So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/4 Greek Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou
Vangelis Gerovassiliou @Ktimagerovass
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess Looking forward to #SommChat today at 12N EST with @ktimagerovass and Greek wines!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl YEAHH - great - see you soon! RT @hvwinegoddess: Looking forward to #SommChat today at 12N EST with @ktimagerovass and Greek wines!
W. R. Tish @TishWine RT @KeeperColl Today’s #SommChat features #Greek #Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou @Ktimagerovass on #Malagousia Hope 2CU! 12 N-1 PM EST
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Hope to see u at #SommChat 11AM CST @Bacchus1987 @jodifritch @WarrenBobrow1 @vineyardgate @VinoSociety @QuitWINEing @wineandsake #rielpicon
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @drunken_somm @Winochic @hvwinegoddess @nicktex @mweb @RTRwines @GUSTOTastings Happy #SommChat #WW!
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @drunken_somm @Winochic @nicktex @mweb @RTRwines @GUSTOTastings Happy WW to you too! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Hope to see u at #SommChat 11AM CST @kelljokrause @eddiemerlots @MagRahn @ATXFoodWineAlly @alawine @MattMcGinnis @1simplerecipe #WW
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis @KeeperColl @kelljokrause @eddiemerlots @MagRahn @ATXFoodWineAlly @alawine @1SimpleRecipe Looking forward to #SommChat
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel 62/365: #Greek #wine has been around for 6K yrs. & new tech+honored traditions could lead to a resurgence. Learn more on today's #SommChat.
jen o'flanagan @jenoflanagan RT @KeeperColl: Talk #Malagousia #Greek #Wine w/ Vangelis Gerovassilou @ktimagerovass on #SommChat today at 12N ET! #Ask&Learn
Linda Adams @lwa235 @KeeperColl once again I am bummed I will not be present. Hope all is well #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @lwa235 we will miss you on #SommChat - hope all is well with you!
Andrés Gourdie @drewbie_g Thanks! Will be there! @KeeperColl @LisaAdamsWalter @Foundationspr @JeremySBlock @vinobolton @BevMedia #SommChat
Helen Windle @helenwindle @KeeperColl @angrysomm @camparirocket @WPTUSA @PatriciusTokaj @DeniseClarkeTX @Messina_Hof See you at #SommChat #WW
Mary Cressler @marycressler It’s not too early for wine, right? Join #SommChat over on twitter at 9am (PST) to learn about…
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear frm Greek #Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou @Ktimagerovass #WW
Wine Harlots @WineHarlots #SommChat today explores Malagousia with winemaker @ktimmagerovass. @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like to introduce U 2 Greek #Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass who will talk abt #Malagousia & Greek #Wine on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask Vangelis @ktimagerovass our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @ktimagerovass 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking Greek #Wine with #Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass #WW #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl hello to everyone! glad to be here! look forward to everyone's Qs #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga cool #SommChat #greece #wine any modern experiments w #amphora of #history @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass likes which region(s)
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass Where was #Malagousia first planted in Greece? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl its origin is from Nafpaktia, but vanished and then first plantations were in Porto Carras, Chalkidiki #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Good morning @ktimagerovass How long have you been making wine & who are you're wine making mentors? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl for 40 yrs. My mentor is Emile Peynaud #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass Ready for #SommChat!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Good morning everyone! Hope you are staying warm! - #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @demilove great to have you on #SommChat - can't wait to see your questions on #Malgousia - good theory learning!
