So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

4/30 White Wines of New Greece: Yiannis Tselepos
Jen o'flanagan @jenoflanagan TODAY! Greek white wine #SommChat w/ @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos! Join us at 11 AM CST/ 12noon EST with @keepercoll
Tricia Conover, CWP @winegrapestone Joining today. Back from #Priorat #Barcelona #Spain2014
KeeperCollection @keepercoll so glad you can join in #SommChat today RT @winegrapestone: @keepercoll Joining today. Back from #Priorat #Barcelona #Spain2014
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman I’m planning on attending @keepercoll @fermented @WineCharlatan @LeslieSb @VintryFineWines @Foundationspr #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @SandyWasserman so glad you can join in on #SommChat today
Monika Elling @Foundationspr I am in! @keepercoll @fermented @winecharlatan @margauxcoimport @lesliesb @vintryfinewines @sandywasserman #SommChat
Zoltan Szabo @zoltanszabo @keepercoll @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos nice, Limnos Muscat worked with Indonesian cuisine last night, who knew ?? #SommChat :)
Drew Gourdie @drewbie_g Looking forward to it!! @keepercoll @SummerRiesling @HVWineFest @NobleRotNYC @swirlgirldenver @tomcaestecker @MoRandazzoMB #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @drewbie_g great - so glad you can join in on #SommChat today
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Foundationspr Yeahhh = glad to see you at #SommChat
Monika Elling @Foundationspr This will be fun! RT @keepercoll: .@zoltanszabo talk #Greek White #Wines w/ @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos on #SommChat today :)
KeeperCollection @keepercoll This week's #SommChat is #GreekWhiteWW in honor of today’s guests on #Greek White #Wines @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos! 11 AM CST 2day!
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @keepercoll #wine #wiyg #foodies
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @WineInkByTia @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos I'm here for #SommChat. life has been crazy lately. missed y'all
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll Missed you too, Courtney! - #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @demilove @keepercoll always nice to see you, Doug :) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 talk #Greek White #Wines w/ @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll We’d like to introduce you to Greek #Winemakers Yiannis Tselepos, @tseleposwines & Vassilis Papagiannakos, @vpapagiannakos #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos 2 say hello & so they know UR here! #SommChat
Markus Stolz @elloinos Two great Greek winemakers at today's #SommChat, @Tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos. Tune in for an hour, starting now.
WineCompass @winecompass #Greekwine is a good incentive to participate in #SommChat @keepercoll @tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll As we ask @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos our Qs, you can ask them Ur Qs as well! They'll do their best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll hello everyone #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Checking in on the final day of April to #SommChat after a brief hiatus in Costa Rica. Hi!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - Good morning all! Nice to join you again on #SommChat !
KeeperCollection @keepercoll W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos hello and thank you for joining us today :) #SommChat
Judia Black @enjoielife @keepercoll I won't be able to make it to #SommChat today. @StemGrip @donajilira @raelinn_wine @StephanieMiskew @becabird @ChrisTaylorTX
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos HELLO EVERYONE!#SommChat
Tricia Conover, CWP @winegrapestone Vasili, Welcome, Tell us about the terroir of your #Mantinia and #Nemea vineyards. Soil, climate #SommChat @Vpapagiannakos @Tseleposwines
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos soil is in general poor, with very good drainage #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass Q. What type of soil? @Tseleposwines @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @winecompass @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos red argyle w a hint of stone #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll thx 2 all of the #SommChat tweeps for welcoming our #Greek winemakers today @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos
Monika Elling @Foundationspr Nice to be here! RT @keepercoll: thx 2 all of the #SommChat tweeps for welcoming our #Greek winemakers today @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines Tell us a few words about the appellation Mantinia? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll The vineyards are found north-east of Tripoli. Altitude exceeds the 650 metres #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll lot of rain and snowfall in the winter and during summer frequent rain showers and storms with low temp #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @vpapagiannakos @Tseleposwines what r the favored native grapes of mantinia & nemea? R u experimenting w/ any other grapes? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @SirenaDiVino @vpapagiannakos native grape of mantinia is the mochofilero, experimenting w/Kidonitsa and Gewurt #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos Gewurtz interesting! what unique characteristics is it expressing there that it wouldn't elsewhere? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @vpapagiannakos What is the story of Malagousia? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll ALMOST LOST AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR, AN AGRONOMIST FROM WEST GREECE SAVED IT #SommChat
Monika Elling @Foundationspr What are your best selling wines in the U.S.? @Tseleposwines @winecompass @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @Foundationspr @winecompass @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos Mantina Tselepos & Amalia Brut, sparkling by moschofilero #SommChat
Monika Elling @Foundationspr Greek white wines have had an easier time than reds in the US market. Any thoughts? @winegrapestone @Vpapagiannakos @Tseleposwines #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @Foundationspr @winegrapestone @vpapagiannakos whites are new flavor, fresh and match w most of the international cuisines #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannkos Who are your winemaking mentors? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @SandyWasserman my father and grandfather #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @SandyWasserman I have no mentor, but the burgundise philosophy where I studied #SommChat
Melanie @vinogger Hello #wine friends from sunny & warm #SF a perfect day for a chilled white or rose #SommChat
Melanie @vinogger Have to say I love #Greek whites! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines What are the characteristics of Moschofilero? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll The plant is vivid,productive, sensitive to powdery mildew and botrytis #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll Its stock is thick and big in size, w/ rounded middle size grapes, thick skin and reddish color. #SommChat
Debbie Gioquindo,CSW @hvwinegoddess Stopping into #SommChat for a bit.
