So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/13 Wine Director Thomas Perez
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @marilenabarbera Today's #SommChat features Wine Director Thomas Perez @TperezeWine from @InnatDosBrisas Hope to C there! 12N-1PM EST
Marilena Barbera @marilenabarbera I'm in! Thanks for recall #SommChat @InnatDosBrisas
Christy CanterburyMW _@canterburywine Go Texas! MT @KeeperColl 2day's #SommChat features #Wine Director Thomas Perez @TperezeWine from @InnatDosBrisas 12 N-1 PM EST
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl so glad you can join in on #SommChat today with @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11AM CST @ATXGastronomist @WPTUSA @thekidcancook @1queenofspoons @luluarroyo @robbin_g @Wine_com @ormiga
ormiga _@ormiga whats on tap @KeeperColl @1queenofspoons @atxgastronomist @luluarroyo @robbin_g @wine_com @wptusa #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @ormiga #Wine Director @TperezWine with @InnatDosBrisas on #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11AM CST @travelwinechick @spoonmeforkme @sanfranpicks @jennanorth @WolfesWines @wineandsake @sanfab44
Beth _@travelwinechick #WW #SommChat _ @KeeperColl @SanFranPicks @jennanorth @wolfeswines @wineandsake @sanfab44
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Hope everyone's ready to talk w/ #Sommelier Thomas Perez @TperezWine fr @InnatDosBrisas on #SommChat today at 11 AM CST, 12 N ET!
Dos Brias @InnatDosBrisas Looking forward to it! t-minus 30min! #SommChat @TperezWine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11AM CST @lwa235 @willowwineguy @rtwinestyles @foodwinefashion @matthewliberty @deniseclarketx @nebbiolover
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @KeeperColl will def pop in #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl Linda - this is great news - look forward to your questions on #SommChat today
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl May 13 Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11AM CST @bibracamontes @StevieStacionis @mcontrol @GUSTOTastings @WholeFoodsATX @adamplotkin @eno_DC
ENO DC @eno_dc It's that time of the week again! #SommChat
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl It sure is - #wine with #SommChat:) '
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11 AM CST @primlanikitchen @lvwineapp @GJAtlUSA @thewinehub @yoga_kat @jadedrinkswine @palatexposure
Lou Hammond PR _@LouHammondPR We're about to jump on the #SommChat w/ @InnatDosBrisas #Sommelier @TperezWine. Join us! The more the merrier & we know you love wine!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Join us for #WW & #SommChat 11 AM CST @vin_chicago @lizwillette @winecellartv @fabienlaine
Fabien Laine @fabienlaine Another time for #SommChat ! Busy #winelover ;)
Keeper Collection @KeeperColl you will be missed on #SommChat - have a good week!
Gourmet Delights _@exceptionalfood Every Wednesday at noon EDT join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl #wine #wiyg #foodies
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it!
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Hello! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #Wine Director Thomas Perez @TperezeWine from @InnatDosBrisas in Texas!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask Thomas Perez @TperezWine our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @TperezWine 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking #Italian #wine w/ Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas #WW #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
zachary Ladwig _@ZacLadwig @TperezWine @lwa235 @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Good morning Thomas
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas I'm here - welcome Thomas! #SommChat
Elisa Scavino @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Hello Thomas! Hello Diane and everybody! Happy to b here! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Thank you for joining! #SommChat
Elisa Scavino _@paoloscavino @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Such a pleasure! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl so glad you are here @paoloscavino - @InnatDosBrisas needs to be on your list to visit ion #Texas #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas @paoloscavino @TperezWine Agreed! #SommChat
Elisa Scavino _@paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas I can't wait!!! :)) #SommChat
StevefromtheTrellis @talestrellis Raising a glass to all of my new followers! Many thanks and cheers to @KeeperColl @ChefnBar
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Thanks @talestrellis great to see you on #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl We’d like to introduce you to Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas #SommChat #WW
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Hi Thomas! Check out web site for The Inn Lovely! Need to come visit you from Dallas! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas We look forward to your arrival! #wine #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Thank you! #SommChat
KeeperColllection @KeeperColl so glad you are here - @InnatDosBrisas needs to be on your list to visit in #Texas #SommChat
Andy Phillips @AndyOnFarmWine Hi Thomas thx 4 being here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl great to see you on #SommChat @AndyOnFarmWine look forward to your questions
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine How and when did you get interested in #wine? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl it was during the 1995 Master of #Food and #Wine in Carmel, CA #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Good morning @TperezWine How did you get into the wine industry and who are your mentors? Thanks #SommChat
Thomas Perez @TperezWine @SandyWasserman my mentors are Mark Jensen, Kent Torrey @TheCheeseShop1 #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine Why did you choose to study #wine in #Spain close to Rioja area #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl #Rioja is one of my favorite #wine regions in the world. When the opportunity opened up I simply took it #SommChat
Rioja Wine _@RiojaWine @tperezwine @KeeperColl #Rioja is one of my favorite #wine regions in the world. When the opportunity opened I simply took it #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What is your number one selling Italian wine? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @AndyOnFarmWine #SommChat Chianti Classico from #tolainiwines
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. fr Shy #SommChat peep: @TperezWine what made you leave #Carmel #Calfornia to move to @InnatDosBrisas #Texas ?
