So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

6/18 Wine Writer Elaine Chukan Brown
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @lisasharahall @lvwineapp @sonofasomm @gnlcdtrnt @p_staatz @palatexposure can´t wait! See ya! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @m_arcon glad you can join in on #SommChat today!
Russ Kane @VintageTexas RT @keepercoll: @VintageTexas so glad you can join in on #SommChat today!!! <<Yepper, I'm here!
Gourmet Delights @exceptionalfood Every Wednesday at noon Eastern join us for #SommChat hosted by @keepercoll #wine #foodies
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - Good morning from HOT Chicago! Looks like summer is finally here! - #SommChat - what do you like to drink in the summer?
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @demilove In summer juicy whites + crisp rosés are perfect. Sometimes tho I want a light still juicy red. Bubbles always good. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from Elaine Brown of Hawk Wakawaka #Wine Reviews @Hawk_Wakawaka #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll We’d like to introduce you to Elaine Brown of Hawk Wakawaka #Wine Reviews @Hawk_Wakawaka #SommChat #WW
Kathryn Hutchison @ATXGastronomist @keepercoll I always feel so sad when I get these reminders and I have a meeting at work. :( I miss #SommChat!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @ATXGastronomist we will miss you on #SommChat today
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Abt ready 2 dive in w/ ?s, so S/O 2 @Hawk_Wakawaka 2 say hello & so she knows UR here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Don't forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order 4 every1 2 C see it! #WineWednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll As we ask Elaine @Hawk_Wakawaka our Qs, you can ask her Ur Qs as well! She'll do her best 2 answer all Qs in order #SommChat #WW
Sassodoro @Sassodoro @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka Ready for #SommChat! Happy #WW!
KeeperCollection @keepercoll W/so many participants gr8 Q's R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @Hawk_Wakawaka 2 let us know u R here! #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Let's start talking #wine with Elaine Brown @Hawk_Wakawaka #WW #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka Happy to be here! Can't wait to see everyone, and answer your questions on #Sommchat. Thx, @keepercoll !
John Trinidad @sfwineblog It’s on! RT @Hawk_Wakawaka: Happy to be here! Can’t wait to see everyone, and answer your questions on #Sommchat. Thx, @keepercoll !
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @sfwineblog thanks John and great to see you here on #sommchat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas Bring on the #SommChat! with Elaine Brown of Hawk Wakawaka #Wine Reviews @Hawk_Wakawaka
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @demilove so glad you are here on #SommChat and look forward to your questions
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Good morning @Hawk_Wakawaka How did you get your start in wine industry before reviews? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman I started my website while working as a philo prof. My drawings kicked off my wine career, then writing #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @hawk_wakawaka what is your favorite wine country and why? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll I am totally in love w Italy. So much life in so many of those wines. I joke Italians and Inuits are related #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka then, whats your favorite italian wine or region? :) #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll I love Friuli. The wines there are so mineral-textural-fresh. The whites especially. #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @hawk_wakawaka @keepercoll nice mention, nearly never heard this from any wine geek. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka What inspired you to start Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl When I came up w the idea of wine comics the idea really made me laugh so I decided to go w/ it - do wine comic reviews #sommchat
Beverage Media @BevMedia @keepercoll here, great Q1 to get started with #inspiration #sommchat
SAHMmelier @SAHMmelier #SommChat can lurk here and there since at swim lessons for littles, but had to say good morning to @Hawk_Wakawaka
Christopher Miller @noblewines enjoyed the Santa Barbara article by @hawk_wakawaka & the map Gr8 Place 2 visit & live I think #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @noblewines Thanks, Christopher! It's great to hear you enjoyed it. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka Tell us about your #Wine related art pieces. #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl People liked my drawings + asked for wall size pieces of their fav wine. That's morphed into wall maps, avas etc #sommchat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman @Hawk_Wakawaka Any mentors in the writing or wine that motivated you? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman I was lucky enough to have incredible writing mentors long before wine came. Those people still motivate me now.. #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman ..if I'm feeling stuck go back to the basics, keep it real, work hard, keep the passion for it inspired, rest. #sommchat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @Hawk_Wakawaka who were your writing mentors? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman worked w poets Jim Simmerman, Lucille Clifton, Brenda Hillman. They changed my head around writing. #sommchat
Liz Mendez @MendezMusings As if we don't already love #SommChat today's guest is .@Hawk_Wakawaka #DigIt
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @MendezMusings thanks Liz - so glad you enjoy #SommChat - we enjoy having you join in!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll @MendezMusings - Good morning, Liz, welcome! - #SommChat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @Hawk_Wakawaka Love image in your "about" @keepercoll #Sommchat Not enough Philosophy in wine writing 2day!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll -Are there certain strips you read religiously, could you see a @Doonesburry type strip about wine? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @demilove @keepercoll @doonesburry A wine comic strip would be hard. If too general then boring. If fresh jokes too insider. #sommchat
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @Hawk_Wakawaka @demilove @keepercoll @doonesburry <Wine vs. the Common Man sounds like a good #CommicStrip ; not insider! #sommchat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @Hawk_Wakawaka seems the cooler climate in some SBC regions suits #CabFranc nicely @foxenwinery Grape on the rise? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @noblewines @foxenwinery I love earthy herbal aspects of CabFranc. Many still make it against that character. Fruit still popular. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll question fr Shy #SommChat peep: @Hawk_Wakawaka how do you decide which #wines to review?
