So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/12 Wine Writer Jay McInerney
@GregoryWachter (Gregorio): Driving along Amalfi coast Italy #wine #winechat #winewednesday #SommChat @Thien_N @CindyJustCindy_ @Golfjug #foodie
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #wine writer @JayMcInerney #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @zoltanszabo featured guest on #SommChat is @jaymcilnerney
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney good morning from #Vegas #SommChat #ww
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to #Wine Writer @JayMcInerney #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @JayMcInerney 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@winecompass (WineCompass): Hello all RT @KeeperColl: Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @JayMcInerney 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @JayMcInerney our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Excited to join #SommChat with @JayMcInerney and @KeeperColl #wine!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @JayMcInerney 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @JayMcInerney #WW #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @KeeperColl Great to be here. Looking forward to your questions. Fire away! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): glad you can join in RT @ShibaSommelier: Excited to join #SommChat with @JayMcInerney and @KeeperColl #wine!
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @JayMcInerney why #wine? @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @harleywine1 @KeeperColl Endlessly deep and fascinating subject encompassing history, art, agriculture, geology. Plus the buzz. #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Good Morning! Jay, how did you make the transition from novelist to @wine writer? #SommChat #wws14
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @winegrapestone @KeeperColl Still a novelist, just finished a new one. Fiction is vocation, wine writing the avocation. #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Just got here! Ready for #SommChat!
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Good morning! #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney – What is the #wine industry doing to support emerging producers? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl Not sure about industry but I travel the world & ask questions trying to discover best new producers #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Q. @JayMcInerney Who influenced you in your early days of wine? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @Path2Wine @KeeperColl Parker first, Jancis Robinson and later discovered Gerald Asher, Auberon Waugh, AJ Liebling and others #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney – How do you think the craft beer movement is impacting the #wine industry? Good or bad? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl I think the craft beer movement is following the lead of the artisinal wine movement. Wine rules! #SommChat
@SandyWsserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. Good morning @JayMcInerney What is your connection to wine? collector, investor or casual drinker? What got you into wine? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl I’m a collector, a student, a passionate devotee of Bacchus. Nothing casual about my drinking. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @harleywine1 @Sassodoro @enjoielife so glad you are are all here on #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie): Good morning fellow #wine lovers from one of the great wineloving cities of the world #SF #CA #SommChat
@peterwasserman (Peter Wasserman): #SommChat hi all hi Jay!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @peterwasserman great to see you at #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning all! Nice to join you again from Chicago, where the snow never stops! – #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Do you have a link to your books? #SommChat @JayMcInerney @winegrapestone @KeeperColl
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @theartofthexpat @winegrapestone @KeeperColl Go to #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney So excited for today! Jay…when you are not drinking #wine, what are you enjoying? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl Traveling in search of food and wine, flyfishing for trout and bone fish. And skiing #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @demilove so glad you are back at #SommChat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): @JayMcInerney any possibility of a fiction project with wine as the theme? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @VineyardGate @KeeperColl Wine plays a minor role in my newest novel, out next year. I tend to keep those worlds separate though #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney – Can you comment on how wine makers/distributors are trying to reach millennials? #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Q: What was your most interesting wine expedition? Which #wine country? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @winegrapestone @KeeperColl South Africa is amazing, beautiful country, adventurous winemakers, fascinating culture clashes #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @vinogger – Hi Melanie! Chicago loves its wine too! – #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @peterwasserman Hi Peter! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Champagnewhit great to see you on #SommChat
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl … #wine #wiyg #foodies
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @JayMcInerney #SommChat what do you think of the change of RParkers influence to new wine gen? @KeeperColl
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @noblewines @KeeperColl Parker was a great teacher but I think the wine world is becoming more pluralistic now, not a bad thing #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @KeeperColl Great to be here….FINALLY #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Beveragetrade yes – now #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @JayMcInerney @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl What #wine regions are you exploring now? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @winecompass @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl Anderson Valley, Far Sonoma Coast, Bordeaux are latest destinations #SommChat
@peterwasserman (Peter Wasserman): #SommChat @JayMcInerney what is your favorite quote about wine in literature?
