So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/11 Master Sommelier Evan Goldstein
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Join #SommChat on Wed 3/11 to talk w/ Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings on #SoCoBA !
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia Whoo! RT @KeeperColl: Join #SommChat on Wed 3/ w/ MS Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings on #SoCoBA !
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners Join us @KeeperColl #SommChat tmrw 3/11 9 AM PT with Master Somm @DaringPairings! #SoCoBA @Williams_Selyem @GFarrellWinery @JosephSwanWines
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners 1st #SommChat for us. Tmrw 3/11 9 AM PT with @DaringPairings! #SoCoBA @KeeperColl @rsvineyards @jordanwinery @BruliamWines @DryCreekVnyd
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia Hey, @metalsommelier @AlexLaPratt ! @DaringPairings will be on @KeeperColl #SommChat tmrw 3/11, noon EST, to talk #SoCoBA!
W. R. Tish @TishWine RT @KeeperColl Today’s #SommChat features Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings on #SoCoBA Hope to see you there! 12 N-1 PM EST
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @blackiguananews @ShitMySommSays @cr8tivejen @jodifritch @ronga @DavidPSawyer @Rielpicon Happy #SommChat WW!
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners Attn Trade: #SoCoBA panelist @DaringPairings is on @KeeperColl #SommChat in 10 mins. Join to learn more about our inaugural barrel auction.
kathleen lilly @yoga_kat Happy 2share a moment #WinosUnite #WW @KeeperColl @PrimlaniKitchen @lvwineapp @GJAtlUSA @TheWineHub @JadeDrinksWine @PalateXposure #SommChat
Priscilla @WeekendInParis @KeeperColl I'm here, what's the #SommChat topic today?
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl #SoCoBA panelist @DaringPairings is on #SommChat RT @WeekendInParis: @KeeperColl I'm here, what's the #SommChat topic today?
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear frm Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings #WW
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia @KeeperColl I'll be there! ;-) #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We introduce you to Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings who will talk @SonomaVintners Barrel Auction #SoCoBA on #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask Evan Goldstein our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @DaringPairings 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @DaringPairings Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine with Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings #WW #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl gr8 to have you on #SommChat today RT @sonomavintners: @KeeperColl @DaringPairings we are here!
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings Hope you've all had your morning coffee, or cabernet! Excited to be here for #SommChat this morning with @KeeperColl and @SonomaVintners
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen Still nursing coffee, Cab resting for later tonight @DaringPairings coffee, or cabernet! #SommChat @KeeperColl @SonomaVintners
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings How did you get interested in #wine? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings Enjoying since a late teen- exploded when cooking in Paris 1978/9 learning under Daniel Halle, ex-somm for Joel Robuchon at Jamin. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @Dairingpairings how did the idea for #SoCoBA come about and will this be annual?
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @SonomaVintners wanted to showcase never before, never again wines to do something special and unique for the county #SommChat
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine @DaringPairings #SommChat #SoCoBA came <a year ago. brainstormed to show a different side #Sonoma & think this really pushes the envelope
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen Meet with MS Geoff Kruth Yesterday for #burgundy tasting. @KeeperColl @DaringPairings #SommChat #wine
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia @centralbtlwine Looking good. Join in the #SommChat conversation now & more about the @sonomavintners inaugural trade barrel auction!
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine @DaringPairings @KeeperColl @sonomavintners good morning Evan what drives you in the food and wine world? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @AndyOnFarmWine the ongoing challenge, the art of discovery, & breaking conventional epicurean orthodoxies #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler If you like food and wine, check out #SommChat right now. Master Somm Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings is on. He's fantastic!
Vindulge @Vindulge If you like food and wine, check out #SommChat right now. Master Somm Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings is on. He's fantastic!
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia Yes RT @Vindulge If you like food and wine, check out #SommChat right now. Master Somm Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings is on. He's fantastic!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: @dairingpairings can someone bid on the #Wines in the #SoCoBA auction if they are not there and if so how?
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Yes, we are taking absentee bids, just reach out to @SonomaVintners and we will get you set up! #SommChat #SoCoBA
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @DaringPairings Happy to take absentee trade bids #SommChat! @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: so can non-trade people bid on the Auction? @Dairingpairings
W. R. Tish @TishWine And @DaringPairings @KeeperColl @sonomavintners, do you expect #SoCoBA to attract more trade, collectors or tourists? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @TishWine #SoCoBA is exclusively an invite-only event for the trade; contact @fullcirclewine for info on getting an invite! #SommChat
W. R. Tish @TishWine .@DaringPairings I had forgotten #SoCOBA is only trade. I presume restos & retailers can buy barrel lots to re-sell, correct? #SommChat
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @TishWine Yes! #SommChat Restos and Retailers are definitely to bid.
