So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

5/27 Chilean Winemaker Rodrigo Soto, Ritual Wines
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines #RodrigoSoto, our winemaker will be at #SommChat today at noon ET. Send us your questions and learn about Chilean wines! @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET w/ #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @RichardPF @bschuler @zoltanszabo @RachelVoorhees @harleywine1 @yoga_kat
Zoltan Szabo _@zoltanszabo @KeeperColl @RitualWines @RichardPF @BSchuler @RachelVoorhees @harleywine1 @yoga_kat nice !!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @zoltanszabo look forward to your questions on #SommChat today! Hope all is good with you!
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm Looking forward to #SommChat this AM with Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @bergeronpaul @Eno_DC @kerrynewberry @annevanston @VinoCapisco @londonvino #WW
ENO DC _@Eno_DC @KeeperColl Another week, another #SommChat! Thanks!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Eno__DC thx for the continued support and lk fwd 2 UR ?s
KeeperCollection @KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @drewbie_g @lwa235 @justawinetwit @michaelshearin @lesliesb @noblerotnyc
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g Thanks for the heads up! Will be tuned in & listening / reading! #SommChat #WineWednesday @KeeperColl
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET w/ #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @winochic @hvwinegoddess @sassodoro @mweb @GustoTastings @_itsmatthew_
Sassodoro _@Sassodoro @KeeperColl @RitualWines @Winochic @hvwinegoddess @mweb @GUSTOTastings @_itsmatthew_ Happy #SommChat #WW!
FoodBeverageNetwork _@Foodbeverageli #SommChat 12N ET #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @davidwong1966 @debhopkins20…
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET w/ #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @WinemakingNomad @Trouty @sirenadivino @enjoielife @robbin_g @stemgrip
Judia Black _@enjoielife @KeeperColl @RitualWines @WinemakingNomad @trouty @SirenaDiVino I'm not able to make it to #SommChat today.
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @enjoielife you will be missed today on #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines #RodrigoSoto is ready for our #SommChat session in 3 minutes. Tune in and learn more about wines from #Chile, our wines and others...
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from head #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto of @Ritualwines #Chile
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl We'd like to introduce you to #winemaker Rodrigo Soto of @ritualwines #SommChat #WW #Chile
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 Rodrigo Soto of @ritualwines 2 say hello & so he knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl As we ask Rodrigo Soto of @Ritualwines our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He'll do his best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @ Ritualwines 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Awesome to have you on today Rodrigo! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl gr. to have you as always and lk fwd to ur questions @AndyOnFarmWine
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Let's start talking Chilean #wine w/ Head #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto of @Ritualwines #WW #SommChat #Chile
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Hi all! Great to be here at #SommChat!!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines How do you manage to oversee vineyards that are so far away from each other? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl They are not that far. 2 hour drive. Always good and refreshing to move through our estates! #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What are the top varietals you are producing? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine @RitualWines make SuvBlanc and Pinot. @Neyenwines single wine of Carmenere/CabSauv. #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove Nice to join you all today! - #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl so glad you can be here and your questions will be good too! #Chile
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman Q Good morning Rodrigo @RitualWines Who are your wine making mentors and where did you learn to make wine? Thanks #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @SandyWasserman great to see you on #SommChat - thanks for your support and questions for us all to learn!
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @SandyWasserman The biggest person for me in farming was Alan York. In the wines, David Ramey, Alvaro Espinoza and Paul Hobbs. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @RitualWines So you've made wine outside Chile? Do you plan to make more wine outside Chile? if so where & what? Thanks #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @SandyWasserman I was in Sonoma for 6 years. Great experience. Currently, focused on Chile and discovering its gemms!!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @Ritualwines tell us about the Casablanca Valley in #Chile and why it is good for UR #wine production? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl It's a cool climate, limited yields, slow rippening place. #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine In what style are you making the sauv blnc and pinot noir? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @AndyOnFarmWine good question - did not think of those varietals in #Chile #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine on our own style :) Somewhere in between New Zealand and Russian River #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: @ritualwines Are your #wines available in the US and in what mkts are easiest to find in? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Yes, they are available in all main markets. Look for our brands: @Neyenwines @RitualWines #Primus Veramonte #SommChat
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove What's the oak treatment on your Pinot? - #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @demilove Very moderate. 20% new burgundy coopers and 1,2 and 3 year old barrils. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm @demilove great to see you again after our @winesofuruguay tour in Chicago
Douglas Trapasso _@demilove @CharlesComm @winesofuruguay - That was really fun! Hope you come back to chicago for another event soon! - #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm @demilove will do!
