So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/15 Master #Sommelier Bobby Stuckey
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl will try and check in with you all from Udine, Friuli for #SommChat
@HalARose (Hal Rose): RT @italianwineguy: @KeeperColl will try and check in with you all from Udine, Friuli for #SommChat
@Keepercoll (Keeper Collection): @italianwineguy thanks Alfonso – wish we were with you doing #SommChat live from #Friuli with @BobbyStuckeyMS maybe next time:)
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS #SommChat just finished massive Friuli #wine tasting-soon heading 2 #Scarbolo restaurant 2night for riso Adriatico
@cmwines (Christopher Miller): RT @noblewines: interesting thoughts about Argentine economy and #wine: #SommChat @MalbecLife
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): .@1educatedpalate today ‘s #SommChat is @BobbyStuckeyMS – so much to learn
@raelin_wine (Raelinn_wine): hope to make at least part @KeeperColl @ #SommChat 11AM CST @oldgrimy @donajilira @ctfoodandwine @WineReviewOnlin @becabird @hvwinegoddess
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @raelinn_wine hope so too #SommChat learn from @BobbyStuckeyMS @frascafoodwine
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Can’t wait to see you @ #SommChat 11AM CST! @rtwinestyles @sahmmelier @tablascreek @TheLittleNell @thewinekey @tonymcclung @tperezwine #WW
@exceptionalfood (Gourmet Delights): Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @KeeperColl … #wine #wiyg #foodies
@1educatedpalate (Scott): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS I’m there #cheers #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): see you real soon! RT @1educatedpalate: @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS I’m there #cheers #SommChat
@TEXSOM (TEXSOM) Today on #SommChat, #TEXSOM presenter @bobbystuckeyms! 11 AM CST. “@KeeperColl: Bobby Stuckey MS will be in the #SOmmChat seat 2day”
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): #SommChat sommelier are just a bunch of #burgundy lovers~ what can you say: @adamplotkin
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from @BobbyStuckeyMS, Owner of @FrascaFoodWine & of @ScarpettaWine! #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’d like to introduce you to Owner of @FrascaFoodWine & of @ScarpettaWine, Bobby Stuckey, MS @BobbyStuckeyMS ! #SommChat #Winelover
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): We’re about ready to dive in w/questions, so shout out to @BobbyStuckeyMS to say hello & so he knows you’re here! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): As we ask @BobbyStuckeyMS our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso):@KeeperColl – Good #wining morning all! Nice to join you at #SommChat !
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro):@KeeperColl @FrascaFoodWine @ScarpettaWine @BobbyStuckeyMS Welcome to #SommChat and big congrats on the Beard Award!
@harleywine1 (Harley Carbery): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS hello from #Vegas! #winewednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @BobbyStuckeyMS let us know u R here! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Let’s start talking #wine w/ Owner of @FrascaFoodWine & of @ScarpettaWine, @BobbyStuckeyMS #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MSPWineGuy (Peter Plaehn): Woo hoo, I have time for #SommChat! Glad to be here @KeeperColl
@sanctuaryaz (SanctuaryCamelbackMt): We’re jumping into #SommChat today! Excited to learn from @BobbyStuckeyMS #ww @KeeperColl
@Sassodoro (Sassodoro):On now! RT @KeeperColl We’d like to introduce u to Owner of @FrascaFoodWine & @ScarpettaWine, Bobby Stuckey MS @BobbyStuckeyMS ! #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): Happy to be on today @KeeperColl #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS When did you initially become interested in #wine and why? #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A.1st time was busing tables at C Steele Restaurant N #arizona & seeing Tom Kaufman’s excitement talking abt #wine. #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS):The great @BobbyStuckeyMS on #Sommchat right now. Follow to learn something about Friulian #wines
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @fernandobeteta great to see you back on #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @BobbyStuckeyMS Contagious, isn’t it? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @SAHMmelier Thank you so much. Now you need to come to #Boulder #SommChat
