So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

4/29 Greek Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g Happy #WineWednesday to all those who adore the nectar of the Gods... AKA wine! Glorious day ahead! #SommChat
Online Shopping _@tsushopperblog .planetgrape #SommChat features #Greek #Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, voyatzis talking abt #Xinomavro Hope to see U …
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@sommambulism #SommChat features #Greek #Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis talking abt #Xinomavro Hope to see you there! 12N-1PM ET
TCGCard News _@tcgcardnews .planetgrape #SommChat features #Greek #Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, voyatzis talking abt #…
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Can't wait to see you @ #SommChat 11AM CST! @lisaadamswalter @margauxcoimport @markokovac @winecompass @ottvinebar #WW
WineCompass @winecompass @KeeperColl @LisaAdamsWalter @MarkoKovac @OttVinebar Who are you featuring today on #sommchat?
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl .@winecompass #Greek #Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis abt #Xinomavro on #SommChat today
Whitney Woodham @Champagnewhit @KeeperColl hanging at the dmv Bama style I will be all over this #finallywifi
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Champagnewhit yeahhh - should be able to learn a lot about #Xinomavro today on #SommChat #goodnews
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Can't wait to see you @ #SommChat 11AM CST! @ElderReyes @Eno_DC @esmergonzalez @DanielSouder @Jontabak @CharlesComm @SommCat
ENO DC _@Eno_DC @KeeperColl It's always a pleasure! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis on #Xinomavro
Sofia Perpera _@sperpera #SOMMCHAT Very excited to have Yannis with us! @KeeperColl @voyatzis
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd like to introduce you to #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis to learn about #Xinomavro #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 2 say hello to Yannis Voyatzis & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin @KeeperColl @kerrynewberry @RachelVoorhees @mcontrol @HipTastesMaven @roydot @enobytes Mississippi greetings, #SommChat 'ers!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking with #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis #WW #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @voyatis 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @AdamPlotkin can't wait to see your questions on this greek grape varietal #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @voyatzis Hello Yannis. Looking 4ward to learning about #Greek #wine from you! #sommchat
@KeeperColl #happy to be with you feel very excited and ready to start
Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis
#SommChat KeeperCollection added,
KeeperCollection retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl
jen o'flanagan _@jenoflanagan RT @voyatzis: @KeeperColl #happy to be with you feel very excited and ready to start #sommchat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - so weird to start #sommchat so early (I'm headed home after a week in Napa Valley #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis What is the etymology & parentage of the grape “Xinomavro?” #SommChat
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @voyatzis Ready for #SommChat!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Fiery01Red hello Michelle - great to see you back on #SommChat look forward to your questions
Beby Chaesara _@J_BebyJKT48 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID jenoflanagan: RT voyatzis: KeeperColl #happy to be with you feel very excited and ready to start #sommchat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - We tasted some delicious, food-friendly Greek wines at one of our @CIAGreystone lunches! - #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Xino means acid and mavro means black, these characters refer to berry tasting
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr shy #SommChat peep: @voyatzis how did you interested in #wine?
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat No parentage information except it is a native to northern Greece grape variety
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl TY Great to be here Know little about #Greek wine Ready to learn from @voyatzis #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis What are some of the tasting profile characteristics of Xinomavro? #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin My advice: refer 2 #Xinomavro as X-Grape. Sounds cool & capitalizes on popularity of X-Men series. Sales thru roof! U are welcome! #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat i grew up in a family producing and selling wine in Velvento Greece
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @AdamPlotkin Oh brother! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr shy #SommChat peep: what is your production level annually and do you market it throughout US? what is your biggest market in US?
