So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/19 Wines of New Greece: George Skouras
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @CaravelleChamp so glad you can join in on #sommchat today
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @vino_con_vista Hope you can join us #sommchat today.
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): Thrilled I am able to make it to this week’s #sommchat!! Hi Everyone
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 talk #Greek Red #Wines w/ @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera #WW
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Hello @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera and #sommchat!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to Gregorios Skouras @DomaineSkouras & Sofia Perpera @sperpera #SommChat #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera 2 say hello & so they know UR here! #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): 1#Sommchat @domaineskouras @keepercoll Welcome to Wine Wednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @DomaineSkouras @sperpera Ready for #SommChat!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera our Qs, you can ask them Ur Qs as well! They’ll do their best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@hkremer (hkremer):@keepercoll count me in! #SommChat
@armchairsomm (Armchair Sommelier): Hello @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera and #sommchat! Happy to be here . . . ready to learn!!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): W/so participants gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera #WW #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): Congrats on your Moscofilero Skouras 2011. Tell us about this #wine ,please. #Sommchat @domaineskouras @keepercoll
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll thank you a lot ! Moscofilero is an indigenous Greek vatiety mostly found in the center of peloponese . #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @Keepercoll Moscofilero is well known for his remarkable acidity and his flowers – style aromas. #Sommchat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Good morning, everyone! Nice to join you again! – #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll hello everybody we’ re ready and almost good to go! Glad to be with you all!! #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @keepercoll great to be here, Sofia ! #sommchat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): Hi @sperpera and @DOMAINESKOURAS , great to see you on #sommchat @DrinkGreekWine #greek #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera What are the characteristics of #xinomavro? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll complex, earthy and spicy bouquet, rich in tannins, long aging potential. Hints of dried tomato and olive #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards):I’m here! Morning y’all @keepercoll #sommchat
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Important Q for @Keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – How did Greece get all the AWESOME grape names? XINOMAVRO! AGIORGITIKO! #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @ShibaSommelier @Keepercoll it’s because we are doing it for thousands of years #sommchat
@Keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @SirenaDiVino glad you are here #sommchat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Greek Wines are Hard to Pronounce but Make Up on Taste…Especially the Whites #sommcha
@WineandFilmLady (Wine & Film Lady): @demilove @keepercoll Good morning! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll – Hi Courtney! Great to see you again! – #sommchat
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Q: @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – What is the hardest decision you have to make in the vineyard? #sommchat #wine
@Keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera What are the different styles of #xinomavro? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll 3: depends where cultivated, soils & vinification style #sommchat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @keepercoll Q. @sperpera What are the different styles of #xinomavro? #SommChat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS):Good morning. I’ve tasted some Greek wines a few months ago and they we’re very good. Quite refreshing #sommchat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): Agreed @SandyWasserman Good morning. I’ve tasted some Greek wines a few months ago and they we’re very good. Quite refreshing #sommchat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): What inspired you @domaineskouras to be in the #wine industry? #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @armchairsomm: @sperpera @keepercoll I’ve heard it’s a little Pinot Noir-esque?
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): @keepercoll: Q. @sperpera What are the characteristics of #xinomavro? #SommChat” lovely and long age ability !
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @DOMAINESKOURAS @keepercoll thank you a lot ! Moscofilero is an indigenous Greek vatiety found in the center of peloponese #sommchat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera Welcome to #Sommchat. Love your wines and excited you are hear to speak to them more1
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards):@sperpera @keepercoll what’s the most frustrating misconception ppl have abt Greek wine? Esp those who’ve never tasted it? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll that it is all about retsina or mavrodaphne #Sommchat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @armchairsomm @sperpera Or is Pinot Noir a little Xinomavr-ish? #SommChat
@armchairsomm (Armchair Sommelier): Tried a Robola recently that blew my socks off! So very sherry-like. Lemon curd & golden raisins. KILLER with artichokes! #Sommchat
@davidwong1966 (David Wong): @keepercoll @sperpera #SommChat I be visiting Greece in the summer #Athens #Crete #Santorini would love to see you @DOMAINESKOURAS
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @sperpera Any thoughts on how best to pronounce Greek wines & grapes to make it easier to talk about to consumers? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @SandyWasserman practice, practice, practice #SommChat
@zoltanszabo (Zoltan Szabo):follow #SommChat right now w/ Sofia Perpera & George Skouras, learn about Greek wines, grapes, regions, ask questions !! cc @DrinkGreekWine
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): Your #moschofilero @DOMAINESKOURAS has such beautiful rose petal aromatics! @keepercoll #SommChat #WW #greek
@Keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @davidwong1966 great to see you at #SommChat today
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Q: @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – What is the hardest decision you have to make in the vinification process? #sommchat #wine
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): RT @sperpera: 1 style rustic,> pronounced tannins,earthy, 2nd more fruit forward, softer tannins. Some styles fall between these 2 #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #Sommchat @domaineskouras @keepercoll @sperpera Can you tell us about your Zoe Red? Characteristics?
