So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

3/5 Winemaker Markus Huber, Huber WEin
@TishWine (W. R. Tish): RT @KeeperColl Today’s #SommChat features #Austrian #Winemaker, Markus Huber, @HuberWein Hope to see you there! 11 am -12 N CST
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro): @KeeperColl Sadly, I won’t be able to join you today on #SommChat. Have a great time!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @Sassodoro you will be missed on #SommChat Sassodoro ?@Sassodoro
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @hvwinegoddess awww – sorry you will not be able to join in at #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @vino_con_vista Hey join us on #SommChat if you are out of class
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from Markus Huber @HuberWein #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to Markus Huber @HuberWein #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @HuberWein 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask Markus @HuberWein our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
@winecompass (WineCompass): Cheers all RT @KeeperColl: Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @HuberWein 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @HuberWein 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with Markus Huber @HuberWein #WW #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): Excited to join #SommChat with @KeeperColl and @HuberWein
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): So glad to be here with @KeeperColl on #SommChat today – look fwd to your questions
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl @HuberWein I’m here! Thanks Markus for being here with us today #SommChat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q @HuberWein What’s new & exciting in Austria? What do you do there? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @sandywasserman I am the #winemaker @HuberWein, my family’s winery. we are working on a solar panel for our winery #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Joining #SommChat now with Markus @HuberWein
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – What is the hardest decision you have to make in the vineyard? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier A. @KeeperColl In #Austria, sometimes the climate is quite wet, due to the close distance of the alps…. #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – What is the hardest decision you have to make in the vinification process? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): RT @KeeperColl: @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl so therefore controlling different fungus diseases in some years can be tricky. #SommChat
@CharlesComm (Charles Comm PR): @KeeperColl @HuberWein Good morning everyone! Tuning in from San Francisco. #SommChat
@BollewBroadbent (Bartholomew Broadbent): Send your questions to @KeeperColl today for Weingut Markus Huber! #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @HuberWein What type of grapes do you use? @sandywasserman #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @winecompass #riesling, #Gruner Veltliner and #Zweigelt for the Rose as the main varietals used #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl so therefore controlling different fungus diseases in some years can be tricky. #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – What sort of customer are you trying to reach with your wines? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier want 2 reach ppl that enjoy #wine, either alone or w/ #food & who want to experience the expression of the place #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @huberwein #SommChat – I see that you make award winning Gruner’s and Sekt. what were your 2013 vineyard challenges? @KeeperColl
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @winegrapestone 2013 was Cool wet spring and bad flowering – that was the challenge @KeeperColl #SommChat
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q @HuberWein How & where did you learn to make wine? Any mentors? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @SandyWasserman Always had 2 help my parents when I was little & luved it,i learned fr my family #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – You have multiple plots – what makes your land(s) and terroir(s) unique? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier the limetone makes our land and terroir special #SommChat @KeeperColl
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein Climate change – are you exploring different grapes or other grapes gaining prominence? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl The greatest white #wines in the world R grown on limestone. #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl It gives you preciseness; minerality and tight texture on the palate, without ever being heavy. #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl But the best way to find it out is to get a bottle of Huber:) #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @HuberWein And a sparkling #Gruner. I’ve never tried in that form. #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – On days I don’t drink YOUR wine, what interesting producers should I look out for? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier I remain focused on my current varietals as they make lovely #wines from #Austria #SommChat @KeeperColl
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier Maccherndl & Ernst Triebaumer to name 2 #SommChat @KeeperColl
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – Is the industry trend moving towards buying grapes and making wine and not owning land? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier We are primarily estate grown and plan to stay that way as of now @KeeperColl #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @HuberWein @winecompass do you ever make a regular red zweigelt?? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @SirenaDiVino I do make a non-sparkling red with #Zweigelt @KeeperColl #SommChat
@Path2Wine (kathleen_lilly): Right now on #SommChat is #huberwein named 1 of 3 most admired wine growers in Austria by @JancisRobinson & @littlestjames Wine World Atlas
@winecompass (WineCompass): Q. @HuberWein In what DAC are you located? #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @HuberWein @KeeperColl What kind of yields due to bad flowering?#SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – What is the traditional food/wine pairing of your region? #SommChat #ww #food