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos can u describe characteristics of malagousia 2 us? oak or no? ageability? what makes it so special? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll RT @vpapagiannakos: @SirenaDiVino aromatic grape,elegant full bodied wines medium acidityaromas of exotic fruits citrus jasmin mint #SommChat
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin @keepercoll @bibracamontes @StevieStacionis @mcontrol @GUSTOTastings @WholeFoodsATX @Eno_DC Morning all! Better late than never! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines Is Moschofilero an ancient grape? When was it first discovered? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll ancestor of the smoked wine of Arcadia, where Pausanias a Greek geographer mentions in his writings 3000 yrs ago #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass Q. @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos What markets are you available in the U.S.? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @winecompass @vpapagiannakos NY, Washington DC, NJ, Virgina, California, Illinois, Florida #SommChat
Tricia Conover, CWP @winegrapestone @Tseleposwines @winecompass @vpapagiannakos No Texas? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @winegrapestone @winecompass @vpapagiannakos Not yet, looking for a good distributor-importer #SommChat
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin Greek wine fans: remember @guildsomm has a Greek wine masterclass. There is one in Boulder, CO @FrascaFoodWine next week. #SommChat
Melanie @vinogger Definitely love the acidity in Greek white #wine so good! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines Are there different clones of Moschofilero? Has there been any clonal selection? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll xanthofilero,asprofilero,mavrofilero.there has been clonal selection #SommChat
Markus Stolz @elloinos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll Your Malagouzia is bottled under stelvin closure, rare in Greece. Is this the way forward for you? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll RT @vpapagiannakos: @elloinos @keepercoll we gave up stelvin cap a couple of years ago #SommChat
Markus Stolz @elloinos Q @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll Any particular reasons you gave up on stelvin? Even in export markets? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @elloinos @keepercoll our main market for malagousia used to be the Greek one which wasn't ready for the stelvin cap #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @vpapagiannakos Can Malagousia wines age? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll malagousia ages nicely #SommChat
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin How to pronounce #Xinomavro by Constantine Boutari! #SommChat …
WineCompass @winecompass @vpapagiannakos @Tseleposwine I would think like most Greek wine, yours are good values? #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll RT @vpapagiannakos: @winecompass ours are of excellent value for money #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @vpapagiannakos Is Malagousia difficult to cultivate? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll malagousia is a struggle to cultivate well it doesn't like to be trained #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines What can moschofilero offer to the international wine scene? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll its existence makes the world pallet richer #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines have U seen changes in the climate in your area in the last 5 yrs and if so how is it affecting ur #winemaking #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll a few, but because of the developed technology that we use, we overpass them #SommChat
Markus Stolz @elloinos Q @Tseleposwines @keepercoll Can you tell us about your wineries Santorini project? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @elloinos @keepercoll the completion of Yiannis Tselepos winemaking philosophy with the Greek varieties #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @vpapagiannakos Which international grapes does Malagousia resemble to? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll the attican malagousia resembles to riesling .with citrus and jasmine caracteristics #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @tseleposwines Give us a few examples of food pairings with moschofilero? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll with fish and shellfish, as well as pasta, & with the whole of Mediterrenean cuisine #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @vpapagiannakos Give us a few examples of food pairings with Malagousia? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll malagousia pairs with oysters seafood and light white cheese, green salads #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @vpapagiannakos @keepercoll sounds delicious on this hot Florida day #SommChat #passthemalagousia
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos sorry that our malagousia is not available yet in Florida look for KALOGERI MALAGOUZIA by PAPAGIANNAKOS #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos Do you ever suggest that your #wines be decanted and if so for how long and when? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos never, as long as you drink them at the perfect temp #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos malagousia doesn't need decanting but be very careful with serving temperatures If it is below 9C aromas are stressed #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos what % of your #wine exports go to the US and what is your biggest co to export to? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos 15-20% to the US which is the biggest country #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos how large is your annual production and how many #wines do you each produce? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos 400.000 btls from which 70% is from the moscho #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos Do you have plans to travel to the US and if so when and where? #SommChat
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines @keepercoll @vpapagiannakos We are leaving on Friday. 6-7 May in VA and the 10th in Chicago #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll .@tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos what vintage will you be exporting next to the US and when? #SommChat
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos the 2013 #SommChat
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @chateaumusar wow, can't wait! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Great to have @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Please join us in thanking @tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos for their time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Courtney Richards @SirenaDiVino @keepercoll @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos thank you so much for your time and expertise today. learned a lot! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove Have a great week - see you next time! - @keepercoll - #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Join us on #SommChat on Wed 5/7 with our guest & friend Winemaker Serge Hochar of @chateaumusar 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
Vasili Papagiannakos @vpapagiannakos Thank you see you at the NY Greek wine tasting on May the 22nd .Great talking to you all .#SommChat
Drew Gourdie @drewbie_g Greek wine is a mystery to me, this has been so interesting to tune into! Thank you! @keepercoll @Tseleposwines @vpapagiannakos #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Thx again to @Tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos for making #SommChat gr8 today!
WineCompass @winecompass Thanks all RT @keepercoll: Thx again to @Tseleposwines & @vpapagiannakos for making #SommChat gr8 today!
Yiannis Tselepos @Tseleposwines Goodbye all! #SommChat
jen o'flanagan @jenoflanagan MT @AdamPlotkin: Greek wine fans: @guildsomm has Greek masterclasses next week in Boulder, CO; Chicago;San Diego & Seattle! #SommChat