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @peterwasserman @KeeperColl Let me think on that. Personal motto, though is “Eat, drink and remarry.” #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl What wines and/or regions do you think are currently underappreciated and deserve broader exposure? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl The Loire and Alsace remain underappreciated, as do most German wine regions. #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Q. @JayMcInerney What did you notice when you came back to wine after your hiatus of not drinking? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @Path2Wine @KeeperColl Quit drinking for month of August and found social gatherings boring. Regained my joie de vivre afterward #SommChat
@SandyWsserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @JayMcInerney Any personal favorites in collection? What do you like to drink & collect? Where do you plan to travel next? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl I love Burgundy most of all, Bachelet, D’Angerville, Fourrier et al. However next trip is Bordeaux #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Yes! @winecompass @JayMcInerney @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl I am interested in which #wine regions Jay is exploring now too. #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): #SommChat good morning, all. Just popping in for a few minutes.
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @JayMcInerney hmm sounds like Northern Italy to me. Just back from Carso visiting Castelvecchio… home of Terrano #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Fav wine quote: “Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.” ? Louis Pasteur #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): Hurrah! RT @JayMcInerney: I’m a collector, a student, a passionate devotee of Bacchus. Nothing casual about my drinking. #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #SommChat @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney What was your takeaway from the Wine Writers Symposium last month? Insight? #wws14
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @winegrapestone @KeeperColl Loved Napa Wine Writers Symposium, enthusiasm of the attendees refreshed my love of wine #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): I’d love to visit. #SommChat @JayMcInerney @winegrapestone @KeeperColl
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SAHMmelier – Good morning, great to see you! – #SommChat
@BourgogneLive (Bourgogne Live): Live chat with @JayMcInerney: Great to be here. Looking forward to your questions. Fire away! #SommChat cc @SandG_ ;-
@cbrulee (Kimberly Charles): @JayMcInerney What’s your take on In Pursuit of Balance? What about other key varietals such as Bordeaux varieties?@KeeperColl #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @cbrulee @KeeperColl Balance is a great concept applicable to other varietals like Syrah and cab. Arnot Roberts comes to mind #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @JayMcInerney great mountains in SA, snow, but no skiing. Banghoek a favorite #SommChat #extremewines
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Q. @JayMcInerney Is NYC returning to a “Bright Lights, Big City” era? @Shteyngart @KeeperColl #SommChat … … …
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl NICE…I love to fish…with a cold bud heavy in my hand! @KeeperColl will translate bud heavy #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Did you see a building collapsed today? Yikes @enjoielife @JayMcInerney @Shteyngart @keeprcoll #SommChat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): .@JayMcInerney @KeeperColl but is your writing inspired by wine in any way? for example, do you sip wine while writing? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @VineyardGate @KeeperColl I often revise the day’s work after dinner, after consuming several glasses. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Lots more interest in beer/ cocktails now . . . do you think wine is becoming an afterthought w/drinkers? – #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @demilove @KeeperColl I’m all for beer and cocktails but neither has the history, traditions or potential complexity of wine #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): #SommChat @JayMcInerney I fell in love with wine/writing bc there is always more to learn, marriage of art/science. What do you love?
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @JayMcInerney @peterwasserman @KeeperColl Always good to come up with your own! #quote #SommChat
@leNombrillste (Luc Chanut): RT @BourgogneLive: Live chat with @JayMcInerney: Great to be here. Looking forward to your questions. Fire away! #SommChat cc @SandG_
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Some of my favs! RT @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl The Loire & Alsace remain underappreciated, as do most German wine regions. #SommChat #wine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @BistroSanMartin: @JayMcInerney @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl All of above available right here in the Pacific Northwest! #WAwine
@BourgogneLive (Bourgogne Live): @JayMcInerney Today is the Paulée of San Francisco. Do you think Burgundy is the new hype in USA? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @BourgogneLive @KeeperColl Burgundy is definitely the hot region now thanks in part to @danieljohnnes. Gotta love it! #SommChat
@GreatSommeliers ( What makes a Great Sommelier in your mind? #SommChat @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @GreatSommeliers @KeeperColl Great sommeliers are great teachers, enthusiastic, humble and knowledgeable. Cheers to them! #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): I like the article you shared. Most people don’t have extraordinary lifes… #SommChat @JayMcInerney @Shteyngart
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): #SommChat @KeeperColl @jaymacinerney fave resto & wine bar in Paris these days?