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier #wines of #Traisenthal pair well w/ fresh veggies, seafood, #sushi & traditional #austrian #Schnitzel @KeeperColl #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein Is rising alcohol content from higher temps becoming a problem for wine makers like you? #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier we R blessed w/our climate 2 produce mineral driven, fruity white #wines w/good drinkability & mod. alc. #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @AustrianwineUSA @AustrianWine @VinoCC You may want to tune into #SommChat right now with guest @HuberWein
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @winecompass #traisental @KeeperColl #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – Big q, but what would u tell someone who had never had an Austrian wine abt wines from @AustrianwineUSA? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier #Austrian #wines have the ability to give preciseness; minerality & tight texture on palate, w/o ever being heavy. #SommChat\
@SandyWasserman (Sandy Wasserman CS): Q. @HuberWein Any interest in making wine in other parts of the world? If so, what and where? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @SandyWasserman dedicated 2 making #wines N #austria, my homeland-luv 2 travel & learn from other #wine growing areas @KeeperColl #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – Is the wine industry as a whole (or @AustrianwineUSA) doing anything to support 1st time wine producers? #SommChat
@bsicricket (Catherine Miles): You won’t be disappointed! “@HuberWein @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl But the best way to find it out is to get a bottle of Huber #SommChat”
@Path2Wine (kathleen_lilly): Is your @huberwein sparkling Gruner Veltliner available in the US? Your other wines are great, I’m intrigued by this one. #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @Path2Wine our Sparkling Rose is available in the US @KeeperColl #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @path2wine our sparkling #Gruner Veltliner is not available in the US – thanks for asking #SommChat @KeeperColl
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – Any particular regions (besides yours) that you are especially interested in lately? #SommChat #ww #wine
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier was back in South #Africa in Feb 2014 and always learn a lot fr that area as I did an internship there 14 yrs ago #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – Can you suggest any up and coming women producers to look out for? #wine #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier Judith Beck part of the larger Burgenland Region in Neusiedlersee @KeeperColl #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @HuberWein @KeeperColl #traisental -> So you are far west near the Alps. #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @winecompass #traisenthal is east of the Alps. @KeeperColl #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein – How do you use social media to market your wines, if at all? #wine #SommChat #ww
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ShibaSommelier have not used Social Media 2 mkt our #wines. In the US, we R fortunate 2 work w/ @bsicricket & @BollewBroadbent #SommChat
@WineEmotionUSA (WineEmotion USA): No #wine Left Behind! With wine dispensers by WineEmotion. #Cheers! #SommChat
@RendallThomas (Rendall Thomas): Hi there! #SommChat
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): 3h @KeeperColl @HuberWein – How are your wines allocated across the globe? #wine #SommChat #ww
@Path2Wine (kathleen_lilly): What differences do you @huberwein see in your Gruner Veltliner from the old vineyards of Alte Setzen than younger vineyards? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @Path2Wine Our older vineyards produce #wines with more Texture and Complexity @KeeperColl #SommChat
@yoga_kat (kathleen_lilly): Thnx for the #SommChat off to taste the juice! @KeeperColl @_itsmatthew_ @OWOCWines @WinePoynt @IsaacJamesBaker @JaneHB @LifesNiceDrinks
@amylieberfarb (Sip on This Juice): Master Sommelier returns to Sonoma State University | PD Towns @PDtowns @iancauble #SommChat #wine #sonoma
@ClosBagatelle (Clos Bagatelle): Evening #SommChat. We’re enjoying learning about Austrian wines with @HuberWein ce soir.
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl @KGreenPR @ericawinetrips @dellanimom @jennanorth @kcwineguy @Local913 @roydot Greetings from Billings #SommChat tweeps!
@ClosBagatelle (Clos Bagatelle): We know Gruner got very popular a few years ago @HuberWein. Is the demand still growing? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @ClosBagatelle Fortunately our demand is still growing @KeeperColl #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning all! Nice to finally join you_meeting just got out! #SommChat
@AustrianwineUSA (Austrian Wine USA): Interested in the wines of @HuberWein? Tune in to #SommChat right now!
@winecompass (WineCompass): @HuberWein @ShibaSommelier @bsicricket @BollewBroadbent Is your #Zweigelt available in the U.S. or jsut the sparkling rose? #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Is there a shorthand that distinguishes Austrian Riesling from Alsace and Germany? – #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @demilove against Ger. we are drier, against Alsace, less botrytis @KeeperColl #SommChat
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): Hello from #Sicily @HuberWein! Great to be part of your #SommChat How big is your winery? How many bottles do you produce? @KeeperColl
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Q: @HuberWein What regions would you suggest visiting on a first trip to Austria? #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @HuberWein @KeeperColl are you and Austrian wine as a whole beginning to see more traction on US and int’l wine lists?? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @serinadivino We are seeing great traction in US on #wine lists 2014 should be our biggest yr yet in US @KeeperColl #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @HuberWein @KeeperColl Yes, my point was that #traisenthal is one of the farthest western wine regions #SommChat
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @HuberWein #SommChat How widely distributed are your sparkling #wine ?
