So great to get back to @uchikoaustin #chef counter and see so many familiar faces and meet new ones #sommchat #fish #madai #kenmadai #kurodai #tuna #uni #hotatesushi #sushi #austin @ Uchiko

6/5 German Wine Blogger Christian Schiller
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): 4 #SommChat tweeps RT @drvino: Right Bank = right bank for sales, recently RT @CurtisMW: Haut-Brion buys L’Arrosée:
GermanWinesUSA (Wines of Germany US): RT @KeeperColl: #SommChat tomorrow w/ #German #wine blogger Christian Schiller @Schillerwein! Join us at 11 AM CST! Can’t wait! – Awesome
@hkremer (hkremer): @KeeperColl Jumping in for this week’s! #SommChat Still Wed. mornings?
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): yes it is and look fwd to our questions! RT @hkremer: @KeeperColl Jumping in for this week’s! #SommChat Still Wed. mornings?
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear from #German #wine blogger Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein #WW
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): We’d like to introduce you to #German #wine blogger Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein! #SommChat #Winelover
@winecompass (WineCompass): RT @KeeperColl: We’d like to introduce you to #wine blogger Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein! #SommChat #Winelover -> And #vawine lover
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): We’re abt ready 2 dive in w/questions, so shout out to Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein to say hello & so he knows you’re here!#SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Don’t forget that EVERY tweet during this chat should include the #SommChat hashtag in order for everyone to see it! #WineWednesday
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): As we ask @Schillerwein our Qs, you can ask him Ur Qs as well! He’ll do his best to answer all Qs in the order they come #SommChat #WW
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): RT @KeeperColl: Welcome 2 #SommChat every1! Tell UR friends 2 join us 2 hear #German #wine blogger Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein #WW
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): W/so many participants lots of gr8 Q’s R asked! Even if u dont ask 1, S/O 2 @KeeperColl & @Schillerwein let us know u R here! #SommChat #WW
@enjoielife (Judia Black): @KeeperColl I won’t be able to join you at #SommChat today. Too much work to catch up on. Look forward to reviewing the archives. Have fun!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Let’s start talking #wine with #German #wine blogger Dr. Christian Schiller @Schillerwein #WineWednesday #SommChat
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): @KeeperColl @Schillerwein Good morning! #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): I am happy to be at #SommChat and talk with you about German #Riesling @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @hkremer: @KeeperColl @Schillerwein Hello! Looking forward to your tweets. #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): @1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): a Wednesday off and I’m here at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): gr8 to see you back RT @1337wine: a Wednesday off and I’m here at #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein What made U want to start writing and blogging about #German #wine? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl I have always been a wine lover. Wine blogging became new “job” after retirement from #IMF in 2009 #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): gr8 to see you – look fwd to your questions RT
@TylerOnWine: Cheers from Calgary @KeeperColl and @Schillerwein #SommChat
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): Hi everyone! Tamara Greenleaf here, representing the Dr. Loosen gang. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): gr8 2 c u HERE! RT @drloosenwines: Hi everyone! Tamara Greenleaf here, representing the Dr. Loosen gang. #SommChat
@WineRackCo ( @KeeperColl @LisaAdamsWalter @Foundationspr@JeremySBlock @FoodWineFashion @BevMedia @drewbie_g Looking forward to another great #SommChat!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @hkremer: @Schillerwein what do you think is the largest misconception of German #riesling wine? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @hkremer #SommChat that German #Riesling is always fruity-sweet @KeeperColl Majority of German Reisling is bone dry
@winecompass (WineCompass): @Schillerwein Christian, what should we expect from a #summerofriesling #wine #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @winecompass #summerofriesling #wine could be crisp and dry but also fruty-sweet, light #SommChat
@demilove (Douglas Trapasso): @KeeperColl – Happy wednesday and happy #SommChat !
