in Mendoza & I think yours is best in #Napa Great Casali blend #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @Path2Wine Malbec is unique bc it's planted in our soils on specific rootstock (we did a specific rootstock/soil pairing). #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Also my #Mendoza experience convince me that Malbec loves Bdx varieties paired with it. Malbec roots are really Bordeaux! @Path2Wine
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Completely agree @CrockerStarr Very wise to blend Malbec with Cabernet Sauvignon & Franc. Casali is great wine on release or hold #sommchat
toalla2_ewoks @toalla2_ewoks: juaN es un perturbado y lo sabes, matar a ti mismo, no hay nada más importante en su vida #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr Your #SauvignonBlanc is the only white #wine you produce. Why did you decide to focus on that variety? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. @keepercoll I have a huge passion for #SauvBlanc & don't want ppl to be distracted from the #Napa style SB we make. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr Tell us about the terroir of your vineyards and how it affects the wines Anything unique 4 #NapaValley
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Crocker Estate is in the most narrow part of the valley & soils come from Mayacamas slopes. Great soil here. #SommChat @keepercoll
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: Contact @CharlesComm for soil maps! @keepercoll #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: @CrockerStarr U said U built a new #winemaking facility in 2016. How has this impacted #CrockerStarr #wine production? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. New winemaking facility has been amazing! I can change direction on a whim & employ more ideas than I ever thought! #SommChat @keepercoll
binNotes @binNotes: #winemaker #whimsy alive & well @CrockerStarr 's #new #facility #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat peep: @CrockerStarr Any advice for someone interested in #winemaking? #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A.@keepercoll Do harvest in different regions & hemispheres. After several harvests if you totally love it you are meant to do it! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how do you divide duties with your biz partner @CrockerStarr ?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Charlie's responsibility is the vineyard & property investment. He's a great partner while I handle the winemaking. @keepercoll #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @CrockerStarr What would you pair with your Cabernet Franc?
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Anything that has mushrooms and/or truffles. The earth component of the mushroom makes the #wine fruit pop! @keepercoll #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you describe tasting notes for your #NapaValley #sauvignonblanc and what R best drinking window @CrockerStarr
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: A. Guava & limón notes w/great #minerality that comes from bottle aging. Best time to drink is right at 3 years! #SommChat @keepercoll
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine: Great to catch up with you @CrockerStarr today on #sommchat Thanks for sharing and answering #wine questions.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking abt #Wine w/ #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr on #SommChat #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Great to have #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW #Napavalley
KeeperCollection @keepercoll: Please join us in thanking #Winemaker Pam Starr @CrockerStarr for her time on #SommChat #Napavalley
binNotes @binNotes: #Sommchat @CrockerStarr #peaceout,all! Cheers~
Laura Cropper @LauraCropper: Ask questions to #winemaker #Pamstarr #sommchat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: @Path2Wine It was so great to have you here. Please do come and see us at the winery! #SommChat
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: What a pleasure to be on #SommChat this morning! Thank you for all who participated and to @keepercollection for hosting!
Crocker&Starr Winery @CrockerStarr: Our motto here is "touch the vines, taste the wines." If you want more info visit or contact @CharlesComm #sommchat