So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/11 Master Sommelier Laura DePasquale
See what you missed at #SommChat on 5/11 as we chatted with Master Sommelier Laura DePasquale of Palm Bay International.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine for the next hour from a Master #Sommelier!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I’d like to introduce every1 to Master #Sommelier Laura DePasquale @SnottySomm of @PalmBay_Wines joining us to answer ur #wine Qs #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@SnottySomm is 1 of only 17 female Master Somms in N. America- It’s a real treat to have her join us- hope every1 has Qs ready! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If you’re joining us for #SommChat, pls give a shout out to @SnottySomm so she knows ur here & can keep an eye out for ur Qs! #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @SnottySomm our Qs, you’re welcome to ask her ur Qs as well! She’ll do her best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Near 12:00, we’ll announce the winner of 2days #giveaway for a btl of Planeta EVOO from #Sicily from @PalmBay_Wines & @SnottySomm! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): But don’t forget, you gotta tweet using #SommChat to win- Good Luck! Let’s start talking #wine!
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): #Sommchat – Hello y’all!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Hi @1queenofspoons! you thirsty? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): @KeeperColl HI Tweeps. It’s a pleasure to be on #sommchat today and a great day in #miami #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q1. @SnottySomm What’s the most effective way for a wine-lover to learn abt #wine? By Studying? Tasting? Traveling? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A1. @KeeperColl To really learn about #wine, all 3 are best … and in that order #WineWednesday #SommChat #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A1. @KeeperColl Studying really supports your tasting. Taste everything, take notes, look up the region, #vineyard & #winery #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A1. @KeeperColl Then visiting & #traveling allows you to immerse yourself in the culture #winewednesday #SommChat
@mmwine (Matthew S Horbund): @keepercoll @SnottySomm @PalmBay_Wines lol nice name … i’ll hope she’s not really snotty #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@mmWine certainly not! join us in #sommchat and find out! #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @keepercoll Hard to chat mid day – esp because i’m about to go out for lunch … i follow her, she doesnt follow me #sommchat #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mmWine – well you KNOW I’ll be following u after this #chat! THX for the follow #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): @Snottysomm Living in Miami, spicy food is a given. Current favorite pairings for hot weather spicy foods? #Sommchat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@1queenofspoons Well I’m a go to Riesling girl 4 sure however the 09 whites from Italy like #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@1queenofspoons Falanghina, Fiano, Arneis are great. Just went crazy over #wines #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@1queenofspoons from #Jura – Bromard being my newest fave producer #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q2. @SnottySomm For someone beginning to collect #wine, what are some staples they should invest in NOW to be consumed in 5 yrs? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A2. @KeeperColl 09 German #Riesling, Carmenere from Chile, 07 #Chianti Classico, anything 09 White from #Italy #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A2. @KeeperColl …Albarino & Toro from Spain, & Oregon #PinotNoir #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@SnottySomm What about 10 yrs? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@KeeperColl 09 #Burgundy, 04 Brunello & 04 #Barolo #WineWednesday #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @snottysomm Pleasure to meet you! I’m in WPBeach. I’ll be in MIA on the 20th for a Veneto dinner #chat #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @snottysomm and i’m not a Somm yet .. i hate tests – i’ve been avoiding it for .. oh .. 3 years now. Maybe more #chat #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mmWine Love Veneto of course as I love all things Italia. NO AVOIDING! #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @1queenofspoons @Snottysomm For hot foods, i like wines like Riesling.. but even vinho verde or a CA/NZ Sauv Blanc #Sommchat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mmWine @1queenofspoons VV – great suggestion! Prefer Chile SB from Leyda especially when in Peru and #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mmWine @1queenofspoons gorging on gobs of #ceviche #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): Loove ceviche! RT @snottysomm: .@mmWine @1queenofspoons gorging on gobs of #ceviche #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mmWine – We’re doing an Intro in Hollywood June 16-17. #justdoit #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @snottysomm Hmmm .. i’ll need some serious a$$ kicking to motivate me to sit … i just HATe exams. i freeze #justdoit #SommChat