Katie Eigel _@KatieEigel Hi, @voyatzis! What growing conditions are best for #Xinomavro? #Greek #wine @KeeperColl #SommChat #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @AdamPlotkin have you tasted the X-grape? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Deep red color, fruits like red berries and plump on the nose, well structured tannins showing their presence in mou
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis You've been described as a #flyingwinemaker. In your work travels, where have you found #Xinomavro grows best? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Xinomavro Voyatzis from Velvento 6-8000 btls selling NY and Illinois
WineCompass _@winecompass @voyatzis @KeeperColl And acids? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KatieEigel @KeeperColl #SommChat Deep clay soil with limestone or not and lighter sandy avoid water deficit control yield
@KeeperColl #SommChat Deep red color, fruits like red berries and plump on the nose, well structured tannins showing their presence in mou
Michelle Williams added, Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis
Sounds delicious! #Xinomavro #SommChat #Greekwine #wine
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin .@KeeperColl I have! The X-Grape can be quite tasty! Pairs nicely with meat! #SommChat #GreekWine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr shy #SommChat peep: U have plans to grow UR production and what parts of US would you like 2 see an Increase in marketing? @voyatzis
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Finally here!!! #SommChat @KeeperColl
WineCompass _@winecompass Found this @wineenthusiast article on the Flying Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis #sommchat …
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @winecompass @KeeperColl #SommChat yes acid offers balance but is controlled by good ripening level of grape
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy I'm in the Chicago area so can't wait to try the Xinomavro Voyatzis #SommChat @voyatzis @KeeperColl
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin .@KeperColl The X-Grape is X-cellent! X-tremely flavorful! A very X-citing varietal! #SommChat #Xinomavro
KeeperCollection _@KeepeCcoll Q. @voyatzis What are the various different styles of Xinomavro? #SommChat
Found this @wineenthusiast article on the Flying Winemaker Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis #sommchat …
Williams added, WineCompass @winecompass
How fun! #flyingwinemaker @voyatzis #SommChat #GreekWine #wine Michelle
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted WineCompass
#XGrape (This hashtag was inspired by @AdamPlotkin.)
Adam Plotkin added, Katie Eigel @KatieEigel @voyatzis @KeeperColl Thank you, Yannis! I will have to look for this X-Grape near me!
What do you think #SommChat 'ers? Can we make #XGrape trend? WE CAN DO IT!
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin Adam Plotkin retweeted Katie Eigel
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat yes we have new plantings with our clone from Velvento and we really would like our wine to in more restaurants
Sofia Perpera _@sperpera @AdamPlotkin @KeeperColl Very cool Adam! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr Shy #SommChat peep: are other #winemakers in #greece starting to produce #Xinomavro and if not why not? @voyatzis
WineCompass _@winecompass Q. @voyatzis How age-able are Xinomavro #wine and are they usually aged in bottle before release? #SommChat
Katie Eigel _@KatieEigel @AdamPlotkin Yes, Adam! I haven't tried this wine, so it'd be great to use #XGrape to keep up w/ #SommChat'ers tasting notes & experiences.
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @GrapeExp_Cindy great to see you here on #SommChat Cindy!
jen o'flanagan _@jenoflanagan Just remember X stands for XINOMAVRO RT @AdamPlotkin: What do you think #SommChat 'ers? Can we make #XGrape trend? WE CAN DO IT!
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @AdamPlotkin @KatieEigel @voyatzis @KeeperColl Of course #XGrape #Sommchat
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Thanks!! Glad I finally made it! #SommChat @KeeperColl
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat lighter styles come from generic appelatiosn but single vineyard like ours have more substance and aging potential
WineCompass _@winecompass @AdamPlotkin Don't know. "Fiji Water In My Iron" looks tough to beat. #xgrape #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis Is Xinomavro a difficult grape to cultivate? What are the challenges and benefits of growing Xinomavro? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat not so many because they know it is no so easy, we hope great enologists will come to our terroirs as it is challengi
Q fr shy #SommChat peep: What are some of your fav foods to pair with #Xinomavro ? @voyatzis
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro #SommChat Via @DoBianchi, video of Constantine Boutari pronouncing "Xinomavro." …
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @winecompass #SommChat have great aging potential for more than 20 years average, seems bottle aging be most important
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat very challenging grape the site and the grower the most important assets
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @voyatzis Sounds like a wine that pairs well with red meat & hearty pasta dishes #SommChat
Adam Plotkin added, Sassodoro @Sassodoro #SommChat Via @DoBianchi, video of Constantine Boutari pronouncing "Xinomavro." …
Awesome video re #XGrape! #Xinomavro #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin Adam Plotkin retweeted Sassodoro
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis In what soils do Xinomavro grapes thrive? #SommChat
@KeeperColl #SommChat #Greek #wine #WineWednesday
Am I pronouncing it correctly, @voyatzis?