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @TishWine Here's where trade can sign up … #SommChat
Rachel Dawn Hayes @KnivesAndCorks @KeeperColl What determines if a blend has a proper name, i.e. Rioja, Bordeaux vs. a blend of the same just being a blend? % used? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KnivesAndCorks the only legal category in the US is "meritage" which must have at least 2 bordeaux varietals
Rachel Dawn Hayes @KnivesAndCorks @DaringPairings Thanks! Also, I just found this regarding Bordeaux... … Looks like it's up to the producer. #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KnivesAndCorks yes, the meritage category is purely optional #SommChat
Rachel Dawn Hayes @KnivesAndCorks @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Are there any up-and-coming producing regions you are watching? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KnivesAndCorks in South America: Brazil, Uruguay, & Bolivia! In Europe: Slovenia, Croatia, Turkey & Moldova #SommChat
DSWE @DomaineSelect @DaringPairings @KnivesAndCorks As a Brazilian, I am happy my country is on the list! #SommChat
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia @DaringPairings @KnivesAndCorks Intriguing! Know nothing about the wines of those South American regions. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @dairingpairings MT @KnivesAndCorks: What detersms if blend has proper name, Rioja, Bordeaux vs. a blend of the same blend? #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @DaringPairings @KeeperColl good morning from #Vegas! #SommChat #WW
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @harleywine1 Morning buddy! Thanks for joining us for #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings Why did you become a MS? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Personal drive to do it- loved that it was you competing against yourself to show pinnacle professionalism. #SommChat
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia On why MS RT @DaringPairings: Personal drive ...- loved that it was U competing against yourself to show pinnacle professionalism. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @DaringPairings @KeeperColl -Those exams can feel very intimidating; WHEN surrounded by all your compeition, how do you focus? - #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @demilove stay relaxed, get a good night's sleep (lol) & there is some great advice on Tim Gaiser's blog about test taking skills! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Thank you! I've been a bridesmaid twice now but a bestie in my study group said your book helped her pass! - #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @demilove aw shucks! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Great to see you all on #SommChat thank u for signing my book!
Tricia Conover, CWP @WineGrapeStone @DaringPairings Evan, Sorry I am missing #SommChat today. Your book is terrific. My best, Tricia @Path2Wine
W. R. Tish @TishWine Hey Evan, have you perused the lots for #SoCoBA? Any really wacky barrels, like Gruner, Albarion, Charbono...? #SommChat @KeeperColl
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia @TishWine @KeeperColl Good Q! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl MT @TishWine: @dairingwpairings Evan, have U perused the lots 4 #SoCoBA? Any really wacky barrels-Gruner, Albarion, Charbono...? #SommChat
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat corrected @KeeperColl @TishWine Not so wacky but we're blending #Pinot w @Kosta_Browne & @Williams_Selyem for #SoCoBA. #SonomaChat
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @JosephSwanWines Check out the swan lot! We love your lot!! #SommChat #SoCoBA named #TheFatherTheSonTheHolyGhost …
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SoCoBA @sonomavintners Expect nothing less from The Rod aka The Man, The Myth, The Legend himself. #TheFatherTheSonTheHolyGhost #SommChat
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat @sonomavintners That definitely needed :-J. Don't know what u started in Chicago with the "legendary Rod Berglund" moniker!
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat @sonomavintners Many small wineries can't spare whole barrel alone. Proud to pair up w @Kosta_Browne & @Williams_Selyem 4 #SoCoBA.
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia RT @JosephSwanWines: #SommChat @KeeperColl @TishWine Not so wacky but we're blending #Pinot w @Kosta_Browne & @Williams_Selyem for #SoCoBA.
W. R. Tish @TishWine RT @JosephSwanWines #SommChat @KeeperColl @TishWine Not so wacky but we're blending #Pinot w @Kosta_Browne & @Williams_Selyem for #SoCoBA.
