So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

6/29 Sommelier Joe Campanale
See what you missed at #SommChat on 6/29 as we chatted with Sommelier Joe Campanale, Wine Director of Dell’Anima, L’Artusi, and Anfora.
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Welcome to #SommChat everyone! Tell your friends to join us to learn about #wine for the next hour from a #Sommelier!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I’d like to introduce every1 to #Sommelier @JoeCampanale joining us to answer your #wine Qs #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@JoeCampanale It’s a real treat to have him join us- hope every1 has Qs ready! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If youre joining us for #SommChat, pls give a shout out to @JoeCampanale so he knows ur here & can keep an eye out for ur Qs! #WineWednesday
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it!
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@keepercoll Hi everyone! I’m excited to be here and answer your questions! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): As we ask @JoeCampanale our Qs, you’re welcome to ask his ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): But don’t forget, you gotta tweet using #SommChat to win- Good Luck! Let’s start talking #wine! #winewednesday
@tampawinewoman (tampawinewoman): It’s time for #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @joecampanale What do you think are the factors that led to your success at such a young age? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 thnks for being 1st! Finding my passion early on, being in NYC, tons of work, luck of being in the right place #SommChat
@Marketview (Tom VanGorder): RT @MDSmitty2488: @joecampanale What do you think are the factors that led to your success at such a young age? #SommChat – Good question
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @Marketview Thanks, Tom! Welcome to #SommChat!
@Marketview (Tom VanGorder): @MDSmitty2488 Thanks! Love #sommchat I think it’s my 4th one. Tons to learn wish they were more often actually.
@Marketview (Tom VanGorder): @joecampanale Maybe a dumb question, but have to ask. What are you holding in your #twitter pic? #Sommchat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MarketView not a dumb question, everyone asks! Crawfish from a boil in New Orleans! One of my favorite days #SommChat
@Marketview (Tom VanGorder): @joecampanale Probably a smart pic from a conversation starter standpoint. Thanks. #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @joecampanale How do you find balance on a wine list? Do you only include wines you like, or wines you know will sell? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 I choose wines that I believe it but it doesn’t do any good if no one else likes them… #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @MDSmitty2488 ..I have to get the staff behind the wines as well, shared enthusiasm usually sells the best #SommChat
@alawine (Ken): “It’s time for #SommChat” RT @tampawinewoman
@tricerapops (Jesse): @keepercoll @JoeCampanale – Joe, what’s a great ‘gateway’ bottle into the world of amphora-aged wines? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@TriceraPops I would try Gravner first. he is the master, you can try C.O.S. from Sicily for half the price #SommChat
@tenzingws (TENZING Wine & Spirits): yes.RT @joecampanale: .@TriceraPops I would try Gravner first. he is the master, you can try C.O.S. from Sicily for half the price #SommChat
@tricerapops (Jesse): @keepercoll @JoeCampanale – Joe, what regions / varietals are you most excited about right now? What about your customers? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@TriceraPops Most excited about Sicily, Jura, Beaujolais, Sherry customers seem to be on the same page, except for Sherry! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Wine-lvrs join #SommChat! RT @joecampanale: .@TriceraPops Most excited abt #Sicily, Jura, #Beaujolais, Sherry- custs. seem to be on same pg!
@amberdemure (amberdemure): @JoeCampanale I love off-beat whites, can you recommend something interesting that I may not have tried before? #SommChat @keepercoll
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@amberdemure try Croatian whites Possip or Debit. I love Zierfandler from Austria and skin-macerated whites from Friuli #SommChat
@ATXGastronomist (Kathryn Hutchison): @JoCampanale @Keepercoll Hello, and happy #WineWednesday! #SommChat
@Marketview (Tom VanGorder): @joecampanale Owning 1 restaurant would seem extremely demanding and a ton of hard work. How do you manage/balance 2? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MarketView now that we have a few restaurants we have more resources. I do less of the operations and get to focus on the fun #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @joecampanale Overall, do you think people will take a risk on a wine, or do you see them drinking the same stuff all the time #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 we encourage ppl to take risks, if they don’t enjoy it we always take it back and pour btg its never a problem #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): ? for our guest: What are some things you like to see when interviewing potential staff for your restaurants? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@demilove we hire for the personality, the technical part can be taught #SommChat
@BostonSommelier (Boston Somm Society): Agreed RT @joecampanale: .@demilove we hire for the personality, the technical part can be taught #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q @JoeCampanale We had a special #SommChat Fri. w/ German #Winemakers -Can u suggest a #German #wine & #italianfood pairing? @summerriesling
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @KeeperColl #German #wines are so versatile, they go well w/ a wide range of #Italianfood. Try dry #Riesling and #Porchetta #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @KeeperColl Off-dry #riesling is great w/ this spicy Calabrian sausage called ‘nduja #WineWednesday #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl And I love Spatburgunder w/ game meats like rabbit or boar #WineWednesday #SommChat
@phandke (Phil Handke): Head on over to #SommChat Some great questions be asked today!
