So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

4/27 Jasmine Hirsch of Hirsch Vineyards
June Rodil @JuneRodil RT @KeeperColl: .@Johnszabo @jsalcito @junerodil Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California
Warren Bobrow @WarrenBobrow1 RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards #Sonoma #wine #California 12N ET @jodilynniacino @WarrenBobrow
Steve Roebuck @RoebuckSteve1 #wine #winelover #winemakers #Wine #vines #vineyards #WineWednesday #SommChat #winechat #DoNapa #winebusiness #wineo
Jenna North @jennanorth FOLLOWING: RT @KeeperColl #SommChat @jasminehirsch @HirschVineyards #Sonoma #wine 12ET @p_staatz @WolfesWines @kgreenpr @KBVino @kcwineguy
Craig Collins, MS @ccollinsms RT @KeeperColl: .@brzimmerman @c_mcfall @ccollinsms Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California
Blinded By The Bite! @BlindedBite RT @KeeperColl: Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California 12N ET @harleywine1 @SommCat
Carl Corsi @knowvino RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @bscricket @ngerke @winemolly @knowvino
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm RT @KeeperColl: Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California 12N ET @scottota @travelwinechic
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen RT @KeeperColl: #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @evandawson @chelseawine @winegallynne @butleriv
WineCompass @winecompass RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @CHARLIEWINES @MattMcGinnis @mcmwine
Lisa Wilk @winechix RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @talesofthecork @winechix @janehb
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 RT @KeeperColl: Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California 12N ET @harleywine1 @SommCat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @andyonfarmwine @sahmmelier @garretwnagle
jaime smith @ridesmith RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @StephanieMiskew @ridesmith @megmaker @ormiga
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis RT @KeeperColl: 2day’s #SommChat @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine 12N ET @CHARLIEWINES @MattMcGinnis @mcmwine
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #Sonoma #wine w/ Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards #Sonoma
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like 2 introduce you to Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards of #Sonoma #California #SommChat #WW
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Great to be here! Looking forward to #SommChat today.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch #Sonoma #California 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @jasminehirsch 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking with Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards #Sonoma #California about #Wine with #SommChat
Bernie Sun @BSVINO RT @KeeperColl: .@BellagioWine @andreawine @bsvino Today’s #SommChat features @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards on #Sonoma #wine #California
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen RT @KeeperColl: Let's start talking with Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards #Sonoma #California about #Wine with #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@jasminehirsch What is it like working with a family winery @HirschVineyards ? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Incredibly rewarding; uniquely challenging. Thru work w/ my Dad I have come 2 love him more than I thought possible #SommChat
Christy CanterburyMW @canterburywine Have a fab #SommChat!
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch Thank you @canterburywine! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm can you describe some taste profiles of your @hisrchvineyards #chardonnay and is diff. fr vineyards? @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl have the opportunity to taste them separately. I hope to change that one day! #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl As for taste profile: wet stones, honeysuckle, orange oil, white peach. Lots of energy! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: @jasminehirsch how large is @HirschVineyards production & what are your major US markets? is it more retail or resto?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl 5-6000cs per year. Half to private collectors, half to distirbutors. Of that most goes to restos altho retail is imp 2 #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Our top US markets are NorCal, SoCal, NY/NJ/CT, IL, FL, GA, Vegas, MA. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch Did you always know you wanted to follow your family’s footsteps in the #wine industry? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Growing up we were grape growers only. We started making wine in 2002, when I was already out of college. #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl So I did not really grow up n the wine business, but rather in the farming business. #SommChat
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis Q. @jasminehirsch It seems like you are on the road all the time. Is there a particularly good market for your wine #SommChat @KeeperColl
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @MattMcGinnis Our biggest markets are orCal, SoCal, NY/NJ/CT, IL, FL, GA, Vegas, MA. Also Texas. @KeeperColl #SommChat
