So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

4/18 Master Sommelier Jason Smith
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @keepercoll I’m ready for #SommChat 11AM CST! @chAMpagnewhit @winetheory @VinoSociety @kelljokrause @winespymag @tonyv619 @atozinfandel
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn from Master #Sommelier Jason Smith!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to @BellagioWine #SommChat #Sommelier
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to Jason to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat #Sommelier
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @BellagioWine our Qs, you can ask Jason your Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @BellagioWine #WineWednesday #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @keepercoll Great to be here. Looking forward to chatting with Jason Smith @BellagioWine #WW #SommChat
@wineandsake (Rachel Macalisang): @keepercoll @BellagioWine good morning welcome to #SommChat !!!
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@keepercoll very excited to be here and looking forward to some great questions! #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – Is Latour’s move away from futures good or bad for the US buyer? Why? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Wow! Great question. I think it is very good for Latour as they will be able to increase revenue. #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll I think it remains to be seen what will happen for the US Buyer. Probably an increase in prices #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll The Bord prices have already decreased quite a large % from their peak. 82 Lafite has gone down 20-30% #SommChat
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): hi Jason! gr8 2 have U on #SommChat RT @BellagioWine: .@keepercoll very excited to be here and looking forward to some great questions!
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll What wines are people ordering in your restaurant now that they didn’t order 5 years ago? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll People are expanding there wine selections in Vegas: Spain, So. America, Austria, Germany. Very exciting! #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – As a sommelier, what kind of customer do you prefer working with? What traits make good customer? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll I like working with a guest that is there to have a great experience. If they are not, I make it my goal to #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll turn it into a special / memorable one. Great guests ask questions & listen. #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Enjoying #ww with @bellagiowines and @keepercoll! Thanks for the tip re: #SommChat @JamesCIV and @kyox12 #wine
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine When did you realize you had such as a passion for #wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl I noticed my passion while I was at the CIA in Hyde Park. I took the 6 wk wine class & was sold! #SommChat #WW #Sommelier
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): @BellagioWine What’s your recipe for managing such a large number of wine lists for radically different restaurants? #SommChat @keepercoll
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@CaravelleChamp @keepercoll Having an amazing wine team to work with – they make my job easy. We have 17 somms that are the best! #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – How do you put the pomp and circumstance into a twist-top when serving it? Where’s the romance? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Love the ques! Ppl have gotten used to twist tops being high quality. The romance extends beyond the btl #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Romance includes the restaurant, food etc. Things are always romantic @ #Picasso overlooking the fountains #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine How did attending the CIA affect your passion for #wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl CIA was the original spark for my interest in #wine. I started to work at a wine shop while I attended as well #SommChat #WW
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@bellagiowine Vegas has many international visitors. Do you see distinct preferences in wine from various nationalities? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Yes & no. Some are interested in their favorites & some want to have new world. #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Seems like British like sauv blanc, Asian Bordeaux though #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – Pairing Question – Spicy chicken wings and……? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Spicy chix wings & beer!! or if you need to have wine German Riesling Spatlese #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine As a select few of Master Somms in N. America, how impt do u think certification is in the #wine industry? #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl I look at certification as a goal to aim for. I know it made me vastly increase my knowledge because I wanted.. #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl to achieve the highest cert level that a #Somm could achieve. Shows diners their somm has a level of knowledge #SommChat #WW
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Killer #ww with @bellagiowine @keepercoll! If you love #wine, you should be here now! #SommChat
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): #SommChat Q: @BellagioWine @keepercoll How many bottles do you usually have in cellar inventory for your facilities?
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@vtwinemedia @keepercoll In @BellagioLV we have roughly 90k bottles and ~4K selections #SommChat
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @BellagioWine Over the life of your wine lists, do your prices fluctuate with the auction market or life span of a wine? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@drooln @keepercoll Yes they fluctuate. Some can be quite rapidly if wine prices are increasing quickly. #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@bellagiowine Do you have a prescribed style of service for the Somms on staff? Is it more about discovery or serving set needs #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Most important thing is taking care of our guests and providing them with a memorable experience. #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@MattMcGinnis @keepercoll Our somms need to be able to read the table to best “Guide” them thru the evening #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine What was the most challenging part of the rigorous #MasterSommelier exam for you? #WineWednesday #SommChat #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Blind tasting was toughest part of MS exam for me & most ppl. The extra work to pass made me a better taster #SommChat #WW
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Good morning all! Happy to see you at #SommChat !
@kathymorganMS (Kathy Morgan): Q @BellagioWine Hi and welcome to #SommChat! How many cases of Champagne does the hotel sell in an average week? Just curious…
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@kathymorganMS @keepercoll Don’t have it broken down by week. Per year we sell about 600 cases of Dom Perignon & 2000 cases of Veuve. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Just was invited to join tasting group, how can I get most out of it? – #SommChat, what kinds of wine should I bring 2 taste?