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl most lots are classic--pinots etc, but there are some fun zin blends & a cool sauvignon musque from @DryCreekVineyard #SommChat
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia @JosephSwanWines @KeeperColl @TishWine @Kosta_Browne @Williams_Selyem Fun lot! #SoCoBA #SommChat
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @KeeperColl @tishwine Check out … for all the lots. Interesting combos there too #SommChat #SoCoBA
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: Do you have any new plans in UR professional career and what do U do with UR personal time? @DaringPairings
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat @DaringPairings @sonomavintners Rod Berglund sends his best & regrets from NYC today. Tried but can't log in from phone or iPad.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @JosephSwanWines thanks for trying #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl MT @DaringPairings: FCWS=global wine&spirits . working 4 our audiences, knowledge is power & profit #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @Keppercoll @DaringPairings - Mr. Goldstein have you ever presented at @CIAGreystone - I will be there for somm event in April! #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @demilove Was there for Wine Writer's Symposium, always participate in MS program, & invited to April's event but have a conflict #SommChat
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @KeeperColl @fullcirclewine #SommChat #SoCoBA proceeds go to market #SonomaCounty. Our annual charity fundraiser raises over $4MM in Sep.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings You are part of the inaugural @SonomaVintners Sonoma County Barrel Auction, #SoCoBA. Plz explain. #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl @SonomaVintners #SoCoBA is a live auction 5/1 for licensed trade of one-of-a-kind Sonoma County wine futures. #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl #SoCoBA will also include a walk-around restrospective tasting on 4/30 of Sonoma County’s most iconic wineries. #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl I was on the #SoCoBA curated panel of Master Sommeliers and a Master of Wine who chose the auction lots. #SommChat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @DaringPairings You passed the MS exam as the 8th & youngest American in 1987! Do you have any advice for aspiring sommeliers? -SK #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @Eno_DC Stay focused, taste w/ people whose palates are better than yours, read a ton, ask lots of questions & always be humble #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler On becoming a somm MT @DaringPairings @Eno_DC Stay focused, taste w/people whose palates r better than yours... always be humble #SommChat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @DaringPairings Thank you! What is so special about this auction, in your own words? -SK #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @Eno_DC Unique opportunity to highlight Sonoma County's creme de la creme #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings Tell us about the lot panel tasting for @SonomaVintners #SoCoBA? #SommChat
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @KeeperColl It was important to the entire SCV membership that the wines created for this event be of the highest quality #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl @SonomaVintners put its members to a test to come up w/incredible wines that will never be duplicated. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings What were the panelists looking for when tasting the lots for #SoCoBA? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Wines were tasted blind. We focused on terroir authenticity in both site and appellation & varietal correctness. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @dairingpairings do you travel a lot to do the education with your consulting company?
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl last year was 22 weeks, so depends on your definition of a lot! #SommChat
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine @KeeperColl We keep him busy ;-) Lots of curious minds out there #SommChat #ThirstforWine
John Vuong @vintagevuong @KeeperColl @DaringPairings keep up the good work. #SommChat
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine @vintagevuong @KeeperColl @DaringPairings good luck on your wine bar #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @vintagevuong Thx! Good luck w/ the wine bar opening, where's my invite?! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl #2 Q fr #SommChat peep: do U travel more in the US or do you also go abroad? Do you have some fav #wine regions to visit? @dairingpairings
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl only continent not visited is Antarctica-working on that! #SommChat
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia Love your travel spirit. RT @DaringPairings: @KeeperColl only continent not visited is Antarctica-working on that! #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Fav wine regions include Dao & Bairrada, Uco Valley, Dry Creek Valley, Canelones, Colchagua, & the Veneto! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: Do you have any new plans in UR professional career and what do U do with UR personal time? @DaringPairings
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings What are some of the biggest changes you have seen in #Sonoma County #wine in the last 5 years? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl More players, better wines, increased focus on site, height (altitude), & diversity of climates, terroirs, varieties #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings Tell us about some of the great lots that will be auctioned at #SoCoBA @sonomavintners #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl #SoCoBA auction lots will include single vineyard bottlings,clonal selections, blends, joint producer wines, etc. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings Why should licensed trade attend the Sonoma County Barrel Auction #SoCoBA #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl It’s not every day that you get to own a never before, never again wine. #SommChat #SoCoBA
Laurel Glen Vineyard @LaurelGlen #SommChat @KeeperColl @DaringPairings #SoCoBA Our "Mother Clone" lot selected to best express unique qualities of LG cabernet clone.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: Do you have any new plans in UR professional career and what do U do with UR personal time? @DaringPairings
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl what personal time?! Plans: keeping my nose above the professional water line! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: what are the biggest Challenges facing #Sonoma #wineries? @daringpairings
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl No different than those of other CA wine regions: increased cost, growing import competition, & the NorCal drought! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: @daringpairings what can we expect from the 2015 vintage in #Sonoma?