@mmWine (Matthew S Horbund): @snottysomm Running out – sad I’ll miss the rest of #SommChat – mid day chats are tough. However, I’ll scroll through later and chime in
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks for being here while you can @mmWine! We also archive all of the chats for you to look back at later #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q3. @SnottySomm What #wine region do you most frequently visit and why? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A3. @KeeperColl #Italy – it’s the majority of my business & the most challenging region in terms of varietals & #terroir #WW #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A3. @KeeperColl That, to me, makes #italy the most interesting #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@KeeperColl Plus it’s my heritage so I grew up with #Italianwine #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Who doesn’t love Italy? RT @snottysomm: A3. @KeeperColl That, to me, makes #italy the most interesting #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q4. @SnottySomm As 1 of the few female master #sommeliers in the world, how do u see #wine industry growing/changing for women? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A4. @KeeperColl Certainly growing for women & there R more women in positions, either #sommeliers / #wine dir. OR #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A4. @keepercoll On the business side either winery direct, #distributors or #importers HOWEVER #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A4. @KeeperColl Biggest challenge remains the lack of female top leadership in larger companies. We’re still too few & far btwn #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@demilove @winesellersltd hope you’ll join us again today for #SommChat! Lots of good stuff coming from Master Somm @SnottySomm right now!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @snottysomm – Sorry I am late to #SommChat ! I hope you follow me on twitter and please wish me luck on my wine exam on 5/21!
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove Good Luck – Go get it! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @snottysomm – thank you, I am so nervous! Does anyone in #SommChat land have any study tips?
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove RELAX and don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Take care of your body and mind #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @snottysomm – I want to be a somm when I grow up (in my forties now!). You’re all so smart (and you wear the most badass suits!) #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): @snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove U should see my #shoes! PS – MS is my 2nd career – #itsnevertoolate #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): @keepercoll thanks for the reminder, tuning in to #SommChat now!!
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @snottysomm do you have any favorite “budget” wines for summer? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mattmcginnis I think any fresh Rose falls under budget #wines and are perfect for summer. Also like #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mattmcginnis entry level QBA Rieslings like SA Prum Essence, Dr. Loosen and of course Santa Rita Medalla Real SB #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @winesellersltd @snottysomm Love the recommendation for Rose. #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd) Have you tried Austrian rose? It can be beautiful RT @MattMcGinnis: @winesellersltd @snottysomm Love the recommendation for Rose. #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd @mattmcginnis Actually not that many. Tasted an Austrian Pinot Rose last NOV but missed the big #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd @mattmcginnis Austrian Tasting in NYC last week since I had to go to #Italy #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): #SommChat Really important question for @snottysomm , what will you drink with a HEAT win tonight?
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines Dude! I will be there at the AAA drinking #Bud cuz they don’t serve no wine GO #HEAT #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines BUT when we get home, I’m cracking a 96 Gosset Celebris 4sure #champagne #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): @snottysomm I know someone who knows someone that if u share will let you in the spec. entrance for BYOGB (Grower bubs) #Bud #HEAT #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines Hmmmmm….might could be arranged….Probably won’t open till Thurs really #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines Maybe we should have a BYOGGB #HEAT victory party (Gosset & Grower Bubs) #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): Like the way u think! RT @snottysomm: .@wolfeswines Maybe we should have a BYOGGB #HEAT victory party (Gosset & Grower Bubs) #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): I might have to step out of this #sommchat .. go Bulls!
