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4/10 Author Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from #Sake of #Japan #writer Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine!
KeeperColl @keepercoll: We’d like to introduce you to #sake #writer Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: We're about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine to say hello & so he knows you're here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
KeeperColl @keepercoll: As we ask our Qs, you can ask Anthony your Qs as well! He'll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: W so many participants lots of gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1--give a S/O 2 @keepercoll & @anthonyrosewine 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Let's start talking #sake with Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine #WineWednesday #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: I’m here and looking forward to chatting #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you share any insight on ways that a Sommelier can better learn to read the #sake labels if little English other than learning #japanese @anthonyrosewine
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: The processes are continually evolving, but certainly there is for instance a new generation or powerfully aromatic yeasts #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: @anthonyrosewine we have learned from @winejames that you are 1 of 3 books Shortlisted for @Fortnums #Food & #Drink Awards can you share about this award program and CONGRATS #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Thank you! It’s an important award @Fortnums in the UK recognising food and drink writing in articles and books, radio & TV, over the past year #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Just to be nominated is great because all those who enter @Fortnums, never mind the nominees, know that a lot of hard work goes into being a freelance writer #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @anthonyrosewine How have you seen the #sake world evolve since being in this industry? Have you seen a rise in #Sake consumption in the recent past?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Over the past 12 years, I’ve seen an increase in the production and export of quality sake in response to demand worldwide, and the Japanese, traditional as they are, are themselves becoming aware of the demand and responding to it #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: @anthonyrosewine we have learned a lot about #Sake at @TEXSOM from the producers that come to participate. Does your book discuss producers and what makes their #sakes unique?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Yes, I aim to differentiate the styles of producers based on the many different regional and personal factors, especially in the section in which I profile 100+ producers (incl. a few Japanese wineries)
KeeperColl @keepercoll: @anthonyrosewine we just heard from our good Friend @ToshioUeno that you were on #sake trip together - can you share more about that experience? #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Yes, it was part of CINVE in Spain, a wine, spirits and olive oil awards competition and this year for the first time, a sake awards part…#SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: …showing the growing awareness by consumers of sake in Europe; one of the Spanish judges, actually makes his own sake! #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Thanks for S/O @GilesMacDonogh on #SommChat to @anthonyrosewine - he has told us many nice things about you!
Giles MacDonogh @GilesMacDonogh: kind of him.
KeeperColl @keepercoll: @anthonyrosewine What was the inspiration behind your book the #Sake of Japan that is available at the Classic Wine Library @cwl_wine? Is it a book just for industry or could the consumer benefit from reading? #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: It is a guide primarily for consumers interested in finding out more about sake (and Japanese wine) and, with a chapter on sake and wine tourism, aims to cater for the many going to Japan for the Rugby World Cup this year and the Olympics next year #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: And I think an exciting development is the next generation of Japanese wines made from varieties such as Pinot Noir, Merlot and Chardonnay grown in cool (Nagano) or even cold climates (Hokkaido) #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: Can you comment on Japanese wine? What are you seeing as style, grape, region, etc that you think deserves investigation? @anthonyrosewine #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Well, Koshu is Japan’s usp, as it were, and the light, fragrant dry whites made from it, mainly from Yamanashi Prefecture, are starting to hit their straps…#SommChat
Koshu Valley @koshuvalley: That is most encouraging! It’s quite incredible how the Koshu area is still relatively unknown when it’s just an hour and a half from Tokyo and producing fascinating wines. Overview here if you’re interested:
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @anthonyrosewine do U have any suggestions for how to better introduce/educate the wine consumer on taking a leap into drinking #Sake with their meal?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Apart from reading my book, yes, there are good courses around, e.g. the WSET Level 1, and sake in restaurants often comes in 300 ml bottles so a good opportunity to try one #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: .@anthonyrosewine Anthony, how did you start in the #writing and when did you focus on #Sake? #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: I started writing about wine longer ago than I care to remember…#SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: …but on sake in 2007 after I visited Japan for the first time #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Importers are getting more and more savvy about good, intelligible back labels, so that’s my tip, otherwise a few bits of Kanji can help #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: I could write an entire book on the changes , for instance, the trend towards local rice varieties is one, and towards undiluted, unpasteurised, unfined sake #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: What local rice varieties do you see as important in the future and what unique character does each have? @anthonyrosewine #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Apart from the two main rice varieties, local varieties such as e.g. Omachi (Okayama) , Dewasansan (Yamagata), Iwai (Kyoto) Hattan-so (Hiroshima) are becoming important because producers are keen to show their pride in the local product #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Yes they do have unique characteristics, which combine with the selected yeasts, the local water, the koji and the wishes of the producer to create the desired product, but they are not distinctive in the same sense that grape varieties are #SommChat
James Tidwell @winejames: While there is debate on the most important element for wine, grape var is often top. Since rice var is not as distinctive, which of the elements you mention do you think is most distinctive/important for sake prod? @anthonyrosewine #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: The most important element is the attitude and philosophy of the producer, while in the process itself, water, yeast, koji and rice variety all play their part to a greater or lesser degree #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @anthonyrosewine are you hearing of any big changes in the #sake world coming in next 1-3 years?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: One of the main big changes is the transfer of the brewery reins to a younger, more open-minded, well-travelled generation…#SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Specifically, there are some fascinating developments such a new joint venture begun by ex-Dom Pérignon chef de cave, Richard Geoffroy, who will grow his own rice with Masuizumi and blend sake #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @anthonyrosewine do #Sake producers welcome industry visitors for tour and tasting education and if so what is the proper way to request visit? R there any different etiquette issues there than at #wine visits?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Good question. Some are well equipped for visitors, others less so, so if you’re not sure (the website may give an indication , try to call, or get someone to call, for an appointment…#SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Yes, there are different etiquette issues because hygiene is even more at a premium and a visit often involves multiple changes of shoes (theirs), so no holes in socks is a good tip #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Great things we learn on #SommChat Everybody check for no holes in your socks for #Sake visit - thanks to @anthonyrosewine
KeeperColl @keepercoll: @anthonyrosewine What is a day in your life working look like? #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: One day it could be wine, the next sake, often going to tastings here in London town, overseas trips of course, and then, time permitting, actually getting down to the nitty-gritty of writing it all up #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm @anthonyrosewine Do you have any good advice for people who are unsure what #sakes to taste if they are new to #sake world?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Yes, three quarters of sake is, like table wine, quite average/ bland. I suggest paying a bit extra for a premium sake, either honjozo or junmai style (best with food) or the more aromatic ginjo or daiginjo #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm from a taste perspective, what #wine region would you say the Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in #Japan you referred to compare most to @anthonyrosewine
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Both have their own distinctive style because Japanese terroir is unique, but in general, they are moderate in alcohol, medium-bodied, extremely approachable and go well with food #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Q fr #SommChat #Somm are #Japanese #wines currently made to drink now or to age and are many exported to #US or do they mainly stay in #Japan?
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: Japanese wine production is still relatively tiny so little is exported. Most whites, and reds, are made for current drinking, but the best Bordeaux-style reds can age for up to 10 or so years #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #sake talk with Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine #WineWednesday #SommChat
KeeperColl @keepercoll: It was great to have Anthony join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much about #Sake and #wine in #Japan as we did! #WineWednesday
KeeperColl @keepercoll: Please join us in thanking Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine for his time #SommChat
Anthony Rose @anthonyrosewine: I would like to thank you Diane and all who’ve tuned in for this opportunity to share my love of sake and I hope you will all start to appreciate and enjoy it as much as I do #SommChat