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll It's hard. It needs to be well made of course. I also need to believe in the project. Many I don't have time to unfort #sommchat
Riley Gerber @grape_nutz Here! #sommchat @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka Missing @Sherryfest but can smell #yeast from here #WineWednesday #Jerez
Russ Kane @VintageTexas @Hawk_Wakawaka How did you time as a commercial salmon fisherman prepare you to blog on wine? #Sommchat?
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @VintageTexas So much focus + persistence goes into comm fishing. super hard work. Then you eat like life depends on it... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @VintageTexas ...that kind of intensity hones senses + focus. I can zone in on what I'm doing, just live the smells of wine. #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @VintageTexas Fishing also is like grape harvest. You can't control how it happens. You just gotta do it-I get the farming pattern #sommchat
SAHMmelier @SAHMmelier #sommchat What do you think sets great wine writers apart? Great writing, of course, and...? @Hawk_Wakawaka
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SAHMmelier Just like my wine, I want my writing w/ life in it. Keep zest in there. Mean what you're saying. #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka what is the biggest discovery you´ve made in the last year in wine? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll Sherryfest in SF now. Got to enjoy a 40-yr Palo Cortado from Bodegas Tradicion yesterday at a panel...#sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll ...the crazy thing was the fruit expression had come back. Tons of citrus, some stone fruit. Totally gorgeous #sommchat
Kristi Willis @kristifarm2tbl Love when people combine passions/skills. @Hawk_Wakawaka merges wine, art & philosophy brilliantly. Check out today's #SommChat for more.
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @kristifarm2tbl thanks Kristi - thought you would like this one and so glad you can join in on #SommChat today
Jameson Fink @jamesonfink Agree! MT @kristifarm2tbl: Love when people combine passions/skills. @Hawk_Wakawaka merges wine, art & philosophy brilliantly. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka You write about #Wine and creating drawings about it. For you, what inspires you in each form? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl I need to both write+draw. I have to go back + forth or I get off kilter... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll brain can get lost too far off in either just words or just pictures so i have to write some then go back to draw #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll ...the movement back+forth from words to drawing ignites the other. somehow the change in activity is inspiration. #sommchat
Linda Adams @lwa235 @keepercoll so bummed I'll miss another session of #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll we are too RT @lwa235: @keepercoll so bummed I'll miss another session of #sommchat
Sandy Wasserman CS @SandyWasserman Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka Any advice to writers/bloggers about staying motivated, monetizing, etc, etc? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman motivated-you can't do this to get attention. that doesn't work. be real or find something else or you'll burn out #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @SandyWasserman monetized-honestly? there is no money in this. you have to scramble. need money do something else. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Question fr shy #SommChat Peep: @Hawk_Wakawaka: what inspired your twitter handle name?