@1educatedpalate (Scott): I’m happy to be here #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What made you want to start your own #restaurant @frascafoodwine? #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl 1 I always wanted to have my own #restaurant and…#SommChat #WW #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl #2 in #Somm world unfortunately U get to a level where nxt promotion is Corp. #wine buyer … …#SommChat #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A. So second reason I opened @frascafoodwine in #Boulder so I could be on the floor 5 nights a wk …#SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso):@KeeperColl – Mr. Stuckey, taking my #Certified in June, any tips how to best prepare myself mentally for pressure of game day? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @demilove Exercise a bit in the AM before your exam then have a Anchor Steam #beer #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS):@KeeperColl I always peek a little and
read the time line if I miss it live. #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso):@KeeperColl – Trying Not to make this test into Life or Death event but I have this tendency to turn everything into High Drama! – #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino):@demilove you’ll do just fine! relax! #SommChat
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): @BobbyStuckeyMS What made you decide to focus on the wine and food of Friulli #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @hvwinegoddess @eatfrico and I love that it is part Sea, #Vineyards and Mountains. The cross culture of E. #Europe, #Italy and #Germany #SommChat
@fernandobeteta (Fernando Beteta, MS):.@BobbyStuckeyMS What is your ultimate #Italian #wine experience? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @fernandobeteta Prosciutto and Tocai Friulano, Or Malvasia with Riso Mare, or @giampaolovenica Mele and spring Peas #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @demilove Drama is wasted energy. Trust me, I have a a Phd in drama that I’m trying to correct. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Love seeing Alto Adige Sauv Bl on your list
@bobbystuckeyms #SommChat That grape in that region deserves attention @KeeperColl
@hvwinegoddess (Debbie Gioquindo, CSW): I agree! Relax RT @SAHMmelier: @demilove Drama is wasted energy.Trust me, I have a a Phd in drama that I’m trying to correct. #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): RT @noblewines: Love seeing Alto Adige Sauv Bl on your list @bobbystuckeyms #SommChat That grape in that region deserves attention #SommChat
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet):Bonjour @BobbyStuckeyMS beautiful wine list @FrascaFoodWine ! Did having your restaurant change the way you approach wine? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @CaravelleChamp Not really i created my #restaurant so I could be a floor service person nightly. #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @CaravelleChamp Agreed. Love the organization and education. #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @SAHMmelier To scare my wife. She still wonders why we chose the one region in Italy no one knows. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @fernandobeteta so glad you enjoy the threads of #SommChat hope all is good with you and fam #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): .@KeeperColl Have some free time this morning and happy to drop into #SommChat with @BobbyStuckeyMS! Cool convos going on!
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @sahmmelier: @demilove Drama is wasted energy. #SommChat is it possible to have Italian restaurant w/o Drama???
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @noblewines Totally. I have taken my staff to #Friuli in July for a week and not seen another #American. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS Is there a particular reason why you chose #Boulder for the location of @frascafoodwine? #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl I chose #Boulder for the location of @frascafoodwine b/c of lifestyle & to be close to my wife’s family. #SommChat #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS How do you treat skin fermented wines from producers like #Gravner and #Radikon when pairing food? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MDSomm I tend to lean towards dishes that resonate with where those #wines are from. They work more in that space. #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @BobbyStuckeyMS A great way to learn! If you only hit #Venice, a lot of the food is touristy imho so no auth learning experience. #SommChat
@yrmom_safoodie (David Keck):@BobbyStuckeyMS never heard it put that way-so true #SommChat @KeeperColl
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @noblewines Then it’s “passion” not “drama” #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): @BobbyStuckeyMS That’s a good thing isn’t it? Why I now prefer Piedmont to Tuscany. #SommChat
@tonymcclung (Tony McClung ): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS #SommChat after Friuli, what’s your next love in the #Italian world?