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd Rose is great 4 sure but really BOOOOOOO #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd As in Derrick Rose not the lovely little #Rosewines #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): haha I was on same pg, hoping for Bulls Heat matchup RT @snottysomm: .@winesellersltd As in Derrick Rose not #Rosewines #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines Given our new BFF @winesellersltd I think we should drink #rosechampagne! #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): And I can rec a good 1! :p RT @snottysomm @wolfeswines Given our new BFF @winesellersltd I think we should drink #rosechampagne! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @winesellersltd Please share your recommendation for Rose Champagne @snottysomm @wolfeswines #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mattmcginnis Gosset Grand Rose, Paul Bara #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Besserat de Bellefon Brut Rose is beautiful RT @MattMcGinnis: @winesellersltd Please share your recommendation for Rose Champagne #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd Yes another great rec #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): Yours was great as well! #bff RT @snottysomm: .@winesellersltd Yes another great rec #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Really fun #rose #champagne suggestions coming in on #sommchat – hope everyone is taking notes! #SommChat
@wolfeswines (Jeffrey Wolfe): @MattMcGinnis Larmandier Bernier Rose de Saigne “Burgundy with bubbles” my favorite treat! #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@wolfeswines @mattmcginnis Sounds like we’re gonna have a good time with the #bulls #heat #rosechampagne #party #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q5. @SnottySomm Do you have any tips (what to do/not to do) for someone attending their first #wine tasting? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A5. @KeeperColl Don’t be embarrassed to spit! Ask questions – be fearless. #SommChat #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): Yes! Ask questions – be fearless! RT @snottysomm: @KeeperColl Don’t be embarrassed to spit! Ask questions – be fearless. #SommChat
@blackiguananews (BLACK iGUANA): @keepercoll Ladies & Gents….what’s the scoop for today? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): hey there @blackiguananews! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@SnottySomm What about perfume or cologne at a wine tasting? Thoughts on that? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@keepercoll Good Q- Totally a no no. #hatewhenthathappens #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Laura says no perfume or cologne at a wine tasting! RT @snottysomm: .@keepercoll Good Q- Totally a no no. #hatewhenthathappens #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): Ugh! RT @keepercoll: Laura says no perfume or cologne at a wine tasting! RT @snottysomm: .@keepercoll Good Q- Totally a no no. #SommChat
@blackiguananews (BLACK iGUANA): @keepercoll Unless it’s the Essence of “New Car Interior”–it’s a turnoff. #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@blackiguananews Nothing like the fresh scent of #pine deodorizer at a #winetasting #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q6. @SnottySomm If you weren’t a #sommelier what would you be doing as a career? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A6. @KeeperColl Being a Master Somm is actually my 2nd career. I had a career as an artist before going into the #wine business #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A6. @KeeperColl I hope my 3rd career is philanthropic & has something to do w/ rescuing #dogs – Like a big ranch/dog shelter #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): @snottysomm Ooo you should make artwork around wine, vineyards, etc and donate the profits to save dog! #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@winesellersltd I knew we would be #BFFs #SommChat
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): Ahh I’m late for #SommChat! What did I miss?
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@FoodieAnnie No worries – still plenty of time to jump in! Welcome! #SommChat
@sanfab44 (Sandra Fab): Hello! Great convo! I’m ready for #WineWednesday @keepercoll @SnottySomm #sommelier #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @snottysomm What influences your selection of wine for your wine list? Do you pay any attention to numeric ratings? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@mattmcginnis A balance of #wines that work with the cuisine and appeal to your heart. The key is Balance of the List #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Laura, Would you say your restaurant guests are more knowlwdgeable and curious about wine compared to ten years ago? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove Absolutely. Back in the day,more than half the guests were amazed a #woman could be a #sommelier #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove I definitely finding value has driven guests to be more experimental and open to new things #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @snottysomm – I think the misconception still exists that anything good has to be expensive. #SommChat
@sanfab44 (Sandra Fab): How long can you keep an open bottle of wine in the fridge? Does it go bad? @SnottySomm #WineWednesday @keepercoll#sommelier #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@sanfab44 Honestly depends on the wine and how much is left in bottle Generally up to a week if it’s half full or more #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q7. @SnottySomm If a wine lover had to pick one #wine variety to drink for the rest of their life, what would you recommend & why? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A7. @KeeperColl I would convince them that they should marry #Nebbiolo. It’s sexy, strong, complicated and reliable. Oh… #SommChat
