So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/16 Winemaker Jeremy Seysses, Domaine Dujac
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Let’s start talking #wine with @JeremySeysses #WineWednesday #SommChat #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Good morning all from Chicago! Nice to join u at #SommChat!
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): hi everyone great to be here with @KeeperColl – look fwd to your questions – don’t be shy #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Great to have you available Jeremy RT @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to @JeremySeysses #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @jeremyseysses via @sethmlong: What are your thoughts on clonal selection vs selection massale? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @sethlong Massale would be better but need a clean massale #WineWednesday #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@sethlong @KeeperColl 50 domaines in the Cote D’or are coming together to work on a clean massale #WineWednesday #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@sethlong @KeeperColl it takes all of us working together to do this and will be a 15 yr project #WineWednesday #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (Scott Harney): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Which vineyards are the most difficult to work with of the Djuac holdings? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@ENOontheMagMile @KeeperColl in almost every appellation includes several blocks – some blocks R challenging… #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @ENOontheMagMile @KeeperColl Beaux Monts and Morey St Denis Villages #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): Yo! @JeremySeysses had an awesome 2001 Les Gruenchers w @KeeperColl recently. How long has your family made? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@dbrogues FIRST HARVEST WAS 1977 #SommChat @KeeperColl
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): I’m here! catching up on the convo. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses Did U plan 2 B in #wine biz w/ UR father at Dujac, even as a kid, R did u consider another profession? #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 3) As a kid, I was more interested in becoming a cowboy… #SommChat #WineWednesday
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2of3) As a teen, I wanted 2 work at Monterey Bay Aquarium as an aquarist-worked there for 5 consecutive summers… #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (3 of 3) I turned to #wine when I was 19. No regrets. #SommChat #WineWednesday
@ilpalazzone (Il Palazzone): @KeeperColl @ilpalazzoneny and I are spending a Montalcino evening following #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @ilpalazzone sounds amazing! what a great way to spend the evening. #SommChat
@SommCat (Somm Cat): Jeremy, your wines make me purrrrrrrrr. Thx! #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (Scott Harney): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Clos de la Roche is often very tannic. Do you put it on your list of vineyards with the longest life? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@ENOontheMagMile @KeeperColl yes but most grand crus have 20 years in them given good cellaring conditions. #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): A cowboy, is that your interest in going to Provence? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@noblewines Triennes is in the Var, but sometimes feels like the Var west:) #SommChat @KeeperColl
@italianwineguy (Alfonso Cevola): @ilpalazzone @KeeperColl @ilpalazzoneny Greetings to i Montalcinisti #SommChat
@ilpalazzone (Il Palazzone): @italianwineguy @KeeperColl @ilpalazzoneny gli ilcinesi ti salutano! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses Why did you move to #biodynamics in Dujac vineyards & what R the biggest positive effects you have seen? #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 2) First vineyard moved 2 BD was Echezeaux because of some virus issues & thought BD might help mitigate this. #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 2) Over time, we R seeing less virus expression. Does it mean BD “works”? I wouldn’t dare B so categorical. #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @JeremySeysses Many of the rosés I’ve tried from 2011 have lacked their typical vibrancy. Was it a tough year in Provence? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@MDSomm not especially but it was a sunny year. Sunny vintages can be heavy but w/whites & roses harvest is everything #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Do you sell a certain % of your wines directly to end-drinkers in Fr? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@noblewines yes for both dujac and triennes – open to all for Triennes; for dujac only existing customers #SommChat @KeeperColl
@VinoVCP (VCP): @JeremySeysses Can you tell us more about your 2010 vintage? #SommChat #WW #Sommelier
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@VinoVCP defining features – diminutive in quantity – as intense as ’05 but cooler in the fruit profile #SommChat #WW
@ENOontheMagMile (Scott Harney): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl What regions outside of Burgundy do you think are making interesting PN? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@ENOontheMagMile @KeeperColl fav PNs have been from Geelong region but lots of interesting PNs being made in many places #SommChat #WW
@decaturwinedude (decaturwinedude): @JeremySeysses Jeremy, what recent (last 20 years) vintages are you enjoying drinking now? and…Favorites of the 2000s? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @decaturwinedude ’95 ’98 right now- fav of 2000s to drink now ’00 and ’07 and for long term ’05 and ’08 and ’10 #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@decaturwinedude (decaturwinedude): ’96, too for me..RT @JeremySeysses: ’95 ’98 right now fav of ’00 to drink now ’00 and ’07, long term ’05 and ’08 ’10 #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @decaturwinedude @KeeperColl Quite right, 96s are beginning to show their mettle. Add it to the list. #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @JeremySeysses Was it difficult transitioning from winemaking in Burgundy to Provence? What different challenges do you face? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@MDSomm @KeeperColl YES since ’90 sharp learning curve – different weather and diff varieties #SommChat #WW
