So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

4/15 Chief Winemaker Aurelio Montes, Sr., Montes Wines
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork 18h18 hours agoRT @keepercoll: Join #SommChat tomorrow Wed 4/15 to talk #wine w/ #Winemaker Aurelio Montes @MontesWines 9amPST Embedded image permalink
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess @keepercoll @MontesWines wish I could make it but I'll be on the road. I'll catch the transcripts #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@hvwinegoddess we will miss you today live with @MontesWines but glad you will catch all the action post #SommChat!
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin @keepercoll @kerrynewberry @RachelVoorhees @SeriousDrinks @HipTastesMaven @roydot @enobytes Greetings from Big Sky Country, #SommChat ers!
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork Talk #wine with #winemaker Aurelio Montes @MontesWines and @keepercoll 9am PST #sommchat Embedded image permalink
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Hope everyone’s ready to talk w/ #Winemaker Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines on #SommChat today at 11 AM CST, 12 N ET!
Mary Cressler @marycressler Will be late for #sommchat. Gotta go pick up a sick kid from school :(
KeeperCollection @keepercoll A special #SommChat today to discuss dry farming with @Monteswines prior to #EarthDay2015 next Wednesday - #Dontmiss
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie Excited for @keepercoll, @MontesWines #SommChat in a few minutes!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@foodwinechickie great to have you hear on #SommChat with @MontesWines look forward to your questions
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Today on #sommchat we are talking #wine w/ #winemaker Aurelio Montes @MontesWines & @keepercoll 11am CST Embedded image permalink
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Fiery01Red so great to see you here today on #SommChat with @MontesWines
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @keepercoll @MontesWines Thank you. Great to be here! #sommchat
Gwendolyn Alley, MA @ArtPredator We will be tasting 3 dry farmed red #wine from @MontesWines on This morning's #sommchat 10aPST Embedded image permalink
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @ArtPredator so glad you can join in on #SommChat today with @MontesWines
Montes Wines @MontesWines @keepercoll @foodwinechickie #sommchat Hello everyone, greetings from a sunny Chile
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear about #Chilean #wine from Chief #Winemaker Aurelio Montes of @MontesWines
Kay Marley-Dilworth @ATXFoodnews Wine lovers: don't miss the #SommChat starting at 11am CST! It's #WineWednesday!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll We’d like to introduce you to Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot “We have seen in several panels that through dry farming, we increase the concentration and quality of the wines.” ~ @MontesWines #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Let's start talking Chilean #wine w/ Chief #Winemaker Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines #WW #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines What is dry farming and why is it beneficial for the environment & in winemaking? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl No irrigation unless unreasonable dry season. We save 65% of the water we used to use and improve quality of wines. #SommChat
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz Very excited to be chatting with @MontesWines on today's #sommchat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @Monteswines What site conditions must be met (e.g., soils, vine maturity, climate, etc) before considering dry farming? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @myvinespot Soils with clays works better, also different varieties react differently #sommchat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines That makes sense; soils with high water holding capacity. Thanks RE: clay soils, dry farming #sommchat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @MontesWines @myvinespot Are there varietals you produce that you cannot dry farm? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @Fiery01Red @myvinespot #sommchat in reds i think that Pinot noir does not work well, we need to keep the clusters covered of the sun
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @MontesWines @myvinespot Yes, the princess & the pea grape. Understandable. Thank you. #sommchat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @keepercoll @MontesWines Just arriving for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Sassodoro yeahhh - always happy when you can join in and ask questions:) on #SommChat
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy Hi everyone! So happy to meet Aurelio MOntes! @MontesWines today! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @GrapeExp_Cindy great to see you here today on #SommChat with @MontesWines look forward to talking dry farming with you
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork Happy to sit in this morning #sommchat @MontesWines @keepercoll
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MsPullThatCork Nancy so glad you are joining in today on #SommChat with @MontesWines
Peter Bourget @pullthatcork Ready to learn about @MontesWines dry farming practices on #sommchat today.
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie Nice @MontesWines lineup #sommchat Embedded image permalink
Douglas Trapasso @demilove 1h1 h@keepercoll - Good morning from Chicago! - #SommChat
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz @MontesWines @keepercoll Dry farming would be difficult for us in San Diego. We are experiencing a drought. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines Where did the idea to begin dry farming at Montes come from? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl #Climatechange and water availability triggered our research testing different levels of irrigation. #SommChat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines @KeeperColl 2012 vintage was warm/hot and relatively dry, correct? Did you have to irrigate at all? Thank you #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @myvinespot @keepercoll #sommchat. It was a warm vintage so we had to irrigate some varieties depending on the soils
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines @keepercoll All three of the 2012 wines (Carmenere, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah) show v.good concentration/density. #SommChat
Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka @bottlereport is looking forward to the red from Montes Alpha. #SommChat
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason Jumping from coffee into wine from @MontesWines on #sommchat.