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@keepercoll @demilove Have fun is rule #1! Only bring classic wines that will help the group and not trick wines #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@demilove Focus on the archetypal styles of wine that are testable in somm exams. Leave the esoteric wines for pleasure drinking #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @MattMcGinnis @demilove Great advice! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @stephaniemiskew Thanks. That’s one of the most important things I’ve learned from my study group. #SommChat
@WineauxDLynnP (DLynn Proctor): “@demilove: @StephanieMiskew – Are you part of a tasting group?- #SommChat” tasting groups help theory knowledge. Stay in a group!!
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @WineauxDLynnP @demilove Couldn’t agree more! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @StephanieMiskew – Are you part of a tasting group? Everyone in mine is very nice, but I still feel a little intimidated! – #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @demilove Yes, I’m part of a tasting group – a wonderful way to hone your palate! Practice + practice = Confidence! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @demilove yes but how many of your wine tasting group follow and learn from #SommChat – you are a leader!!!
@BellagioLV (Bellagio Las Vegas): #WineWednesday follow @BellagioWine and be part of #SommChat today!
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – What % of wines do you have customers send back? What % is actually flawed? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Fortunately not that many bottles. But if someone is unhappy we absolutely accept anything even if we #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll don’t perceive a flaw. Nothing would be worse than sitting thru an evening with a wine you don’t like #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): .@bellagiowine @KeeperColl reading the guests and understanding their needs sounds like a winning approach. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @kathymorganMS – Good morning, Kathy! Happy #WW and #SommChat !
@scottota (Scott Ota): @BellagioWine Master Smith, with the array of talent in Las Vegas, how do you aim to set your program apart from the competition? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@scottota @keepercoll We just try to take care of our guests to the best of our ability. We always try to improve upon #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@scottota @keepercoll any past mistakes. We don’t do anything just to be “Different” #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @BellagioWine What aspect of your job is most rewarding? What’s most challenging? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@StephanieMiskew @keepercoll Most rewarding is working with the incredible staff at Bellagio. Cliche, I know, but true #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@StephanieMiskew @keepercoll Challenging: tough to say…I try not to look at things that way #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – Is there a most common food & wine pairing in your restaurants? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll oysters & champagne maybe…or champagne & caviar…or champagne and anything! #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – What’s the biggest THREAT to the wine industry right now? High prices? Overproduction? Other? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll For CA over the next couple vintages it is a lack of wine. Prices will adjust themselves by simple economics #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll I think the wine world is in a great place with a super strong future ahead #SommChat
@ccollinsms (Craig Collins, MS): @keepercoll great to follow along today on #SommChat. Off to sell some Italian juice. Thanks @bellagiowine
@WineauxDLynnP (DLynn Proctor): “@IvyWine: Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – The biggest issue right now is the rise in prices. I don’t think it will be letting off. #SommChat”
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – Advice to young 20s wanting to start a collection to age? Can it be done on $500/yr? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll buy things that you want to drink, not that you think are “collector items” Don’t buy just 1 style of wine #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – Thoughts on MW vs MS? How valuable is the DWS degree? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll All wine education is a good thing, no matter the program. Just know: MS’s have more fun!! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): More than half way into #SommChat with @BellagioWine, keep the questions coming! So much to learn from Jason #WW #SommChat
@bordeauxblend45 (Patrick Miner): @bellagiowine How often do you come across high end bottles that are fakes? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@bordeauxblend45 @keepercoll They certainly exist but we do everything in our power to catch them before they enter the building #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll Given Vegas atmosphere- have you seen a trend towards younger people moving out of entry level wines? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll As people earn more money, they tend to move out of the entry level. Also as palate improves #SommChat
@kloebatx (Karla Loeb): @keepercoll @BellagioWine this #SommChat is great! Interesting questions and information! Thanks a ton!
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @BellagioWine What has been your most recent “find” in terms of a value everyday drinking wine? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@drooln @keepercoll Nothing earth shattering, but I really like the wines of Spain & WA state for value #SommChat
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @BellagioWine How often do you buy wine via auction for your resort? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@drooln @keepercoll Almost never purchase from auction because there is no one we can return wine to #SommChat
@ecovinowines (ecoVINO Wines): @keepercoll @BellagioWine #SommChat Q With more hotels becoming eco-friendly, how has this affected your choices for wine?