@WeekendInParis (Priscilla): Better late than never, right? Sorry to be behind in #SommChat – what are we on now
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Has there been any clonal selections for #xinomavro? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @KeeperColl yes, 5 clones identified more wellknown the yianakohori and the velvendos clones #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll The hardest decision we have to made in the vineyard is when to harvest . it’s the one that the defines the wine #sommchat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards):@sperpera do you find there is any resistance in some markets to carrying the wine or putting it on lists bc of retsina fear? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @SirenaDiVino yes, but when they taste the wines they are very happily surprised so they are not resistant any more #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz):@sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS What are your respective personal Greek varieties, for your own palate and enjoyment? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @elloinos depending on mood: assyrtiko, moschofilero, malagousia, xinomavro, agiorgitiko, robola, vidiano, roditis are just a few #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @sperpera: @SandyWasserman thx! Greek wine has come a long way and u r right acidity is one of the main characteristics
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @sperpera is there a website that offers current information on Greek varietals, wines, laws and possibly a pronounciation guide? #Sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @lwa235 best site for Greek wine with tons of info: #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @sperpera @keepercoll yes, 5 clones identified more wellknown the yianakohori and the velvendos clones #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): #SommChat RT @sperpera: @armchairsomm UR right! both have firm acidities & are light colored, also similar tasting profile. > sim.2 nebiolo
@winetonite (Ed Thralls):RT @keepercoll: Let’s start talking #wine with @DOMAINESKOURAS & @sperpera #WW #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @elloinos @sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS Hi, Markus! I was missing you in this conversation! #SommChat
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Q: @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – Classic food & wine pairing from your specific region? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @ShibaSommelier @keepercoll lamb and other game meats #sommchathat #wine
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @DOMAINESKOURAS The hardest decision we have to made in the vineyard is when to harvest . it’s the one that the defines wine #sommchat
@elloinos (Markus Stolz):@Sassodoro Hi Bill, hope you are great. Short on time, but would not want to miss this #sommcha
@winecompass (WineCompass):Glad to finally be able to jump into #sommchat today focusing on Greek wine with @DOMAINESKOURAS & @sperpera
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Which are the PDO regions where #xinomavro is cultivated? #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll My favourites varieties go like this. Winter –> @aghiorgitiko Summer –> @moscofilero #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll zoe red is a young wine with a carbonic maceration 30% to improve the aromas of #aghiorgitiko and 70% classic macer. #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll because of a lots and lot s of different altitudes depending were the vineyard is the wine is different #sommchat
@TheWineKey (Charlotte): @keepercoll Great question! RT Q. @sperpera Which are the PDO regions where #xinomavro is cultivated? #SommChat
@MarkDevinSayre (Mark Devin Sayre):@sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS will non-indigenous varities remain a part of #greekwine indentity? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @MarkDevinSayre yes of course! many international grapes are very well suited for the Greek terroir #SommCha
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Do you @PrimlaniKitchen @SandyWasserman @winegrapestone @ShibaSommelier have a Greek varietal? #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin):Q: @sperpera @keepercoll What is the aging potential of most Greek wines? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @AdamPlotkin @keepercoll depending on the grape, vinification style etc. #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @AdamPlotkin @keepercoll assyrtiko for 10+, agiorgitiko 15+, xinomavro’s 20+ some more, some less, many other factors involved #sommchat
@vinogger (Melanie):Am late but checking in from #SF #CA! #SommChat
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @Path2Wine @PrimlaniKitchen @SandyWasserman @winegrapestone For me, it is Assyrtiko! #sommchat #wine
@winecompass (WineCompass):@DOMAINESKOURAS @keepercoll can you tell us more about the Peleponnese region? #sommchat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @lwa235 @sperpera There is a great video of @elloinos pronouncing Greek grape names with his kids! #SommChat …
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Q: @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – What makes your region/terroir unique? #sommchat #wine
@vinogger (Melanie):My #Greek #wine is #assyrtiko good stuff! #SommCh
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): I enjoy Assyrtikos the most. Especially to Start the Evening @Path2Wine @SandyWasserman @winegrapestone @ShibaSommelier #SommChat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): “@sperpera: @lwa235 best site for Greek wine with tons of info: #SommChat” Agreed! Fantastic resource!