Matt McGinnis @MattMcGinnis Let's grow that Texas market! Come see us anytime @jasminehirsch. Do we have to wait for #TexSom? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @MattMcGinnis I’ll be in Austin for a wine dinner with @JuneRodil on May 11 and in Dallas for @TEXSOM! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @mattmcginnis Jasmine will BN #Austin on 5/11 for @HirschVineyards dinner with @JuneRodil at Jeffreys - #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen RT @jasminehirsch: @MattMcGinnis Our biggest markets are orCal, SoCal, NY/NJ/CT, IL, FL, GA, Vegas, MA. Also Texas. @KeeperColl #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @MattMcGinnis IRT being on the road a lot, I think social media amplifies the appearance of that! I’m traveling 4-5 mos this year #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Lucky #Austin peeps: May 11th @HirschVineyards #wine dinner at Jeffrey's with @jasminehirsch and @JuneRodil #Cantwait #SommChat
June Rodil @JuneRodil Super stoked to have you at Jeffrey's on May 11th! Tickets available at #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch RT @JuneRodil: Super stoked to have you at Jeffrey's on May 11th! Tickets available at #SommChat
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine RT @JuneRodil: Super stoked to have you at Jeffrey's on May 11th! Tickets available at #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani @PrimlaniKitchen RT @KeeperColl: Lucky #Austin peeps: May 11th @HirschVineyards #wine dinner at Jeffrey's with @jasminehirsch and @JuneRodil #Cantwait #SommChat
Hirsch Vineyards @HirschVineyards RT @KeeperColl: Lucky #Austin peeps: May 11th @HirschVineyards #wine dinner at Jeffrey's with @jasminehirsch and @JuneRodil #Cantwait #SommChat
June Rodil @JuneRodil RT @KeeperColl: Lucky #Austin peeps: May 11th @HirschVineyards #wine dinner at Jeffrey's with @jasminehirsch and @JuneRodil #Cantwait #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm - which markets are you trying to expand into in the #US & what mkts outside the US @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl we’re not looking to add new markets as we don’t have enough wine for existing. Got to take care of old customers 1st! #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga #sonoma #wine was different from napa ~2004 when i left usa @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl is still so? How #climatechange effects #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @ormiga Climate change is huge unknown. W/ drought/El Nino/warm weather of last yrs, seems we’re getting warmer; hard to be sure #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga do @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl keep the 94, 02 for comparison in 16? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @ormiga do you mean keep the 1994 wine and the 2002 Hirsch wines to drink and compare in 2016? #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga @jasminehirsch sure &the wine reflects that.. sweeter? #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl ah learned something hadnt looked sonoma geology #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga @KeeperColl yaya @jasminehirsch #SommChat
Ormiga @ormiga @jasminehirsch and also compare with the mixed? #SommChat soon trend akin to single malt?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @ormiga Yes, we have every vintage we ever made in our cellar. We open them occasionally for comparison. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @jasminehirsch - Will you be visiting here in Chicago sometime in '16? - #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @demilove I’m coming next week! Can’t wait to be back in Chicago. Coming for a sales trip and @beardfoundation awards. #SommChat
Sassodoro @Sassodoro RT @jasminehirsch: @demilove I’m coming next week! Can’t wait to be back in Chicago. Coming for a sales trip and @beardfoundation awards. #SommChat
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine Q. @jasminehirsch it seems the philosophy of IPOB is shared by many wineries in the US. Do you see expanding your reach beyond CA? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @WeddingOakWine No, we want to stay focused on CA altho we believe #IPOB convo is relevant to many regions/varieties beyond CA PN #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl great to see @MattMcGinnis @demilove @ormiga @WeddingOakWine @wolfeswines chiming in on #SommChat with @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch good morning from #vegas! How are you? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @harleywine1 great and you ? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch Yo @harleywine1! How’s life in Vegas?! @KeeperColl #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch great!! Beautiful day here and a fun weekend ahead! #SommChat
Harley Carbery @harleywine1 @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl usual shenanigans....come back soon! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @jasminehirsch How are the '15s coming along in barrell? Thanks #wine #sonoma #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman Super tiny yields so wines are dark, concentrated. Epic vintage but we have about 1/5 of normal production. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman @jasminehirsch WoW, what do you attribute to low yields? Just @HirschVineyards or all of #sonoma #SommChat #wine
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman We had terrible shatter (lack of fruit set). So very few berries. Then almost no sizing, prod due to drought. #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman Yields sound like they’re low (~20% off normal) around CA, but shatter was mostly in extreme coastal regions. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @jasminehirsch How is bud break going & are you optimistic about '16? #wine #sonoma #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman The vines look healthy & happy so far in 2016. Very even push (shoot growth) & balanced vigor. @KeeperColl #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman As for my level of optimism about 2016, I just hope yields are better than 2015! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @jasminehirsch Anything new & exciting we can expect from @HirschVineyards in future? #SommChat #wine #sonoma