Mary Cressler @marycressler @ktimagerovass What is distinct about #Malagousia? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @marycressler @KeeperColl intense and unique aromatic character #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Look forward to everyone's questions on #SommChat today to @ktimagerovass about #Greek #Malgousia
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass While working at Porto Carras, what about #Malagousia made you think it had potential? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl again the intense and unique aromatic character and flavour #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess Good Afternoon #SommChat
Whitney Woodham @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass stoked to be here today! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @Champagnewhit great to see you here - can't wait to here your questions for @ktimagerovass on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep - @ktimagerovass can you please describe the aromatics from #Malgousia
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl citrus, lemon, peach, apricot, ripe pear, mango and white pepper, sometimes with herbal or mineral notes #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Sampled @ktimagerovass #Malagousia wines last night & thought citrus, peach & mineral notes make them great TX summer wine. #SommChat
Beth @travelwinechick #WW #SommChat cheers! @KeeperColl @scottota @CharlesComm @racheldriver @CaravelleChamp @1queenofspoons @MDSomm @elloinos
DSWE @DomaineSelect @ktimagerovass what part of the process you would say that makes your wine different than others with the same variety? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @DomaineSelect @KeeperColl work in the vine, low yields, rootstocks, wild yeasts and different clones #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @ktimagerovass Have you made wine outside of Greece? If so where & what? If not any desire to? Thanks #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @SandyWasserman @KeeperColl in S. Africa and France. Would also like to make wine in New Zealand #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass How long has #Malagousia been around? Why wasn’t it as popular 2 grow as other grapes like #Assyrtiko & #Muscat? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl One vine found on a pergola and from that we have the 1st plantations in 1969 #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl a difficult variety to cultivate-sensitive to brown rot #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler @ktimagerovass What was it about #Malagousia that made you want to revive the almost extinct grape variety? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @marycressler @KeeperColl it is a fantastic variety, w/ great aromas #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q from shy #SommChat peep; in what states can we buy your #Malgousia #wines in the US?
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl New York, Washington, California, Boston, Florida, Miami, Las Vegas, Chicago and now Texas #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Great! RT @ktimagerovass: @KeeperColl New York, Washington, California, Boston, Florida, Miami, Las Vegas, Chicago & now Texas #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Who is your distributor in Chicago? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @Sassodoro @KeeperColl best to contact our importer: Cava spiliadis #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess @ktimagerovass Q. Do you use new oak or neutral oak with the #Malagousia #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @hvwinegoddess @KeeperColl neural oak #SommChat
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel Happy #ww & #SommChat! What would @ktimagerovass like to tell the world about #GreekWine that ppl might not know?
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KatieEigel @KeeperColl new unique flavours with long history and wine-making knowledge #SommChat
DSWE @DomaineSelect @ktimagerovass What are some challenges you face growing in Greece? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl challenge: vinification of very old/ancient Greek (6th cent. BC) variety #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl reward: succeeding in it and having positive feedback #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Q. @ktimagerovass I noticed that sometimes #Malagousia is spelled with an "s" and other times with a "z". Is this regional? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @kristifarm2tbl @KeeperColl it is the same... like syrah and shiraz #SommChat
Markus Stolz @elloinos @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass In your opinion, when is the best time window to enjoy Malagousia? Very young, after some years? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @elloinos @KeeperColl two types- the fresh one and the barrel-fermented one that lasts longer and it is more interesting #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Excited to be talking about the revitalized #Malagousia Greek grape with winemaker @ktimagerovass on #SommChat today. #winestudy
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @kristifarm2tbl thought you would like to learn about #Malgousia on #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman My last ? before I gotta go, @ktimagerovass If you were a wine, what would you be & why? Thanks #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass Is #Malagousia difficult to cultivate? In what soils/climates does it grow best? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Yes. It prefers semi-mountainous regions, well-drained soil, with no humidity (sensitive to brown rot) #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Best on sandy, sandy-clay and schist soils #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass Q. @kitmagerovass can you give an overview of #Malgousia? Where it's grown, history, character? Thanks #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @winecompass @KeeperColl first planted in Nafpaktos, vanished due to the Ottoman Empire, found it in 1967 #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @winecompass @KeeperColl one vine on a pergola at a mountain village, planted it at Porto Carras in 1967 #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @winecompass @KeeperColl citrus, lemon, peach, apricot, ripe pear, mango and white pepper with herbal or mineral notes & flavours #SommChat