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @CharlesComm @KeeperColl Always love Will’s. Favorite new resto is Spring, in the First. Deserves a star. #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): #SommChat what’s your fave interview question to ask Somms? Wine makers?
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl Somms and winemakers: What was your wine epiphany? #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @BourgogneLive I pray 4 the Burgundy hype to die, it is very bad for us drinkers of #Bourgogne @JayMcInerney @AdamPlotkin #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Someone who wants me to enjoy wine. You can tell who loves wine and who doesn’t. @GreatSommeliers @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): .@JayMcInerney – Did you read the Drops of God series? Thoughts? We wish they would release more in English! #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl Is that the Japanese graphic series? #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): lol #SommChat @JayMcInerney @peterwasserman @KeeperColl
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @JayMcInerney Balance is why I am willing to search and pay more for wine it is most important “concept” of #wine #SommChat
@VineyardGate (Alex Bernardo): haha Tks! can’t wait for your novel next year! @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl #SommChat
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Very civilised #SommChat @VineyardGate @KeeperColl
@jcalexanderwine (Jason Alexander): Agreed. RT @JayMcInerney: @cbrulee @KeeperColl Balance is a great concept applicable to other varietals like Syrah and cab. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @JayMcInerney: @BourgogneLive Burgundy is definitely the hot region now thanks in part to @danieljohnnes. Gotta love it! #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @JayMcInerney Now I know who to blame!! Come on Daniel tone it down for the sake of my wallet @danieljohnnes @peterwasserman #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @Noblewines @BourgogneLive I pray 4 Burgundy hype to die, it is very bad for us drinkers of @JayMcInerney @AdamPlotkin #SommChat I agree!
@unicornsomm (Unicorn Somm): Hey @JayMcInerney? Any advice on how a snarky unicorn could get a date w/ @jasminehirsch? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @unicornsomm @jasminehirsch I’m having dinner with her next month. Send your resume. #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): #SommChat Q: @JayMcInerney If you could go back in time to any previous #wine era, anywhere in world, where/when would it be?@KeeperColl
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @vtwinemedia @KeeperColl Plato’s symposium would be the obvious choice. The wine probably sucked but great convesation. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @JayMcInerney: @GreatSommeliers @KeeperColl Gr8 sommeliers r gr8 teachers, enthusiastic, HUMBLE & knowledgeable Cheers to them! #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Q. @JayMcInerney If you were planning a very special dinner with family/friends what would you serve & drink? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @Path2Wine @KeeperColl Depends on company. Civilians, Turley or Bedrock zin with lamb shank. For geeks, Chambertin & coq au vin. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @JayMcInerney: @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl Somms & winemakers: What was your wine epiphany? #SommChat Changes each visit 2 a wine region 4 me
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): @JayMcInerney what do you think of Southern Italian wines? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @marilenabarbera @KeeperColl So many great Southern Ital wines, love Aglianico, Terre di Lavoro, and new Sicilian wines, esp Etna #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @JayMcInerney @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl LOVE it when our guest speaker asks questions of the tweeties.#SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): “@JayMcInerney: @CharlesComm @KeeperColl Always love Will’s. Favorite new resto is Spring, in the First. Deserves a star. #SommChat” fab
@winecompass (WineCompass): @JayMcInerney @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl Mine was having a dry Furmint at a Budapest wine bar where locals filled plastic containers #sommcha
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @SAHMmelier too late! And no stopping the 300M+ Chinese wine drinkers looking beyond Cab S & Bordeaux YIKES #SommChat #bourgogne
@peterwasserman (Peter Wasserman): “@unicornsomm: Hey @JayMcInerney? Any advice on how a snarky unicorn could get a date w/ @jasminehirsch? #SommChat” @jasminehirsch