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Is the carmenere/cab more inland? Any water issues #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl about Casablanca. Decomposed granite soils also key. #SommChat
WineCompass _@winecompass @RitualWines Which U.S. markets are you in? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @winecompass we are actually in most states. Its a small production but should be reasonably available. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines Describe the work you've done with @PedroParrachile in #Chile vis a vis soil research #SommChat just learned fr him w @ATXSomms
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl @ATXSomms I know @pedroparrachile for 15 years. His early days. Has helped me understand soils all over the world. #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl @pedroparrachile @ATXSomms Great guy and very knowledgeable and a good friend! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl our paths cross again! RT @pedroparrachile: @RitualWines Rodrigo Soto, good friend, brilliant byodinamic winemaker form Chile ! #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm @RitualWines would also love your take on the state of the #wine industry in #Chile in the last 20 years #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @CharlesComm Going through a lot of change. Interesting & evolving towards quality and specificity! Good times and wines to come! #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm @RitualWines what would you say are the biggest changes? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @CharlesComm new generation of winemakers, people like @pedroparrachile Alvaro Espinoza and Alan that bring inspiration & vision #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Is the carmenere/cab more inland? Any water issues #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine indeed it is in Colchagua (Apalta). Clay soils, warmer climate, more rainfall in winter. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines Please explain your “small-batch approach” and how that affects your #wine - so you do on both #Pinot & Sauv Blanc? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl It showcases the essence of our estate in Casablanca. Best combination of soil, climate and our farming techniques. #SommChat
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g My standard question! Are @RitualWines sold in Canada? Thru either @LCBO in ON, or @LiquorMarts in MB? @KeeperColl #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @drewbie_g @LCBO @LiquorMarts @KeeperColl Unfortunately not yet. We're working on it. You can find Primus and Veramonte in LCBO. #SommChat
Drew Gourdie _@drewbie_g Thanks @RitualWines ! #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Some of the wine from apalta are expensive do they age beautifully #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine They have a very strong structure which should translate to tremendous aging potential. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat peep: how do you decide when you use whole cluster and how much? @RitualWines
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Tasting the grapes, imagining what they lack and what whole cluster can bring to that particular wine. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines What has your time in #California taught you that you apply in #Chile now for #winemaking? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Focus, precision, dedication and quality farming techniques. (organic and biodynamic) #SommChat
Adam Plotkin _@AdamPlotkin Good morning, #SommChat 'ers! Better late than never! :-)
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl yes sir and learning bat #Pinot and Sauv Blanc made in #Chile! RT @AdamPlotkin: Good morning, #SommChat 'ers! Better late than never! :-)
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Littorai winemaker from Russian River on a while back and favors balance on pinot how do you approach pinot winemaking? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine Littorai is1 of my benchmarks & I share that vision. It's all about balance and bringing the site into the bottle #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines Please describe the history of growing Pinot Noir in #Chile, where does it thrive best? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Chile is fairly new to Pinot. Early 90s. Stil learning but we know we have incredible sites for this variety. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm @RitualWines @KeeperColl Who are some of the folks who've come to visit? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @CharlesComm @KeeperColl Paul Hobbs, Ken Bernards, Byron Kosugui among otheres!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat person: Do any of the #California #winemakers visit you in #Chile and if so how often? @RitualWines
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl I'm in constant communication with colleague friends sharing techniques & vision. We get at least 3 technical visits #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine What kind of volume are you doing with pinot? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine 4-5k cases depending on the year. Our goal is always quality! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q. sent in ahead of time: @ritualwines What foods do you like to pair with UR Pinot Noir? With UR #SauvignonBlanc? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl #SauvignonBlanc fresh seafood, ceviche, oysters. #pinotnoir white meats, fresh pasta, aged cheeses! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperCollQ fr shy #SommChat peep: are the flavor profiles of @RitualWines more similar to #Sonoma or #Burgundy or neither & if so describe?