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@ecovinowines @keepercoll Bellagio is very commited to being green but for wine taste is #1 #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (ENO): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll Thoughts on wine in kegs? Thought it may be appropriate given the size of the hotel. #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@ENOontheMagMile @keepercoll I do like wine in kegs but they are currently not feasible with the amount of wine we use #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine How do you/your #wine team determine which wines to add to Bellagio’s list? What’re the most imp factors? #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Our wine buying decisions are diff at every rest in @BellagioLV. Many are based on cuisine some are #SommChat #WW #Sommelier
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Q @bellagiowine @keepercoll – How is climate change impacting wine production? New regions blossoming? Old ones having to adapt? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll Climate change is effecting everything and wine is no different. New regions are still being discovered #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@IvyWine @keepercoll more so than adapting to climate change #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): 10 more minutes with Master #Sommelier @BellagioWine–Great hour, Great questions! Still time to ask! #WW #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @BellagioWine @keepercoll Thanks for your reply, Master Smith. Loving #SommChat this fabulous #WineWednesday!
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @BellagioWine When it comes to sourcing items like back vintage Bordeaux or Burgundy do you deal directly with the source? #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@drooln @keepercoll we deal with brokers that we have had a relationship with for a long time. If we’re not happy I know that we #SommChat
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@drooln @keepercoll can always return bottles to them. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @BellagioWine U hosted the Epicurean Epicenter Series at Bellagio this yr- can u give background info on that? #SommChat #Sommelier #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl The Epicurean Epicenter is entering its 5th year. We pair amazing #winemakers with our #culinary to showcase #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl all of the talent @BellagioLV. I act as the MC & even better, get to do all of the tasting. The success of #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl the program is one of my proudest achievements at Bellagio. Past wineries are Lewis Cellars, Hundred Acre, Bond #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Next event is @VegasUncorked w @BonApp magazine-we’re doing a Food Truck event w 15 trucks, band, DJ #SommChat #Sommelier #WW
@bordeauxblend45 (Patrick Miner): @keepercoll @bellagiowine Q What was the most productive study habit for you while studying for the MS exam? #SommChat #WW
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@bordeauxblend45 @keepercoll Theory is most important. Note cards worked for me. Don’t overdo it, make time to enjoy wine too #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine #SommChat classic question: fav white, red, and sparkling under $50 retail? #Sommelier #WineWednesday
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Sparkling: Larmandier Bernier Blanc de Blancs Champagne #SommChat #WineWednesday #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Difficult to choose 1 of each. Wht Domaine Roulot Bourgogne Blanc, Red Rivers Marie Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast #SommChat #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @BellagioWine Most memorable #food and #wine pairing of 2012 so far? #WineWednesday #SommChat #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Most memorable pairing is homemade turkey tacos w an ice cold Corona. It doesn’t all need to be highfalutin! #SommChat #WW
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine chat with Jason Smith MS @BellagioWine #WineWednesday #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @BellagioWine: Q. Do you have much Asian cuisine on your menu? If so what are fav wines to go with? @KeeperColl #SommChat #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@enjoielife @KeeperColl Yes. Jasmine restaurant is fantastic @Bellagiolv Lots of Riesling and Pinot noir #SommChat
@ecgladstone (Eric Gladstone): @BellagioWine Just tasted a bunch up in WA State, a few very impressive small winemakers there, and more varieties than expected #SommChat
@IvyWine (IvyWine): Thanks to @bellagiowine and @keepercoll for a GREAT #SommChat! Wish we had more time!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Jason @BellagioWine for his time #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Mark ur calendar! #SommChat Wed 4/25- 11 AM CST @RN74, Rajat Parr ,will be our featured guest 2 answer your questions! #CantMiss #Sommelier
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): A. @KeeperColl Kings of Cabernet event w Andy Erickson, Randy Lewis & Denis Malbec, & blind tasting w @RN74 & David Lynch #SommChat #WW
@bordeauxblend45 (Patrick Miner): Thanks @bellagiowine. I got here late but it was great info. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q for @RN74 gets answered, post it to FB! Happy #WW! #Sommelier
@drooln (Nathan Yap): @BellagioWine Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions today in #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Keep in the loop for upcoming guests & archives & sign up for our email list at #SommChat
@wineandsake (Rachel Macalisang): @keepercoll @bellagiowine Thank you so much for your time today an for a very insightful #SommChat #WW
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): Big thanks to Jason @BellagioWine & @keepercoll for a fabulous #SommChat today – Cheers!
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @keepercoll Thank YOU – always learn so much! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): Thank you Master Smith @BellagioWine and @keepercoll for an excellent #SommChat. Tons of great info
@BellagioWine (Jason Smith): .@keepercoll Thank you all for the great questions! I look forward to asking some next week! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): Thank you Jason @BellagioWine and @keepercoll for #SommChat today! #WW
@ecovinowines (ecoVINO Wines): @BellagioWine @keepercoll Agreed! Thanks for answering and thanks for a great #SommChat!
@vtwinemedia (Todd Trzaskos): @BellagioWine @keepercoll a late #SommChat TX to both!