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks- Having fun w/ #wine this AM! Cheers! RT @phandke: Head on over to #SommChat Some great questions be asked today!
@DavidPSawyer (David P Sawyer): @keepercoll @joecampanale So did you buy tons of ’09 Beaujolais? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@DavidPSawyer yes I bought a lot of ’09 Beaujolais, but am drinking it now. Don’t think its as ageworthy or structured as ’10 #SommChat
@tenzingws (TENZING Wine & Spirits): @keepercoll @joecampanale @tricerapops Check out this video on #Beaujolais #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): @joecampanale So many consumer choices now, how 2 recall likes. Most important? country, grape, region, year, vineyard? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@1queenofspoons agreed! more choices than ever before, isn’t it great? Find a trusted source like a sommelier to remember for you #SommChat
@SandraMarch (Sandra March): @mmWine Check out #SommChat happening now.
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @keepercoll – Hope you’re enjoying your week. I attended a lovely veneto tasting and I’m getting i-viewed about my blog today! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): .@demilove Nice-congrats! Having a lovely wk, TY. Part of Keeper team heading 2 #burgundy tmrw. Get ready 4 fun #wine updates! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale Do u have any top “go-to” #wines featured on the list at all 3 of your restaurants? can you name a few? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl Paolo Bea, Occhipinti and COS are on all 3 lists @DelanimaNYC @Lartusi @anforanyc #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale What in your opinion is the most overlooked wine pairing with #Italianfood? Why do you think this occurs? #ww #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @KeeperColl Sparkling #wines in general are overlooked for #food #pairing. Bubbles act like acidity & balance fat in dishes #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl Many people think sparkling #wine is just for celebrating/cheers but its so great with food! #winewednesday #SommChat
@1queenofspoons (Susan Gayle): Yay! Love bubbles w/food. RT @joecampanale: Sparkling #wines …for food pairing. Bubbles act like acidity & balance fat in dishes #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@1queenofspoons any excuse to drink sparkling wine! Check out Wimmer Czerny Blanc de Noirs from Austria 2008 #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @joecampanale What is you selection for a great 4th of July picnic wine? #SommChat #WW @keepercoll
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@mattmcginnis Magnums of Muscadet are a great 4th of July picnic wine and sparkling rose Cerdon du Bugey #SommChat
@MattMcGinnis (Matt McGinnis): @joecampanale Great suggestions. Perhaps a Jeroboam of Cerdon du Bugey sparkling rose is in order for Independence day #SommChat #WW
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): #SommChat Did you know 60% of Beaujolais Nouveau is sold in China? The other 40% is not sold at all
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale U recently attended Aspen @fandw #fwclassic –can u enlighten us w/ any breaking #food/ #wine trends 2 look fwd 2? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl I’ve been noticing a lot of great #chefs making more simple #food with clean, vibrant flavors #WineWednesday #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @joecampanale What is the common denominator that runs underneath all your favorite wines? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 all my favorite wines have a story and are made by a person who is connected and dedicated to their land… #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 in other words my favorite wines have something to say about where they’re from and who they’re made by #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): @keepercoll Happy #WW everyone at #SommChat Sorry I missed last week with @RickBakas Sorry Rick! Prepping 4 exams.
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @alawine – I tasted some very rich, full bodied Proseccos last night! #SommChat
@alawine (Ken): @demilove I tasted some very rich, full bodied Proseccos last night! #SommChat < which can you recommend?