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @TaylorEason @MontesWines Isn't it great! #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll 54m54 @TaylorEason so glad you can join in on #SommChat today with @MontesWines
Mary Cressler @marycressler I'm back. Now catching up on what I missed from #sommchat.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @marycressler hi Mary that was a quick pickup - glad you are here on #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler @keepercoll Hi! Thanks, and yes, luckily we live very close to the school. #sommchat
WineCompass @winecompass @MontesWines @KeeperColl What is considered an unreasonably dry season? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @winecompass @keepercoll #sommchat, In Colchagüa region, Chile, a season with less than 80 mm of rain during spring-summer
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @MontesWines Have you had any issues in your vineyards with the last floods ? #SommChat
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie “@fabienlaine: @MontesWines Have you had any issues in your vineyards with the last floods ? #SommChat” good question
Montes Wines @MontesWines @fabienlaine #sommchat we did not have floods
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @MontesWines Are you planning to work with more grapes varieties in the futur? #winelover #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @fabienlaine #sommchat yes we wil, so far we have donit with the ones you are tastings plus merlot and malbec. Carignan will be next
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @MontesWines Do you manage to keep bottles from all vintages you produce? I had the 92 Alpha last year #SommChat Embedded image permalink
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz @fabienlaine @MontesWines This was a fabulous wine. I might be wine dreaming. :) #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @fabienlaine #sommchat yes, we have a big library of old vintages!
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @MontesWines Do you still sell some old vintages ? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @fabienlaine #sommchat yes, we do have old vintages to sale.
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @maggieunz @MontesWines I was kind of very interesting to experience :) #SommChat
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz @fabienlaine @MontesWines It must be difficult to store 25 years of vintages. (picturing a massive cellar) #sommchat
Michele francisco @winerabble We found it so educational to try older vintages! #sommchat @MontesWines @fabienlaine
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine Finally back to #sommchat after few busy weeks #winelover @MontesWines @KeeperColl , hello everyone
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - How is dry farming beneficial to the environment? - #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @demilove @keepercoll #sommchat. We save 65% of water consuption, what represent a consuption of around 20000 people
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason By dry farming, @MontesWines saves "65% of water consumption, which represents around 20000 people." #WineWednesday #sommchat
WineCompass @winecompass @MontesWines @demilove @keepercoll You don't realize how water intensive viticulture can be until you see these numbers. #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted WineCompass Dry farming: a sustainable environmental #wine producing practice! #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @Fiery01Red #sommchat yes, and that is why we have been investigating for the last 6 years
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason Taylor Eason retweeted WineCompass So true! #sommchat
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz Do you notice a difference in the wine made with dry farmed grapes? @MontesWines #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll RT @MontesWines: @maggieunz #Wines R clearly richer N phenolic compounds, > expressive N varietal aroma & have > volume on palate #SommChat
Peter Bourget @pullthatcork .@MontesWines Are insect more or less of a problem when dry farming #sommchat @keepercoll
Montes Wines @MontesWines @pullthatcork @keepercoll #sommchat Not in Colchagüa, some years the grapes could be affected by some secundary fungus, but not insects
Judia Black @enjoielife @keepercoll @VinoCaPisco @crushdwines @mutineermag @wineandsake I'm sorry to miss you at #SommChat today. Working to mee tax deadline!