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): Hello Tamara, had great time working w/Ernie+gang @ Lauber Imports/SWS! i’m a huge fan, of wines+man @drloosenwines #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): I did some work w/EximBank and IMF, EBRD during 90′s, and transitioned into wines/spirits. Naturally @Schillerwein #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): @Schillerwein Do you see Spätburgunder (Ger. Pinot) making a bigger splash on the international market in the future? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @TylerOnWine Yes, there is a red wine boom. 1/3 of German wine production is read, incl top level #SommChat
@Splitbin (Splitbin): @Schillerwein @hkremer @KeeperColl Love German Riesling and you make a great point! One of our favs: … #SommChat
@hkremer (hkremer): @Schillerwein exactly what I thought! My brother sold wine and loved #riesling, and talked about others’ misperceptions #SommChat
@WineWiseGuy (Anthony Giglio): Sorry to miss #SommChat @KeeperColl @Schillerwein but tasting 10ys of @CraggyRange w Steve Smith #MW @MasterSommUS @Kobrand_Wine @BarBoulud
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @demilove: @KeeperColl how does vintage variation affect German Rieslings? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @demilove: @KeeperColl how does vintage variation affect German Rieslings? #SommChat less than in other regions such as #Bordeaux
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein Prior to blogging about #wine what were U doing and how was it different than what U do now? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl First I was economics prof at Uni Mainz (Germany). Then economist at #IMF in WashDC (30 years). very diff #SommChat
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Aside from #riesling, what other grape varieties from Germany get you excited @Schillerwein? CC: @KeeperColl #SommChat #WineWednesday
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @drewbie_g Pinot Noir Sylvaner Grauburgunder #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): Many people start drinking wine w/a fruity, light Riesling; later circle back bcause it’s so food friendly @hkremer @Schillerwein #SommChat
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): Christian, can you talk about cellaring Rieslings. Many people don’t realize their aging potential. #SommChat #Riesling
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): RT @Schillerwein: A. @TylerOnWine Yes, there is a red wine boom. 1/3 of German wine production is red, incl top level #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): Glad to hear — “@Schillerwein: A. Tyler, Yes, there is a red wine boom. 1/3 of German wine production is red, incl top level #SommChat”
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Excited to hear from @Schillerwein today with @KeeperColl! #SommChat #WineWednesday
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez, CS): Sorry to missed #SommChat today Cheers to all of you! @KeeperColl @TylerOnWine @exceptionalfood @ChampagneSomm @vinojefftaylor @OttVinebar
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @drloosenwines we love older #German wines – they age beautifully and are lovely with so many foods #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): @Schillerwein What is the most underrated German wine producing region right now? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A @TylerOnWine Baden, Franken, Saale-Unstrut #SommChat
@hkremer (hkremer): @Foundationspr thanks for that! I haven’t developed a taste for #riesling yet & love to find wines to pair with food @Schillerwein #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @TperezWine we will miss you today – see you next week on #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @schillererwein Do you also cover #riesling from Alsace and what differences between Alsace and Germany regions Mosel or Rhine? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @winecompass #Alsace tend to be higher in alc. and lower remaining sugar, but changing #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): For me it’s about fruitiness balanced w/bright, soaring acidity that is true foundation of German #Riesling @hkremer @Schillerwein #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @drloosenwines: @KeeperColl @schillerwein Any favorite types (e.g. spatlese)/vintages for cellaring? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl 1971 1976 2009 @drloosenwines #SommChat
@MauricesCru (maurice dimarino): check it out #acidhounds @schillererwein is on #SommChat talking about #Riesling. Has #SoR2013 started already?! @SummerRiesling
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): A good Sylvaner is fab for summer; any particular brands in the U.S. you can suggest? @Schillerwein @drewbie_g #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @MauricesCru yes it has and we are excited for @summerriesling #Summerofriesling #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @drloosenwines: Christian, can you talk about cellaring Rieslings. Many people don’t realize their aging potential. #SommChat #Riesling
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @drloosenwines #SommChat Both dry GG wines and fruity-sweet Spaetlese and Auslese wines have great aging potential.I have 1971 and 1976
@winecompass (WineCompass): @KeeperColl @drloosenwines That would be me #SommChat
@HVWineFest (HVWineFest): @Foundationspr @Schillerwein @drewbie_g The Finger Lakes and Hudson Valley regions of NY both have great Rieslings #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): Excellent! Germany’s #wine regions to watch for … “@Schillerwein: @TylerOnWine A: Baden, Franken, Saale-Unstrut #SommChat”
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@TylerOnWine: Excellent! Germany’s #wine regions to watch for … “@Schillerwein: A: Baden, Franken, Saale-Unstrut #SommChat” < thanks
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @Foundationspr: A good Sylvaner is fab for summer; any particular brands in the U.S. you can suggest? @Schillerwein @drewbie_g #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A @Foundationspr: A good Sylvaner: from Franken region, or Krueger-Rumpf from Nahe #SommChat
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): @TylerOnWine @Schillerwein Don’t forget Mosel, Rheingau, Pfalz. #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @alawine gr8 to see you on #SommChat – have you had your coffee for the day?