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl It's undeniable that they are similarities with #sonoma. Age of soils and climate. Wines are silky, fresh and intense #SommChat
Rashmi Primlani _@PrimlaniKitchen Sounds exactly like how new world Pinto should taste. #SommChat #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines How do you feel that #biodynamic practices better for your #wines than traditional practices? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl I'm convinced its the right way to reveal "sense of place" through quality fruit and logevity of vines #SommChat
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Is the pinot in US if so what kind of price is it? #SommChat
Charles Comm PR @CharlesComm @AndyOnFarmWine $19.99 for the Pinot Noir #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. Rodrigo @RitualWines Anything new and exciting coming out of Chile? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @SandyWasserman Many things. Ex: Chardonnay from Limarí, Carignan from Maule, Pinot from Bio Bio. Pais from Itata. #SommChat
Sandy Wasserman CS _@SandyWasserman @RitualWines Pais being Tempranillo? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @SandyWasserman No Pais being Mission. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm Deliciousness coming out of #Chile #wine #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines What are some of your most memorable #Chilean wines and why? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Some of my favorite are Seña, Melchor, Syrah Matetic, Montsecano PN and of course our Neyen from 120 year old vines. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm If anyone on the feed wants to try @RitualWines Pinot Noir DM me at
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWine Sounds like u make a wide variety of different wines whats ur favorite? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine It depends on the occasion and pairing. I'm like them and respect them all! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @ritualwines Please tell us about blind tasting profiles for the #SauvignonBlanc #wine? #SommChat #Chile
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl fresh herbs, citrus notes, good texture, balanced, fresh mouth feel. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl when is typical harvest time for @RitualWines and is it pretty much the same every year? what is the biggest challenge you face? #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl #SommChat 12N ET #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto @RitualWines #Chile @camparirocket @vinumterra @patriciustokaj @vendemmiawines @fabienlaine
Fabien Lainé _@fabienlaine @KeeperColl sorry was jogging :) need to burn #wine & #food calories a bit - just out of the shower - but I will catch up
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @fabienlaine you have been missed on #SommChat - a lot learned!
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl @RitualWines Please describe the history of growing Pinot Noir in #Chile, where does it thrive best? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl At least 4 interesting regions (Casablanca, Leyda, Bio Bio and Limarí) #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga i love #chile #wine w #carmenere my fav and whites not bad @KeeperColl @RitualWines how #climatechange less #water etc affects? #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga does (not?) #pinotnoir require much #water humidity @KeeperColl @RitualWines #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @ormiga @KeeperColl In Mediterranean climates u don't have much humidity in summer. They adapt well to that situation. #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga wellsaid @RitualWines @KeeperColl most #chile #wine ive had are strong fresh so how #organic affects aromas flavors #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @ormiga @KeeperColl That's why its so important to farm organically cause u make your vines become independent and self regulated. #SommChat
ormiga _@ormiga o good didnt realise @RitualWines @KeeperColl
Judia Black _@enjoielife @RitualWines @ormiga @KeeperColl I've enjoyed great Sauvignon Blanc & Pinot Noir from Chile! Casa Marin makes incredibly interesting #wine!
ormiga _@ormiga thanks tip @enjoielife @KeeperColl @ritualwines ive liked @vinamaipo's #carmenere (my fav discovery ;) a lot also others' whites
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Q fr shy #SommChat Do you ever travel to US to promote your #wines? @RitualWines
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl when is typical harvest time for @RitualWines and is it pretty much the same every year? what is the biggest challenge you face? #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl early March and biggest challenge is spring frost. #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Head #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto of @Ritualwines #SommChat #Chile
Andy Phillips _@AndyOnFarmWineGreat you are on the cutting edge down there thank you! #SommChat
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @AndyOnFarmWine Thanks for your interest and questions!! #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Great to have #Winemaker Rodrigo Soto of @Ritualwines join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl Please join us in thanking #winemaker Rodrigo Soto from @Ritualwines for his time #SommChat #WW #Winelover #Chile
ormiga _@ormiga good fun @RitualWines @KeeperColl
Ritual Wines _@RitualWines @KeeperColl Thank you for having me. It's great to share what Chile has to offer. #SommChat
Charles Comm PR _@CharlesComm Thank you @KeeperColl for keeping the bar high and pushing for better education in #wine consistently #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl THX @CharlesComm
ormiga _@ormiga wellsaid @RitualWines @KeeperColl most #chile #wine ive had are strong fresh so how #organic affects aromas flavors #SommChat
KeeperCollection _@KeeperColl thanks to all for a great #SommChat with @RitualWines today #Chile