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll It made me laugh. Hawk is a long standing nickname. Wakawaka makes it work. Just like wine you need a good long finish #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia late to #sommchat just in from weed whacking, hands vibrating, having trouble typing ;)
KeeperCollection @keepercoll glad you are here! RT @vtwinemedia: late to #sommchat just in from weed whacking, hands vibrating, having trouble typing ;)
PROTOCOL wine studio @ProtocolWine .@Hawk_Wakawaka on #sommchat NOW talking #wine #philosophy #ART cc @LeMetroWine #winestudio #winechat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll what do you think about wines from Austria? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll love the whites! textural freshness tons of juicy-mineral length. reds are mostly still developing. #sommchat
Deborah Parker Wong @parkerwong Do you think drawings are more powerful than infographics? If so, why? @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @parkerwong @keepercoll to answer power question you have to put it in context. what is the goal? which meets that goal better?... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @parkerwong @keepercoll ...anything we do is only ever effective in relation to context. infograph can give tons of info... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @parkerwong @keepercoll ..I draw by hand because world is so polished these days drawing is more raw more personal more intimate #sommchat
Deborah Parker Wong @parkerwong Yes! It's visceral and emmotive even poetic but so few have the ability to work this way. Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @parkerwong @keepercoll Thank you! It's really appreciated. Goal is always to keep it fresh. Keep myself motivated. #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia #sommchat Q: @Hawk_Wakawaka Thoughts on Roger Scruton's "I drink therefore I am" ? #wine #philosophy
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @vtwinemedia If you want that answer buy me a glass of wine. It's a long one. #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia no kidding, might take bottles ;) RT @Hawk_Wakawaka: @vtwinemedia If you want that answer buy me a glass of wine. It's a long one. #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @vtwinemedia If you want to invite me to the area to lead a weekend panel, don't be shy, just ask ;) #sommchat
Jeffrey Wolfe @wolfeswines @Hawk_Wakawaka #sommchat Favorite Euro & domestic grower? Love your sherry production artwork...Book deal soon? #lifeinawineshoppe
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @wolfeswines Thanks! If you have a book contract you're pitching me, I look forward to reading it. ;) #sommchat
Jeffrey Wolfe @wolfeswines @Hawk_Wakawaka #sommchat nope just ready to read and sell compilation of your works within the 305...#lifeinawineshoppe
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @wolfeswines ha! awesome! we'll plan an event. in an alternate universe we're having a great time w it right now! #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @hawk_wakawaka @keepercoll any special region you would recommend more than others? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll I'd need to know about what you want to learn, or enjoy, or what else you like. Happy to discuss more. #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @hawk_wakawaka @keepercoll of course, I like mineral driven wines, low in alcohol preferably biodynamical working vintner. #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka What differences do you see when blogging about #Wine vs. writing for more formal publications? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl Blogging is less formal. It's my platform, what interests me? Writing for mags the audience has to be central in mind. #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll question fr Shy #SommChat how much time to do you spend on writing versus drawing each week ? @Hawk_Wakawaka
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll depends on the week. this week i'm drowning in writing. some weeks i'm drowning in illustration. #sommchat
StevieStacionis @StevieStacionis WHAT UP @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll #sommchat! Tell me: if you had to drink one wine for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Christopher Miller @noblewines RT @StevieStacionis: @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll #sommchat! if you had 2 drink 1 wine 4 rest of life, what would it be? sounds like hell 2 me
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @StevieStacionis @keepercoll producer? @iClivi whites. Every universe but this one Fernando Zanusso and I are so happy together. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka How has your background as a philosopher affected your career in #Wine writing? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl My being a philosopher is a training I'll never shake. All about listening till you find the bottom, or the... #Sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll subject is complete. Before that thoroughness, don't make claims. Get clarity first, then ... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll ...stay clear by seeing revision can be needed. Don't get too big for your britches. #sommchat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @Hawk_Wakawaka #sommchat have you been to South Africa #wine country? Seems a gr8 place for your art & writing expression
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @noblewines Thank you. I haven't been to that region. Can you say more about why would be good for me? #sommchat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @Hawk_Wakawaka stunning cultural mix, diversity & landscape 2 match gr8 content wine wildlife politics poverty wealth all mixed up #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @noblewines Thanks! Haven't been and look forward to visiting. #sommchat
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka what do you think about the Natural-wine movement? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll How about we reserve that one for an in-person convo? short answers can be easily misunderstood #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll RT @parkerwong: @Hawk_Wakawaka Are U drawn to cert. topics? 'Lil pun there. complex new nanotechnology 4 sparkling wine prod.? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll @parkerwong Ha! Love the pun! #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka What are some of UR favorite #food and #wine pairings? When pairing, do U start with wine or food? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl w food+wine pairing I start w mood. What inspires, excites, or comforts me or friends for that event/dinner/etc? #Sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Q. @Hawk_Wakawaka What do you like to do in your free time? #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @KeeperColl Just laying down is my favorite thing to do. I schedule time for it everyday. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @hawk_wakawaka Where are you based and does that affect what you write about? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Currently I live in Sonoma. It gives me lots of access to N Coast+CA in general. I make a point of... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll ...staying connected to winemakers+writers elsewhere to keep broader perspective, avoid myopia. #sommchat
Charlotte @TheWineKey Just able to make the tail end of #SommChat! I've missed ya guys
RT @TheWineKey: Just able to make the tail end of #SommChat! I've missed ya guys KeeperCollection @keepercoll we miss you too - still time 4 you 2 ask a Q!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @TheWineKey - Hi Charlotte! I've missed you too! - #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka Question fr shy #SommChat peep - have you written about climate change issue?