@SummerRiesling (SummerRiesling): @MauricesCru begins first day of Summer! #SommChat #acidhounds
@drewbie_g (Drew Gourdie): Hey @AndreaEby, do you carry either Sylvaner or Grauburgunder from Germany? #SommChat #MustFindImmediately
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): MT @i_on_food_drink: @drloosenwines Eroica project fr WA is wonderful ex. of new world #Riesling -love that wine cc @davemcneilly #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@Foundationspr good point @hkremer @Schillerwein #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): guess we love #Riesling all yr long!! @gernanwinesusa RT @SummerRiesling: @MauricesCru begins first day of Summer! #SommChat #acidhoundsgu
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): RT @schillerwein: A. @drloosenwines #SommChat Both dry GG wines and fruity-sweet Spaetlese and Auslese wines have great aging potential.I…
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): @KeeperColl @i_on_food_drink @davemcneilly Eroica is Ernst Loosen’s joint venture w/ @SteMichelle #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): Has anyone had a Spatlese or Auslese that was furmented fully dry? I’m still searching… #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein What do you look for most in a good #German #Riesling #Wine? #Winelover #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl dry – fresh, crisp, minerality; fruity-sweet – good acidity-sweetness balance, noble-rot #SommChat
@SummerRiesling (SummerRiesling): @KeeperColl @MauricesCru #ROCKONANDDRINKRIESLING #SoR2013 #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @domewine: @Foundationspr i can suggest you a great Italian one fro Alto Adige: #Kofererhof…trust me @drewbie_g #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): Balance of sweetness and acidity, IMO “@KeeperColl: Q. @Schillerwein What do you look for most in a good #German #Riesling #Wine? #SommChat”
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @TylerOnWine Has anyone had a Spatlese Auslese that was furmented fully dry? #SommChat All GG are either Spatlese or Auslese
@Splitbin (Splitbin): @KeeperColl @gernanwinesusa @SummerRiesling @MauricesCru Riesling all summer? I think I can deal with that! #SommChat
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): Cheers Ken! @alawine #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): #whynot RT @Splitbin: @gernanwinesusa @SummerRiesling @MauricesCru Riesling all summer? I think I can deal with that! #SommChat
@VinoCaPisco (Countess Rose Perry): MT @Schillerwein: A. @winecompass #Alsace tend to be higher in alc. and lower remaining sugar. #SommChat” ????Can’t chat but will read later!