Irene L @i_on_food_drink Ah yes, happy tax day Americans! Y’all deserve a great glass of wine tonight! #SommChat (Canada’s deadline is the 30th)
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork “@MsPullThatCork: @MontesWines Is harvest pushed forward (earlier) with dry farming or no? @keepercoll” #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @MsPullThatCork @keepercoll #sommchat Normally yes, it is until 3 weeks before sometimes
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork @myvinespot @MontesWines This seems like a very good trade! #sommchat
Irene L @i_on_food_drink @keepercoll @MattMcGinnis @Winochic @wendycrispell @alawine @Sassodoro @WineauxDLynnP a little late to #sommchat #WineWednesday Cheers all!🍷
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines In what year did you begin dry farming experiments at Montes? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Experimenting in 2007 but we started collecting data and got seriously involved in the project in 2009. #SommChat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot “Dry Farming increases the final quality of the wines w/ more ripe fruit, and more weight in the mouth ..." ~ @MontesWines #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler @MontesWines how many acres (or hectares) do you have that are dry farmed? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @marycressler #sommchat. 250 hectares so far, but we will continue growing
WineCompass @winecompass Q. @MontesWines Do you have to drop more or less fruit when dry farming? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @winecompass #sommchat we have to control the yield much more, definitely that is the key to achieve a good result
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis Digging this lush 2011 @MontesWines Cabernet- blackberry, currant and chocolate. Great way to enjoy #sommchat Embedded image permalink
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MattMcGinnis great to see you on #SOmmChat - !
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason @MontesWines How far down is the water table where the vines get their water to survive? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @TaylorEason #sommchat it is quiet deep, but the clays of the soil act like and sponge, bringing the water up from the subsoil
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie @MontesWines when was the last time you had the physically irrigate because of low rain levels? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @foodwinechickie #sommchat January of this year, because it is being a warm season the 2015
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine Q. @MontesWines do you get deeper concentration of fruit flavors and acidity with dry farming your Cabernet? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @WeddingOakWine #sommchat definitely we do, soi we have to take a lot of care with the extraction duing the fermentation
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy Thoroughly luv this #wine from @MontesWunes! #sommchat #dryfarming
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @MsPullThatCork @myvinespot @MontesWines Indeed! #sommchat
Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka #sommchat @MontesWines Do you ever get too much rain? What does that do to quality? @bottlereport
Montes Wines @MontesWines @DennisSodomka @bottlereport #sommchat In the past 9 years we have been in a drought period, so the quality has been perfect
Lusso Magazine @lusso @MontesWines @winecompass @DennisSodomka @bottlereport not much better than a good bottle of wine
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @ormiga @Monteswines talking on dry farming #SommChat
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork @MontesWines Is rainfall seasonal in the Colchagua Valley i.e. mostly in winter? 80mm for spring is very little. @keepercoll #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @MsPullThatCork @keepercoll #sommchat yes, it is a characteristic os our climate
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines How do each of the Alpha Series grapes respond to being dry farmed? What unique differences do you see between them? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Syrah is most tolerant in vineyard. Carmenere/Malbec are trickier. The best dry farm effect is seen in CabSauv/Syrah. #SommChat
Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka #SommChat @MontesWines The Cab is rich, with deep fruit flavors. Tastes like it will get better for many years. @bottlereport
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines How would you characterize your 2012 (warm vintage) dry-farmed red wines? Thank you #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @myvinespot #sommchat Good volume, soft and aproachable tannins and deep fruit expression
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines 2012 Syrah Inky purple, deep and expansive character, dark berry fruit flavors and spice gain momentum on the finish. #SommChat
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork @MontesWines So interesting to read that Feng Shui used in winery design! @keepercoll #sommchat
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie Love reading about @MontesWines Feng-Shui winery #sommchat
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis .@keepercoll Always glad to be a part of #SommChat
Jordan Winery @jordanwinery Who is attending the first-annual Sonoma County Barrel Auction on May 1? #sommchat #sommlife #wine #winewednesday
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @MontesWines How old are your vineyards ? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @fabienlaine #sommchat 15 years old
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines Carmenere, that national grape of Chile, was first planted in Bordeaux, France. Is it dry farmed there? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Yes, but unlike Chile it rains a lot in summer in Bordeaux, so here we must occasionally supply H20 for vine survival. #SommChat
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy Cindy Rynning retweeted Montes Wines Is #Carmenere dry farmed in Bordeaux? #sommchat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted Montes Wines Interesting I didn't realize Carmenere was dry farmed in Bordeaux #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Syrah is most tolerant in vineyard. Carmenere/Malbec are trickier. The best dry farm effect is seen in CabSauv/Syrah. #SommChat
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason In dry farming, Syrah & Cab Sauv are the most tolerant. Carmenere/Malbec = trickier. via @MontesWines #sommchat #WineWednesday
