So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/23 Curtis Strohl, General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine w/ General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery Curtis Strohl @eswines
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like 2 introduce you to General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery Curtis Strohl @eswines who will talk about #wine on #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Curtis Strohl @eswines 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl It's a chilly but beautiful spring morning in NV. Happy to be on SommChat with y'all. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask Curtis Strohl @eswines our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @eswines 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine with General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery Curtis Strohl @eswines #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines Curtis, Who/What inspired you to enter a career in the #wine industry? #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q Good morning Curtis @eswines What other roles have you had in your wine career & who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman I started as GM in a rest Milwaukee called Pizza Man. Owner Mike Amidzich introduced me to the world of Napa. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman From there I moved to Napa to work for Ken Bernard at Ancien. Sales and marketing. Became friends with E and S. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: how many #wines does @eswines make and how many ppl work FT to make the #wine?
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Hello everyone at #SommChat ! Are our guest's wines @eswines pretty easy to obtain here in Chicago?
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@demilove @path2wine glad you can join in on #SommChat today and look forward to your questions
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @demilove @KeeperColl Glunz carries our wonderful wines in Chicago. #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Q. Curtis @eswines your wines are designated by region. Have you surprised consumers with success of a grape in a certain region? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine All designated by an AVA. We have had tremendous success with Mendocino SB, Grenache, Grenache Rose, and Chenin Blanc.#SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @eswines @Path2Wine #Chenin deserves more love, doing well in LINY @paumanokwine #SommChat @KeeperColl
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines @Path2Wine @paumanokwine @KeeperColl Chenin deserves lots of love. This wine is incredible! Thanks for the love. #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines Gr8 value wines with a sense of place & lovely balance listed @ToppingRose @ParkPlaceWines #SommChat @TheCarltun
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines @ToppingRose @ParkPlaceWines @TheCarltun Thanks. ESW loves NY. We appreciate your support always. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine I'd say it's the consumers who surprise us, not vice versa. Consumers consistently go for quality over region. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine It's the pro's who perseverate over region. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @eswines Thoughts on how the 2015s are looking in barrel or any early indication for 2016? Has the rain been been good for NV? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman '15's great in barrel. Full and juicy good strructure bt we won't be able to make much after that small harvest. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman '16 too soon to tell. The rain is good for everyone in CA and in USA (we grow food here too!) #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman I particularly like the late spring rain. An inch in March is worth 10 in January--old vintner saying. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm Q. @eswines what is your favorite vintage to open up for a special occasion? #SommChat @KeeperColl
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @CharlesComm @KeeperColl Special vintages make the occasion special! For big events, don't worry about vintage. Go large format #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @CharlesComm @KeeperColl At ESW we library over 1000 large formats, including 3L, 6L, 9L. Big bottle for big occassions. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl WOW - for all of our #SommChat ppl that love large format @eswines can take care of you
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Holy cow, lets party! #SommChat
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Seriously! That's a lot of vino, @eswines. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines What are some of your main responsibilities as general manager of Elizabeth Spencer? #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Q. @eswines when you expanded to Mendocino did you seek vineyards that were organic and biodynamic? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine We looked 1st for good relationships w/ good growers. People make the difference in this biz. Relationships 1st always. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine From there we learned more about Org and BD growing. CCOF SB our #1 selling wine. #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga am here #mumbai 21:45 @KeeperColl @eswines @angrysomm @RichardPF @BSchuler may go for bonfire of hindu festival of #holi so #SommChat gimme
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ormiga glad you could join in today on #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - You have been making wine a long time; are you still surprised by what a particular AVA or vineyard can offer? - #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @demilove @KeeperColl A good vineyard can ALWAYS surprise! The sense of place in winemaking is particular and can be dramatic #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines #SommChat @eswines what are the vineyards used for your special cuvee?