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Tune in now, #SommChat is going on! @kitmagerovass is discussing Greek grapes/wines. cc @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ATXFoodnews great to see you on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass As more #Greek wineries plant #Malagousia, what advice would U give UR fellow #winemakers about working with it? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl max yield 8tn/ha & good aeration of the grapes to avoid rot #SommChat
Alfonso Cevola @italianwineguy I'm so overdue for a trip back to Greece. first went there in '77. Love, love, love Greece! @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess @italianwineguy @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass I was there in 1991 and would love to go back too! #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess What percentage of your vineyard is planted with #Malagousia @ktimagerovass #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @hvwinegoddess @KeeperColl 28 ha out of 56ha #SommChat
charles @butleriv Q. #Malagousia is an aromatic varietal. Any others planted in the area? Viognier? Sauvignon Blanc? .@KeeperColl #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @butleriv @KeeperColl small quantity: Viognier, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay.Also, Assyrtiko in bigger quantity #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @butleriv great to see you on #SommChat - thanks for joining
charles @butleriv @KeeperColl thanks for the reminder. Been a while.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @butleriv we have missed seeing you on #SommChat - will keep reminders:)
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass Are there different clones of #Malagousia? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Over the years we have found 3 different Malagousia clones. 2 with large berries & 1 with small berries #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass #Malagousia fr southern #Greece differs from northern GR. Is this due 2 different clones or climate conditions? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl due to both #SommChat
Chris Struck @chris_struck RT @ktimagerovass advice for growing #Malagousia: keep max yield at 8tn/ha & make sure good aeration of the grapes to avoid rot #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: how many bottles of #malgousia do you produce and how many different wines!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl RT @KeeperColl: Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: how many bottles of #malgousia do you produce and how many different wines! @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl this year about 80.000 bottles and 10 different label in total #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass What other grape is comparable to #Malagousia on the nose and palate? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl very few similarities with Malvasia aromatica and just before oxidation develops muscat-like aromas #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass How well is #Malagousia suited to oak aging? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl the estate Malagousia is 50% barrel-fermented. Gives excellent results #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass What is the cellaring potential of #Malagousia once it’s bottled? What attributes make it ideal to age or not? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl can last 3-5 yrs. If barrel-fermented 8-10 yrs. Aromas prone to oxidation thus barrel fermentation helps it evolve #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: how does a warm vintage compare to a cold vintage on #malgousia?
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl prefers mild climates- not too hot not too cold #SommChat
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis Wow @ktimagerovass this Malagouzia Turtles Estate is delish tart citrus, white peach & plenty of minerals #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. fr #SommChat peep: how was the 2014 vintage for you with #malgousia @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl till Sept 6th it was great after that we had rain #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass What are some of the best #food pairings you’ve discovered with #Malagousia? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl tomatoes with feta cheese, salads, small fried fish, risottos and sushi (asian cuisine) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q from shy #SommChat peep: @ktimagerovass is #Malgousia a hard variety to grow and make into your #wine?
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl needs extra skills of the viticulturist, good leaf control, low yields, sensitive to grape moth #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga how @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl #malagousia bring all those noted flavors on rocky soil facing sea? or is inland #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @ormiga @KeeperColl we are by the sea and we have all these aromas- not sure about the expression inland #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga super @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl will be fun to try someday
DSWE @DomaineSelect @ktimagerovass How long is the aging process? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @DomaineSelect @KeeperColl about 4-5 months #SommChat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @KeeperColl Thank you for the invitation! #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess I have to run. Will read the rest via transcript. Great info. Thanks @ktimagerovass Can't wait to try #Malagousia #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep - do you harvest in the vineyards by hand and do you have to do a lot of triage with #malgousia? @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl yes, we harvest by hand, we do a lot of triage and also green harvest #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat - do you have any plans to expand your production and any other changes over the next several years @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl replanting with the small berry clone and we change our rootstocks to 110R #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. fr #SommChat peep; are you affected by global warming and if so what do you do to mitigate it? @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass 1@KeeperColl not much but yes and we manage better leaf control to protect the grapes -greek grapes are more resistant to changes #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass Why is cultivating previously forgotten grapes like #Malagousia so important to #Greek winemakers? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Greek varieties have unique characteristics and they are our cultural heritage, we need to preserve it! #SommChat