Katie Eigel _@KatieEigel Xinomavro="kshee-NOH-mah-vroh"
Adam Plotkin added, Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat very challenging grape the site and the grower the most important assets
Per @voyatzis, #XGrape is X-tremely challenging varietal. #SommChat @KeeperColl
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin Adam Plotkin retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp And rich stews...lamb, spices! #SommChat #Xgrape @Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @voyatzis
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat roasted lamb, a salty yellow cheese called batsos fried, and some pies like cheese pie
#SommChat Via @DoBianchi, video of Constantine Boutari pronouncing "Xinomavro." …
Cindy Rynning added, Sassodoro @Sassodoro
Who knows how to pronouce Xinomavro? #Xgrape #SommChat
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Cindy Rynning retweeted Sassodoro
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis N WineGrapes @JancisRobinson @JoseGrapes @Lazarakis list differences of Velventós & Yiannakochori clones. UR insight? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Deep clay soils with limestone or not for better structure and lighter sandy soils for better aromas
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KatieEigel @KeeperColl #SommChat without the h in the beggining "ksee..."
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Xinomavro Robust Full body #GreekWine w/great aging potential Notes of dried fruit olives & wood Sounds Great! #SommChat #Xinomavro #wine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat: how many yrs have U been producing Xinomavro & what changes have U made over the years? do U produce other varietals?
@KeeperColl #SommChat Deep clay soils with limestone or not for better structure and lighter sandy soils for better aromas
Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis
In what soils does #Xinomavro thrive? #Xgrape #SommChat Cindy Rynning added,
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Cindy Rynning retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl @JancisRobinson @JoseGrapes @Lazarakis #SommChat velventos clone fruity and better colored, Naoussa has interesting structure
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis What gives #Xinomavro ageability? #SommChat
Sofia Perpera _@sperpera @voyatzis @KeeperColl Is the dried tomato aroma of xinomavro linked to the soil or the aging of the wine? Or both? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat 15 years changes came since we discovered and developped the Velventos clone we do Tsapournakos and assyrtiko
Courtney Cochran _@HipTastesMaven Holler! <3 RT @KeeperColl: @ #SommChat 11AM CST! @kerrynewberry @RachelVoorhees @mcontrol @Hiptastesmaven @adamplotkin @roydot @enobytes
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat its great phenolic structure and aromatic potential, "bouquet in aged xinomavros are exceptional
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @HipTastesMaven been so long since we have seen you on #SommChat !
WineCompass _@winecompass Q. @voyatzis Do you see #Xinomavro being replaced with international varieties? #xgrape #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr shy #Somm candidate: what aromas should I look for to identify #Xinomavro when blind tasting? @voyatzis #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis What are the differences between Xinomavro grown in Naoussa vs Amyndeo? #SommChat
Tara Q. Thomas _@TQThomas @voyatzis #SommChat Hi Yannis! Do you think there is room for more vnyds to be planted in Naoussa?
Michelle Williams added, Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat its great phenolic structure and aromatic potential, "bouquet in aged xinomavros are exceptional
Would love to taste a 20 yr old #xinomavro #SommChat #wine
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @sperpera @KeeperColl #SommChat it is linked to the site and the level of maturity, these aromas are less important in high quality grapes
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr #Somm candidate: does #Xinomavro have a "closed down" period while it is aging? #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @winecompass #SommChat no way it is replacing intenational varieties and we consider plantings to grow workdwide
Tara Q. Thomas _@TQThomas @voyatzis #SommChat What have been some of the most outstanding vintages for Naoussa over that last 20 years?