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Great question! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas i wanted to be in a centralized location and work with a smaller property @RelaisChateaux #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas @RelaisChateaux Love the fresh farm to table concept & your wine list is epic! #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl - good morning all! What is today's topic? - #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @demilove talking with #Wine Director @TperezWine of @InnatDosBrisas #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas - How would you describe the atmosphere of your restaurant? - #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @demilove @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas an intimate setting with personalized service #SommChat elegant spanish-style ranch
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine What do you like most about the #sommelier profession? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl w/o a doubt its the service aspect that I love & secondly traveling the world to taste #wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: will you still be making @kristilynnwine and how will you do that from #Texas?
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @kristilynnwine i travel to cali as needed & will spend time during the fall for harvest. #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What is your top selling Italian white #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @AndyOnFarmWine Cantina Terlano white #wine from Alto Adige #SommChat
Bernabe De Luna _@latache59 Q. @TperezWine @KeeperColl you worked once in the kitchen do you miss that?? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @latache59 @KeeperColl #SommChat I do at times but creating food & wine pairings makes easier #foodandwine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine How was the #wine list @Innatdosbrisas initially created? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas I tailored the #wine list around our #organic cuisine & creative #winepairings #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Are the wines organic as well? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @winecompass @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas have a few organic wines. i focus on wines that emphasize & pair w/ our cuisine #SommChat
@demilove Do U interview a lot of UR resto staff (lots of resumes out now) -what makes gr8 impression w/U? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @demilove Do U interview a lot of UR resto staff (lots of resumes out now) -what makes gr8 impression w/U? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @demilove yes I do. i look for timeliness, well-groomed appearance, & a passion for the industry #SommChat
Bernabe De Luna _@latache59 Q. @TperezWine @KeeperColl it's so soon to tell but what do you miss the most from Monterey/Carmel #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @latache59 @KeeperColl #SommChat my #wine friends & the ocean
Lou Hammond PR _@LouHammondPR @TperezWine What would you pair with white rhone blend #SommChat
Thomas Perez @TperezWine @LouHammondPR Sweetbreads, I love them. #SommChat
@LouHammondPR @tperezwine What about the combo makes it so compelling? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @LouHammondPR #SommChat sweetbreads have a unique taste. a creamy white rhone enhances the texture
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Gotta go sell the juice, have a great day #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @SandyWasserman YOU TOO!!! thx for joining in on #SommChat today!