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines Mix of hillside, valley floor. Can't name names due to contracts. All top sites. All top AVA's #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines Spec Cuvee blends Calistoga,StHelena,Coomsville,Rutherford,OakKnoll,AtlasPk,MtVeeder,Oakville. #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @eswines figured from balance & flavors, hillside was involved #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines Balance is the key! #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga do @eswines and customers' napa tastes change by #chicago #weather BRR #itsCOLDoutthere #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @ormiga Tend to think that frame of mind effects taste. For some, weather then has a big effect. For me, good wine, rain or shine #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga @eswines haha always #SommChat do your buying/brewing styles change yr to yr
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @ormiga As a small producer we have to ignore large trends. We make the best wine we can in our style yr in yr out. #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga what new styles @eswines coming from napa decade+ now i left usa&never liked the jammy thick stuff=others #SommChat said it changing
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @ormiga ESW has always focused on a classic balanced style. Actually many in NV have in spite of trends. #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @SeleneWines @cathycorison don't think Ric Forman does twitter #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines #SommChat Q. @eswines are you playing around w/ #CabFranc up in #mendocino ? The climate seems suitable up there @RainbowsEndWine
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines @RainbowsEndWine Not currently. Climate in Mendo can support CS, CF but experience shows it's not easy. #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines Chatted w/ Christian Moieux about #cabFranc few yrs ago- believes vine needs more yrs than CS for maturity #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines May be true indeed. Also CF is just particular to grow CS can be hardy and grow to be OK in different places. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @noblewines @RainbowsEndWine Climate+soil combo is always more complex on the ground and always surprises. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q Other than @eswines what wines currently excite you in NV & beyond? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @SandyWasserman So many wines not enough time. Always up for FR, IT, SP! Love burgundy but can't afford much! #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Q. @eswines Did you begin with Elizabeth Spencer wines or ES wines? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine Started with Ancien. Got to be friends w/ Elizabeth & Spencer personally. I've been lucky to work at great wineries. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines What R main responsibilities as gen. mgr of Elizabeth Spencer? how many #wines made? how many ppl work FT 2 make #wine?#SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl As a GM I get to do a little of everything. Production, sales, marketing, finance. Never boring. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl ESW made 27 SKU's in '15, 6 of these are for distribution. The rest are sold at our Tasting Room and to our members. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl ESW has a full time Winemaker, Sarah Vandendriessche, and a full time Enologist, Amanda Hackett. And Spencer! #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Q. @eswines What differences do you taste between ExS Reverend & Guardian from #NapaValley from same vintage? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine We think of Guardian as "Right Bank" and Reverend as "Left Bank" #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine Guardian is all about NV CS. Reverend allows us to search out the softer quieter side of Merlot and CF #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Interesting @eswines to have both perspectives from one winery in Napa. Definitely something I want to experience! #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @Path2Wine Certainly makes for a great side by side tasting, if not a meal! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines Where do you primarily distribute your #wines in the United States? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Currently dist in 29 states. Listed on #SommChat
Christopher Miller @noblewines Tasted these yesterday #SommChat #Chardonnay in #bordeaux ??? Reminded of #Sonoma St Emilion very modern #SommChat
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Jumping in late to #SommChat? I am, too! Always learn something during these #wine talks.
Christopher Miller @noblewines @KeeperColl thanks 4 hosting @eswines #SommChat hope to #wine next week again at noon.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @noblewines will be a special one - our 5 yr anniversary - keep your eyes on twitter with #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines Do you have any events at the winery coming up this year & how can ppl learn more? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Rose Release party on April 23. SB & Oysters. Harvest! Learn more at #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Plus any day can be a party at our beautiful Rutherford location. Outdoor gardens in the heart of the Napa Valley. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines Tell us about the Elizabeth Spencer Wine Club. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl ESW WineClubs boast variety. Several varietals from NV, Mendo, and Sonoma Coast. Red-wine-only and white-wine-only too.#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines What are some fav #winefoodpairings with your #wines? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl I tend to push pairings for whites. Love Chenin,SB,Chard,Riesling with meat dishes normally reserved for red. Try it! #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Most important to pairing is balance. Balanced wines, red, white, rose, tend to find their place at the table. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl At my house, we always open red and white with every meal. Double the pleasure. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines What plans does the winery have planned for the next 3-5 years, stay as is, grow or ? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl 3-5 yr plan: stay true to roots. We are growing, but slowly, naturally. Never lose sight of your roots! #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl We always go back to relationships. Consumers, distributors,somms, all important to ESW, So we grow slow. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @eswines Curtis, what #wine regions do you dream about visiting in the future? #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Return to Burgundy! Champagne. And Italy, for sure. I've never had a bad visit to wine country. #SommChat
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Even a drive up NV still gets my heart atwitter! Same for Sonoma, Central Coast, Mendo! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery Curtis Strohl @eswines on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have Curtis Strohl @eswines join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Elizabeth Spencer @eswines @KeeperColl Thanks everyone! Come see us in Rutherford any time. Back to work for this wine lover! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking General Manager of Elizabeth Spencer Winery Curtis Strohl @eswines for his time on #SommChat
Courtney Quinn @Path2Wine Thanks Curtis @eswines for sharing more about wines, winery and yourself on #SommChat I look forward to tasting more of your great wines
Drew Gourdie @drewbie_g Sorry I missed out... Will scroll thru the #SommChat hashtag later tho! 🍷🍷🍷
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess @KeeperColl @eswines @drunken_somm @Winochic So sorry I missed it. Next week for sure! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget Wk 3 of #KeeperKontest is Elizabeth Spencer #cab vintage 2012 #SommChat #WINe like & RT 2 enter 2 win!!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl BIGNEWS: Celebrate our 5-yr #SommChat anniversary featuring Becky Wasserman @BeckyWasserman on #SommChat ! Wed 3/30 12 N EST! #Learn