@ATXFoodnews (Kay Marley-Dilworth): I’m switching gears from thinking about cocktails to wine, thanks to @KeeperColl and @Schillerwein #SommChat. #Riesling
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): GR8 RT @ATXFoodnews: I’m switching gears fromthinking about cocktails to wine, thanks to @KeeperColl and @Schillerwein #SommChat. #Riesling
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein What R some of UR favorite type of #German #Riesling #Wines and why? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl Lived 10 yrs in Mainz in/close to: Mosel Rheinhessen Rheingau Nahe + like. Drink more dry than fruity-sweet #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): MT @petervetsch: @TylerOnWine @Schillerwein Agreed, but top ones stand out due 2 their focus, precision & vineyard character. #SommChat
@lwa235 (Linda Adams): @KeeperColl so bummed to miss you today. Cheers! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @lwa235 we are too – hope you can next week! Happy #WW #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):I’m getting schooled in #German #Wines & #Riesling right now on #SommChat Join in.
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein What is one #wine region that U have not been to that U would like to visit? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl Know all regions Will go to #Mosel #Rheinhessen Pfalz Nahe in August see: #SommChat @drloosenwines
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): loving all of the #German #wine Questions – keep them coming on #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @drloosenwines Tell us abt the ’13 #german vintage thus far please? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @drloosenwines ’13 #german vintage thus far please? #SommChat good. But lots of rain recently and some vineyards under water
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein We R hearing more abt #Pinot Noir #wines in #Germany. Tell us UR thoughts on this. #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl Yes, there is a red wine boom. 1/3 of German wine production is read, incl top level #SommChat
@WineRackCo ( @alawine Definitely some great information today! #SommChat
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): @Schillerwein Any thoughts on what climate change will do to German Riesling in the coming years? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @drloosenwines climate change will benefit German Riesling in the coming years #SommChat but less so over the medium and long term
@mattreiser (Matt Reiser): @schillerwein as the 2nd lrgst pn producer do u think #germany shld abandon #spatbergunder for #pinot noir? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @mattreiser gr8 to see you on #SommChat – have missed you #Happy WW
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@WineRackCo and good thing too, this is an area I want to learn more about #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @alawine think we can all learn best by good consumption #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @Schillerwein Care to suggest quality domestic #riesling regions outside of #flxwine #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @winecompass in addition to #flxwine: Washington State: Eroica, Pacific Rim Poet’s Leap #SommChat @RieslingRules
@TylerOnWine (Tyler Philp): @petervetsch That may be true, my friend, but I still need to try one — I have a need to explore #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@KeeperColl #SommChat is already at the top of my twitter trends list …anyone else seeing this? …trending #1
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @Vino101net yes it is and glad you are lurking on #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@KeeperColl ha, best idea I’ve heard all day! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): RT @mattreiser: @schillerwein as the 2nd lrgst pn producer do u think #germany shld abandon #spatbergunder for #pinot noir? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @mattreiser as the 2nd lrgst pn producer do u think #germany shld abandon #spatbergunder for #pinot noir? #SommChat Answer: Yes!!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein How does UR #wine blog differ from other #wine blogs out there that U have read? #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl Daily, global, very broad, but sometimes very personal, with focus on #Germany, #Bordeaux #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): THX KEN! RT @alawine: @KeeperColl #SommChat is already at the top of my twitter trends list …anyone else seeing this? …trending #1
@TheWinerist (winerist): Sounds like fun! RT @alawine I’m getting schooled in #German #Wines & #Riesling right now on #SommChat Join in.
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): isn’t spatburgunder = pinot noir? am I missing something here? @Schillerwein #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @1337wine isn’t spatburgunder = pinot noir? am I missing something here? Yes #SommChat But Germans should use Pinot Noir on the label
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): @Schillerwein ahhh, now i understand the original question #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Q. @Schillerwein U are a member of the FIJEV. Tell us more about this. #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @KeeperColl International Federation of Wine and Spirits Journalists and Writers #SommChat world wide association
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@Schillerwein A @winecompass in addition to #flxwine: Washington State: Eroica, Pacific Rim Poet’s Leap #SommChat @RieslingRules TY, GTK
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): get any last qs for @schillerwein in now on #SommChat – starting the wrapup soon!