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @winegrapestone fairly widely distributed in US with plans to expand quickly – will be in #Texas 4 you @KeeperColl #SommChat
@bsicricket (Catherine Miles): Both are available “@winecompass @ShibaSommelier @bsicricket Is your #Zweigelt available in the U.S. or jsut the sparkling rose? #SommChat”
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): @HuberWein I love Gruner: what is your favorite food pairing for this wine?#sommcht @KeeperColl
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @marilenabarbera we have 30 HA, work w/ some contract #wine growers & inc. Hugo, we produce 50,000 cases #SommChat @KeeperColl
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @marilenabarbera my fav pairing with #Gruner is #Thai food and #Sushi #SommChat @KeeperColl
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @marilenabarbera @HuberWein @KeeperColl EVERYTHING works with Gruner! Even notoriously tough green veggie pairings! #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @adamplotkin #Traisenthal #Wachau would be two great places to start @KeeperColl #SommChat
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @HuberWein @KeeperColl which US markets and restaurants are you seeing the biggest love from?? #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @SirenaDiVino #Boston is a huge mkt for us- spent last wk in #NYC and looks promising there – DC area is a great place 4 us #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): Thanks! RT @HuberWein: @adamplotkin #Traisenthal #Wachau would be two great places to start @KeeperColl #SommChat
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): Austrian #riesling vs GER & ALS RT @HuberWein: .@demilove against Ger. we are drier, against Alsace, less botrytis @KeeperColl #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): @HuberWein Love to see you when you come to #Texas (#Austin specifically) #SommChat @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Markus Huber @HuberWein #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Great to have @HuberWein join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@ShibaSommelier (Shiba Sommelier): @KeeperColl @HuberWein Thank you! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @HuberWein for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@bsicricket (Catherine Miles): Another great #SommChat “@KeeperColl: Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk @HuberWein ”
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl @HuberWein thank you so much for talking to us today! #SommChat
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): @HuberWein that is one of my fav picks too! Lovely with oysters as well. #Gruner @KeeperColl #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): Thank you RT @KeeperColl: Great to have @HuberWein join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): we just trended again on #SommChat thanks to @huberwein @bsicricket & @BollewBroadbent
@winegrapestone (Tricia Conover, CWP): @KeeperColl @HuberWein Great discussion #SommChat. Thanks!
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): @AdamPlotkin @HuberWein @KeeperColl even better with older vintages #Gruner #SommChat
@tmarshalljones (Marshall Jones): Thank you @KeeperColl @HuberWein for a great #SommChat about @AustrianWineUSA. Hope to see you in #Austin #Texas
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): Great to B here on #SommChat with all of you – thx @KeeperColl for having me here today
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark UR calendar 4 #SommChat Wed 3/12/14 for #SommChat w/ #wine writer Jay McInerney, @JayMcInerney 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Hope our guest or his wines comes visiting Chicago! – #SommChat
@HuberWein (Weingut Markus Huber): @demilove In #maine now, headed to DC and mid-atlantic, hope to get to #Chicago later this year #SommChat @KeeperColl
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): I will! RT @KeeperColl Mark UR calendar Wed 3/12/14 for #SommChat w/ #wine writer Jay McInerney, @JayMcInerney 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @marilenabarbera great to have you join in on #SommChat today and glad you will be able to join in next week:)
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Good Q! RT @marilenabarbera: @HuberWein I love Gruner: what is your favorite food pairing for this wine?#SommChat @KeeperColl
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Oops got my time zones mixed up, am on PT this week @KeeperColl! #WineFail #SommChat
@marilenabarbera (Marilena Barbera): @KeeperColl love #SommChat! so exciting & interesting being connected with #winemakers and #winelovers worldwide
@winedineC (Caroline Conner): RT @drewbie_g:Oops got my time zones mixed up, am on PT this week @KeeperColl! #WineFail #SommChat me too!!!!
@winedineC (Caroline Conner): @HuberWein what are your thoughts on new world #gruner? Any favs? #SommChat
@raelinn_wine (Raelinn Wine): @KeeperColl @HuberWein #SommChat sorry to miss you! That’s pretty early for Maui time! Cheers!
@fabienlaine (Fabien Laine): @KeeperColl @RockandRhone @drinkAlsace @WineFoodTX @haddadfrank @willowwineguy One hour to late for #SommChat I just came back home !
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): RT @KeeperColl: Mark UR calendar 4 #SommChat Wed 3/12/14 for #SommChat w/ #wine writer Jay McInerney, @JayMcInerney 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @ShibaSommelier #Austrian #wines have the ability to give preciseness; minerality & tight texture on palate… #SommChat RT @HuberWein
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @ClosBagatelle: Evening #SommChat. We’re enjoying learning about Austrian wines with @HuberWein ce soir. < sorry to miss, catching up…
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @HuberWein @ShibaSommelier @KeeperColl The greatest white #wines in the world R grown on limestone. #SommChat < many good ones for sure
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @Path2Wine …on #SommChat, #huberwein named 1 of 3 most admired Austrian wine growers by @JancisRobinson & @littlestjames < very cool!
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): Mark UR calendar 4 #SommChat Wed 3/12/14 for #SommChat w/ #wine writer Jay McInerney, @JayMcInerney 11 AM CST, 12 N EST! RT @KeeperColl
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @HuberWein @KeeperColl @ShibaSommelier @winecompass @SirenaDiVino < sorry to miss #SommChat …perusing your tweets now, thank you!
@jennanorth (Jenna North): Cheers! @KeeperColl @KGreenPR @ericawinetrips @dellanimom @kcwineguy @AdamPlotkin @Local913 @roydot #SommChat