@winecompass (WineCompass):I’ll drink some Santorini #assyrtikoto that RT @vinogger: My #Greek #wine is #assyrtiko good stuff! #SommChat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @Sassodoro: @lwa235 @sperpera There is great video of @elloinos pronouncing Greek grape names with his kids… #sommchat
@PrimlaniKitchen (Rashmi Primlani): RT @DOMAINESKOURAS: @keepercoll My favourites varieties go like this. Winter –> @aghiorgitiko Summer –> @moscofilero #sommchat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): Q: @sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS What are your fav food pairings for #malagousia, reminds me a bit of #Viognier? #SommChat @keepercoll #greek
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @PoisedPalate @keepercoll certainly viognier! fresh salads, chicken with lemon sauce, even curry dishes #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): RT @armchairsomm: @sperpera @How popular is retsina in Greece? We have Greek vintner here in VA who makes version
called Rechina. #SOmmChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll our biggest global market is the US coming second after Greece with 25% of our annual production #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll peloponese is a historic place full of mythology and with a perfect climate suited for vines ! #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll also mountains in #Nemea are the ones keeping our vines cold during nights which is really important for the acidity! #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll peloponese is a historic place full of mythology and with a perfect climate suited for vines ! #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): Q. @DOMAINESKOURAS & @sperpera How much Greek #wine is consumed internally and how much is available for export? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @winecompass our annual production is about 4 mil hectoliters and about 25% is exported #SommChat
@shiabasommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Q: @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera – What is your most important global market? #sommchat #wine
@armchairsomm (Armchair Sommelier): @DOMAINESKOURAS @keepercoll I’ll bet Moscofilero makes a delightful Rosé! Thinking Spring!! #sommchat
@armchairsomm (Armchair Sommelier): @sperpera @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll How popular is retsina in Greece? We have a Greek vintner here in VA who makes a version. #sommchat
@mmakrigianni (Marianna Makrigianni):@DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera #SommChat hey there! ask these people about the aging potential of Greek whites!
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): RT @winegrapestone: #Sommchat @domaineskouras @keepercoll @sperpera Can you tell us about your Zoe Red? Characteristics?
@Vindulge (Vindulge):Catching up on the #SommChat all about #GreekWines with @DOMAINESKOURAS & @sperpera
@marycressler (Mary Cressler): Catching up on the #SommChat all about #GreekWines with @DOMAINESKOURAS & @sperpera
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras Tell us a few words about the appellation #Nemea. #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll so #Nemea 3000 ha of vines/ 250.000hl produced / altidudes vary from 750 feet to 3000 feet / the only variety #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll allowed to grow is #Aghiorgitiko in order to be part of the appellation. #sommchat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS):@Path2Wine @PrimlaniKitchen @winegrapestone @ShibaSommelier I dont have much experience w/ them Retsina & Moscofilero R pleasant #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras What are the characteristics of #agiorgitiko #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll covers 700 he, located on the southeastern slopes of Mt Vermion 150-350m altitude #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll also #Aghiorgitiko is also a bit sensitive in mildiou #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll talking about the wine arghiotiko is impressive for his acidity and density . His aromas tend to be around red fruits #sommchat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll berries tabaco and touch of spicies #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Tell us a few words about the appellation Naoussa? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll different kinds of soils ranging from sandy loam to clay soils #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll best soils for ageworthy xinomavros are calcareous clay #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @Lazarakis between 11 and 12,5 and holding #SommChat
@Lazarakis (K Lazarakis:@DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera #SommChat the trend of alcohol levels on Moschfilero?