Ormiga @ormiga interesting @TaylorEason @MontesWines thought #carmenere (my fav discovery) #malbec might handle dry #farming better #sommchat
Peter Bourget @pullthatcork @MontesWines What are the temperature differences night to day during the growing season #sommchat @keepercoll
Montes Wines @MontesWines @pullthatcork @keepercoll #sommchat is can be up to 25ºC, beind close to 7ºC in the morning until 32ºC in the afternoon
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy #Dryfarming and @MontesWines ~ #SommChat Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka #SommChat @MontesWines Are the vineyards for these wines mountain vineyards, or valley?@bottlereport
Montes Wines @MontesWines @DennisSodomka @bottlereport #sommchat Valley vineyards
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. Aurelio @MontesWines How is the 2015 harvest looking? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @SandyWasserman #sommchat it is looking good so far, it has been a little warmrn than usual, so we have hed to be very focused in the vines
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines Do you think more winemakers in Chile and other new world wine regions should start following suit with dry farming? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl You sacrifice a lot in terms of yields. It would be a good practice if more winemakers learned how to irrigate less. #SommChat
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason @MontesWines What is the yield on Carmenere per hectare/acre using dry farming in Colchagua? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @TaylorEason #sommchat it goes from 2 to 6 tons/Ha depending on the soil versus 10 to 12 than it use to be before using this practice
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason Dry farming Carmenere @MontesWines sacrifices 6-10 tons per hectare. Wow. #sommchat #sustainability #wine
Montes Wines @MontesWines @TaylorEason #sommchat it goes from 2 to 6 tons/Ha depending on the soil versus 10 to 12 than it use to be before using this practice
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red The call for more #wine makers to dry farm! #sommchat #sustainability #environmentalimpacts
ormiga @ormiga so @myvinespot @MontesWines dry #farming is #biodynamic or drip? #sommchat @keepercoll
Montes Wines @MontesWines @ormiga @myvinespot @keepercoll #sommchat drip
ormiga @ormiga nice @MontesWines @myvinespot @keepercoll get stronger/sweeter 1s? #sommchat
Mary Cressler @marycressler Agree! MT @myvinespot @MontesWines These dry-farmed reds are proof that Chilean vintners continue to provide good wines under $20. #SommChat
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel Q. @MontesWines What's your winemaking philosophy? #sommchat #WineWednesday @keepercoll #Chile #wine
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KatieEigel @keepercoll #sommchat Intervene as little as possible, sustainability, let the terroir express itself and of course QUALITY
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Montes #wine making #philosophy #SommChat
Katie Eigel @KatieEigel @MontesWines @keepercoll Beautifully said! Thank you for the response. I will be on the look out for your wines :)
Drew Gourdie @drewbie_g What exciting developments / innovations can we look forward to from @MontesWines in the future? @keepercoll #SommChat #WineWednesday
@MontesWines @drewbie_g @keepercoll @sommchat We are just releasing our Spring harvest Sauvignon blanc, will be in USA 60 days earlier than usual
Drew Gourdie @drewbie_g Thanks! Can a visit to the winery be done as a day trip out of Santiago? Looks very enticing! @MontesWines @keepercoll #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @drewbie_g @keepercoll #sommchat yes, it is a 3 hours drive to our cellar, we have a complete tour organized and a nice Bistró
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz @MontesWines @drewbie_g @keepercoll Food and wine. I'm so there! :) #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia Been on phone meet but lurking #sommchat Montes #wine is guardian angel of #Chile had this new yrs eve! Embedded image permalink
Montes Wines @MontesWines @vtwinemedia #sommchat Many thanks Tom. You made my day
Fabien Lainé @fabienlaine @Fiery01Red Irrigation in appellation wines in France is not allowed! #SommChat
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy Syrah, another beauty from @MontesWines. #dryfarming #sommchat
Nancy Brazil @MsPullThatCork Love the complexity of your Carmenère. It’s my fav of the group. @MontesWines @keepercoll #sommchat Embedded image permalink
Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka #SommChat @MontesWines Do any of the white wine grapes lend themselves to dry farming? @bottlereport
Montes Wines @MontesWines @DennisSodomka @bottlereport #sommchat There are some dry farmed whites , we will experiment with some varieties such as muscat
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason @MontesWines @DennisSodomka @bottlereport Dry Muscat or sweet? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @TaylorEason @DennisSodomka @bottlereport #sommchat dry mustac or lightly sweet
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz @vtwinemedia @MontesWines What does the angel symbolize? angelito lindo. #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @maggieunz @vtwinemedia symbolizes one of the founder`s guardian Angel, Douglas Murray but now symbolizes protection for us all
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz I love that! @MontesWines thanks for sharing. It reminds me of the Abba song, "I believe in angels..." #sommchat @vtwinemedia
Veronique N. Deblois @foodwinechickie Sampling the @MontesWines 2012 Alpha Carmenere: raspberry w/peppery nose, silky texture w/ ripe berry/chocolate notes #SommChat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @MontesWines These 2012 dry-farmed reds are tasting proof that Chilean vintners continue to provide many good wines for under $20. #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red So true! #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga yahh was in #france after exposed to the Great 1s @MsPullThatCork @MontesWines @keepercoll i discovered #carmenere &its #history #sommchat
ENO DC @Eno_DC @keepercoll Thanks! The #SommChat is great!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines What is the most challenging aspect of dry farming? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Viticulturally, not debilítating the vineyard & in winemaking, controlling tannin extraction & balance on palate. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll so glad you are enjoying - great to have you on Board! RT @Eno_DC: @keepercoll Thanks! The #SommChat is great!