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @tonymcclung Nebbiolo between October and March. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS Congrats on @JamesBeard “Outstanding #Wine Service” Award for @frascafoodwine? What does it mean to you? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl I sincerely mean that everyone in the lineup was deserving of a win so I was very honored. Also… #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl @jamesBeard award is very big deal 4 us b/c Matt Mather, @frascafoodwine Wine Dir. has been w/us since opening & .. #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl @jamesBeard award is a testament to the incredible dedication & effort of Matt Mather #SommChat #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl Matt has had such a positive effect on so many #Somms in the industry @dwilson74 @pwmwine @grantr1988 & Sur Lucero #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling):Ugh, on deadline, will try! @KeeperColl #SommChat 11AM CST @exceptionalfood @foodwinefashion @forknbottle @foundationspr @Haddadfrank #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Foundationspr hope so #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): Ok that’s a yes. RT @KeeperColl: @Foundationspr hope so #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @awineenthusiast we loved that movie #SomMChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What is the one thing you want the general public to understand about Italy/Friuli? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MDSomm #Italy is so diverse and Friuli is totally only #Friuli there is no other #wines and #foods totally different. #SommChat
@awineenthusiast (Parag Lalit): Saw Jiro Dreams of Sushi, perseverance gets you to the very top. Inspiring and motivating for a Sommelier #SommChat
@WineWiseGuy (Anthony Giglio):Q: Hi @BobbyStuckeyMS! What’s the next big thing from #Friuli for my #wine column in @LCI_Magazine @FrascaFoodWine @KeeperColl #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @WineWiseGuy The next Didier Dagueneau is not fr the Loire but the Collio and Colli Orientali. Sauvignon Blanc the secret weapon #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso):@KeeperColl – Since your home is major college town, do you notice more 20 somethings into #wine more than when you were that age? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @demilove Not really. Frasca while in a College town is not super influenced by it. #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS Checking in from Denver! Congrats on the Beard Award, Bobby! #SommChat
@SAHMmelier (SAHMmelier): Glad to join for a bit and will def. visit when we make it back to Boulder! Thanks everyone! @BobbyStuckeyMS @KeeperColl #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): @KeeperColl Happy #WW to you as well! #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): Q: @BobbyStuckeyMS Great to see you in #Austin recently. Is there any chance you would open a new @frascafoodwine here? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MattMcGinnis Thanks so much. But no. There may only be one @frascafoodwine maybe some day a @pizzerialocale #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SAHMmelier so glad you could chime in HAppy #WW #SommChat
@MauricesCru (Maurice Dimarino):Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS where do you sit on the “orange wine” debate? #SommChat
@BlindedBite (Blinded By The Bite!): “@SAHMmelier: The great @BobbyStuckeyMS on #Sommchat right now. Follow to learn something about Friulian wines. #SommChat”
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines @BobbyStuckeyMS @KeeperColl Last I checked, he also has #Miani on the list! Simply stunning wines! #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (StevieStacionis):I love this. RT @BobbyStuckeyMS: @KeeperColl A. I chose #Boulder for @frascafoodwine b/c of lifestyle, to be close to wife’s fam #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @TperezWine yeahhhhh!!!! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS @SanFranMag also recognized you as “Wine Director of the Year”. Tell us about that. #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl it was a great honor to get this honor from such an impt publication like @SanFranMag… #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl I had moved to Bay Area from #Aspen where I worked @thelittlenell. It was a great nod while @_TFL_#SommChat #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Cuisine from foothills of the Alps in restaurant in foothills of the rockies nice fit @bobbystuckeyms #SommChat @AdamPlotkin
@BistroSanMartin (Bistro San Martín):Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What is your take on orange #wines from #Friuli? #Food pairings? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @BistroSanMartin Or. like any style of #wine the ones who get it make good #wine. I like the Stinco di Vitello from @lasubida #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS Who are some of your favorite #Slovenian producers? Do you find them stylistically similar to #Friuli? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MDSomm The #wines from Brda are a extension of the Collio so yes. But other parts are totally different. Ie. Vipava #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MDSomm Many. Ciringa SB, Burja Pinot Nero, Marijan Simcic rebulla and his opoka Chard is killer #SommChat
@StevieStacionis (StevieStacionis):GO read this thread! RT @fernandobeteta: The great @BobbyStuckeyMS on #Sommchat right now. Follow to learn something about #Friulian wines.