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Way too soon to tell! Depends on spring weather and remaining precipitation! #SommChat #SoCoBA
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: Can u share ur thoughts on the future of Master #Sommeliers on the resto floors vs outside @DaringPairings
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl the future is bright for those who choose to stay on the floor & equally for those interested in other opportunities! #SommChat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @DaringPairings Well put! What was the best wine for you? Which one would you bid for? -SK #SommChat
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine @Eno_DC 3 days of blind tasting, there were def lots of highs. Funny thing is diff lots had diff "champions" on the panel. #PersonalTaste
ENO DC @Eno_DC @fullcirclewine Interesting! Thank you for the input! #SommChat
DSWE @DomaineSelect @dairingparings Do you a favorite of all times? #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @Eno_DC I love all of them equally--no favorites! #SommChat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @DaringPairings We understand all too well, Evan! Thank you! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings What is your approach for pairing #food and #wine? Which comes first for you & why? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl RT @DaringPairings: Either can be 1st, but as in waltzing, 1 leads & 1 follows/supports- both can't fight 4 simultaneous attention #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @DaringPairings Why should licensed trade attend the #Sonoma County Barrel Auction #SoCoBA #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Having each #SoCoBA lot vetted should allow for informed, confident wine choices suiting buyers & their customers.#SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl #SoCoBA also provides unique opportunities to network with wineries on a very close, personal level. #SommChat
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat @Eno_DC @DaringPairings #TheFatherTheSonTheHolyGhost Pinot lot is all Swan clone/selection fr various mystery vineyards. #SoCoBA
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: What are the biggest challenges facing #Sommeliers today @DaringPairings
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl keeping up, keeping your eyes on the prize, professionalism (not celebrity), remembering customer is always first #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Opps time change screwed me up this week I'll try a quick question #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @SandyWasserman go for it #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @DaringPairings Who are your wine mentors and if you were a wine what would you be & why? Thanks #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @SandyWasserman Mentors: Daniel Halle, Val Brown, Kevin Zraly, & too many more to count! #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @SandyWasserman If I were a wine, I would be something approachable yet complex, delicious, and memorable! #SommChat
Tia Butts @WineInkByTia :-D RT @DaringPairings @SandyWasserman If I were a #wine, I would be something approachable yet complex, delicious, and memorable! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Sonoma Vintners @sonomavintners @KeeperColl We loved it!!!! thank you everyone. Check out the auction when you have a moment. #SommChat
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @KeeperColl Thx for having me & @SonomaVintners here, hope to see everyone at #SoCoBA! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Mark UR calendar for #SommChat w/ #IPOB Winemaker – Ted Lemon Wed 3/18/15 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @DaringPairings Thanks for a great #SommChat!
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine @JosephSwanWines You are the man! For sure!!! #SommChat #SoCoBA
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines We're already having a hard time keeping him humble! RT @fullcirclewine: @JosephSwanWines You are the man! For sure!!! #SommChat #SoCoBA
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Did u see 4 next #WW RT @KeeperColl: Mark UR calendar for #SommChat w/ #IPOB Winemaker Ted Lemon @littorai Wed 3/18/15 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
Andrés Gourdie @drewbie_g Arrgghhh am on another Time Zone & got confused for start time of #SommChat this morning @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @drewbie_g we missed you on #SommChat
Andrés Gourdie @drewbie_g Bummed! Turns out they don't start DST here until April... Did not know that! Will be ready for next week tho!! @KeeperColl #SommChat
Laurel Glen Vineyard @LaurelGlen RT @sonomavintners: @TishWine Here's where trade can sign up … #SommChat #SoCoBA
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood Perfectly, elegantly cut wine capsules every time. … #kitchen #SommChat #WineWednesday Embedded image permalink
Joseph Swan Vineyard @JosephSwanWines #SommChat RT @RickBakas: Listen to a sommelier #GoodAdviceIn4Words
Sommelier Wine Award @ImbibeSWA Keep tuned for news of our special results release event in mid-May. And keep tweeting us with any gems you find #SommChat #SWA2015
Full Circle Wine @fullcirclewine What a morning! 1st #SommChat to explain #SoCoBA , then more panel tasting for final lot selection @sonomavintners Embedded image permalink
Beth @travelwinechick #WW thanks! #SommChat @KeeperColl @SanFranPicks @jennanorth @wolfeswines @wineandsake @sanfab44
Lynne Bryant, CS @winegalLynne @KeeperColl @AndyOnFarmWine @forknbottle @SAHMmelier @ArdesiaWineBar @drinkAlsace @vinojefftaylor Miss my #SommChat buddies ☺
Lynne Bryant, CS @winegalLynne @KeeperColl @DaringPairings Bummed 2 miss #SommChat! I have this book and "perfect pairings"...they're amazing! =)
Evan Goldstein @DaringPairings @winegalLynne @KeeperColl many thanks!! #SommChat