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Delicious @MontesWines Syrah Balanced structure Concentrated berries w/vibrant spice & cedar tobacco box #sommchat Embedded image permalink
Irene L @i_on_food_drink #SommChat Q: @monteswines how much does reduction of water usage play a part in the Chilean wine sustainability protocol scoring?
Montes Wines @MontesWines @i_on_food_drink #sommchat i do not know the exact number, but for us it is for far the most
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Delicious @MontesWines Carmenere Rich black & red berries smoke espresso Good structure Lingering & lush #sommchat Embedded image permalink
Allison Wagner @savvylush @MontesWines I was pleasantly surprised how well ur Carmenere went w/ spaghetti aglio e olio & red pepper flakes. #perfectpairing #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia Also @MontesWines has great #wine design sense, has used @steadmanart for Folly labels #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll congrats to all #SommChat era today for top trending with @monteswines !!!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines Are certain grapes better suited to dry farming than others? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Yes, dry clime grapes (i.e. Syrah) are better suited than Bordeaux varieties like CabSauv, which suffer more. #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler @MontesWines what are your favorite food pairings for each of these three wines? #sommchat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @marycressler #sommchat for Cab a god piece of beef, for Syrah patagonian lamb and for carmenere mushroom risotto
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason @monteswines Yum. I may have to eat breakfast again. #SommChat
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_Cindy Sounds delicious!!! Allison Wagner @savvylush @MontesWines I was pleasantly surprised how well ur Carmenere went w/ spaghetti aglio e olio & red pepper flakes. #perfectpairing #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MontesWines What other environmental initiatives do Montes have in the pipeline? #SommChat
Montes Wines @MontesWines @KeeperColl Installing solar panels in 1 of our estates to be energy self-sufficient & even contribute to local energy production. #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Delicious @MontesWines Cabernet Sauvignon Dark fruit cassis toasted oak long dry finish Great w/ #food #sommchat Embedded image permalink
Ignacio Guerrero @lastchukka @Fiery01Red @MontesWines @keepercoll Is #DryFarming a feasible method in #California #Wine (and almond!) making? #SommChat #Sustainability
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Chief #Winemaker Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Very much! Where did the hour go?! #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @fabienlaine Thank you. #sommchat
Dezel Quillen @myvinespot @keepercoll @MontesWines Excellent lunch break; thanks for your time! Informative discussion and a very solid trio of wines. #SommChat
Mary Cressler @marycressler @keepercoll @MontesWines thank you for your time! #sommchat
Peter Bourget @pullthatcork @keepercoll @MontesWines Thanks for the great #sommchat today.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Great to have Chief #Winemaker Aurelio Montes from join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Maggie Unzueta @maggieunz Thanks for the chat! @keepercoll @MontesWines #SommChat Happy Wine Wednesday, everyone!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Please join us in thanking Aurelio Montes from @MontesWines for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Dennis Sodomka @DennisSodomka #SommChat @MontesWines Thank you for these wonderful wines and for sharing your time today. @bottlereport
Cindy Rynning @GrapeExp_ Thank you so much @keepercoll @MontesWines-Great info! What a terrific break in the day! #sommchat #wine
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @DennisSodomka great to have you on #SommChat today!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @GrapeExp_Cindy thank you Cindy - hope to see you often on #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @keepercoll @MontesWines Thanks for a great #SommChat!
Montes Wines @MontesWines @keepercoll #sommchat Thank you all for participating and look forward to seeing you in the winery!!
Taylor Eason @TaylorEason @keepercoll @MontesWines Appreciate the education on dry farming and the beautiful wines. #sommchat #WineWednesday
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Yes, thank you both for a very educational & delicious hour of #sommchat @keepercoll @MontesWines