@nicktex (Nicholas): @JeremySeysses how do you feel about the 94 vintage? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@nicktex @KeeperColl most cuvees are fermented with over 80% whole cluster every year at Dujac #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @nicktex first vintage for me as stagier at Dujac – more sentimental value than great quality #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): have you ever attended Pinot Camp in Willamette? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @noblewines Last Seysses visit was in 1996 #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@CaravelleChamp (Rita Jammet): bonjour @JeremySeysses I read an interview of U abt “rustic” quality, what makes your Morey wines a little “rustic”? #SommChat @KeeperColl
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @CaravelleChamp I think Morey has a slightly rustic tannin quality #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@nicktex (Nicholas): RT @nicktex: @JeremySeysses with the heavy Asian interest in the Burgundy wines, do you think a price inflation is imminent in US?#SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @nicktex not enough of an economic expert to answer that question #SommChat #WW
@C_McFall (Chris McFall): @JeremySeysses do you have a favorite commune or cru to work with? How about favorite to drink? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @C_McFall Morey St Denis is fav commune to work with- fav commune to drink – I drink producers more than communes #SommChat #WW @KEEPERCOLL
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Don’t want you to knock other grape varieties, but do you think Pinot Noir is the ultimate test for a winemaker? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@demilove @KeeperColl making wine in Provence was a very humbling experience-ultimate challenge lies in the unfamiliar #SommChat #WW
@plepeltier (pascalinelepeltier): Hello @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl always wanted to know what makes the Monts Luisants great for white? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@plepeltier @KeeperColl combination of steep east facing slope, altitude, high limestone & drainage – happy to discuss w/U at any time #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Half way into #SommChat–learning so much from @JeremySeysses! Keep the questions comin! #SommChat #WineWednesday #Sommelier
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): Is there a Beaune producer/appellation that you like drinking the way you do with MSD #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@KeeperColl @noblewines for reds I have lots of friends in Volnay #WW #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (Scott Harney): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Is there a region of France or off the beaten path grape you would like to work with, but haven’t yet? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @ENOontheMagMile many but will keep fantasy – need to concentrate on #Burgundy and #Provence #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @KeeperColl I’m here! had to race home #SommChat
@LuluArroyo (Lulu Arroyo): @JeremySeysses Hi Jeremy! Once again the Triennes Rose is our star and darling of our Rose’s! Thank you. #SommChat #ww @KeeperColl
@RN74 (Rajat Parr): Hi @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Loving this dialogue. Keep it comin!! #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @RN74 Thanks for dropping by! #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Q. @JeremySeysses How do you determine if you’ve successfully made a good wine? What determines quality for you? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@MDSomm @KeeperColl general sense of proportion that I am looking for – balance … #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@MDSomm @KeeperColl & how it measures against a platonic idea of the #vineyard that has been built over the years. #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses #biodynamic viticulture requires > work in vineyards. Is extra work year round or just certain times of the year? #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 2) #Biodynamics requires > reactivity & availability throughout growing season… #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 2) How much more work is purely a factor of how dry/rainy the season is. #WW #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses Do U use any of the viticulture practices with your Triennes wines, as U do at Dujac? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 2) We began organic conversion at Triennes in 2009. In 2011 Viognier will be certified… #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 2) The climate at Triennes is easier, but we have less staff so Triennes is organic but not #biodynamic. #WW #SommChat
@noblewines (Christopher Miller): sent Etienne an e-mail about this, not sure he’s on twitter RT @JeremySeysses: @KeeperColl 4 reds I have lots of friends in Volnay #WW #SommChat
@Champagnewhit (Whitney Woodham): .@JeremySeysses .@KeeperColl Just getting to a computer and so excited to see this…really great info. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): @Champagnewhit #Cheers to #WineWednesday@ Great to see you! just in the nick of time #SommChat
@ENOontheMagMile (Scott Harney): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Are Provence, Languedoc, & other areas in south regions to spread your wings? Exact opposite of Burg? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @ENOontheMagMile Provence very diff from Languedoc – higher acidity lower alc. more we can relate to #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl what’s the advantage of biodynamic over organic? some producers think organic is enough. Your thoughts? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): .@SirenaDiVino @KeeperColl Org cert is enough for us; advs of #BD are hard 2 measure so not 4 everyone #SommChat #WW
@SirenaDiVino (Courtney Richards): @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl thanks your rose is still my favorite!! #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @SirenaDiVino @KeeperColl I never ever get sick of hearing that. Thank you. #SommChat
@MDSomm (Davis Smith): Have to run off to work but it was a great #SommChat with @JeremySeysses and @KeeperColl! Thanks again!