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): We can continue on my facebook page “Drinking German Wine in America” #SommChat
GermanWinesUSA (Wines of Germany US): Super cool! RT @alawine: @KeeperColl #SommChat is already at the top of my twitter trends list …anyone else seeing this? …trending #1
@vinobolton (Eric Bolton): @Foundationspr @Schillerwein @gatherwinebar @drewbie_g try Rancho Sisquoc – Granny Smith apples… mmm! #SommChat
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): #SommChat Someone asked about the 2013 vintage. Too soon to tell, but here are some of our harvest notes. (cont)
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): Prost! #Riesling #SommChat
@winecompass (WineCompass): @schillerwein @drloosenwines Can you recommend any DC area stores to purchase #german #riesling #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): A. @winecompass @drloosenwines Can you recommend any DC area stores to purchase? #SommChat Phil Bernstein at @MacBeverage is top.
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@schillerwein @drloosenwines @KeeperColl @hkremer Learned a lot about #German #Wines & #Riesling on #SommChat today. Thank you.
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@drloosenwines thanks for the notes #SommChat
@1337wine (Mark V. Fusco, CSW): thank you @schillerwein for joining us in #SommChat today@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@foundationspr @tyleronwine @winecompass @mauricescru Learned a lot about #German #Wines & #Riesling on #SommChat today. Thank you.
@hkremer (hkremer): Thank you! @schillerwein @foundationspr @alawine Gr8 Q&A today on #SommChat @KeeperColl
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): On behalf of @KeeperColl and @schillerwein I would like to thank all participants in the #SommChat Have a glass of ‘#Riesling from Germany!
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@Schillerwein will do! thank you! @KeeperColl #SommChat
@alawine (Ken Alawine Waggoner):@atxfoodnews @splitbin @summerriesling @drewbie_g Learned a lot about #German #Wines & #Riesling on #SommChat today. Thank you.
@drloosenwines (Dr. Loosen Wines): @Schillerwein @KeeperColl Thanks Christian! Cheers, everyone! #SommChat
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): The Doctor Made a House Call – A Tasting with E. Loosen @drloosenwines at MacArthurBeverages #SommChat @MacBeverage
@yumivore (yumivore): @KeeperColl #SommChat is on my radar, hope to catch up on the great notes
@TheWinerist (winerist): @dianaisac @GermanWineUSA @alawine @KeeperColl trending! #SommChat
@Foundationspr (Monika Elling): Great #SommChat today everyone, thank you for including me! @hkremer @schillerwein @alawine @KeeperColl
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): enjoyed the #SommChat with all of you too! @Foundationspr @hkremer @schillerwein @alawine
@Schillerwein (Christian Schiller): schiller-wine: Ombiasy Wine Tours: Wine and Culture Tour to Germany Coming up in August 2013 #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Sry abt early exit on 2day’s #SommChat. Twitter glitch made 4 #technicaldifficulties. THX 4 tuning in!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @yumivore glad #SommChat is on your radar and look forward to seeing you more!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): We luv’d having @SchillerWein and learning abt #German #wine. Perfect way 2 start #SummerofRiesling! #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @ormiga : @Schillerwein was great on #SommChat glad you got some of it!
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): Craving more #German #wine after our #SommChat? Stay tuned 4 more during @SummerRiesling! #SoR2013
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection): @UchiAustin told us last nite they were participating in @SummerRiesling! Look fwd 2 hearing abt more restos joining in on the fun #SommChat
@TperezWine (Thomas Perez, CS): “@KeeperColl: @TperezWine we will miss you today – see you next week on #SommChat for sure! Happy# WW
@garretwnagle (Garret Nagle): Watched @JamesSuckling ‘s new film on #Barolo #Cannubi last night. Where was the discussion about winemaking style and terroir? #SommChat
@KeeperColl (KeeperCollection):@kerrynewberry it was a good #SommChat glad you can read up on it!
GermanWinesUSA (Wines of Germany US): RT @alawine: I’m getting schooled in #German #Wines & #Riesling right now on #SommChat Join in.