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)”…Personal motto …is “Eat, drink and remarry.” RT @JayMcInerney: @peterwasserman @KeeperColl #SommChat #wine
@theartofthexpat (doshebu): Did you like it? #SommChat @JayMcInerney @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl
@intoxicologist (Cheri Loughlin): Great question! RT @GreatSommeliers: What makes a Great Sommelier in your mind? #SommChat @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)@JayMcInerney @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl Traveling in search of food & wine, flyfishing for trout & bone fish. & skiing #SommChat < how fun!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney How would you describe your individual style of #winewriting? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl Style is novelistic-write abt characters,tell stories,& try 2 invent similes & metaphors 2 describe taste of #wine. #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @JayMcInerney @SAHMmelier @KeeperColl My wine epiphany was a bottle of red Burgundy. I never new Pinot Noir could be so nuanced! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney Tell us about your most recent book, The Juice. #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl The Juice collects essays on diverse regions and #winemakers, from #Napa to New Zealand and South #Africa. #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)”Balance is a great concept applicable to other varietals like Syrah & cab. [eg] Arnot Roberts” RT @JayMcInerney @cbrulee #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): hmm, interesting choice @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl a forum and format that we’d like to see revived… #wine #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney How has your personal taste in #wine changed since the writing of your first book to your most recent book? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl I started as a #Bordeaux lover then fell N love w/ #Napa Cabs and Zins, but my palate has shifted toward #Burgundy. #SommChat
@intoxicologist (Cheri Loughlin): Knowledgeable & can make suggestions / educate w/o making consumer feel inadequate. @GreatSommeliers @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)“[influencers] Parker first, Jancis Robinson and later discovered Gerald Asher, Auberon Waugh, AJ Liebling et al RT @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Q. @JayMcInerney Do you have a favorite wine metaphor? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @Path2Wine @KeeperColl I once compared a 2007 Coulee de Serrant to Mila Jovavich in Resident Evil. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @marilenabarbera: @JayMcInerney do U think trends in wine drinking will go 4 > whites in the future? bc < alc. > freshness? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @KeeperColl @marilenabarbera Yes I think modern cuisine is more white wine friendly though I will never lose my love of reds #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @intoxicologist: Knowledgeable & make suggestions/educate w/o making consumer feel inadequate. @GreatSommeliers @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl Can’t wait to read! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Yes! @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl People like to read about personalities, not just the #wine facts. #winewriting #WineWednesday #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)”I think the craft beer movement is following the lead of artisanal wine movement. Wine rules!” RT @JayMcInerney @ShibaSommelier #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney What are some of your favorite #wine regions? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl KeeperColl I love #Burgundy, #Piedmont, The Northern #Rhone, #Wachau, #Sonoma Coast, Sta Rita Hills. #SommChat
@ClosBagatelle (Clos Bagatelle): Bonsoir one and all. Q. for @JayMcInerney…Terroir is big down here. Got any thoughts? #SommChat #ww
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): @ClosBagatelle @KeeperColl Terroir is the key to wine identity. New world is just learning this. Would love to visit yours #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)”[why wine] Endlessly deep & fascinating subject encompassing history, art, agriculture, geology. Plus the buzz” RT @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ClosBagatelle so glad you can join in again today #SommChat
@ClosBagatelle (Clos Bagatelle): Thanks @KeeperColl. It’s a juggling act, but we do our best! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @CharlesComm: @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl I love actors in roles as metaphors been going that on #delectable #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): #SommChat @JayMcInerney Do you think cert gives wine writers (that aren’t already known writers) more cred?