Wine & Food Fndn TX @WineFoodTX Q. @ktimagerovass Are your Greek wines readily available in Texas? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @WineFoodTX yes, they are available #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @WineFoodTX their distributor in Texas is Vino Vero #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @weddingoakwinery RT @KeeperColl: @WineFoodTX their distributor in Texas is Vino Vero #SommChat
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel #SommChat Love the lemon, citrus, peach notes. Q: What key flavor should one taste in the @ktimagerovass #malagousia? -- picture
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KatieEigel @KeeperColl citrus it is! #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Q. @ktimagerovass I really enjoyed #Malagousia. What other less familiar Greek varietals do you suggest exploring? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @kristifarm2tbl @KeeperColl Assyrtiko, Limnio (red), Agiorgitiko (red), Xinomavro (red) and Moschofilero (white) #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Thanks! RT @ktimagerovass: @kristifarm2tbl Assyrtiko, Limnio (red), Agiorgitiko (red), Xinomavro (red) & Moschofilero (white) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep is #malgousia more of a sipping #wine or a #food pairing wine ? #SommChat @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl both! #SommChat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Agreed! #Malagousia worked well with our meal & sipped just fine afterward. RT @ktimagerovass: @KeeperColl both! #SommChat
Chris Struck @chris_struck @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Why do you find the small berry clone more beneficial? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @chris_struck @KeeperColl small berry clones have more intense aromas, pulp to skin relation-more skin, more intensity #SommChat
DSWE @DomaineSelect @ktimagerovass How does the Greek weather influence the growing process? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @DomaineSelect @KeeperColl mediterranean weather with sea breezes- very beneficial to the aromatic intensity #SommChat
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis .@ktimagerovass Ktima Gerovassilou Malagousia 2013 is a perfect crisp white wine for a Spring day in TX #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KatieEigel @KeeperColl citrus it is! #SommChat
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine Can't wait for @ktimagerovass wines to be distributed in Texas. Delicious whites. @KeeperColl #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass how is the 2015 vintage progressing thus far from #SommChat peep?
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl very early to say ... #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. can you tell us more about your museum #SommChat @ktimagerovass
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl there is Wine Museum at our estate with viticultural, vinification, bottling, cooperage tools, ... #SommChat
Sofia Perpera @sperpera @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl The Gerovassiliou museum is amazing! Includes one of the largest collections of cork screws in the world1
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl a big corkscrew collection and ancient pottery regarding wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q. @ktimagerovass What is your favorite #Greek variety to grow? What about to drink? #SommChat
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl Malagousia and to drink a blend of Malagousia-Assyrtiko #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking Greek #Wine w/ Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great 2 have Greek #Winemaker Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Vangelis Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Ktima Gerovassiliou @ktimagerovass @KeeperColl thank you all for the Qs! it was a pleasure! #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass Thanks for a great #SommChat! I will seek out your wines in Chicago!
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel @KeeperColl @ktimagerovass Thank you so much! Very delicious wine and great #SommChat to match. I can't wait to stock up on more Malagousia!
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis Thanks @ktimagerovass and @KeeperColl for a great #SommChat on Greek wine!
Wine & Food Fndn TX @WineFoodTX Thanks @ktimagerovass and @KeeperColl for a great #SommChat on Greek wine!
Alfonso Cevola @italianwineguy 48m48 yes, ευχαριστώ πολύ @ktimagerovass & @KeeperColl #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @KatieEigel great to see you on #SommChat today - look forward to seeing you more - thanks for ur questions and comments!
Mary Cressler @marycressler Thank you to @ktimagerovass and @KeeperColl for #SommChat today. Loved learning about #Malagousia #greekwine. Cheers.
Vindulge @Vindulge Thank you to @ktimagerovass and @KeeperColl for #SommChat today. Loved learning about #Malagousia #greekwine. Cheers.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Mark UR calendar for #SommChat w/Master #Sommelier Evan Goldstein @dairingpairings Wed 3/11/15 11 AM CST, 12 N EST! @SonomaVintners #SoCoBA
DSWE @DomaineSelect Thank you @ktimagerovass #SommChat
New Wines of Greece @DrinkGreekWine RT @Vindulge: Thank you to @ktimagerovass and @KeeperColl for #SommChat today. Loved learning about #Malagousia #greekwine. Cheers.
New Wines of Greece @DrinkGreekWine Glad 2 read all these interesting discussions about #Malagousia on today's #SommChat @KeeperColl #wine