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @SandyWasserman My father says our job is to get up, go to work every day, and pay attention. So we stay pretty focused. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - I know it's a long time before '16 harvest, but how are your vines looking so far? - #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @demilove The vines look very healthy and happy so far this year. Very even push (shoot growth) and balanced vigor. @KeeperColl #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @jasminehirsch Do you have plans to come to FL anytime soon? @KeeperColl #SommChat #WW #WineWednesday
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @StephanieMiskew Nothing on the books at the moment, but I hope to come to FL in the winter! #SommChat @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch Explain how #Sonoma ‘s terroir is unique from other regions. #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Sonoma County has more soil types than all of France, so it's a diverse place. It’s hard to classify Sonoma! #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch I’ll be back in NY in June! @KeeperColl @BSVINO @harleywine1 #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm : Can you share your thoughts on aging your whites and reds @HIRSCHVINEYARDS @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Aging is super vintage specific. 2012s will go long (5-15 yrs dependent on wine). 11&13 are earlier drinking vintages. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@jasminehirsch Does @HirschVineyards have any new #wines in the works? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl We are indeed making a new @HirschVineyards pinot in 2014! Super top secret still but will be released next year! #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch @HirschVineyards Hi. Just popping into #SommChat for a few minutes to say hello.
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @enjoielife great to see you pop in on #SommChat !
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch Thanks for joining us on #SommChat @enjoielife! @KeeperColl @HirschVineyards
Judia Black @enjoielife @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl @HirschVineyards What's the trending topic of today? Spring wine picks? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: what are the biggest changes in #Wine marketing that you have seen lately @jasminehirsch ? good and bad?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Rise of social media & rise of niche wine press. Also, increased self-confidence in wine consumers. All are good IMHO! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q for @jasminehirsch fr #Somm - does @HirschVineyards cellar wines for later sales and if so how would one get those #Wines ? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch Where do you see yourself in the #wine industry in the next 3-5 years? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl We started a library program in 2012. We’ll start re-releasing in a few yrs. Prior vntgs we only have tiny quantities #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Hopefully doing exactly what I’m doing now, only better. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@jasminehirsch What are some of your favorite #winefoodpairings you have tried recently with @HirschVineyards #wines? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @enjoielife Sparkling wine from CA is super exciting right now. Great examples from @crusewine @rajatparr @underTwire @BellusWines #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife RT @jasminehirsch: @enjoielife Sparkling wine from CA is super exciting right now. Great examples from @crusewine @rajatparr @underTwire #SommChat
Bellus Wines @BellusWines RT @jasminehirsch: @enjoielife Sparkling wine from CA is super exciting right now. Great examples from @crusewine @rajatparr @underTwire #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl We did an epic @HirschVineyards wine dinner with @Geranium_CPH recently. Every pairing was so on point. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: do you ever work in the #vineyards and if so what role do you play? have U ever studied oenology @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl I never studied enology. I work in the vineyards during harvest managing the picks. #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife @rajatparr @ArvidRosengren Congrats to Arvid on being named Best Sommelier of the World 2016! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch Do U have fav #wine regions u often visit & any you dream about visiting in the future? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl I’d love to spend more time in Italy. Most of the wine travel I’ve done so far has been in France. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch What is your favorite thing to drink on a night off? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl A fresh, high acid white. Or nothing! We drink so much in our biz, sometimes the ultimate night off is alc-free. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how hard is it 4 a #Somm in training 2 get job working at a #winery and what is best approach to do so @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Wineries are always looking for hardworking, positive interns. Bigger wineries tend 2 have more intern opps. If you’re #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl willing to work hard, you can find a harvest job. Reach out to your fave wineries 3-4 months before harvest. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #Somm how much do you rely on your distributors to market @HirschVineyards wines vs YOU @jasminehirsch #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Some of our distributors are incredible marketers who help us build our brand. Some markets we need 2 do more work #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: how much do you have to work with numbers & office work vs face-face mkt @jasminehirsch ?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl I spend prob 50% of my time at a computer (sales/finance/operations). 25% in winery/vyds. 25% face 2 face w/ customers #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@jasminehirsch Explain to us a little bit about your brainchild @balancedpinot with @rajatparr ? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Founded 2011. Non profit. 36 amazing member wineries. Events this year in London, LA, Dusseldorf, Dallas (for @texsom) #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Long timescale for wine growing/making is intimidating. Only way 2 overcome is by becoming comfortable with the unknwn #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat #Somm : what part of your job do you like the most and which part challenges you most & how do you overcome that?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Favorite part of my job is probably the connection it allows me with my family and the land. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch How do you balance travel for your work with a personal life? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl I don’t, really. They meld. I try to make work travel as personally meaningful as possible by working with friends. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: how many ppl work FT @HirschVineyards & do U get seasonal peeps 4 #harvest R same every yr @jasminehirsch ?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl We have ~15 FT employees. Goes up to ~35 during the growing season. A lot of our seasonal workers return every year. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm : where are the hardest markets to get into b/c of regulatory issues in #US @jasminehirsch ?
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Most US states are much easier to operate in these days because of wine law reform. There are holdouts like UT & PA #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch ok the $1MM #SommChat q of the day: what is the color of your nail polish, what brand, and will you ever change the color????
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Ha! I do change it, but (obviously) within a pretty narrow range. Vermillion is my all time fave color (for anything!) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm - do you have an opinion about the suggestion to put calories, etc on #wine Bottling @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl I think the more compelling question is whether we will one day put ingredients on wine labels. I’m all for it. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch What do you like to do in your personal time? #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Spend time with family and friends. Hiking, yoga, reading, eating, drinking wine, cooking. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm - how were @HirschVineyards accepted in #UK & any other new markets in the works @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl UK has become a fantastic market for @HirschVineyards. New potential export markets are Switzerland and Czech Repub. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: does @HirschVineyards accept visitors and if so what is the process @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl We are closed to the public but always feel free to email me! If I’m home, I’d be happy to show you the vineyards. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm - may sound dumb, but with ltd production, why continue to expand mkts @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl B/c markets go up & down, and I want to hedge against that. Plus it’s important to have a presence in certain markets. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr @jasminehirsch fr #SommChat #Somm - what % of time is spent on @HirschVineyards vs. @balancedpinot
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl About 80% vs. 20%. We have an amazing person helping us with @balancedpinot and she does most of the work! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat peep: U ever taste with other #wineries / #winemakers in #California and if so how often and where do U focus @jasminehirsch
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch @KeeperColl Yes, whenever I can. I wish I had more time to visit CA wineries. Focus on PN for education but interested in all. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards #Sonoma #California on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have @jasminehirsch join us today for @HirschVineyards #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW #Sonoma
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch of @HirschVineyards for her time on #SommChat
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch Thanks for having me on #SommChat! I appreciate all the questions!
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @jasminehirsch Thanks for a fabulous #SommChat this #WineWednesday! #WW @KeeperColl #wine
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @StephanieMiskew thanks for your continued #SommChat support :)
Jasmine Hirsch @jasminehirsch Thanks for joining us @StephanieMiskew! @KeeperColl #SommChat
Elizabeth Smith @travelwinechick #WineWednesday #SommChat cheers! 🍷❤️ @KeeperColl @jasminehirsch @HirschVineyards @scottota @CharlesComm