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Thank you. No. I haven't because need to know more. Well deserving of attention obviously. #sommchat
Christopher Miller @noblewines @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka a philo look at #wine & #climatechange would keep you busy long time! #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga late #sommchat curious why so writings few fiction or non-fiction around #wine @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll even movies=all mention sideways
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @ormiga @keepercoll wine has weird isolated high status in US. seen as prestigious and intimidating at same time... #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @ormiga @keepercoll ...that limits the perception of who wants to read about wine. Sideways a buddy movie that happens to do wine #sommchat
ormiga @ormiga true @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll lived many yrs usa=wasnt widespread #wine but even #paris expats hemingway fitzgerald ignore it #sommchat
Charlotte @TheWineKey @Hawk_Wakawaka Q: Do you have a favorite wine topic or wine you have written about? cc: @keepercoll #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @TheWineKey @keepercoll Wrote on Varner wines for mag World of Fine Wine. Really special to have the time w Varners. #sommchat
PROTOCOL wine studio @ProtocolWine @Hawk_Wakawaka creates the graphics for our @LeMetroWine club - we love Elaine! #rockstar #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @ProtocolWine @LeMetroWine Thank you! Love working with you guys! #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka any new topics on the horizon in your writing that you are especially excited about ? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Been working w some folks on interview that will be thrilling to post on my blog later this summer-Underwrap for now #sommchat
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll- Have you designed the graphics for any wine lists? You would be a natural! - #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @demilove @keepercoll Thx! Not yet. Sounds like a fun project for the right place. Would love to. #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka any #wine events that you go to regularly that you would suggest for wine lovers ? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Taste as much wine as you can. Get tasting group going if can. Other events depend on your area #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka any programs that you go to for bloggers/writers that you think #cantbemissed #SommChat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Focus on the writing. Find local writing groups or classes. Quality writing drives the engine for quality work. #sommchat
Todd Trzaskos @vtwinemedia very fine #sommchat @Hawk_Wakawaka @keepercoll Tx! break time over, weeds are growing while we tweet. ciao!
Christopher Miller @noblewines @alawine #sommchat w/ @Hawk_Wakawaka then work #winewednesday
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Elaine Brown @Hawk_Wakawaka #SommChat
ormiga @ormiga nice work @ProtocolWine @Hawk_Wakawaka @LeMetroWine #sommchat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Great to have Elaine @Hawk_Wakawaka join us today for #SommChat. We hope everyone learned as much as we did! #WW
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Time to wrap up! Hope U enjoyed #wine talk w/ Elaine Brown @Hawk_Wakawaka #SommChat
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Please join us in thanking Elaine @Hawk_wakawaka for her time #SommChat #WW #Winelover
Marc Dröfke @m_arcon @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka what is the best way to expand my palate? #sommchat
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka @m_arcon @keepercoll Taste as much+often as you can. Pick 1red/1white grape. Taste only those for week or month to hone in on diff #sommchat
Beverage Media @BevMedia @keepercoll @Hawk_Wakawaka we did! #sommchat was lively & informative
KeeperCollection @keepercoll Wed 6/25 #SommChat w/ #Winemaker Alberto Eckholt @MontesWines telling us abt #NapaAngel & #StarAngel Wines 11 AM CST, 12 N EST!
Christopher Miller @noblewines Time for work, thanks for the weekly #sommchat break @keepercoll TY @Hawk_Wakawaka for your time.
Wakawaka WineReviews @Hawk_Wakawaka Had a great time w #SommChat. Thx so much for including me + for the great questions. Lots of fun!
Douglas Trapasso @demilove @keepercoll - Thanks for another great #SommChat - see you all next week!
Riley Gerber @grape_nutz Now that #sommchat is over, think I'll head straight into #WineWednesday - Any joiners? Patio time.