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling):I really loved the Sauv Blanc based blends from several producers; and Ribolla Gialla makes lovely #wine @BobbyStuckeyMS @MDSomm #SommChat
@BistroSanMartin (Bistro San Martín):@MauricesCru oops… you beat me to it! #SommChat
@LEBONVINBLANC (LESTIMÉ CAROLINE):Collio and Colli Orientali. #Sauvignon #Blanc the secret weapon #SommChat because of limestone = calcaire #SommChat
GermanWineUSA (Wines of Germany US):RT @bobbystuckeyms: A. @KeeperColl @jamesbeard award is a testament to the incredible dedication & effort of Matt Mather #SommChat…
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @LEBONVINBLANC so gr8 to see you back on #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What is the biggest challenge in creating the #wine list @FrascaFoodWine? #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl The challenge goes to @frascafoodwine #Wine Director Matt Mather who does the “heavy lifting” #SommChat #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl To get #Friuli #wines into the State of #Colorado, Matt works closely with distributors & importers #SommChat
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS #SommChat just rolled into #Trieste – wish you all were here with me!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): we do toooo ! @italianwineguy: @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS #SommChat just rolled into #Trieste – wish you all were here with me!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @SOMM_FILM gr8 to see you on #SommChat
@WineWiseGuy (Anthony Giglio):Bravo! “@BobbyStuckeyMS: Next Didier Dagueneau is not fr Loire but Collio/Colli Orientali. SauvBlanc = secret weapon #SommChat” @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @WineWiseGuy so glad to see you chatting today on #SommChat – Hope all is well with you
@LEBONVINBLANC (LESTIMÉ CAROLINE):@bobbystuckeyms #SommChat do you have old #wines on your list ? and if yes how old are they ? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @LEBONVINBLANC yes some Whites from #Friuli twenty years old. #Barolo into the fifties at times. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @adamplotkin: @BobbyStuckeyMS @KeeperColl Last I checked, he also has #Miani on the list! #SommChat any Marco Felluga there? Molamatta!!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What inspired you & @eatfrico to create @scarpettawine? #SommChat #WW
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): A. @KeeperColl Matt makes the links in the chain connect and in doing so positively affects many ppls lives in business #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A. Every Master Somm wants fingers in #winemaking – not all have Chef partner like @eatfrico that love #wine so much #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @lebonvinblanc: @BobbyStuckeyMS #SommChat do you have old #wines on your list? #SommChat ever had any old Terlano Sauv Blanc age 20+ easy
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @noblewines Yes those #wines are super. Drink them at Alle Testiere in Venice every time i am there #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @noblewines No Molamatta at the moment but a few years ago we poured it BTG. #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):@BobbyStuckeyMS future for the #sommelier career, what do you see? is this industry still growing 1000 miles per hour @KeeperColl #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @TperezWine The future is going back to the craft of learning all parts of hospitality and I think it needs to slow down….. #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @TperezWine #sommelier needs to master waiting tables and bussing before the grand crus of chablis. I still serve everynight. #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):@BobbyStuckeyMS I agree we also need more training, #wine #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):@BobbyStuckeyMS: @TperezWine #sommelier needs to master waiting tables and bussing before the grand crus of chablis. agree 100% #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino):@BobbyStuckeyMS would u say u have the greatest job in the world? Creating ur own #wine, ur own #restaurant, taking trips, tweeting. #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MauricesCru Yes you forgot getting bossed around at work from my wife the DBomb aka Danette #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS How did @Chef_Keller influence you at @_TFL_ #Aspen? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A. @Chef_Keller taught us the impt of raising basics 2 another level – not done enough in the industry #SOmMChat #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):Good morning from #Carmel, CA @KeeperColl #SommChat
@LEBONVINBLANC (LESTIMÉ CAROLINE):“@BobbyStuckeyMS: Next Didier Dagueneau is not fr Loire but Collio/Colli Orientali. SauvBlanc = secret weapon #SommChat” #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS What was the most valuable thing you learned while working at @TheLittleNell restaurant in #Aspen? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A. Eric Calderon COO @aubergeresorts & Coni Thornburg GM @CalistogaRanch taught me to care 4 every single guest #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl A. By showing up and working as many nights as I possibly can #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @BobbyStuckey Countless awards seem to follow you wherever you go. What is your secret? #SommChat #WW
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): @BobbyStuckeyMS not as much NE It Cabernet on your list as I’d predict. Any reason? I’m a fan of many from #Friuli #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @noblewines I love them and at times we do have a better selection. We update the list daily. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with @BobbyStuckeyMS #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): It was great to have @BobbyStuckeyMS join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking @BobbyStuckeyMS for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):@BobbyStuckeyMS @TperezWine The future is going back 2 the craft of learning all parts of hospitality it, we need 2 think service! #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @KeeperColl Thanks so much loved every bit of it. See you all at Frasca for a glass of Friulano. #SommChat
@yrmom_safoodie (David Keck):@KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS Outstanding– thanks so much and congrats again on a killer 2013 so far! #SOMMCHAT
@forknbottle (Adam Caperton): Yes! @BobbyStuckeyMS #Collio showing #Venica Ronco delle Mele today #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark your calendar and get ready for #SommChat w/ #Winemaker Karl Wente @KarlWente on Wed 5/22 at 11 AM CST ! C u there!