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): RT @JayMcInerney: …So many gr8 S Ital wines, love Aglianico, Terre di Lavoro, & new Sicilian wines, esp Etna #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney What are some of the biggest changes you have seen in the #wine world over the last 10 years? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl The biggest change I’ve seen is the rise of #Sommelier culture and the move away from power for its own sake. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney What are some of UR favorite #food and #wine pairings? When pairing, do U start with wine or food? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl #Condrieu and green curry, grilled salmon and #Sonoma Coast Pinot, #Champagne and almost anything. #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl I go back and forth, sometimes choosing wine first, sometimes food. If wine is good enough I don’t worry about food #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Cool! @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl The Juice collects essays on diverse regions and #winemakers, from #Napa to NZ and South #Africa. #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @alawine @JayMcInerney #SommChat @KeeperColl let’s not forget Alex Bespaloff!!!
@zoltanszabo (Zoltan Szabo): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Burgundy, Piedmont, Mosel, Rioja, Rhone, Champagne, Niagara PEC LENS of ONT, Somló, Wachau, Naoussa MORE #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @ClosBagatelle: Bonsoir one and all. Q. for @JayMcInerney…Terroir is big down here. #SommChat #ww Big Terroir never heard that before
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @CharlesComm @JayMcInerney Actors as Metaphors…Marilyn Monroe #napa cab, Audrey Hepburn #burgundy #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney Jay, what R some fav white #wines for under $40.00 retail that you like now? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl Under 40 whites inc all #Muscadet, 2012 Blindfold, 2012 Trienne Viognier, 2012 Lioco Unoaked Chard. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JayMcInerney Jay, What R some fav red #wines for under $40.00 retail that you like now? #SommChat
@JayMcInerney (Jay McInerney): A. @KeeperColl < $40 reds inc. ’10 Bedrock Heirloom, ’10 @CopainWines Tous Ensemble Pinot, ’10 Pied a Terre #Cabernet Sauvignon. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ @JayMcInerney #SommChat
@peterwasserman (Peter Wasserman): @winegrapestone @KeeperColl @CharlesComm @JayMcInerney why can’t Marilyn be in Burgundy #SommChat!!!
@ClosBagatelle (Clos Bagatelle): @JayMcInerney @KeeperColl Mi casa su casa. We’ve got all kinds of soils, altitude, sunshine, wind, slopes, generations of hisotry #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have @JayMcInerney join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @JayMcInerney for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Cheers to @JayMcInerney for being part of today’s #SommChat To great books and great wines!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): NEWS: Wed 3/19 is spc #SommChat 2 learn abt #Greek Red #Wines w/Angelos Iatridis @EstateAlpha & Sofia Perpera @sperpera 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @enjoielife wine personality = people + place + passion #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)@JayMcInerney @KeeperColl @theartofthexpat @aliasnicknora < Fun #SommChat! Thanks ya’ll!
@BistroSanMartin (Bistro San Martin): “@JayMcInerney: @Path2Wine @KeeperColl I once compared a 2007 Coulee de Serrant to Mila Jovavich in Resident Evil. #SommChat” Kick-Ass! ????
@kerrynewberry (Kerry Newberry): @JayMcInerney #SommChat Wine pairing of choice for The NoMad Roast chicken vs. Zuni?
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney such s fast hr! Gros Bisous to you and Jay! Soooo much info!!! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @noblewines The Juice collects essays on diverse regions and #winemakers, from #Napa to New Zealand and South #Africa. #SommChat Yes!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): mille grazie @JayMcInerney for playing along with #SommChat also to @KeeperColl for the forum.
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Champagnewhit and to you!!! #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @JayMcInerney One of the best chats yet! TKS! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)@enjoielife @noblewines @ShibaSommelier @winegrapestone @aglobalscot < Fun #SommChat! Thanks ya’ll! Enjoy rest of #WineWednesday
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @noblewines That sounds like a formula for successful wine writing! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Thx Chris:) RT @noblewines: mille grazie @JayMcInerney for playing along with #SommChat also to @KeeperColl for the forum.
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @TishWine @BourgogneLive @SAHMmelier @peterwasserman @d_vdc < Fun #SommChat! Thanks ya’ll! Enjoy rest of #WineWednesday
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @SandyWasserman @harleywine1 @Path2Wine @VineyardGate @Champagnewhit < Fun #SommChat! Thanks ya’ll! Enjoy rest of #WineWednesday