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @winetonite all Greek to me @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera #WW #SommChat
@Path2Wine (Courtney Quinn): Since we are talking Greek wine, do you @sperpera have a pairing for gyros? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @Path2Wine of course! fresh reds from agiorgitiko, limnio, kotsifali or any crisp dry roses from agiorgitiko, xinomavro and more #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @sperpera @elloinos …assyrtiko, moschofilero, malagousia, xinomavro, agiorgitiko, robola, vidiano, roditis are just a few #sommchat < TY!
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS):@sperpera Greek wines that I’ve had seem very approachable & young, are there any that are fuller bodied & have aging potential? #sommchat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @SandyWasserman yes whites from assyrtiko & malagousia, reds from agiorgitiko, xinomavro, cretan reds, many cabs, syrah’s, merlots #sommchat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Tell us a few words about the appellation anyndeo. #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): @keepercoll Density of plating is about 4.500/ha . Prounings used are Gobelet and Cordon Royat Bilateral/Uniteral. #sommchat
@vinogger (Melanie):@sperpera @keepercoll sounds beautiful! #sommchat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @Sassodoro @lwa235 @sperpera …video of @elloinos pronouncing Greek grape names w/ his kids! #SommChat …
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Does Greece produce any sparkling wines? Not sure I have ever seen one! #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie):@Path2Wine @sperpera good question re gyro paring but my fav Greek dish moussaka #sommchat
@winecompass (WineCompass):Love the low alochol levels in greek
wine RT @sperpera: @Lazarakis between 11 and 12,5 and holding #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @sperpera: @lwa235 best site for Greek wine with tons of info: #SommChat < great resource, thank you!
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @sperpera: @winecompass our annual production is about 4 mil hectoliters and about 25% is exported #SommChat < thank you, interesting
@Lazarakis (K Lazarakis:@sperpera #SommChat @DOMAINESKOURAS @winecompass should go up? should go down?
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @Lazarakis we are happy as is. with higher demand for lower alcohol wines we could produce lower alcohol moschofileros easily #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @DOMAINESKOURAS: @keepercoll well that’s easy lamb chops + potatoes with aghiorghitiko #sommchat < yum, making me hungry
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Tell us a few words about the goumenissa. #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll 30 miles north west from Naoussa, on the slopes of Mt Paiko, 150-250m #SommChat
@vinogger (Melanie):Where are the most Greek wines exported to? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): @vinogger Germany is no 1 & US second but very different product mix. Much higher end wines exported to the US #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras Is #agiorgitiko difficult to cultivate? #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercol Aghiorgitiko doesn’t have any particularities when cultivated but it is difficult to cultivated in rocky soils! #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Tell us a few words about the rapsani. #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll warmer and dryer than Naousa, needs to have at least 20% negoska together with xinomavro #SommChat
@kerrynewberry (Kerry Newberry): @demilove @keepercoll Good Q. Curious about this as well. #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): RT @DOMAINESKOURAS: @demilove prod. of sparkling wines N Greece is rising.You can find lots of sparkling wines w/ greekvarieties #sommchat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): The beauty of #Nemea, home to #aghiorghitiko #sommchat @DOMAINESKOURAS @DrinkGreekWine @sperpera @keepercoll
@winecompass (WineCompass): goumenissa is a new region for me RT @sperpera: @keepercoll 30 miles north west from Naoussa, on the slopes of Mt Paiko, 150-250m #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera Is #xinomavro an easy grape to grow? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll on slopes of mt Olympus, close proximity to the sea with positive influence, 250-850m alt, soils rich in iron schist #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras Has there been any clonal selections for #agiorgitiko? #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll there are still no valable recognised clones. @Aghiorgitiko is at the moment under research in order to find the best #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll Btw there are 6 almost ready to be used #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass):characteristics of #agiorgitiko: RT @DOMAINESKOURAS: @keepercoll berries tabaco and touch of spicies #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras which international grapes does #agiorgitiko have a resemblance to? #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll Well apart @Chardonay which is my favourite it’s really intresting to taste sparkling wines made with moscofilero #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll You will be surprised! #sommchat
