So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/11 Advanced Sommelier and Wine Director Jill Zimorski
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl .@VintageTexas Today’s #SommChat features #Chicago #Sommelier & @alinea #WineDirector Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski 12N ET
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @KeeperColl @Alinea @jillzimorski following today! It's a start back into it! Yay! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @VintageTexas so glad you can join in on #SommChat today with @jillzimorski
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear abt #wine w/ #Chicago #Sommelier & #WineDirector Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like 2 introduce you to #SommChat w/ #Chicago #Sommelier & #WineDirector Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski #SommStar #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl As we ask #Sommelier Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski our Qs, U can ask her Ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @jillzimorski 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Let's start talking #Wine with #Chicago #Sommelier & #WineDirector @Alinea Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Hey ya'll! Great to be here! Can't wait for your questions on #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski Who/What inspired you to begin working in the #wine industry? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl 1st insp was probably 1st #sommelier I ever worked w (who's not on twitter) Nadine Brown, wine dir. @ Charlie Palmer Steak in DC #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass Good afternoon @KeeperColl @Alinea @jillzimorski #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @winecompass great to see you on #SommChat and look fwd to you questions
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Good morning from Chicago! Hello Jill! You look so familiar; wondering if I have met you at tasting - #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @demilove @KeeperColl Hi! Possibly? I do my best to attend tastings and meet the fine Chicago wine folk! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - Any tips for those like mwa, who would like to make wine my plan B career (applying to lots of restaurants now) - #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Good morning @jillzimorski How & where did you get your start in the wine biz & who are your mentors? thanks #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @SandyWasserman Other mentors of mine include: @kathymorganMS @metalsommelier, @fernandobeteta, Jay Fletcher & Madeline Triffon #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @jillzimorski Have you ever made wine? If not, any desire too? What & where? Thanks #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @SandyWasserman Great Q! Never made wine & not sure I'd want to. Maybe one day, but for now, would prefer to work in vineyards! #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q @jillzimorski What wines/regions have recently excited you? Thanks #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @SandyWasserman Bordeaux! All of Spain. It's my great vinous love! Albarino & Tempranillo for dayyys! #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass WineCompass Retweeted Jill Zimorski
Albarino & @RiasBaixasWines seems to be popular these days. #winestudio #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep - how do you decide when to meet with #wine reps and how often do you taste for the #wine list @jillzimorski
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl there's a fine balance between tasting for new discoveries/additions to list and demands of work (1/2) #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl I work on appt basis for tastings & keep focused on what works for our program (not tasting everyting 'in the bag') #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski How long have you been working with #Wine in #Chicago ? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl I moved to Chicago this past summer (July, 2015) to take the position at Alinea. #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass @jillzimorski What is the most unique #wine that you carry @Alinea #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @winecompass Good question -- unique can be rare/old/expensive/weird/unknown. We have a lot of those things! ;) #SommChat
WineCompass @winecompass @jillzimorski OK, then what are your weird/unknown wines? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @winecompass everything from Movia & Paolo Bea "Arboreus to @scholiumwines "Blowout" sparkling... #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr #SommChat #Somm @jillzimorski how much time do you spend with #Chefs at resto to discuss #food and how does that affect your decisions?
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Since the menu at @Alinea drives pairings, my time w the chefs varies; the more changes, the more face time. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - How much larger/smaller is @Alinea list compared to other restaurants where you have worked? - #SommChat (followup coming)
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @KeeperColl - And can you spill about @Alinea remodel - how will it be different from previous incarnation? - #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @demilove @KeeperColl List is larger than some previous lists I've had (& I've run some focused prgrms in past) #SommChat
Jill Zimorski 2jillzimorski @demilove @KeeperColl There are a few tidbits out there in the press with some pics of will be different! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski What are your main duties at #Chicago Restaurant @alinea ? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Responsibilities range; develop pairings; source wines; LOTS of math; work the floor nightly; teach/train the teams... #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl the course was divided into 3 components & we poured Alsatian Muscat. It was a HOME RUN. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @StephanieMiskew so glad you can join in on #SommChat today!