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @MDSomm @KeeperColl Anytime! Thanks for the questions. #SommChat
@MNWineGuy (Steve Sigmond): @JeremySeysses Any future plans to add vineyard holdings at Dujac, a la Malconsorts a few years ago? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @MNWineGuy if something comes up – absolutely. Nothing currently on radar #WW #SommChat @KeeperColl
@kathymorganMS (Kathy Morgan): Gr8 Q! Why is Luisants Blanc gr8? RT@JeremySeysses: @plepeltier comb.of steep east facing slope, altitude, high limestone & drainage #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses How do U & UR partners in Triennes divide the duties for the winery? How do U find time to do both? #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 2) The Seysses family runs Triennes, but there is a full team on site…. #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 2) Key players are Remy Laugier, #winemaker and director of operations, & Romain Michel, Vineyard Manager. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses How many #wines do you make at Triennes each year, and do you have plans to increase that in the future? #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 2) We make 6 #wines in bottle at Triennes. The US gets the 3 best ones…. #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2 of 2) Working on vineyard site think will be special in time- more abt that when we have something and more confident about. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses Read in @fandw that you cook fresh from what u grow in ur garden. How often do u cook 4 ur family? #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl Everyday and every dinner is cooked by either Diana or me. We keep it simple. #SommChat #WW
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Q. @JeremySeysses #SommChat tweeps would like to know about ur wife Diana’s work, @seysses, in the cellar at Dujac? #WW #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (1 of 3) Diana @seysses is a trained #enologist, unlike the rest of the Seysses. She is Queen of the Cellar…. #SommChat #WW
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (2of 3) Diana follows all the #wines, handles racking, bottling, etc…. #SommChat #WineWednesday
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): A. @KeeperColl (3of 3) & in a small #domaine, Diana, @seysses, gets to do a bit of everything else as well. #SommChat #WW #facttotum
@majesticsunn (Majestic Sunningdale): @JeremySeysses Who are your top 3 up and coming winemakers in the Cotes d’Or? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @majesticsunn wish I tasted more broadly and had more insight into that #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@MNWineGuy (Steve Sigmond): @JeremySeysses If you had a magic wand & could add holdings in one vineyard (not LT or RC), which one? #SommChat
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): @MNWineGuy Musigny I won’t hold back!!!! #SommChat #WW @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Time to wrap up! Hope you enjoyed this hour of #wine talk with @JeremySeysses #WineWednesday #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): It was great to have Jeremy join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Please join us in thanking Jeremy for his time #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If any1 missed some of the chat today, remember we’ll post an archive soon to for you to review later #SommChat
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Mark ur calendar! #SommChat Wed 5/23 at 11 AM CST @yobetts will be our featured guest to answer your questions! #CantMiss
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q for @yobetts gets answered, post it to FB! Happy #WW!
@StevieStacionis (StevieStacionis): Just catching up w/ #SommChat & @JeremySeysses. Could go for simple dinner w/ him & Diana, maybe a bottle or 2, you know, casual! YUM #Dujac
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): Keep in the loop for upcoming guests & archives & sign up for our email list at #SommChat
@dbrogues (Devon Broglie, MS): “@KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Jeremy for his time #SommChat” thanks!!!
@JeremySeysses (Jeremy Seysses): thank you everyone for the great Questions on @KeeperColl #SommChat #ww
@MNWineGuy (Steve Sigmond): @JeremySeysses Thanks! I bet you would make a good Richebourg too #SommChat
@StephanieMiskew (Stephanie Miskew CSW): @KeeperColl @JeremySeysses Big thanks to Jeremy! Learned lots today on #SommChat – thank you!
@nicktex (Nicholas): Thank you!!RT @KeeperColl: Thx for the #WW follow @bittertannin @nicktex @jordiorriols @yoga_kat great to have you on #SommChat
@kathymorganMS (Kathy Morgan): Thanks @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl great #SommChat today!
@KeeperColl (Keeper Collection): thx & may ur glass be filled today w/ fab PN! RT @RN74: Hi @JeremySeysses @KeeperColl Loving this dialogue. Keep it comin!! #SommChat
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @StephanieMiskew Thank you! Hope to come back with great tips to share. @KeeperColl #SommChat
@KGreenPR (Kristen Green): @JeremySeysses looking forward to chat recap on “@KeeperColl: Please join us in thanking Jeremy for his time #SommChat”