@winecompass (WineCompass):18m rapsani MT @sperpera in central Greece, field blend of 1/3 xinomavro 1/3 krassato 1/3 stavroto cultivated in bush vines #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass):18m rapsani MT @sperpera on slopes of mt Olympus, close proximity to the sea, 250-850m alt, soils rich in iron schist #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera What international grape is #xinomavro resembling to? #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @KeeperColl pinot noir and nebbiolo. I think more of nebiolo #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. @keepercoll Well most people find a resemblance with Sangiovese. But our friend and MW @Lazarakis says it’s Gamay on steroids!! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Have to leave early today – back to studying for my #Certified exam next Wednesday – see you in two weeks! – #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @sperpera What does #xinomavro mean? #SommChat`
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): A. @keepercoll xino means acid and mavro means black, so it actually means acid-black #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @DomaineSkouras U were 1 of 1st 2 blend #agiorgitiko w/ Int. #cabernet-think easier way 2 promote agiorgitiko than the 100% #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): A. #keepercoll Well at the time proposing a Greek wine which contained a variety such as Cab S was more appeling to others #sommchat
@jenoflanagan (Jen O’Flanagan): MT @sperpera: Xino is Diva,Sensitive 2 lack ofH20,botrytis,Powdery&Downy mildew.Need light, moderate soil.Sensitive 2low potassium #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS @keepercoll @winecompass @PrimlaniKitchen < Learned tons about #Greek Red #wine on #SommChat today. Thank you!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Great to have @DomainSkouras & @sperpera join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): #Sommchat @domaineskouras @keepercoll @sperpera Great to have you join us.
@winecompass (WineCompass):@keepercoll @DomainSkouras @sperpera Thank you #SommChat
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @keepercoll @DomainSkouras @sperpera Thanks for a great #SommChat!
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of Greek wines with us #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards):@keepercoll @sperpera @DOMAINESKOURAS thank you so much for your time and expertise! #SommChat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): “@keepercoll: Please join us in thanking @DomaineSkouras & @sperpera for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover” Thank you! Great chat!
@fabienlaine (Fabien Lainé): @keepercoll @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera Will join next time ! #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards):9m @DOMAINESKOURAS @keepercoll hopefully one day until then, which producer do you recommend? #sommchat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): 9m NEWS: Celebrate our 3 yr anniversary of #SommChat on Wed 3/26- Spc guest Bartholomew Broadbent @bollewbroadbent 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): 9m @PoisedPalate @keepercoll – Bye, Bridget! Great #SommChat today!
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): 9m #keepercoll We had an amazing time with you guys! Thank you a lot for you questions! Thanks #SommChat
@sperpera (Sofia Perpera): 9m Great questions!! Thank you all for engaging in a great conversation! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): 8m @ShibaSommelier @TheWineKey @PoisedPalate @winegrapestone @SirenaDiVino @WineandFilmLady < Fun #SommChat #Greek Red #wine today Thank you!
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @alawine @ShibaSommelier @TheWineKey @PoisedPalate @winegrapestone @WineandFilmLady thank YOU Ken! #sommchat
@vinogger (Melanie):5m Now want 2 go 2 Greek Islands & hang out on beach guess I’ll just open a bottle of Greek #wine instead @DOMAINESKOURAS @sperpera #SommChat
@poisedpalate (Bridget Cheslock): 4m #Rapsani @TSANTALI_wines beautiful vineyards, foothills of Mt.Olympus powerful wine #SommChat
@DOMAINESKOURAS (DOMAINE SKOURAS): #keepercoll Yeah we might do something! I recommend #Tselepos – #Amalia and #Spyropoulos – #???????? #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @WeekendInParis @vinogger @SandyWasserman @armchairsomm @Path2Wine @Sassodoro < Fun #SommChat on #Greek Red #wine today. Thank you!