Natalie Pryor _@Natalia42790 @KeeperColl @TperezWine How do you approach #food and #wine pairings #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Natalia42790 @KeeperColl balanced list of #wines from around the world, so when you taste both, there is a burst of flavors #SommChat
Irene L _@i_on_food_drink @KeeperColl @duckhornwine @winesellersltd @MattMcGinnis been following along, happy #SommChat #WineWednesday to you all!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @i_on_food_drink thanks - so happy to see you on #SommChat
Eric Barnes _@esbmry @TperezWine Carmel misses you, cheers! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @esbmry i'll be back soon to visit @SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What is your average sale price per bottle #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @AndyOnFarmWine #SommChat $100-150
Natalie Pryor _@Natalia42790 @TperezWine How did you decide to become a #sommelier #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Natalia42790 started traveling. Met inspirational people in my life that shaped my career @TheCheeseShop @MarkJensen15 #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Natalia42790 my house pretty much became a tasting room, after work I would invite friends over to blind taste #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr Shy #SommChat peep: what differences do you see in the clientele regarding #wine @InnatDosBrisas in #Texas versus #California Customer
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas we have an international clientele #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas What draws people to your Inn? The destination alone or other nearby attractions? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas destination alone. only #forbes travel guide five-star in #texas #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Very nice! #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass Q. @TperezWine Do you include any #txwine on the @InnatDosBrisas #wine menu? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @winecompass @InnatDosBrisas yes we do. #SommChat #fallcreekvineyards, #beckervineyards
WineCompass _@winecompass @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Nice, I'm familiar with the @BeckerVineyards #txwine, but not @FCVINEYARDS #SommChat
Denise Clarke _@DeniseClarkeTX @winecompass Fall Creek makes great wines- new winemaker from Chile
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @winecompass @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas @BeckerVineyards @FallCreekWines very prevalent in TX Both high quality TXwine #SommChat
Elisa Scavino _@paoloscavino @TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas What's the wine region you find to be more dynamic at this moment? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas #SommChat I'm very impressed w/ the alto adige region for its character & balance
eliza _@eliza_hermosura @TperezWine #SommChat what is your fav wine?
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @eliza_hermosura #SommChat i don't really have a fav wine but i always enjoy a great bottle of #pinotnoir or #chardonnay
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas You have a Chard from Alto Adige How does it differ from CA & FR Chards #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Fiery01Red @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas chard from #altoadige is leaner, lower in alc. & they hardly use any oak #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas My style! Enjoy Alto Adige wines Never had Their Chard will seek out TY #SommChat
Natalie Pryor _@Natalia42790 @TperezWine Why did you go to #wine making school, since you were already a #sommelier #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Natalia42790 studying #Oenology & #viticulture gave me a deeper understanding of wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: How often are you on the Resto floor to service #Wine @InnatDosBrisas ? Will that change in the future?
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas i'm on the floor every night. #loveservice #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @TperezWine For whom have you made wine? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @SandyWasserman under @kristilynnwine #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @TperezWine Where in #Rioja did you learn to make wine? Any plans to make any wine in the future? Thanks #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @SandyWasserman #SommChat i worked in #rioja & #alavesa at #bodegasluiscanas
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @TperezWine Where? Where else have you made wine? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @SandyWasserman thinking about spain. #SommChat have made wine in California, Argentina, Oregon
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @SandyWasserman #SommChat #winemaking in the works
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWineDo you ever think about having your own winery? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @AndyOnFarmWine i make my own wine right now but I don't have my own facility #SommChat #wine
zachary Ladwig _@ZacLadwig @TperezWine you worked at domaine de la romanee-conti #DRC tell us about it #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @ZacLadwig it was like winning the lottery, just being side by side w/ bernard noblet & aubert de Villaine was beyond belief #SommChat
zachary Ladwig _@ZacLadwig @TperezWine So in that 07 year what was the most transcending lesson you learned
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @ZacLadwig I worked the difficult 2007 vintage, lot's of botrytis that year, learned a lot #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga interesting say that re 2007 @tperezwine @zacladwig #SommChat @KeeperColl tr #bordeaux? was in france then+ddnt like it & 06 now all praise
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas I'm here - welcome Thomas! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @lwa235 @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Thank you, It's great to be here! #SommChat
Lou Hammond PR _@LouHammondPR @TperezWine U have great selection of fortified, especially Madeira. Do you see a resurgance @InnatDosBrisas ? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @LouHammondPR @InnatDosBrisas yes. #SommChat i enjoy #madeira b/c they age well & always display great acidity
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What is your all time fav #wine? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @AndyOnFarmWine there isn't one! #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Thanks for your time Thomas! #SommChat
riccardo sgarra _@RSgarra @TperezWine which it was one of the most bizarre requests by a client? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @RSgarra #SommChat chilled down a Grand Cru #Burgundy
riccardo sgarra _@RSgarra @TperezWine temperature are important... Would you serve at which temperature? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @RSgarra #SommChat served at 60 degrees
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine How often do you plan to change the wine list @Innatdosbrisas and how will you change? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas #wine list changes by season, I am getting ready w/ roses & high-acid wines for summer #SommChat
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @TperezWine how do your guests respond to the verticals on your list? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @lwa235 #SommChat i often have guests traveling just to taste great #wines & rare vintages
ormiga _@ormiga eh #sneakmein for great #wine which parts of the world do you stock @tperezwine @lwa235 @KeeperColl #SommChat or regional tx?