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @jillzimorski @KeeperColl What is one of the most creative/challenging pairings you've featured at @Alinea? #SommChat #WineWednesday
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl during one of our pop-ups (Madrid); course w octopus, curry, white asparagus, caviar & razor clams... #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @jillzimorski That sound fabulous - thanks for sharing! #perfectpairing #wine @KeeperColl #SommChat #WineWednesday
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin @StephanieMiskew @jillzimorski @KeeperColl @Alinea Been 2 Alinea twice & still looking 4 perfect pair w edible helium balloon! :-) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl OK @AdamPlotkin you always give us the #SommChat laugh – thanks
Adam Plotkin @AdamPlotkin Adam Plotkin Retweeted KeeperCollection
I sort of view it as my unofficial job for #SommChat! ;-)
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @AdamPlotkin @StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl Me Too! Trying to get @mikebagale to help me infuse helium into wine! #SommChat
Kathy (VirginiaMade) @Virginia_Made @jillzimorski @AdamPlotkin @StephanieMiskew @KeeperColl @mikebagale Would we all have Mickey Mouse voices while drinking? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @Virginia_Made @AdamPlotkin @StephanieMiskew @mikebagale I would hope so!!! :) #SommChat
Stephanie Miskew CSW @StephanieMiskew @jillzimorski OMG that would be so funny - you have to make that happen! @Virginia_Made @AdamPlotkin @mikebagale #winescience #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Jill, what is your wine concept (philosophy) with #TheKitchenTable @Alinea #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @VintageTexas @KeeperColl Kitchen Table is new to Alinea...& we aren't open yet, so more to come soon... ;) #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas Russ Kane Retweeted Jill Zimorski
What was your real intent? Pls elaborate in 140 char I know problem w/quotes frm writer side #UseRecording #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Jill what's behind your quote “Wine pairings are a great way to get ripped off,” in the @WSJ? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @VintageTexas @WSJ It's unfortunate but this quote reads differently from what my intended message was. (1/2) #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @VintageTexas @WSJ We go to extraordinary lengths to OVERDELIVER value to our guests @Alinea. We prioritize value over costs. #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @VintageTexas sad but lot of restos pad the #wine pairings @Alinea does NOT! #SommChat
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine Q. @jillzimorski what are some of your favorite wines for a spring picnic? #SommChat #WW
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @WeddingOakWine I can't wait for picnic weather! Man...Rose all day. Erry day! (Riesling always is a good call for day drinking) #SommChat
WeddingOakWinery @WeddingOakWine WeddingOakWinery Retweeted Jill Zimorski
We completely agree! Rose all day. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm Q. @jillzimorski how do you keep your staff at @Alinea educated on wine? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @CharlesComm Thursdays we have the "Alinea Wine Minute" for brief presentations & I teach classes on Sundays (#SurndayLearnday) #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm Q. @jillzimorski who are some of your favorite sustainable wineries that you look to have on your wine list? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @CharlesComm Favorites include: @littoraiwine for amazing Chardonnay & Pinot Noir! #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @CharlesComm Other European wines like Chateau de @Beaucastel & Joly Savennieres... #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm Q. @jillzimorski you mentioned in @chicagoist that education is your favorite part of wine. Why is that? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @CharlesComm @Chicagoist Knowledge is power. The more we know about who we support & why we like what we like is crucial #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski How do you select #wine for #Chicago Restaurant @alinea ? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl process 4 wine selections varies: for pairings, very democratic. We brainstorm/taste, collect samples, taste & vote! #SommChat
Pen & Tell Us @PenAndTellUs Q. @jillzimorski Is there a good talent pool of somelliers in Chicago for high quality restaurants like @Alinea #SommChat @KeeperColl
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @PenAndTellUs Chicago has an amazing wine scene/talent! @Somm_ArthurHon @belinda_chicago @alpanasingh @Jenschmitt @racheldriver... #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @PenAndTellUs Talent continued: @JheaFulgaro, @jimbube, @dpilkey, Rachel Lowe...#SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat Peep: what are the diffs U see in the #Aspen #DC #Chicago #wine consumers/mkt @jillzimorski ?
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Diff b/w DC/Aspen/Chicago markets - DC: Big name bottles mixed with the up & coming less well known wines/producers #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Aspen: AMAZING: tons of availablility; preference for Icons & Classics & wine with age! Dreamy place to sell wine! #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Chicago - seems to be a mix of the styles of markets (b/w DC & Aspen) #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski As one of #Chicago‘s #10mostbuzzworthy #Sommeliers, what is one thing you want #SommChat guests to know about #wine ?
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl there is #wine for every1 4 every occasion every time 2B enjoyed - go out & find what #wine U like & have a good time #SommChat
PROTOCOL wine studio @ProtocolWine @jillzimorski If you weren't a sommelier what would your 2nd fave profession be? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @ProtocolWine Dream job? Back-up singer in 50s Doo-Wop band. All the travel perks, great dresses, no headlining responsibility #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @jillzimorski @ProtocolWine - Have you seen 20 Feet From Stardom? - #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @demilove @ProtocolWine Nope. Spending all my time working & studying these days. Leaves little time for anything else. #SommChat
PROTOCOL wine studio @ProtocolWine @winecompass @RiasBaixasWines is doing a great job! @jillzimorski @SandyWasserman #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski What did you learn abt #wine working at @Chefjoseandres restaurants in #DC ? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Working for @chefjoseandres taught me almost all I know - esp value of running smart/profitable program was paramount! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl @jillzimorski What are some #wine regions you dream about visiting in the future? #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl My secret Sommelier shame is that I've never been to Italy, Champagne or Burgundy! (GASP!) I'll get there one day! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed talking #Wine w/ #Chicago #Sommelier & #WineDirector Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski #SommStar on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Great to have Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski for her time on #SommChat
Jill Zimorski @jillzimorski @KeeperColl Thanks so much for having me on today! Great to tweet about my favorite thing in the world! #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @jillzimorski @Alinea I got on a call and missed that you responded. A hearty #SommChat thx for your participation today! @KeeperColl
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood Perfectly, elegantly cut wine capsules every time. #kitchen #SommChat #WineWednesday
Rebecca Meir Liebman @RebeccaSomm Risky Business: Pairing Rules, my post on @NatalieMacLean #WinePairing #SommChat #wineblog