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):thanks, sorry arrived late! @KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with @BobbyStuckeyMS #WW #SommChat
@LEBONVINBLANC (LESTIMÉ CAROLINE):@KeeperColl thank you and many congratulations to @BobbyStuckeyMS I will look at Collio and Colli Orientali wines seriously #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @BobbyStuckeyMS I admire the approach you take re: service. What is going through your head when you’re on the floor? #SommChat
@Bobby Stuckey (Bobby Stuckey): @MDSomm i am hoping that every guest is getting the experience they are looking for. #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): @yrmom_safoodie @KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS Yes! congrats on an awesome 2013! #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Tried to sneak in a last question before I realized the bell had rung! Thanks @KeeperColl and @BobbyStuckeyMS for a great #SommChat!
@BistroSanMartin (Bistro San Martín):Thank you @BobbyStuckeyMS &
@KeeperColl for an informational & inspirational #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): TY for #SommChat & giving love to NE #Italy F&B @BobbyStuckeyMS any keg #wine at your place ala Eataly rooftop in #NYC?
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet):Thank you for an inspiring & informative #SommChat RT @KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking @BobbyStuckeyMS for his time #WW #Winelover
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling):Exactly! Nice one, Adam. They resurrected the varietal and did a great favor for the wine world. #Piccolit @AdamPlotkin #SommChat #Friuli
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @tattoodsomm glad you enjoyed #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin ): @noblewines Love the entire #Kofererhof line! #SommChat
@AdamPlotkin (Adam Plotkin): @noblewines Check out Cab Sauv and Cab Franc from Lis Neris. Great stuff! #SommChat
@hellokimmykim (Kim Natalini): .@KeeperColl @BobbyStuckeyMS awesome #SommChat today! Thx for great advice to master serving & hospitality for new #somm #wine #lessons
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @hellokimmykim – Hi Kim! Hope to see you next week on #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): RT @hellokimmykim: @BobbyStuckeyMS awesome #SommChat today! Thx for gr8 advice 2 master serving & hospitality 4 new #somm #wine #lessons
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @AdamPlotkin glad to see you today at #SomMChat
@raelin_wine (Raelinn_wine): @KeeperColl super bummed to miss #SommChat today! I’m working like a dog over here!! sigh.
@cuvee_corner (Bill Eyer): Great answer > RT @BobbyStuckeyMS: @MDSomm i am hoping that every guest is getting the experience they are looking for. #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams ): MT “@BobbyStuckeyMS: @TperezWine #somm needs to master waiting tables & bussing b4 the grand crus of chablis. #SommChat”==>well said & amen!
@latache59 (Bernabe De Luna): RT @BobbyStuckeyMS: #sommelier needs to master waiting tables and bussing before grand crus of chablis. I still serve everynight. #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): I missed #SommChat again today, but I am putting it on calendar for next week. I love @Wente wines!
@Wente (Wente Vineyards ?): @RichardsLJ we’re looking forward to next week’s #SommChat too! See you there!
@i_on_food_drink (Irene L): Happy #WW – #Sommchat #winechat #bcwinechat #onwinechat RT @exceptionalfood: Please don’t send me a dozen….
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez):@lwa235 @BobbyStuckeyMS @TperezWine #somm needs to master waiting tables & bussing b4 the grand crus of chablis. #SommChat well said & amen!
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner): @italianwineguy: @KeeperColl will try & check in with you all from Udine, Friuli for #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): RT @alawine: @italianwineguy: @KeeperColl will check in from Udine, Friuli #SommChat
@TranslationLady (Lori~TranslationLady): @alawine @HollyChessman @KevinWGrossman @jmass @KeithGulliver @SylvieDahl Nice 2 see you, Ken. I popped in on #Sommchat last week but no Ken
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner)?: @TranslationLady hi Lori, sorry to miss #Sommchat but sometimes at a tough time for me; though, usually circle back and review tweets later