Michelle Williams added, Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis @winecompass #SommChat no way it is replacing intenational varieties and we consider plantings to grow workdwide
Outstanding! #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat fruits like red berries and plump, tomato and olives, earthy caracters and more floral in Amyndeon
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @TQThomas #SommChat Yes definetly, we are making more interesting wines now and interest from the markets is growing
Fabien Lainé _@fabienlaine @KeeperColl Sorry can't make it at #SommChat today busy at work and packing suitcase to head to @concoursmondial #winelover
KeeperCollection _@KeepeColl @fabienlaine miss you on #SommChat but understand!
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat some times it happens the first 2-3 years
Michelle Williams added, Yannis Voyatzis @voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat fruits like red berries and plump, tomato and olives, earthy caracters and more floral in Amyndeon
How to identify #Xinomavro in blind tasting #SommChat #GreekWine
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red Michelle Williams retweeted Yannis Voyatzis
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @TQThomas #SommChat 1990, 1994, 1997, 2000,2001, 2004 2010, 2011and 2013
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis Is Xinomavro best used in single variety wine production or as a blending grape? What factors influence your opinion? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @voyatzis What international varieties can be compared to Xinomavro? #SommChat
Tara Q. Thomas _@TQThomas @voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Naoussa & Amyndeon get the most press for Xinomavro, but are there lesser-known areas where it also excels?
Cindy Rynning added,Tara Q. Thomas @TQThomas @voyatzis #SommChat What have been some of the most outstanding vintages for Naoussa over that last 20 years?
Outstanding vintages at Naoussa over the last 20 years... #SommChat
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Cindy Rynning retweeted Tara Q. Thomas
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat it can do both, single Xinomavros are the most interesting, blends are better with a dominant percentage
Tara Q. Thomas _@TQThomas @voyatzis @KeeperColl What varieties blend well with xinomavro? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @TQThomas thanks for all of your great questions on #SommChat - great to have you here
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @TQThomas @KeeperColl #SommChat yes Velvento, Siatista, recently central greece near Meteora
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
jen o'flanagan _@jenoflanagan RT @voyatzis: @TQThomas @KeeperColl Agiorgitiko at the beggining and Negoska, Merlot, Syrah and Cabernets #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat Nebiolo and Pinot noir
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @voyatzis Thanks for a great #SommChat!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Mark UR calendar for #SommChat w/ #Italian #Winemaker Virginie Saverys of @avignonesi Wed 05/6/15 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy Thanks @voyatzis @KeeperColl @AdamPlotkin @TQThomas and more for a terrific, educational way to break up my day!! #Sommchat #wine #Xgrape
KeeperCollection added, Tara Q. Thomas @TQThomas@KeeperColl what a great opportunity! There's no one who knows more about xinomavro than @voyatzis
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl KeeperCollection retweeted Tara Q. Thomas
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @voyatzis Yes. Thank you so much. Learned a lot about #xinomavro Great #SommChat session! #greekwine
Tara Q. Thomas _@TQThomas thanks Yannis!! RT @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking #Greek winemaker Yannis Voyatzis, @voyatzis for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @avignonesi Awesome! Can't wait! #SommChat
Yannis Voyatzis _@voyatzis @KeeperColl #SommChat it was so excited communicating with you all, thank you so much and hope continue next time
Cindy Rynning _@GrapeExp_Cindy I'll be here! #Sommchat @KeeperColl @avignonesi
ormiga _@ormiga late? @KeeperColl @frenchwinetours @robbin_g @seaneclark @sommelierchall @sommeliersara @trouty @wine_com #SommChat
Markus Stolz _@elloinos Can't believe I missed #SommChat with @voyatzis, hope I'm forgiven, moved back to Greece today! @KeeperColl
@FoodandWine #SommChat #FoodieChats
Iron Horse Vineyards _@IronHorseVyds Pinot Noir: #Wine great for dishes with earthy flavors.