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): @JoeCampanale I like sparkling wine but not heavy bubbles…what are options for light bubbles, slight effervescence? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @denisefraser try methode ancestrale wines from France like Cerdon du Bugey and Blanquette de Limoux, In Italy Camillo Donati #SommChat
@phandke (Phil Handke): @joecampanale Any words of wisdom/advice for beginning Somms? Or, what is the one thing you wish you knew when you started? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@phandke the most important part of being a sommelier is taking care of people. Wine knowledge is a tool but not the end-all #SommChat
@phandke (Phil Handke): Well said RT @joecampanale most important part of being a somm is tkng care of ppl. #Wine knowledge is a tool, not the end-all #SommChat
@MDSmitty2488 (Davis Smith): @joecampanale How do you separate yourself from the other rests. in NYC that are trying to do exactly what you are doing? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@MDSmitty2488 so many great restaurants in NYC, we just do our best to make every guest feel like a neighborhood regular #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale Ur wine lists mostly feature #Italian #wine. What do u think is the most pairing “friendly” Italian wine region? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @KeeperColl I love the #wines of the Vallee d’Aosta for their vibrant fruit and crisp acidity, great w/food! #winewednesday #italy #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Most pairing-friendly #wine… RT @joecampanale Love #wines of Vallee dAosta for vibrant fruit & crisp acidity, great w/ food! #WW #SommChat
@ShitMySommSays (Shit My Sommelier Says): @phandke @joecampanale I didn’t have a mentor, I was a One Somm Wolf Pack. #SommChat
@tricerapops (Jesse): @joecampanale – palate fatigue. true phenomenon or oenological myth? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@TriceraPops Palate fatigue exists. I find Champagne helps to liven it up #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): #Champagne helps for everything! RT @joecampanale: .@TriceraPops Palate fatigue exists. I find Champagne helps to liven it up #SommChat
@ATXGastronomist (Kathryn Hutchison): @alawine @joecampanale @tricerapops I love any excuse to drink champagne! Adding palate fatigue to the list… #SommChat
@alawine (Ken): me2 Kathryn! @ATXGastronomist I love any excuse to drink champagne! Adding palate fatigue to the list #SommChat @joecampanale @tricerapops
@esmergonzalez (Esmeralda): Exactly! RT @ATXGastronomist:I love any excuse to drink champagne! Adding palate fatigue to the list… #SommChat
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): Just one more use for #champagne! RT: @joecampanale @TriceraPops Palate fatigue exists. I find Champagne helps to liven it up #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@keepercoll Champagne is like Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It is the sommelier cure-all. #SommChat
@ATXGastronomist (Kathryn Hutchison): Please come to Austin soon, @joecampanale “Champagne is like Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It is the sommelier cure-all. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Agreed!! RT @ATXGastronomist Please come to Austin soon, @joecampanale #SommChat
@esmergonzalez (Esmeralda): My takeaway from today’s #SommChat tRT @joecampanale: Champagne is like Windex from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It’s the sommelier cure-all
@RichardsLJ (Laura Richards): What we’ve learned so far is that everyone loves #champagne. #SommChat
@DeniseFraser (Denise Fraser): @joecampanale What do you think of NY/Finger Lakes wines? Any on your wine lists? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@denisefraser I enjoy Finger Lakes wines very much. We have had Dr. Konstatin Frank and Herman Weimer but focus on the old world #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Great questions everyone! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale New York has a very competitive and rapidly evolving #wine scene. How do u stay on top of it all? #WineWednesday #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl A great thing abt the #food industry is that when you’re not at work, you spend time at your friends’ work #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl So I go out a lot and I’m always learning from my peers. #WineWednesday #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Q. @JoeCampanale U & Chef Gabe must have gr8 synergy -how impt is relationship btwn #wine director & #chef 4 a great #restaurant? #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@KeeperColl Very. But in the end, the #food always wins-I just try to choose #wines that complement Gabe’s excellent #cooking #SommChat
@sanfab44 (Sandra Fab): Funny question but why r chefs in all white? Wonder how dirty they get behind close doors Lol @keepercoll #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): @sanfab44 maybe @ShitMySommSays can answer that question better than me #SommChat
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): .@ShitMySommSays thanks for your comments. I always find your insights entertaining and informative.. #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): That’s all the Q’s WE have for @JoeCampanale – if any1 has others, ask away! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Thanks to everyone for joining us for #SommChat! I hope you learned something about #wine and @JoeCampanale #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): I hope everyone will join me in thanking @JoeCampanale for an awesome job sharing his #wine knowledge! #WineWednesday #SommChat
@SylvieGervais (Sylvie Gervais): @keepercoll @JoeCampanale Great #SommChat!
@JoeCampanale (Joe Campanale): Thanks everybody for joining in! I had a great time! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): Join us next Wed 6/8 at 11 AM CST for another #SommChat and more #wine secrets from a top wine professional, @Bobby_Heugel! #WW
@phandke (Phil Handke): @joecampanale Thx Joe! Fun stuff! #SommChat
@keepercoll (Keeper Collection): If u want to be 100% sure ur #SommChat Q gets answered, post it to FB & we’ll be sure it gets asked! Happy #WW!
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): Thanks for another fun #SommChat ! We should have an in-person #SommChat party soon!