@blackiguananews (BLACK iGUANA): @winesellersltd How do you pronounce “Chandon”. Hard “cha” as in cha-cha-cha. Or svelte “sha” as in Shania Twain? #rosechampagene #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@blackiguananews Sha-nia all the way #SommChat
@winesellersltd (Winesellers, Ltd): @blackiguananews that may have been my fav Q ever, made me smile & glad @SnottySomm answered #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Loved it too! RT @winesellersltd: @blackiguananews that may have been my fav Q ever, made me smile & glad @SnottySomm answered #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q8. @SnottySomm Describe your perfect last meal on earth, with #wine pairings. #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A8. @KeeperColl 1st Course: Chita Ceviche from La Rosa Nautica in Lima, Peru 01 Grand Cru German #Riesling from the #Mosel #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A8. @KeeperColl 2nd Course: Homemade Orrechiete with Broccoli Rabe , Sausage and #Puglia EVOO with a 96 #Barolo #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A8. @KeeperColl Dessert: My Mom’s Peach Pie with a high quality Moscato D’Asti #WineWednesday #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): @snottysomm Woman after my own heart on food choices! #Sommchat
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): Agreed RT @1queenofspoons: @snottysomm Woman after my own heart on food choices! #Sommchat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@1queenofspoons THX I Heart #Barolo and I Heart #mom’spie #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q9. @SnottySomm What’s the “correct” way to pop a #champagne cork? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@FoodieAnnie Thx! #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A9. @KeeperColl Silently w/out a POP! Safety first- Never EVER remove your hand from the cage/cork once you untwist the wire #WW #SommChat
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): @snottysomm any advice on getting into the Somm world? I’m taking my CMS level 1 exam in a month #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Good luck! RT @FoodieAnnie: @snottysomm any advice on getting into the Somm world? Im taking my CMS level 1 exam in a month #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@FoodieAnnie Good Luck. Use the Exam as an opportunity to network including the MS’s taking the Exam. We R happy to help! #SommChat
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): @snottysomm thanks! #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @FoodieAnnie – good luck Annie! Wine is my career dream too. Hope I never have to interview against you! #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove @FoodieAnnie There’s always a place for a #goodwineperson who is #passionate and #dedicated #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q10. @SnottySomm Aside from #wine, what else do you have a passion for? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A10. @KeeperColl Obviously Sculpture & Drawing & #Dogs. If I didn’t love to #travel, I could never be successful in my job. #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): A10. @KeeperColl I’m also a huge reader. Oh and I LOVE to cook. Did I mention shoes? #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): You’re my pretend BFF! RT @snottysomm: A10. @KeeperColl I’m also a huge reader. Oh and I LOVE to cook. Did I mention shoes? #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@1queenofspoons Awwww…. #SommChat
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): Love it! woman after my own heart RT @snottysomm: A10. @KeeperColl I’m also a huge reader. Oh &I LOVE 2 cook. Did I mention shoes? #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@SnottySomm At a company like @PalmBay_Wines, do you have to know as much about spirits as you do #wine? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@keepercoll Not at all. Our Spirits Division is seperate with a unique sales force. U can be solely dedicated to #wine #SommChat
@blackiguananews (BLACK iGUANA): @winesellersltd @keepercoll @SnottySomm @FoodieAnnie Enjoying #SommChat #WineWednesday sessions…
@FoodieAnnie (Annie C): Me too! RT @blackiguananews: @winesellersltd @keepercoll @SnottySomm @FoodieAnnie Enjoying #SommChat #WineWednesday sessions…
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): That’s all the #wine Q’s WE have for @SnottySomm- if any1 has others, ask away! We’ll announce #giveaway winner momentarily #WW #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): And the winner of the #SommChat #giveaway for Planeta EVOO from #Sicily from @PalmBay_Wines & @SnottySomm is @Demilove! Congrats! #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@demilove Congrats – It’s deelish, seriously. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks to everyone for joining us for #SommChat! I hope you learned something about #wine and @SnottySomm and @PalmBay_Wines #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I hope everyone will join me in thanking @SnottySomm for an awesome job sharing her #wine knowledge! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @keepercoll Fantastic #SommChat with @SnottySomm. Great Q&A with tons of useful info. Thanks!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Join us next Wed 5/18 at 11 AM CST for another #SommChat and more #wine secrets from a top wine professional! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@snottysomm (Laura DePasquale): .@keepercoll It was so much FUN. What a great forum and thank u for having me! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #wine Q gets answered, post it on our FB wall & we’ll be sure it gets asked! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Happy #WineWednesday! #SommChat