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @ormiga @lwa235 @KeeperColl i try to have a diverse #wine list, i try to represent all the great regions #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga o cmon @tperezwine @KeeperColl @lwa235 name a few good 1s for you vs clients preferences #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @ormiga @KeeperColl @lwa235 #burgundy #rioja #piedmonte #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @ormiga @lwa235 @KeeperColl U do a great job; wine list is very diverse! #SommChat
Linda Adams _@lwa235 @TperezWine what do you produce and under what label?
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine Is it correct that you produce your own #wines and if so tell us about them. #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl Yes, in 2006 I started making #wine under @kristilynnwine label from the Santa Barbara county #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl the production is small & sells out to a private list, hope to increase production this year #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. @tperezwine how do you structure the wine classes @InnatDosBrisas? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas focus on difference between how growing conditions & climate influences wine profiles & body #SommChat
Katie Eigel _@KatieEigel Hi, @TperezWine Q. What would surprise the world/US about #txwine? (For those who haven't tried it) #SommChat @KeeperColl #WineWednesday
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KatieEigel @KeeperColl #SommChat ability to make great #wine with such a hot & humid climate
Katie Eigel _@KatieEigel @TperezWine @KeeperColl Thanks, Thomas! Cheers to you on #winewednesday!
Bernabe De Luna _@latache59 Q. @TperezWine @KeeperColl knowing you like wine pairing in places worked it's this from one dining experience that inspire you? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @latache59 @KeeperColl #SommChat i select wine according to what I am eating from a pairing perspective
zachary Ladwig _@ZacLadwig @@TperezWine what plans do you have in the next 5 years #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @ZacLadwig really excited about the #cocktail book I am writing, & plan on increasing @kristiLynnWine production #wine #SommChat
Lou Hammond PR _@LouHammondPR @TperezWine you are also a mixologist @InnatDosBrisas? How do cocktails fit in to overall farm-2-fork program? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine May 13@LouHammondPR @InnatDosBrisas I love to get creative at the #bar #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @LouHammondPR @InnatDosBrisas I focus on fresh ingredients, use 90% of the herbs, vegetables from the farm #SommChat
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @LouHammondPR@InnatDosBrisas What's your signature cocktail? #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @Fiery01Red @LouHammondPR @InnatDosBrisas dos brisas garden #gin #heirloom #peppers & #cilantro #grapefruit
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @TperezWine @LouHammondPR @InnatDosBrisas My mouth is watering! #SommChat
Michelle Williams @Fiery01Red Delicious #signature #cocktail visit @InnatDosBrisas & ask @TperezWine to make one for you! #SommChat #WineWednesday
Lou Hammond PR _@LouHammondPR Thank you @TperezeWine from @InnatDosBrisas and @KeeperColl for hosting #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @LouHammondPR thanks to you for joining in on #SommChat today
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
Michelle Williams _@Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Great chat! Thank you for time & insights! #SommChat
Dos Brisas _@InnatDosBrisas @Fiery01Red @KeeperColl @TperezWine it was! We were honored to be apart of it #SommChat
Lou Hammond PR @LouHammondPR Thanks again to Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas on #SommChat. #WW
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Thomas Perez @TperezWine from @InnatDosBrisas #SommChat
Elisa Scavino _@paoloscavino @KeeperColl @TperezWine @InnatDosBrisas Very nice & interesting! Thank you for the invitation!! Have a great day you all!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @paoloscavino great to see you on #SommChat as always - have a great week
Dos Brisas _@InnatDosBrisas @paoloscavino @KeeperColl @TperezWine great questions! #SommChat
Thomas Perez _@TperezWine @KeeperColl @InnatDosBrisas Thank you for having me! It was my pleasure #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking Thomas Perez @TperezeWine from @InnatDosBrisas for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Want to learn more abt #Burgundy Passetoutgrain? Keeper #French Intern @CloLafarge tells us more here #SommChat #WW
.@junerodil #Burgundy Passetoutgrain by @CloLafarge & Keeper to help w/ UR #Sommelier Studies #SommChat #WW